The announcement that Poland’s new Europhile prime minister Donald Tusk is the latest recipient of the Chatham House Prize for “restoring democracy” in his country has met with widespread derision. Critics have pointed out how his government has jailed opposition MPs, deployed police against the state broadcaster, and purged the judiciary six months after taking office.
Chatham House is one of the world’s leading international foreign policy think tanks and a meeting place for global elites. It announced Tusk as the winner of their 2024 annual prize for, among other things, “upholding the principles of the rule of law” and promoting the “democratic values of the European Union.”
Is this a joke? Donald Tusk is establishing a regime in Poland modeled on Alexander Lukashenko. Illegal takeover of the media, press agency, prosecutor's office, repression of judges and opposition MPs.
Tusk is expected to accept the award in person next month in London.
The former European Council President is currently working to unlock €137 billion of EU funding while his Civic Coalition government and left-wing allies purge Poland’s institutions of anyone suspected of being sympathetic to the former conservative Law and Justice government.
While many online commentators mocked Chatham House’s decision to grant Tusk the award, Polish MEP and former Secretary of State for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Arkadiusz Mularczyk in comments to The European Conservative questioned how the politician could win the prize despite not implementing any domestic reforms.
It is astonishing to see that certain groups and elites in Western Europe are praising or rewarding Tusk for “restoring” democracy in Poland. Tusk has implemented no changes in Poland. Tusk can point to no law he has passed to reform the legal system or any change he has implemented to any structure within Poland’s legal system, yet somehow, Poland is seen to no longer be breaking the rule of law.
Mularczyk went on to raise the possibility of a hidden ‘agenda’ at play in Western machinations towards Poland, pointing out Tusk’s overruling of Warsaw’s conservative President Andrzej Duda, even contrary to court findings, in recent months as a salient example of recent rule-of-law violations by the country’s new administration.
A politically motivated police raid on the Polish presidential palace in January to arrest opposition MPs on alleged charges of corruption also added to Warsaw’s bitter power struggle. Several right-wing MEPs are also facing the prospect of jail time over an anti-migrant video.
The Tusk government will likely be emboldened by its performance in this month’s EU elections as it pushes for the liberalisation of abortion laws and the introduction of same-sex marriage in Poland.
The Chatham House Award is given to those deemed to have promoted international relations the most in the past 12 months. Previous recipients include Melinda Gates for her anti-poverty initiatives as well as Hillary Clinton in 2013 for improving women’s rights.
This man from Massy, near Paris, spent five days on the Côte Fleurie with his wife. It was a wellness holiday that his wife had gifted him to celebrate her fortieth birthday. The programme included several massages.
During the first one, the staff noticed “inappropriate behaviour” and reported it to the spa management. The appointment schedule states that the service for this customer must now be provided by an experienced masseuse. […] When she enters the cubicle, the client has no sheet over his private parts. She tells him to put it on. The massage begins, everything is going well until he asks her to massage the muscles on his adductors. In other words, very close to the crotch. She refuses, even though he pushes her.
Then there is a sexual assault. The treatment, scheduled to last 50 minutes, ends three minutes early. The masseuse leaves the cubicle and breaks down crying in the corridor. As for the earlier warnings about his behaviour, he makes no secret of his astonishment. “This is slander”. The accused speaks faintly of a conspiracy by the staff with an Islamophobic background.
“They were swapping with each other to get rid of me. The reception at the spa was freezing cold. We were kept waiting for an hour and a half without any explanations. My wife is veiled and they looked at us askance. We felt like we weren’t welcome.
As Voltaire is said to have said, “If you want to know who rules over you, just look for who you are not allowed to criticize.” If the government is run by leftists, you are ruled by criminals. Consequently, be careful what you say about rapists in Hamburg, Germany:
Because a 20-year-old girl insulted a rapist as a “dishonourable rapist pig” and a “disgusting freak”, she has now been deprived of her freedom for longer than eight out of nine of the rapists involved.
