Germany promotes Corona vaccination with anti-Semitic “Hamas doctor”

A promotional video promoting the Corona vaccination has been deleted again by the German government. The doctor, who was supposed to promote the vaccination in German and Arabic, had shared anti-Semitic posts and propaganda photos of the terrorist organisation Hamas on social media.

The German government’s vaccination propaganda has suffered a severe setback. A video in which a doctor advertises the Corona vaccination in German and Arabic was deleted again. The reason: the doctor had spread anti-Israeli postings on Facebook. There were allegedly posts calling for the expulsion of Jews from the Middle East as well as pictures of the Al-Qassam Brigades – an armed arm of the terrorist group Hamas, which is held responsible for hostage-taking, suicide attacks and rocket attacks, among other things, as reported by the newspaper Bild-Zeitung.

Yet the doctor proudly posted on his Facebook page as recently as June 8: “When Chancellor (Prime Minister) Angela Merkel’s media team comes to you and demands that you address a word to the German people and spreads that word on the German government’s page right after the Minister President’s word in Arabic and German, it gives you a sense of true citizenship and makes you more motivated to work for your country, Germany.”

In the meantime, the video has been deleted again, as a spokesperson for the federal government explained to the media. Besides, the doctor’s statements were not yet known when the video was published. onCategoriesUncategorizedLeave a commenton Impf-Terror: Deutschland wirbt mit „Hamas-Arzt“ für den PieksEdit”Impf-Terror: Deutschland wirbt mit „Hamas-Arzt“ für den Pieks”