Diverse Nazis – The Nazis weren’t white supremacists, they were diversity supremacists

Foreign volunteer battalion in the Wehrmacht. Soldiers of the Free Arabian Legion in Greece, September 1943 – Wikimedia Commons ,  Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-177-1465-16 / Schlickum / CC-BY-SA 3.0

It wasn’t the entirely non-white cast of Founding Fathers that brought down Google’s Gemini AI, but the diverse Nazis. The AI image generator demonstrated an unwillingness to depict white people in any role, but the one that outraged everyone was the black Nazi soldiers.

Multiple users had tested the AI and found that it produced entirely “diverse” galleries of pictures when asked to show the Founding Fathers, an “American woman” or an “Australian woman”, but then they asked Google’s AI to show what a Nazi German soldier looked like.

And he or she was very diverse indeed. “Google Chatbot’s A.I. Images Put People of Color in Nazi-Era Uniforms,” the New York Times fussed. Google paused the image generation capabilities to train its AI to make fewer black Nazis.

But the irony is that while the Founding Fathers were not particularly diverse, there were indeed black Nazi soldiers who were part of the Muslim Free Arabian Legion of Hitler’s Mufti. And they appear in historical photographs that were not generated by AI. The Muslim African soldiers were not representative of the typical Nazi German soldier, but they were quite real.

Unlike the racially diverse Founding Fathers.

The Nazi coalition brought together Latinos, Asians and Arab and African Muslims together to conquer the world and exterminate everyone they did not like. The Nazis were not “white supremacists”, like the DEI movement they believed that some groups were bad and others good. They judged people entirely by race, leading them to exterminate millions of Jews while at the same time focusing on outreach to the Tibetans and to Arab Muslims in the Middle East.

Gypsies, many of whom, like the Jews, would appear “white” to a DEI consultant, were massacred while Josephine Baker, an African-American singer, partied with the Nazi elite in Paris (while working for the French Resistance), and Chiang Wei-kuo, the son of Chinese nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek, served in the Wehrmacht before becoming a Taiwanese general.

Most of the peoples persecuted by the Nazi regime, Jews, Slavs and gypsies, look “white” by DEI standards while the Nazis embraced “non-white” Asians, Africans, Latinos and Arabs.

The Nazis were not white supremacists: they were Aryan supremacists believing that they were the descendants of a mythical ‘Asiatic people’ who had migrated across the world leaving traces of themselves everywhere. That’s why Hitler sided with the Japanese, whom he believed were ‘Aryan’ over the Russians who were ‘Slavs.” It’s why he glamorized the Muslim occupation of Spain over the Spanish whom he despised. He backed Japan over the U.S. because he believed that the Japanese were racially superior to the racially mixed inferior Americans.

Most of Hitler’s racial bets proved to be disastrously wrong. German soldiers were better on the offensive than Russian soldiers, but the Russians had better staying power. America’s ingenuity, based on a non-hierarchical multiculturalism that brought together soldiers, scientists and workers from different groups, broke Japan and then went on to wreck Germany. Finally, though he did not live to see this, Jewish militias defeated his Arab Muslim allies in Israel.

WWII was not a struggle between “white supremacy” and “diversity”, but between two diverse coalitions: one based on racial essentialism and one that was not. Nazi diversity, like the DEI movement, reduced people to their race. It classified some races as desirable or undesirable and assumed that membership in a race would predict the future performance of any individual.

The Allies did not make alliances based on their estimate of the racial qualities of peoples, but for reasons of strategy and convenience, which allowed them the greatest possible access to talent and flexibility. They were certainly not free of racism, but neither were they obsessed with it. At least until now when DEI is the latest fashionable ideology of racial essentialism to take hold of corporate and liberal elites who use it to define every element of employment and life.

DEI demands diversity within a framework of racial quotas and collective hostility every bit as rigorous as anything out of Nazi Germany. Organizations pledge that the racial essentialism of DEI is at the center of everything they do. That is why Google’s Gemini AI and its counterparts forcibly promote diversity in the form of racial quotas for the present, future and even the past.

Unlike black English queens or Founding Fathers, black Nazis rub DEI the wrong way. The point of diversity is not pluralism but to depict some races as noble and others as ignoble. Hamilton or Thor can be black, but not Hitler. It’s an approach that Hitler would have approved of in reverse.

And yet the diverse Nazis offer a warning about confusing racial essentialism with diversity.

A racial mythos, whether it’s Aryanism or the equally fictional Wakanda or La Raza, end the same way with racism, victimhood, violence, glorification, collectivism and then collapse. The myths of an glorious ancient past, a boundless future and the supremacy of the race serve as a cover for bad decisions, internal abuses and disguise the incompetence of its leaders.

The Nazis believed in the racial inevitability of the Thousand Year Reich while DEI believes in the Right Side of History. (Much as the Communists believed in their own inevitability.) But if history tells us anything, it’s that it isn’t inevitable. Propaganda, whether it’s made by Leni Riefenstahl, Sergei Eisenstein or AI, creates cultural illusions that fall apart at the touch of reality. Leaders and artists ought to know better than anyone that the future is made by individuals and yet they’re the most likely to believe that they are the vessels of the zeitgeist.

Diversity is at the heart of it the racial essentialism of the collective over the individual. And central to it is the idea that racial morality is also individual morality. Minorities, in DEI, can’t be racist. They also can’t be Nazis. But anyone who believes in race uber alles can be a Nazi.

Just ask the black Muslims who fought for Hitler, AI or DEI.

Diverse Nazis (frontpagemag.com)