Of the nine dishonorable pigs found guilty of raping a 15-year-old child, eight received suspended sentences. A tenth accused rapist got off altogether.
The 20-year-old posted her appraisal of the rapists on WhatsApp. This earned her a weekend in prison — more punishment than all but one of the rapists.
As you would expect in Germany these days, eight of the nine rapists have immigrant backgrounds. At trial, they showed no remorse for the gang rape, which they recorded on video.
German elections in the eastern states this autumn are likely to send shockwaves through the German political landscape, with the latest poll from Saxony showing the Alternative for Germany (AfD) leading at 32 percent. However, AfD performing well in these elections is mostly already baked in, and now the German political establishment is looking for ways to keep the party out of power, including what will likely be extremely unorthodox alliances.
The real twist in these polls is the introduction of the newly formed leftist BSW party, led by Sahra Wagenknecht. In the poll from Saxony, the party is in third place with 15 percent. Until recently, Wagenknecht’s party did not even exist.
The Christian Democrats (CDU) are in a close second behind the AfD. If the elections were held now, the only possible coalitions would be AfD and BSW, AfD and CDU, and CDU and BSW. In such a scenario, any governing coalition in Saxony would only need 44 percent of the vote to govern, as most parties would not make the cut to enter parliament.
Sonntagsfrage zur Landtagswahl in Sachsen • INSA für LVZ, SZ und FP: AfD 32 % | CDU 30 % | BSW 15 % | GRÜNE 5 % | SPD 5 % | DIE LINKE 4 % | FDP 2 % | Sonstige 7 % ➤ Verlauf: 🗓️Nächste Landtagswahl: 1. September 2024
Why are only these three coalition combinations possible? The polling continues to reveal the historic crash of left-liberal parties, with the Greens at 5 percent, the Social Democrats at 5 percent, and the Free Democrats at a measly 2 percent. With a 5 percent threshold, all of these parties are threatened with being voted entirely out of parliament, which would be a catastrophe for the governing coalition parties.
As a result, the CDU will have limited options about whom to work with when all the votes are counted, at least according to current polling.
It is true that the BSW is considered so far to the left that any coalition with it will immediately harm CDU’s credibility. Furthermore, on key issues such as the war in Ukraine, the CDU and BSW parties are diametrically opposed, with BSW promoting an immediate ceasefire. However, the CDU and BSW coalition is the most likely outcome if both parties can secure enough votes, as the CDU will be under enormous pressure to choose this scenario, even if the CDU and AfD are closer ideologically on a range of domestic issues.
Secondly, the BSW and CDU have not ruled out cooperation at the state level, according to German news outlet MDR. For example, in the eastern state of Thuringia, polling shows a similar situation as in Saxony, with the AfD and the CDU leading, while the BSW has soared higher, reaching 21 percent. There, the BSW regional leader Katja Wolf ruled out a coalition with the AfD but said alliances with other parties are possible.
Sonntagsfrage zur Landtagswahl in Thüringen • Infratest dimap / MDR: AfD 28 % | CDU 23 % | BSW 21 % | DIE LINKE 11 % | SPD 7 % | GRÜNE 4 % | Sonstige 6 % ➤ Verlauf: 🗓️Nächste Landtagswahl: 1. September 2024
“It must be possible to talk and reach compromises with all democratic parties,” said Wolf.
BSW is well positioned to serve as a “spoiler” party against the AfD, just as many on the left had hoped for. The CDU, in turn, will work with the far-left party as needed, and the media will likely be in place to support its decision. Importantly, the German political establishment, including the CDU, will not have to compromise on key foreign policy issues, as the BSW will have little influence on the course of the war in Ukraine at the local state level. The war will continue, open borders will remain in place, and the AfD will be contained.
At least, that is the plan.
