“Bastard Jesus only one God allah”: Anti-Christian tags and vandalism in a church in Paris

L’église Notre-Dame-du-Travail. © Capture d’écran Google Street View

On Monday morning, July 15, the Notre-Dame-du-Travail church in the 14th arrondissement of Paris was the site of a break-in, anti-Christian tags and damage to property, as reported to us. The offences were committed between 8pm on Sunday July 14 and 7.30am today, Monday.
The perpetrator or perpetrators entered through the emergency exit door and wrote on several pillars of the building with black felt-tip pen: ” Infidels should pray five times a day “, ” Bastard Jesus one God allah “, ” The church is consecrated by Satan “, ” The church will be burnt “, ” The last prophet Muhammad “, ” Those who continue will have their heads cut off / I will wage war against you Christian world “, ” We Muslims cannot accept this whore of a religion / Mary is your destiny “, ” Go to hell, Satan burn “.

Cupboard doors were also broken open, the entrance area was ransacked, a small cash box was broken into and papers were burnt, a police source told Valeurs actuelles. Finally, a wooden statue of the Virgin Mary was stabbed in the neck. A complaint was filed. An investigation was opened and taken over by the police (PJ).

[Info VA] « Batard Jesus un seul dieu allah » : tags anti-chrétiens et vandalisme dans une église à Paris – Valeurs actuelles

2 thoughts on ““Bastard Jesus only one God allah”: Anti-Christian tags and vandalism in a church in Paris”

  1. Why bother? You, your government and the church won’t do anything anyway as you folks are cowards. It’s too late.

  2. Islam’s phony god is so weak he is completely impotent. If he were REAL his words alone would draw people. Like Jesus’s WORDS DRAW PEOPLE. He would have no need for violence. Like JESUS HAS NO NEED FOR VIOLENCE.

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