Germany: Saarland pensioner accused of pro-Russian expression of opinion

Under the so-called phenomenal area “Delegitimization of the state relevant to the protection of the constitution” the German domestic secret service has been collecting data on regime critics for some time. Here one expressly refers only to “right-wing extremists”, “Reich citizens”, “self-administrators” and “lateral thinkers”. The real dangers, left-wing extremism and radical Islamism, are ignored. The new phenomenon area refers to Democrats who dare to criticize the system, speak up about grievances and stand up for their opinions. The current case of a pensioner from the German state of Saarland shows that this can now be extremely dangerous.

The 64-year-old Heidemarie Klara S. from the Saarland municipality of Quierschied, not far from the French border, is accused of “approval of criminal offenses” by the public prosecutor’s office Section 140 of the Criminal Code accused. The investigation is still ongoing, the pensioner faces up to 3 years in prison or a fine. There are hardly any German-language reports about it, but there are numerous Telegram channels and the Russian medium Komsomolskaya Pravda (KP) reported on the incredible case of state repression. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, pro-Russian statements in public have been strictly pursued by the authorities in Germany, nipped in the bud and, if possible, publicly punished. Of course, there is still absolute freedom of expression in Germany. If you want to live with the consequences.

As is now customary (see here, here, here), the pensioner’s apartment was also searched. According to a report by the Russian Komsomolkaja Pravda, the Saarland authorities stormed and searched the 64-year-old’s apartment in the early hours of the morning at the beginning of May. The search warrant from the public prosecutor’s office is dated May 2, 2022. S. is accused of putting up handwritten posters on an apartment window on April 11, 2022, “by means of which she approved the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine”. The Russian media published both photos of the search warrant and the pensioner’s posters in his report.

The posters, which are said to have been seized in the course of the house search, are intended to prove the crimes committed by the Saarland woman: mostly pro-Russian expressions of opinion, allegations of electoral fraud and critical statements about the state-prescribed gene therapy. That’s what S. calls the Ukrainian president Wolodymyr Selenskyj a “puppet” (probably: of the west, ed.). She is also concerned about possibly dangerous experiments in bio laboratories in Ukraine. Numerous so-called fact-checkers persistently tried to defame these circumstances as pro-Russian disinformation. But today we know: These biolabs do exist (or existed) very well. Both the WHO and the United States were involved in many ways in what was going on there. A fact that does not fit into the narrative of Western reporting.

S. writes about the atrocities committed by the Ukrainian army against its own population, presumably referring to the bodies found in Bucha near Kyiv. To this day, it has not been clarified with absolute certainty who killed the people there. According to the Western narrative, however, it was immediately clear – without extensive investigations – that it could only have been the Russians. Research shows, however, that this was at least not entirely clear, and that other explanations could also be considered . EU Commission President von der Leyen traveled to Bucha specifically to pause for a brief moment of staged dismay. Cameras captured the grotesque moment of western propaganda for posterity.

Furthermore, S. claims on her poster that the legitimately elected President of the United States of America is Donald Trump. The election was stolen, incumbent President Biden was an impostor. It is still not possible to prove electoral fraud in the US presidential elections absolutely beyond any doubt in every respect. Nevertheless, there are numerous indications and indications that suggest exactly that. Irregularities and abnormalities were more the rule than the exception there, similar to the election of the German Bundestag the federal government’s so-called vaccination campaign. S. is reportedly not a fan of state-prescribed gene therapy with substances that are not regularly approved, which are commonly called “vaccines”.. S. quite openly calls the Kiev regime a “Nazi regime”, a statement that one can certainly leave standing in the context of freedom of expression. Even if the western narrative doesn’t intend it that way: Ultranationalist and fascist tendencies have always been a bitter reality in Ukraine, not only in the ranks of the Azov regiment.

The misanthropic ones are also happily swept under the carpet Statements by the leader of the ultra-radical nationalist Ukrainian party “Svoboda”. Oleh Tjahnybok, same chairman, in 2014 reported the German left-wing politician Gregor Gysi for defamation and insults. In the Bundestag, Gysi said beforehand, addressed directly to the then Chancellor Angela Merkel:

“… and the leader of this party, Oleg Tyagnibok, stated the following verbatim. I quote now. You have to listen to what he said verbatim: ‘Grab the guns. Fight the Russian sows, the Germans, the Jewish pigs and other naughties.’ (…) There are now attacks from Jews and on the left, and you don’t say anything against all of that. Do you talk to these Swoboda people? I find that a scandal. I have to make that very clear to you.”

Gregor Gysi, The Left

Even if some of the statements made by the Saarland pensioner, at least in terms of the narrative, belong more in the realm of conspiracy ideologues, this is what remains at the core of the increasingly stifled freedom of expression in Germany. In addition, a deeply divided society and an alleged constitutional state, which in many cases does not even come close to doing justice to the “law”. By mid-April, 140 criminal cases were pending with German public prosecutors for pro-Russian statements in public. The number of cases has probably increased significantly since then. Without a doubt, one thing is clear: the regime does not tolerate any resistance, statements deviating from the narrative can in the “best Germany that has ever existed” have far-reaching and serious consequences. But at the latest when injustice becomes law, resistance becomes a dutyas provided for in the Basic Law.