Of course, even a shift of a few points in either direction could mean a BSW and CDU coalition is no longer possible, leaving AfD a window to enter a potential coalition government. However, there are still many months to go until elections are held. The AfD could lose or gain support in the east, although it appears to have hit a temporary ceiling in the east over the last year.
If the EU elections were any barometer, the media and the government will likely wait until the final two months of the state elections to spring investigations, launch arrests, and wage a massive media campaign against the right. Despite this last media onslaught against the AfD, it appeared to have little effect in the east of Germany, where the AfD rose to be the number one party in the country.
The AfD is hoping to break the firewall. It is up to voters in the east if this will ever happen.
A group of dark-clad individuals attacked 70-year-old National Rally (RN) candidate Hervé Breuil as he was handing out election flyers in the French city of Saint-Étienne.
Breuil suffered a stroke as a result of the brutal assault on June 20 and was taken to hospital, an official of the party’s local federation told French newspaper Le Parisien.
According to the Saint-Étienne prosecutor’s office, an investigation for “group violence” has been opened.
A young RN activist present with associates who witnessed the attack told news outlet Francebleu it was “a co-ordinated assault” and the culprits had been scouting out the area beforehand.
The unnamed activist said that when they were leaving, around 11:30am, they were confronted by four masked individuals, all dressed in black, coming towards them and then pushing and threatening them.
There were five RN activists at the time, “including four elderly people” the young man said, adding that he recognised certain people, whom he claimed were “close to LFI [La France Insoumise], to revolutionary Communist organisations”.
RN reportedly suspended leaflet operations in the constituency due to the presence of “aggressive left-wing radicals”.
Michel Lucas, the RN departmental delegate in the Loire who was not present at the time of the events, said Breuil, who carries a pacemaker, suffered a “mini stroke” caused by the attack.
Three complaints have been filed regarding the incident, Lucas said, noting that one of the RN activists recorded videos of the attack and sent them to the police.
Breuil was a candidate in his constituency for the legislative elections in 2022. He won 15 per cent of the vote in the first round.
Marine Le Pen, de facto leader of the hard-right RN, blamed the attack on the New Popular Front, accusing the alliance of such on social media.
“Cowardly attack by the ultra-left militias, supporters of the New Popular Front, Hervé Breuil, our candidate in Saint-Etienne, is still hospitalised this evening,” she wrote.
“An electoral campaign in a democracy cannot allow this unleashing of ultra-violence from an extreme-left ready to do anything to sow chaos. We send him our friendly support and [wish him] a speedy recovery.
Lâchement agressé par les milices d’ultra-gauche, soutiens du Nouveau Front Populaire, Hervé Breuil, notre candidat à Saint-Etienne, est ce soir toujours hospitalisé. Une campagne électorale dans une démocratie ne saurait admettre ce déchaînement d’ultraviolence d’une…
“All my affection goes to Hervé Breuil and the friends of the Loire. You are the pride of this country,” RN spokeswoman Laure Lavalette said on X on the evening of June 20. “Our commitment will not waver in the face of violence. Stand firm, stand firm,” Le Pen added.
Also on X, Andrée Taurinya, the outgoing LFI MP for the constituency, who is running under the New Popular Front barrier, wrote: “At La France Insoumise, we ban physical violence in politics. We will never attack a candidate.”
Mathilde Panot, one of the leaders of La France Insoumise Party, was summoned by the police for allegedly engaging in “apology of terrorism”.
Screengrab from Gera: Police downplay the crime Photo: TikToK // Screenshot JF
They choke him, they mock him, they beat him again and again. In Gera, 20 Syrians and Afghans gather to torture a German schoolboy. They proudly post the video on social media. And what happens? Nothing. Bodo Ramelow—politically responsible for such excesses of violence as Minister-President—instead prefers to ponder how his dying party can somehow cling on to power in Thuringia.
