Afghan rapes young woman on intercity train in Germany: “I felt like it, so I did it”

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She was tired, laid her head on the tabletop and fell asleep. When she woke up, she had a penis in her mouth!

Disgusting sexual offence on Intercity Express train 619 from Stuttgart to Ulm. An asylum seeker from Afghanistan has to answer to the regional court for rape. Sefatullah S. (30) has admitted that he sexually abused a young woman (19) on the train on August 7. His reason for the disgusting act at 3.45 a.m.: “I felt like it, so I did it.”

The accused arrived in Germany in 2015 and can neither read nor write. The man with eleven siblings lived in a refugee centre until his arrest, where he said he first came into contact with alcohol and drugs. “I bought whisky and marijuana with my social benefits,” he said. Otherwise, it was all “blah, blah” what was going on here in court.
Sefatullah S. has a criminal record for “sexual offences against children”; the litigants did not provide any information about the status of his asylum proceedings.
The Afghan spent three months in pre-trial detention before being transferred to a psychiatric ward in Ravensburg. The public prosecutor’s office assumes at least a diminished capacity for guilt. He said he was hearing “voices” and in the afternoon the abused woman had to take the witness stand and talk about what was probably the worst moment of her life.
The accused had already served time in prison for his sexual offences and was admitted to a programme for “sex offenders at particular risk of reoffending” after his release. However, the Afghan never took part in the programme; according to a police officer, he ignored all summonses. The only consequence: another criminal complaint …

Prozess in Stuttgart: Mann (30) vergewaltigt schlafende Frau im ICE | Regional |