Austria: Afghan threatened employment office employee with kitchen knife – a policewoman seriously injured!

In Salzburg there were savage rows at the Labour Market Service. An Afghan (33) threatened several employees with a kitchen knife at 8 a.m.. The reason: his money was not paid to him, as the press office told eXXpress. “The motive of the perpetrator, according to previous investigations, was an outstanding payment that he wanted to claim”. When the employees of the Labour Market Service (AMS) called the police, the man went berserk. He did not cooperate with the officers and even attacked a policewoman. “The 33-year-old seriously injured her shoulder in the course of the arrest. She is currently still on sick leave.”

The attacker was finally overpowered by several police officers and taken to the Salzburg police detention centre. When questioned, the suspect refused to testify and was finally transferred to the prison in Puch.