On Twitter, a “French” Hanbalite explains authentic Islam …

Did you know that?

Multicultural France, recreated from scratch by our progressive elites, is now home to Hanbalites.

What is a Hanbalite, you may ask?

A Hanbalite is a Muslim who follows the school of Ibn Hanbal, a ninth-century Muslim fanatic, in matters of law.

(And his heirs, such as Ibn Tamiyya, who recommended cutting the throats of Christian monks, among other things, or Ibn Abdel Wahabb, who inspired ” modern” Saudi Arabia).

The Wikipedia article written by a Muslim is scandalous from the perspective of veneration for this criminal:


While the Islamo-left advocate openness towards these fanatics in our country:

Translation: 1 year “Separatism” is:
The instrumentalisation of the labour inspectorate in aligning institutions according to their perceived or actual origin or creed.

The fanatics in question, firmly rooted in the French social fabric, spread their Muslim ideology.

Like this “French” Hanbalite in his Twitter feed.

Here are some examples.

This Hanbalite, a great supporter of Sharia, regrets that a Tunisian apostate (“Murtad”) cannot suffer the full rigours of Sharia:

Translation: We have a murtad complaining about being convicted of blasphemy in Tunisia when he knows he would have been executed under Sharia law, so put it in perspective, little khabith, and there are many wrongdoers down there who criticise the laws in other countries on the grounds that theirs are objectively better….

For this Hanbalite is against any ” innovation “, a systematic attitude of Muslims, which largely explains the social, cultural, scientific, spiritual backwardness of Muslims in one word:

Translation: Orthodox Sunnism = heritage of the 4 schools.
This heritage is present in the :
1) Faith
2) Jurisprudence
3) Spirituality
These 4 schools are
1) Hanafism
2) Malikism
3) Shafiism
4) Hanbalism
This heritage is our protection against innovations.

And so the fixed idea of the Hanbalites, which is actually that of all Muslims, is to return to the time of Muhammad, including the barbaric punishments:

Translation: If the duration of one’s life is the most important thing for a human being, then prison is far crueler than the corporal punishment mandated in Islam. Between losing years of life in prison and being flogged or amputated in public, the answer to this question is quickly given.

It is not all bad that this Muslim fanatic claims, one of his recent tweets in particular gives us hope:

Translation: One will have to admit that France is a country to leave according to its possibilities in the medium to long term. Year after year, the situation of Muslims and their institutions worsens, and when a country falls into economic crisis and is left to decline, it is always the minorities who suffer.

This is wise and corresponds to pure Mohammedan teachings.

If a Muslim cannot assert himself in a country, he must leave it (“Hijra”).

So, the Hanbalites and your hundreds of thousands of similar ones, unsuitable and maladjusted for our France: GET OUT!

It will be better to make this hijra yourself because it is a recommendation from your Allah and because, as you say, your “Allah knows best” (sic).
