France’s higher education minister complains that France’s universities are too left-wing and too close to Islam

France’s Minister of Higher Education, Frédérique Vidal, has been criticised for a study she commissioned on “Islamo-gauchisme”. The study is to examine whether left-wing and pro-Islam sentiments restrict the selection of research topics. Whether the universities really have an ideology problem and how it could be combated is the subject of much controversy in the national press.

The daily Le Figaro sees a

“a much more all-out ideological war being waged relentlessly under the alias of ‘academic standards’. In the US, it’s called ‘wokism’; here, it leads to a fixation on race, gender and identity, from academia to the radio studios. …

What threatens academic freedom, and soon freedom of expression in general, is not Frédérique Vidal, but rather these doctrinal adherents who doggedly fight against a civilisation they judge to be intrinsically guilty. The Islamo-Left is only one aspect of this sophisticated stupidity. And therein lies the great danger: decay of intelligence, extinction of culture, resulting, according to Allan Bloom, in ‘disarmed souls’.