France: Pupils receive death threats for colouring their faces black during carnival

At the Sainte-Céline Catholic secondary school in La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, three pupils painted their faces black during carnival. Despite the anger of the pupils and their parents, the school management did not condemn this behaviour. However, the Créteil school board finally took the matter to court.


According to the mayor, the reported testimonies do not mention “monkey screams”. He would like him to have the evidence of these monkey screams presented to him by the newspaper Libération.

“There were five young people, again from very different countries of origin, who wanted to point out and denounce this racism.”

“The school is being threatened that it will be burned down, some students are being threatened with death … I have read extremely disturbing statements on the networks talking about slitting the throat, talk of Samuel Paty. Calm must be restored at all costs”.


Blackface à la Ferté-sous-Jouarre (77) : Un lycée menacé d’être brûlé, certains élèves menacés de mort suite à un article que le maire juge mensonger de Libération (MàJ) – Fdesouche