Nigerian mafia groups have infiltrated Germany

A confidential report by the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND), revealed how the Nigerian mafia has taken root to establish itself in Germany through the influx of migrants. There are now several different Mafia groups operating in Germany.

The special interest channel ZDFinfo recently compiled an impressive report but this insightful documentary about serious African crime was sadly broadcast around midnight when voters are already asleep, and not during prime time. One of these gangs is the Black Axe, which has been described by international security experts as one of the most brutal mafias in the world.

Nigerian criminals are particularly active in the areas of drug trafficking, internet fraud, human trafficking and forced prostitution. Affected women describe how they were forced into prostitution through beatings, violence and torture. Particularly depressing are the scenes from the documentary which casually recount the murders in which the bodies were dismembered and the parts buried.

Security experts assume that there are around fifty different Nigerian mafia gangs operating in the EU. With human trafficking alone, this means more than 500 million euros per year.

A former member of the mafia recounted how a woman who had refused to work as a prostitute and accordingly announced that she would no longer pay any more money to the group, was killed and hacked to pieces. The men buried her body parts.

The brutal act led to the exit of this mafia member who went to the police, told the story and named the perpetrators. It is particularly revealing that these same brutal gangsters had fled to Germany because of police persecution in Nigeria. This shocking statement by the whistle-blower is also borne out by former police officer Stefan Schubert in his bestseller Die Destabilisierung Deutschlands.

In the book, readers are repeatedly warned that not only terrorists, but also murderers, rapists and professional criminals use the stream of “refugees” to immigrate to Germany. The second they cross the border, murderers are declared refugees without any check and receive all-inclusive care on top of that.

This migration policy which started in 2015 can thus only be described as suicidal. In the report, the BND highlighted the massive increase in asylum seekers from Nigeria, which has directly contributed to a strengthening of these criminal groups.

News headlines from Italy should have been enough to prepare for the impending danger and to set up appropriate defence mechanisms. The Nigerian mafia has been active there since the wave of refugees from the 1980s. There, it terrorizes entire regions and cities and even the large Italian mafia groups are forced to cooperate with the Nigerians.

Italy, from where these African criminals plan their European expansion, is currently considered the power base of the Black Axe as well as other Nigerian groups. Castel Volturno in Campania is considered the headquarters of the Nigerian mafia in Europe. Germany has been targeted by these gangs for years. But the growing number of legal proceedings in Germany have reached such proportions that it is hardly possible for politicians and the media to remain silent about this danger.

Another prostitute reported how she was lured to Europe by smugglers with false promises. Instead of a job as a nanny or as a kitchen helper, women who are taken to Germany are expected to refund the smugglers. Amounts of up to 60 000 euros, which must be repaid immediately, are demanded by the gangsters. If the immense burden of debt is insufficient to guarantee a life of prostitution, violence will be used instead to coerce the victims into refunding the “debt”. Prostitutes forced into Germany’s brothels also describe conditions that are reminiscent of slavery from the past century.

In the meantime a Europe-wide network of these gangs has emerged, which are in contact with one another and work based on division of labour. Should a prostitute flee and seek refuge in another European country, her picture will be tagged and sent across Europe to the criminal members of the mafia via cell phone.

The Nigerian mafia in France is also involved in the sex trafficking of Nigerian women and girls, as well as heroin trafficking, in which they have collaboratedwith Chinese triads.

Germany’s asylum statistics show that more than 43 000 Nigerians have applied for asylum in Germany since 2016, but in spite of this alarming development, the federal government has remained inactive. The immigration of criminal men from Nigeria is not being prevented, nor are they subjected to thorough scrutiny.

The purpose of their presence in Germany is revealed by the accumulation of legal proceedings against these groups of perpetrators. In the Ruhr area in particular, these gangs have already spread massively and have created organized structures. Crime organisations in Nigeria, are typically organised along familial and ethnic lines, thus making them less susceptible by infiltration from law enforcement. Police investigations are further hampered by the fact there are at least 250 distinct ethnic languages in Nigeria.

While every page on Facebook and YouTube that is critical of the Merkel government’s immigration policy is monitored by several security authorities and then censored, these Nigerian gangs are able to set up their structures almost unhindered. And the Nigerian mafia threatens to massively exacerbate Germany’s ailing security situation.