German government wants to support Mediterranean ‘sea rescue’

From 2023, the German government will be funding the United4Rescue association, which supports private sea rescue in the Mediterranean. According to the Budget Committee’s budget, United4Rescue will receive two million euros. The payment is to be continued in subsequent years.

The budget politician Jamila Schäfer (Greens) told the AFP news agency: “We do not accept the deaths in the Mediterranean, but as a traffic-light [coalition] underline the importance of compliance with European law and humanitarian aid.”

The SPD human rights expert Derya Türk-Nachbaur said that this was an important signal in times when saving human lives was constantly being criminalized at the EU’s external borders. Saving lives is not a crime, but a humanitarian obligation.

The migrant boats only set off when the shuttle service crosses the Libyan coast, in other words, when both sides (NGO ship and human traffickers) agree on the positions and timing of the coordinate distress signals from boats that are already unseaworthy and overcrowded at the time of departure.

Italian Minister Roberto Calderoli stated what many Europeans have understood: “I doubt that these are really sea rescues. I believe more in a transfer of people who had an appointment with the NGO ships.”