France: “Haram revenue money is the worst thing to anger Allah, you will never have baraka”. A cry for help from a restaurant owner of Algerian origin prompts dozens of posts accusing her of selling wine in her establishment

Translation: “Haram money is the worst thing there is to anger Allah, you will never get baraka”. The cry for help from a restaurant owner of Algerian origin resulted in dozens of posts accusing her of selling alcohol in her restaurant in the eleventh district of Paris…
The original tweet :

Paris 11 : “L’argent Haram c’est ce qu’il y’a de pire pour mettre en colère Allah, t’aura jamais de baraka”. L’appel à l’aide d’une restauratrice d’origine algérienne récolte des dizaines de messages lui reprochant de vendre du vin dans son établissement – Fdesouche