Austria: Gay Social Democrat politician felt the effects of his own party’s welcoming policy

Vienna’s Naschmarkt , Wikimedia Commons, C.Stadler/Bwag, CC-BY-SA-4.0

The attack on an ex-politician from the Social Democratic Party in the Mariahilf neighbourhood made headlines yesterday, Sunday. A group of “guests” of the mayor of Vienna presumably didn’t like his sexual orientation.

Former SPÖ district councillor Dorian Ramme was allegedly attacked and injured by a group of “people seeking protection” at Vienna’s Naschmarkt on Sunday morning because of his sexual orientation. He commented on the incident on Instagram as follows:

‘Scuffle with a couple of very homophobic men who deliberately knew how to invoke Islam. A bit of a defence discussion and you’re already suffering these days.

A finding that sounds almost Islamophobic and xenophobic, as one would say in Rammer’s circles.

Because in such cases, the usual attempts at appeasement are made to play down the problem: perhaps the “refugees” have not yet been allowed to attend an integration course or they are still traumatised by the terrible “refugee experience” they had to endure. Perhaps they also felt provoked by him and insulted in their honour.

In any case, Mr Rammer was able to feel the consequences of the welcome policy of his party and its Viennese party leader, Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ), which the Viennese population is now exposed to on a daily basis.

The incident did not go unnoticed by Vienna FPÖ press spokesman Leo Lugner. He wrote on Facebook:

‘It shows once again that the revolution always eats its own children: those who shouted “Refugees Welcome” the loudest and ignored our warnings are now becoming victims themselves.

Despite justified criticism of the rampant LGBTIQ propaganda, this heinous violence should be strictly rejected, Lugner added. He wished Ramme a speedy recovery.

Ex-SPÖ-Politiker bekam Willkommenspolitik seiner eigenen Partei zu spüren – Unzensuriert

One thought on “Austria: Gay Social Democrat politician felt the effects of his own party’s welcoming policy”

  1. I wonder if he’ll get charged and convicted of hate speech like Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolfe?

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