When an eight-year-old girl from Ghana is tripped up in Grevesmühlen, the entire country gets turned upside down. Even when police accounts of racial violence and kicks to the face are disproven, there are still calls for demonstrations. The Minister-President of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Manuela Schwesig, warned against “trivializing” anything—even though there had been no attack at all. Mind you, this was after she had shamelessly exploited the false report for her own political agenda.
What would happen in Thuringia and the rest of the country if 20 German schoolchildren tortured a foreign boy for several minutes? Television’s Tagesschau would be all over it—and so would the Minister of the Interior. Clad in a black suit, the chancellor would publish video messages while hordes of left-wing journalists made a pilgrimage to the scene of the crime and wrote articles deploring life in the “baseball bat years.”
Nothing to see here
But this? It’s just a local German. Collateral damage. It just happens. Please move on, there’s nothing to see here. This political double standard—if you can still speak of ‘morality’ at all—is of course nothing new and is in the blood of this country’s political so-called elite.
Take the government’s anti-discrimination commissioner, for instance. A woman who distinguished herself above all by defaming the locals as “potatoes.” She probably wouldn’t have it any other way. They will also shout “potatoes” in Neukölln schoolyards when the last Germans there are harassed and beaten.
Grevesmühlen here, Gera there. That is also remarkable. While the police in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are taking the precaution of publishing the worst version of the story they have heard, the beating of the boy in Gera—including the choking attacks—is described in the statement as causing a “minor injury.” After all, he is not in a coma.
Why young people vote for right-wing parties
There is a lot of discussion at the moment about why young people are increasingly voting for the AfD. There are many attempts at explanations: the climate issue is no longer as dominant; the AfD is more present on TikTok; coronavirus measures linger on; blah blah blah.
But no one seems to be stating the obvious. Reality. The reality is that schools are failing across Germany. Even in East German cities like Gera. There, young Germans disarmed by society meet their peers, most of whom have been socialized in rather broken violent societies. Where the law of the jungle applies. Where people get kicked in the head. Where twenty against one is not a sign of cowardice, but of the culturally accepted assertion of power. Malte and Stefan will probably get a spanking at home if they get into a fight at school. Their immigrant classmates, on the other hand, probably won’t.
An impotent state
“Crime prevention measures” are now to be taken in Gera. What are they supposed to be? ‘Sharing circles,’ talks with left-wing youth workers? A serious discussion? You don’t have to be an expert to diagnose the futility of this undertaking. The uninhibited perpetrators of violence encounter a justice system that is tailored to a largely pacified society in which the idea of punishment takes a back seat to all sorts of other things. A justice system in which the first rape is frequently punished with probation. None of this is a serious deterrent. In fact, offenders under the age of 14 generally get off scot-free. This cocktail of hypocritical politics, overstretched police, and a justice system on the verge of collapse is toxic. It turns the weak into fair game and ultimately encourages a social radicalization that will have a serious impact on this country and, above all, on all those who are not driven through the streets behind bulletproof glass and whose children cannot escape these conditions by quickly moving to “less unfavorably socially-mixed neighborhoods”—as an editor of the taz once euphemistically put it.
As some Catholics know, Archbishop Viganò is a hero in the eyes of many who do not enjoy the spectacle of Pope Francis’ continual and seemingly ongoing reversal of Catholic teaching and law. The hyperpolitical, leftist Pope has been, by his own words, engaged in irreversibly (he hopes) and increasingly modifying (according to his own predilections) the Catholic Church since he took papal office. Sound like anybody you know?
Viganò has been consistently faithful to Canon Law and to the established teachings of the Church, his warnings falling against a wall of thunderous silence from most of the Western bishops (some in America have supported him) and various dogbodies who tend to the administrative bidding of the Vatican rather than to follow the clear teachings of Jesus and his apostolic instructions. Viganò’s positions are therefore judged by Pope Francis and his like as those of a conservative and faithful priest — not a globalist or environmentalist or an advocate of a post-national, socialist world.
