An illegal Tunisian migrant in Castres, France, attacks two young girls in the street after calling them “dirty whores” and then threatens police officers by shouting “Allah Akbar”

An illegal Tunisian migrant was arrested at around 0.20am on Tuesday morning on the Boulevard des Lices in Castres in the Tarn department after harassing two young girls and calling them “dirty whores”, we reported.

The intoxicated attacker also threw a beer bottle at the police officers, which broke on the ground, and then walked over to the broken glass in a threatening manner, shouting “Allah Akbar and now it’s your turn”, a police source said.

37-year-old Mouahmed Z., who is known in the ” criminal record ” (Traitement d’antécédents judiciaires – TAJ) and who is under an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF) subject to house arrest, was taken into police custody. There were no injuries.

 Valeurs / Castres (81) : un migrant clandestin tunisien, sous OQTF, agresse deux jeunes filles en pleine rue, après les avoir traitées de “sale pu…”, puis menace des policiers en criant “Allah Akbar” – Fdesouche