Austrian traditional brewery is attacked by so-called anti-racists because for 200 years it has been showing a Moor’s head in its company logo

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In recent days and weeks there has been a surge of accusations of racism against the Mohren brewery ( Mohr means Moor in the English language). According to the company, an objective dialogue is no longer possible.

Since the beginning of the radical left-wing “Black Lives Matter” movement, hostility against the traditional Dornbirn brewery because of its logo has increased massively. Employees were called “dirtbag” and “Nazis” on the answering machine.The brewery now had to act and temporarily shut down its Facebook account.An online petition supports the company, which has a stylized Moor’s head in its logo.Almost 9,000 people had signed up so far. The Medium Online Vorarlberg has started a survey, which showed a clear result and proves once again that leftists and left-wing extremists are only a minority with their concerns.By the way, the Moor’s head is based on the holy Mauritius, a black person that is venerated as a Saint by the Christians since the 4th century. CEO Thomas Pachole said it would be wrong to change something that has already existed for 200 years. In fact, in such debates about ethics it is usually overlooked that there is no real pressure from the public. Few noisy left-wing extremists are quoted by the media, thus feigning a scandal that never was one.