“I swear on the Qur’an”: Muslim rapes 15-year-old girl in Munich, Germany

Lake Olching, Wikimedia Commons, Formkoalition, CC-BY-SA-4.0

The accusations of the public prosecutor against 21-year-old Ahmet C. are serious.

He allegedly raped his then 15-year-old girlfriend in three cases, beat her and threatened her via WhatsApp: “You will really regret this. I’ll make you suffer, girl. If I want, I’ll destroy your whole family. I swear on Quran.”

According to the indictment, the assaults on the girl allegedly happened in Munich and in the surrounding area at Lake Olching.

In early 2021, he had held a jackknife in his hand. He was upset because she was talking to another man. Out of jealousy, he had asked her to kill him with the knife. When she took the knife away from him, she injured her hand, according to the accused’s statement.

Via his lawyer, he admitted the cases of assault. But: he had not raped her, the man testified.

The verdict is due on October 30.

Prozess in München: 21-Jähriger soll 15-Jährige vergewaltigt haben | Regional | BILD.de