A politician of the mainstream parties suggests that German citizens should leave the north of the city of Essen! Too many migrants live there

More migrants than Germans, permanently failed integration, indifferent politics: a politician of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) declares his native country, Altenessen, to have broken down.

What do you think his party colleague, North Rhine-Westphalia “refugee minister” Joachim Stamp, has to say about this?It’s an oath of disclosure that Thomas Spilker, chairman of the FDP in the northern Essen district of Altenessen, recently posted on Facebook: The man from Altenessen declares integration to have failed. The relationship between “new citizens and old-established residents” (newspaper WAZ) is said to be damaged. Spilker wrote:”That is why the citizens of Altenessen are moving away. The homeland is fading away.” Local politics had long since written off the north of Essen, ” at will by all fractions”. This is also shown by the recent decision to close a hospital. His shocking conclusion:

“I recommend everyone to move away from here, because politics does not want any change.”

Gabriele Walger-Demolsky, spokeswoman for integration policy of the AfD faction in North Rhine-Westphalia, commented:

“I am surprised that Mr Spilker is so open in his assessment. Unfortunately, Minister Stamp of the Liberal Democratic Party has been in charge for a longer period of time, so he carries on zealously practicing the very policy that is responsible for the situation in Altenessen”.

“However, the citizens of NRW cannot afford to wait until he and the rest of the FDP leadership also get their pennies dropped.

By then it could be too late – not only for the north of Essen, Duisburg’s Marxloh district or Gelsenkirchen’s Ückendorf district, where things look no different, but for the entire state of North Rhine-Westphalia.”
