France: Muslim woman rages because she was convicted of racist hate speech – “I am outraged! I am Algerian and you have condemned me like a Frenchwoman!”

Her extremely racist words brought this resident of the Valibout neighbourhood in Plaisir (Yvelines) straight to prison.

She can no longer be restrained. Dalila was led away from the Versailles courthouse on Friday March 11, 2022. She could not last more than five minutes without shouting, screaming and raving in front of her judges.

The 47-year-old woman, who lives in the Valibout neighbourhood in Plaisir (Yvelines), was brought to court for her racist remarks. She had racially insulted her caretaker and an employee who cleaned the common rooms.

The crime had taken place on February 2 this year. Dalila is on her way home and encounters her caretaker. It is 11 am. The latter is putting the mail in the boxes. The attack will be immediate. Violent. “Why did God give birth to black people. You dirty black people. Get out of here!” she shouts at the caretaker. She also scolds the pregnant woman who is busy cleaning the common areas.

The two women decide to ignore her. Dalila speaks up again. “You are here to clean. Get on with it! And besides, if you’re making babies, it’s because of welfare.”


Behaviour that, according to the Republic Prosecutor, deserves an appropriate response. “These outrages are as intolerable as the statements you made. I demand 12 months in prison, 3 months suspended and immediate arrest warrant, a no-contact order and a ban on going to Plaisir.”

Dalila was taken back to the courtroom and had to watch as the judges handed down the sentence: 18 months in prison, revocation of probation, a no-contact order and a ban on travelling to Plaisir. The whole thing delivered with an arrest warrant.

“I am outraged! I am Algerian and you have sentenced me like a Frenchwoman! This is not right,” she shouted as the police escorted her into the courthouse’s detention

2 thoughts on “France: Muslim woman rages because she was convicted of racist hate speech – “I am outraged! I am Algerian and you have condemned me like a Frenchwoman!””

  1. ““I am outraged! I am Algerian and you have sentenced me like a Frenchwoman! This is not right,” she shouted as the police escorted her into the courthouse’s detention area”

    Maybe their should have been a deportation order back to Algeria as she is an Algerian and looks down on the French.

  2. Islam is an evil cult started by a man who embodied the worst of humanity. A murderer, a thief, a pedophile, a rapist, and as shown in this case where a woman copies one of his lesser known vices, a racist. Never forget Muhammad referred to Ethiopians as “raisin heads”.

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