Members of Turkish origin of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) call a Yazidi opponent of a Turkish member of the German national parliament an “infidel”

Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von 1 Person und Text „nezahatbaradari® Sonag,5:41PM nezahatbaradari Merhaba Yasakb nezahatbaradari fotoğrafı .com Lauterbach değil( 90121529.html bey. nezahatbaradari aniatabılaım. Selam esaygılarımla esmkı Nasıl Selam Anlamadım siyaset, karşıdaki diyorsunuz, üzücü. zararlı Kampf Berlin: kandidieren. Belki Selam kullanıyor olabilsek... kalın. Rassismus-Ska SPD-Bundestagsabgeordnete Nezahat Baradari diesem Gegenkandidaten kann werfen). Sie Û am eigenen aufgehängt werden" Als Gesprächspartner beschimpft, diese nationalistisch äußert, bedankt sich, widerspricht nicht wünscht noch einen schönen Abend. aksamlar hayirli Gesehen über Personen Richtung jesidischen "Ungläubige" bezeichnet übel türkisch- volle Ubersetzung der Grafikbeschreibung“
Nezahat Baradari posted the conversation transcript below on Instagram – Photo: Screenshot

Scandal with Islamist background at the Social Democratic Party (SPD) in Olpe concerning Nezahat Baradari, a member of the German Bundestag of Turkish origin, widens. Member of parliament incites against her opponent within the party.

Her counter-candidate, Sercan Celik is a Yazidi.

Ms Baradari was confronted with these screenshots by me over 48 hours ago and was given the chance to comment. Ms Baradari did not respond to the press request.

This is the German translation of a certified translator:

What is this? 

[Image/link with Karl Lauterbach.]

Hello Mr C. Don’t ask me that. He is also using a forbidden picture.

Karl Lauterbach told him to remove the picture there, but he doesn’t.

Greetings and my respects.

Really very sad. It’s unbelievable that Lauterbach lets him get away with so much. One has to point this out to the journalist. It is a violation of the right to vote. If you don’t do it, no one else will call the newspaper’s attention to it. If my German language had been sufficient, I would have called the newspaper and held them accountable. If we Turks had done something like this, everyone would stand up against us. But unfortunately, people only look for failures from us. It is not because we are good or bad. There is a general hostility towards Turks in Germany.


It’s not that simple, Mr C..

What do you mean? Didn’t understand?


This is politics. My counterpart is insolent. If I mess with this little person, throw mud on him, then I will end up suffering a loss. “Every sheep must be hanged by its own leg” (Note: Turkish. Proverb.
I will not lose my correct attitude. Others must make the complaint, not me. That is what I meant. Perhaps I have been able to express it better now. Respectful greetings.

You say a little person. Yes, it is true. But you can’t give scope to such small people. You know how much these Yazidis are against Atatürk. You are right, of course, they must not be smeared with mud, but these infidels must not be casual about them. Unfortunately, the Germans love such people. They have never understood the great Turkish nation and never will. Unfortunately, there is a hidden hostility towards Turks in this country. Everyone pretends to like the Turks, but unfortunately the truth is different. If only we could help you…

Thank you for your interest. Have a nice evening and stay healthy.

You’re welcome. Wish you a blessed evening too.

NRWSPD SPD-Fraktion im Bundestag #Baradari