France: A 17-year-old girl is beaten and held captive by her parents because of her alleged homosexuality; she was only allowed to leave the house to attend the mosque

On Thursday January 11, 2024, at around 9 am, the police raided a flat in Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle) following a report from the CEMMA (Cellule Enfance Meurthe-et-Moselle Accueil) counselling centre.

According to the police, a 17-year-old woman had been held captive by her parents for several months because she is a lesbian. When questioned, the parents admitted to the offences.

First held captive in Turkey, then locked up in Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

According to the authorities, she always had to be in the presence of an adult, attend Quran classes and was forced to wear a veil. When the 17-year-old returned to Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy in October, she no longer went to school. Her parents kept her in their home and only allowed her to leave the house to attend the mosque.

Vandœuvre (54) : une adolescente de 17 ans frappée et séquestrée par ses parents pour sa supposée homosexualité ; elle ne pouvait sortir que pour aller à la mosquée – Fdesouche