Germany: Proceedings against a leftist who posted “All members of the AfD belong in the gas chamber” dropped


The wish and statement of the left-wing local politician Bianca Deubel that she wanted to gas all AfD members will not be prosecuted. While the Giessen district court, the public prosecutor’s office and the woman who would like to gas someone agreed to drop the case without conditions, a student has to pay €1,500 for calling this state a “dirty state” and the Thuringian AfD leader ends up in court for saying ” all for Germany”.

The left-wing local politician from Linden in Hesse, comrade Bianca Deubel, goes off the deep end on Christmas Day 2018 after reading a Twitter statement by the spokesperson of the AfD Heidelberg, who criticised the Christmas messages of the two big churches. Her message to the world on social media: “All AfD members belong in the gas chamber”.

On the same day, the left-wing politician posts on Twitter to former Bundestag politician Erika Steinbach, chairwoman of the Desiderius Erasmus Foundation founded by the AfD, in response to a Christmas greeting published by Steinbach: “I’m looking forward to dancing on her grave.”

The AfD poisoner and dancer on graves Deubel, who works as a self-employed teacher of German as a foreign language, is charged with incitement of the people, which the public prosecutor’s office in Giessen requested, and receives a penalty order in the amount of 90 daily fines.

The woman from Linden, who was 47 years old at the time, wondered after the shitstorm that had started and raged over her: “I am a tiny little light” – “And they make such a fuss”. And besides – quite clearly!: She had been misunderstood, says Deubel. Of course she didn’t want to gas AfD members.

Comrade Deubel then also presented this classification in court proceedings through her lawyer. And with success! In November 2020, the Giessen district court, Deubel and the public prosecutor’s office agreed to drop the case without conditions. A spokesperson for the public prosecutor’s office explains that they agreed because comrade Deubel does not have a criminal record and the offence had been committed some time ago when the case was dropped. Deubel’s statements to Steinbach, on whose grave she was looking forward to dancing one day, remained without legal consequences.

A 26-year-old computer science student from Munich was not granted so much legal comprehension, so much concession by the representatives of this “state under the rule of law”. The young man – not a politician like the left-wing comrade and also with no criminal record – received a penalty order for 1,500 euros after an anonymous denunciator denounced him, because three quarters of a year ago he called Germany a “dirty state” in a post, out of anger that he was not allowed to visit his grandmother to celebrate her birthday during the Corona measures. In addition to the 1,500 euros, the young man must also pay the procedural and legal costs.

Thuringia’s AfD leader Björn Höcke is being hauled into court on charges of using vocabulary of National Socialism. His offence: He did not want to gas anyone, or dance on the grave of someone he disliked. Höcke is accused of having ended a speech at an election campaign event in Merseburg in May 2021 with the formula ” All for our homeland, all for Saxony-Anhalt, all for Germany”.

What designation does a state deserve that has declared such conditions to be the standard?