Another alarming incident has taken place in South Tyrol’s provincial capital. A 24-year-old Iraqi man entered a supermarket and threatened the manager of the shop. Bolzano’s new police commissioner did not hesitate for long and revoked the foreigner’s residence permit without further ado.
The whole incident took place late on Thursday afternoon. The police in Bolzano were called to a Eurospar supermarket by emergency services. The emergency services were deployed immediately and were able to locate the Iraqi man in the supermarket who had committed a robbery in the same shop three days earlier and made threats.
According to the Bolzano police, the manager of the supermarket told them that the Iraqi had threatened her with death a few minutes earlier and said several times: “In my country you would already be dead.” According to information, the foreigner tried to play down the incident. The 24-year-old was charged with menacing behaviour. The quaestor of the province of Bolzano, Paolo Sartori, revoked the Iraqi’s residence permit as a result of the incident.
Vorfall in Supermarkt: „In meinem Land wärst du bereits tot!“ – UnserTirol24