Austria: Afghan (23) stabs woman (22) in the stomach

On Sunday, the police had to deploy to Vienna’s Meidling district. A 23-year-old Afghan man stabbed his partner in the course of a domestic quarrel. After a neighbor heard the loud argument, he called the police – and thus saved the life of a 22-year-old woman.

Around 3:20 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, the officers arrived at an apartment in the foreignized, twelfth district of Meidling in Vienna. There they first met the 23-year-old Afghan in the stairwell. A little later they also found the severely injured partner (22) of the Afghan in the apartment.The argument must have angered the man from Afghanistan – the police found the 22-year-old with a stab wound in her stomach. He was arrested, but denies all charges. Meanwhile, he was banned from entering the premises. The woman was given emergency medical care and is now in hospital.