A threatening letter written by the left-wing extremist Antifa against teachers at Berlin’s Humboldt Grammar School in the Tegel district has drawn the attention of the police. “Criminal charges have been filed and the State Security has taken up the investigation,” a spokeswoman for the Berlin police told this newspaper.
According to information from the newspaper “Junge Freiheit”, the pamphlet was distributed at the high school at the end of last week, but was also sent to pupils by email. The pamphlet says, among other things, that the students must defend themselves “against the old homophobic and racist men” at the school. It also mentions the names of teachers who belong “definitively in the dustbin of German history”.
They are all “racists”, mourning the “sexism” against women and members of the “LGBTQAI+” movement. It goes on to say: “They destroy our climate with their way of life, dispute our freedom and liberties, are supporters of bigwigs, warmongers and want to turn our multicultural world back into their petit-bourgeoisie.”
There are also calls for violence in the pamphlet. “Fight back, destroy them and let us show all of Berlin what we, the current generation, will create together.” The schoolchildren, the authors demand, should go on strike and initiate the “dismissal of all racists”. The inflammatory pamphlet is signed “Humboldt Antifa”.

According to information from the newspaper “Junge Freiheit”, the parents have not yet been informed about the threatening letter and the criminal charges filed. The Humboldt School itself attaches great importance to representing diversity and is part of the left-wing network “School without Racism. School with Courage”.