Dutch Final Solution for Intellectual Disability

It was pure evil when Nazis did it. Fortunately, those fiends were expelled. Now it is woke liberals who run Holland:

Nearly 40 people who identified as autistic or intellectually disabled were legally euthanized in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2021, according to a Kingston University investigation of Dutch euthanasia cases.

This isn’t murder, because authorities had determined that their difficulties were untreatable obstacles to a normal life. Good thing for transsexuals that those in charge won’t say the same about their sexual psychoses — at least, not unless LGBTism falls out of fashion.

In the roughly 10-year period the study focused on, nearly 60,000 people decided to die via euthanasia in the Netherlands, according to the Dutch government’s euthanasia review committee. …

Many of the patients cited a number of mental, physical and age-related ailments as the reason for ending their lives — including unbearable loneliness.

Eight people, however, named the sole cause of their suffering as factors related to their intellectual disability…

Someone who is intellectually disabled does not decide to die in any meaningful sense, any more than children decide to undergo sex change procedures. That decision is being made for them.

The Netherlands is lifting age restrictions on killing sick children. Belgium kills healthy young women for being depressed. Canada has moved to exterminate the mentally ill. Euthanasia is spreading among blue states in the USA.

Communists ran up a nine-figure body count over the past century because life is cheap to leftists. Ask one about abortion and see for yourself.
