Wokes Push Porn, Ban Mary Poppins for “Discriminatory Language” – First Dr. Seuss, now Mary Poppins

Every time a law is passed pulling graphic pornography out of a middle school library, wokes cry about censorship and book burning.

In reality, they’re the biggest book burners in the world.

The same people who mocked some Christians who burned Harry Potter novels launched a boycott because J.K. Rowling insisted that women are women, and men aren’t.

The wokes aren’t anti-censorship, they’re for doing censorship their way. That’s why they’re banning Dr. Seuss and now raising the age rating for Mary Poppins.

Mary Poppins, the classic film starring Julie Andrews, has had its age rating raised by British film censors because it features “discriminatory language”.

The 1964 film has been reclassified from a U, which stands for universal, to a PG, for parental guidance. In it, a derogatory term originally used by white Europeans about nomadic peoples in southern Africa is used to refer to soot-faced chimney-sweeps.

That now “exceeds our guidelines” for U films, the BBFC said.

Wokes have been claiming for a while that having coal dust on their faces makes it blackface and therefore racist. Now they’re actually putting that into action.

The British Board of Film Classification said it classified the film in 1964 and then again for a re-release in 2013.

“Most recently, the film was resubmitted to us in February 2024 for another theatrical re-release, and we reclassified it PG for discriminatory language,” a spokesperson said.

“Mary Poppins (1964) includes two uses of the discriminatory term ‘hottentots’.

Wait until they get around to Peter Pan.

I presume the movie will play with one of the mandatory Disney “trigger warnings” now if it doesn’t already.

Wokes want to decensor graphic sexual materials but censor thought crimes. They’re not against censorship, they’re the biggest censors in the world.
