Germany: Asylum seeker appears a day too late at the doctor’s and smashes up the waiting room (VIDEO)


The mayor of the municipality of Weischlitz, Steffen Raab, has condemned the rampage in a municipal physiotherapy facility in mid-July. “I don’t want to help people like that. For me, that is an abuse of the right to asylum,” he made clear to the newspaper Freie Presse.

Such people did not deserve German hospitality, he said. He called for a stricter approach to such offenders, but said the federal government was responsible for this. However, this is also a general problem. After all, there are also German serial offenders with whom one has too few leverage, Raab remarked.

The background is the tantrum of a Turkish asylum seeker who was accommodated in the Saxon municipality. The man had turned up a day late for his appointment at the physio’s practice, but had nevertheless demanded to be treated.

In his rage, the 31-year-old Turk smashed the glass table in the waiting room. He also insulted and threatened the staff. A video circulating on social media documents the incident. One day later, the migrant triggered the next police operation in another surgery. There he had insulted a female doctor and spat in her direction.

One of the owners of the physio clinic is the mayor’s wife. According to Raab, the Turk has not attracted attention in the past. So far, the accommodation of alternating between ten and 30 asylum seekers has functioned ” without any trouble”. The rioter is now no longer accommodated in Weischlitz.

Randalierender Asylbewerber: Jetzt spricht der Weischlitzer Bürgermeister (

One thought on “Germany: Asylum seeker appears a day too late at the doctor’s and smashes up the waiting room (VIDEO)”

  1. So Turkey wants to join the EU, in fact they are now trying to extort EU membership in exchange for approving NATO expansion, yet Turks are allowed to apply for asylum in Germany, where they are accommodated.

    Makes sense.

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