An illegal Tunisian migrant arrested during an attempted theft in Nice, France, threatens to “cut the throats” of police officers, shouting “Allah Akbar”

On Friday, the criminal court in Nice remanded a 19-year-old Tunisian man in custody for “glorification of an act of terrorism”, “death threats”, “insulting” police officers as well as a judge and “attempted theft”.

Last Tuesday, the young undocumented immigrant was caught opening the doors of a Peugeot in Nice. When the police arrested him, he wasn’t exactly gentle.

He threatened to “cut their throats” if he encountered them again by shouting “Allah Akhbar!”.

Interpellé lors d’une tentative de vol à Nice (06), un migrant clandestin tunisien, menace les policiers de « les égorger », au cri « d’Allah Akbar »  – Fdesouche / Nice-Matin