Today, Viganò has been summoned to Rome with the threat of excommunication:
“Rome — June 20, 2024
The disgraced former papal nuncio to the United States, Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, announced that he has been charged with schism by the Vatican’s doctrinal office, after a six-year rogue period in which he called for Pope Francis to resign and labeled him a “false prophet.”
On June 20, the archbishop posted on his own website a two-page decree from the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith ordering him to appear for a trial regarding “public statements that show a denial of points necessary for the preservation of communion with the Catholic Church.”
The decree is dated June 11 and is signed by Msgr. John Kennedy, secretary of the doctrinal office’s disciplinary section, requesting that Viganò present himself on June 20 at 15:30 to formally receive the accusation and evidence against him.”
Actually, if there has been, or might be, any schism, it could sooner be laid at the door of Pope Francis himself. He has allowed politics and his own self-importance to destroy his only legitimate apostolic role, as a shepherd of Jesus’ faith. Francis courts the press, speaking out continually in a purely political framework; he scorns regular Catholics in America, he invites and courts celebrities and politicians with a frequency and tastelessness never approximated by any Pope in history. While reversing Canon Law with impunity himself, the Pope is now using his reimagined authority to possibly ex-communicate Viganò:
More recently, in 2022, Italy’s military chaplain, Archbishop Santo Marciano, published an open letter to Viganò condemning his spread of conspiracy theories.
In his June 20 blog post, Viganò said he considered the charges brought against him to be an “honor.”
“A representative from the Vatican’s doctrinal office did not immediately respond to NCR’s request for comment. The decree states that if Viganò remains unresponsive through June 28, he will be sentenced in absentia.
It is telling that the Pope’s episcopal staff used the slogan ‘conspiracy theory’ in its 2022 letter to Viganò — the very phrase is redolent of the word-justifications for the current persecution of Christians by the American Left. In fact, much of the Pope’s current embroglios into politics reflect his obvious preference for ideology over substance, for opinion over matters of faith, and, most unfortunately, reveal a Bidenesque spite in his Papal wielding of power. In both men, personal interest is judged, instinctively or not, of far more relevance than that of their oaths of office. Next thing, the Pope will be talking ‘disinformation’ — if he hasn’t already.
“Christians are progressively banished from civil society and considered a threat to the subversive project of the New World Order, while a minority of the vicious and perverted claim to erect their deviations as the universal norm. Here is the “visibility” of Biden and the woke ideology, celebrating a macabre mad dance to the abyss.”
No wonder Archbishop Viganò is in trouble in Rome, in a Vatican we have never seen before.
Sixty-six-year-old Dana Sue Gray does not cut a sympathetic figure. She is currently serving a life sentence in Central California’s Women’s Facility (CCWF) – a women’s prison – for murdering and then robbing three of her elderly neighbours in the 1990s and going on a shopping spree. Recently, however, she has reportedly been sexually assaulted in jail – by a trans-identifying man serving his sentence with the women.
According to a report by the Daily Mail, Gray reports that she began sharing a dormitory with the trans-identifying male convict early in 2023, and that initially relations were “real friendly.” That soon changed as he became first verbally abusive, and then sexually abusive. One night, the man launched an all-out assault. “He came into my bed area and pulled his pants down and shoved his d***k in my face,” Gray told the Independent Women’s Forum.
Gray described the experience as “terrifying and disgusting” and told the man to back off. The first assault, she says, was merely a “show of male dominance.” He reappeared the following night, and this time he “put that big man hand on my back, on my shoulder blade” while she was sleeping. She woke up panicking and told him: “Stay the F out of my area. Don’t ever come to my area. Don’t ever touch me.” She told a guard, and the man was moved to a different yard – but still in the women’s prison. She did not file a formal complaint alleging assault for fear that she would have been isolated.
