A cross-party initiative of 36 European MEPs has now launched an initiative to demand the full disclosure of the EU Commission’s contracts with the manufacturers of Corona vaccines. This also concerns EU Commission head Ursula von der Leyen as she is suspected of having benefited from certain contracts.
The initiative was launched by AfD MEP Christine Anderson and Romanian Christian Democrat Cristian-Vasile Terhes. Other representatives of the AfD, EPP, FPÖ, but also the Greens and the Left are also on board. The cross-party initiative demands, among other things, the resignation of EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. She is accused of having been involved in a “gigantic Covid 19 scientific fraud”. The EU’s vaccination campaign, they say, threatens democracy, freedom and human rights in Europe.
The European policy spokesman of the AfD parliamentary group in the Bavarian state parliament, Martin Böhm, sees the initiative in the larger context of the staged “pandemic” of the last two years. Böhm explained: “The exclusion of the unvaccinated, the threat of compulsory vaccination, the restrictions on freedom of work, movement and education, and the violation of patient confidentiality have undermined the trust of millions of people in democratic institutions.
Now more and more details from the prehistory of the global pandemic scandal are coming to light. Apparently, a kind of vaccination business plan was coordinated privately between the Pfizer CEO and von der Leyen before the EU Commission began to promote the Covid-19 vaccines as – allegedly – the only remedy against Corona. At the heart of this plan may have been private business interest rather than concern for public health.”
The activities of the EU Commission President’s husband, Heiko von der Leyen, as a consultant in the pharmaceutical industry and medical director of a biopharmaceutical company strengthen the “suspicion of serious conflicts of interest”.
The head of the Commission must now make public her correspondence with Pfizer and clear up all misunderstandings, he said. “If she does not succeed in this, she must resign,” Böhm underlined. “The European public has a right to know the real reasons behind the vaccination campaign.”