Germany: Syrian shouting Allahu Akbar stabs three police officers

Nuremberg.Central railway station, Vitold Muratov, CC-BY-SA-3.0

While shouting Allahu-akbar! At the main railway station in Nuremberg, Germany, a Syrian (28) attacked several police officers with a broken glass bottle. One policeman (23) is so badly injured that he will probably be unfit for duty for some time.

The Syrian injured three police officers during his attack. The act was apparently so brutal that the homicide squad is investigating attempted manslaughter. An Islamist background is also not ruled out: The perpetrator shouted “Allahu akbar” several times during his attack. The attacker is to be brought before a magistrate on Wednesday, who will decide whether he should be held in custody.

According to the newspaper Bild, a witness first alerted the police because a man was accosting passers-by on the tram platform in front of the main railway station and threatening them with a broken bottle. When the officers arrived, the Syrian immediately attacked them. With the help of other police officers, the man was finally stopped and handcuffed.