Austria: State security raid on Muslim Viennese preacher of hate

Imam El S. from Vienna’s Meidling district preached in a mosque that called itself an “association for the integration of Muslims”. In fact, the prayer leader from Egypt attracted attention above all for his inconceivable incitement against Jews. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution has now searched his home.
The imam who was targeted preached in a mosque Am Schöpfwerk in Vienna and had already attracted attention for some time due to his Facebook postings – eXXpress reported on several occasions. Unbelievable message: “Oh Allah, defeat the Jews and support the Mujaheddin who are fighting for Allah in Palestine. Murder flows in their veins, they are the Jews! A despicable people, criminals, bloodthirsty people… They only understand the language of blood and murder. Allah, don’t let any of them live.” The newspaper “Kurier” first reported on the recent raid on the imam’s home.
The Vienna public prosecutor’s office investigated the imam and apparently came to the conclusion that there was a strong suspicion of incitement to hatred. Accordingly, the state security services were called in. The raid on the suspect’s private apartment served to secure further evidence.

Juden-Hetze: Staatsschutz-Razzia bei Wiener Hass-Prediger | Exxpress