Because it’s Ramadan, German teachers ban 5th graders from drinking out of solidarity

Two female teachers at a comprehensive school in the greater Frankfurt area show just how far Islam has already been accepted in this country. These aficionados of Islam have forbidden the fifth-graders to drink in class. The reason: out of consideration for their Muslim classmates who are fasting during the Islamic month of Ramadan.

The extent to which submissive submission to Islam has now reached is unbelievable. In a comprehensive school in the greater Frankfurt area, two teachers forbade the children entrusted to them in a 5th grade class from drinking. The reason, which should have led to the immediate removal of the two ladies from their teaching posts and a charge of assault: the Islamic eating orgy after sunset, also known as Ramadan. The children are supposed to refrain from drinking out of consideration for their Muslim classmates.

The two fans of Islam were discovered because the raving madness was noticed by the father of one of the pupils concerned. Normally, the father explained to the news magazine Nius, the children had their water bottles on the table and were allowed to drink in class if they were thirsty. “They can always refill their bottles in the corridor outside, where there is a water dispenser.” At dinner, however, the daughter said that two teachers had forbidden the pupils to drink in class because “three of the 27 children are fasting”, i.e. they are Muslims.

The father was not the only one who found the instruction “strange”. Firstly, the children affected by the drinking ban are only between 10 and 11 years old in year five. Even in the Islamic fake fast, the fasting requirement only applies from the age of 14. Furthermore: The fact that 24 children are to be subjected to Islam because – probably an exception – just three children are Muslims shows what madness is raging in the minds of some “educators”.

Furthermore, it can have serious consequences if children drink too little. Headaches, dizziness, reduced performance and learning ability as well as poor concentration can quickly set in. For this reason alone, the two Islam-loving ladies should be called to account.

An enquiry to the school remained unanswered until the article was published by Nius. It remains to be seen whether the parents will put up with this madness or whether the school authorities will stand up for the children’s welfare.

Aus dem Schuldienst entfernen! Weil Ramadan ist, verbieten Lehrerinnen 5-Klässern aus Solidarität das Trinken » Journalistenwatch