Laurence Fox: ‘Free speech and the presumption of innocence are the cornerstones of a Liberal democracy, both have been completely undermined’


The foundations of modern liberal democracy and civilization itself dependon the presumption of innocence this core tenet of modern life meanst hat we have seen an end to the dark days of summary lynchings vigilantism anarchism and MOB rule therefore the behavior of many in the media but most concerning within government itself over the recent allegations against Russell Brand are all the more concerning and should be a cause of deep worry for us all Britain once known for its pride in the defensive Free Speech where ideas openly debated led to the best decisions being made is finished instead censorious rules are imposed from the top down for our own good we have seen a consistent erosion of free speech over the last decade and more the fact that the so-called conservative government had been shown to be incollusion with big Tech to have a man’slivelihood ruined the four criminal proceedings have been undertaken ghosts show just how far from the Primacy of free speech we have come we have been under sustained attack with all counter arguments refused entirely for over three years from the climate emergency in the Draconian zealotry confected to manage it which will leave this country and its children’s children immeasurably poorer through to the pandemic response through to the aftermath and the excess deaths which no politician except one wishes tovdebate the entire system is broken therefore Iappalled those who have taken it upon themselves to remove the London mayor’sdigital fly tipping surveillance State and I hope this Civil Disobedience expands until the political class realize that they work for the people not the other way around the council culture so pervasive in the west is a sign of a great societal shift towards the silencing of dissident views the recent and opening rejection of due processing the presumption of innocence is not reflective in any way of ahealthy democracy it is time to reject the one-party State and return Britain to the opening free country our forefathers gave their lives for.