An update on ‘Long COVID’

Image: qimono via PixabayPixabay License.

By Pete Colan

On April 21, Tim Meads of the Daily Wire reported that nothing has come of the $1 billion in funding provided to the NIH for “Long COVID” research.

He is right.  A brief internet search for “Long COVID” reveals a common sentiment along the lines of “scientists don’t know what causes Long COVID.”  Even the latest NIH publication from March of 2022 (over a year ago) says, “Scientists don’t know for sure what causes Long COVID.”

This is amazing, since it took only a fraction of that time to come up with a miracle “cure” for COVID and distribute it all over the world.  It wasn’t a cure (not even close), but that’s what it was supposed to be.

Last year, I discovered an article published by the NIH (that I can no longer find) that ascribed the major cause of “Long COVID” to an anxiety disorder — in other words, hypochondria.  It appears that that article has been scrubbed.  Replacing it now are numerous articles doing just the opposite and now ascribing anxiety disorders to Long COVID.

I admit that I was a believer in the hypochondria theory, having had a mild case of COVID over a year ago based entirely on temporary loss of taste and mild temporary fatigue.  I have never taken the shot, nor have I ever taken a COVID test.  That was the one and only time I felt unique symptoms related to COVID.  I recovered just fine, as did my entire extended family who are also shot-less. 

Then, oddly, six months later, my sense of smell got weird.  All at once, feces no longer smelled like feces; it smelled like coffee.  And coffee still smells like coffee.  Call me blessed, I guess, because it could have been the opposite, and my life would be destroyed without my coffee.  That has persisted to this day.  It is called “parosmia” and was quite rare until is showed up as a common Long COVID symptom.  It also seems I’m the only one in the family with an odd long-term issue like this.

Today, when I look up symptoms of “Long COVID,” the list has grown considerably and includes my altered sense of smell, or parosmia.  The list, however, now also seemingly affects anything and everything that can go wrong with the body.  Are all of these symptoms related to “Long COVID”?  How do we know with zero research results from NIH?

Buried in Tim Mead’s article is an opinion that stuck out to me as having merit that deserves far more investigation — by independent scientists, not our government:

Perhaps the NIH is dragging its feet with this study because if they do any more research into “long COVID,” then it might reveal that the virus is not one of natural origin and instead was made in a laboratory, which could explain the bizarre ongoing symptoms. Now, that’s a layman’s suspicion, but this author has the benefit of being outside the medical establishment and looking at this with a skeptical eye.

To our knowledge, the world has not suffered from a man-made virus until COVID, so we have no precedent for long-term effects of any man-made virus (except perhaps this one now).  Likewise, we have no precedent or basis for understanding the long-term effects of the “vaccine” that was supposed to save us, but instead, we are just now learning of the significant risks. 

I pray that this is never allowed to happen again.  While nuclear missiles can destroy a large city, a virus can destroy the world.  Clear-thinking world leaders need to end this rogue virus research, and Fauci needs to be jailed for his role in it.