Gray is not the only female inmate to be assaulted of late. California has sent trans-identifying men to female prisons since 2020, when Senate Bill 123 was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom. Men can be sent to female prisons merely by claiming to be a woman – so-called “self-identification” – and do not have to have any sex change procedures or hormone treatments prior to being transferred. According to both Gray and other prisoners, the arrival of males in female prisons has transformed them.
“It’s disgusting and I have to be polite and deal with it for my own safety, and so that I have a less stressful day, but I don’t like it,” she said. “I don’t want any of them here. I want them to go away. It degrades women so bad.” Many of the women, she added, are poorly educated and particularly vulnerable. The Mail reported that the California prison system has 1,997 detainees who currently identify as transgender and non-binary, and 345 male prisoners have requested transfers to women’s prisons. Thus far, “46 were approved, 64 were denied, and 87 inmates have changed their minds.”
The California Department of Corrections insists that all requests are carefully reviewed, and that transfers are only approved when it is “safe to do so.” This is obviously not the case. Stories of women being sexually assaulted by trans-identifying men behind bars have come out everywhere the practice has been implemented, including Canada, the U.K., and the U.S. Fifty-one-year-old Tremaine Carroll, a trans-identifying man, has been charged with raping two women after being moved to the Central California’s Women’s Facility. He is six foot two, and one of his victims was a slight female in her thirties. He raped her in the shower of their shared dormitory. She is still suffering enormous trauma as a result.
There are plenty of other recent examples, as well. A murderer in Spain serving a 30-year prison sentence for murdering his female neighbor is now identifying as female – and getting transferred to a women’s prison. Other criminals are getting in on the grift, too, hoping it might result in cushier sentences: a violent serial rapist in Scotland has just announced his in-prison transition and demanded “gender affirming” care; an American pedophile convicted of raping his 7-year-old stepdaughter is appealing his life sentence after announcing he is now transgender; last month, a U.K. pedophile was sentenced to a mere 16 months prison, and claims to identify as a 5-year-old girl.
The sexual assault of Dana Sue Gray is just one example of a phenomenon unfolding everywhere the transgender movement has implemented its agenda. She richly deserves the life sentence she received, and she deserves to spend the rest of her life in prison. But to be locked up with a violent man who wishes to rape her is something different. I believe the best way to describe it would be “cruel and unusual punishment.”
Reduxx has learned that a prominent trans activist who served on the board of Transgender Michigan hoarded pornography and graphic images sexualizing young girls and teenagers. Vanessa Emma Goldman, who served as the director of 503(c) charity Transgender Michigan for 11 years, worked alongside the founder of the Trans Day of Visibility.
Trans Day of Visibility was created on March 31, 2009, by Rachel Crandall-Crocker, the executive director of Transgender Michigan. Crandall-Crocker worked closely with Goldman for over a decade, the latter even dedicating a birthday fundraiser to the trans activist group.
Previously known as Vincent Prygoski, Goldman had also worked as a senior associate librarian at the University of Michigan-Flint for almost two decades. During that time, and according to a statement from the University, Goldman was “very involved” in the Women’s and Gender Studies Program and the Women’s Commission. He was also a former chair of UM-Flint’s Faculty Council.
Crandall and Goldman at the 2011 Transgender Day of Empowerment at Affirmations in Ferndale.
Despite holding an influential position in aspects of UMF’s women’s programs, Goldman was simultaneously hoarding pornography and other disturbing images, as well as cataloguing photos of underage girls.
Reduxx has reviewed hundreds of images saved to Goldman’s online photo storage account – which in total amounted to over 70 webpages worth of content, with dozens of images per page. Among the photos “favorited” by Goldman are hundreds of pornographic images of young, naked women in various poses. In a few instances, the subjects appear to be underage.
Other images featured pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and naked or almost naked young girls or infants.
Some of the photos appear to have been taken from family photo albums elsewhere on the internet, with the subjects – all women and children – likely unaware that their images had been saved or stolen by Goldman.
Goldman saved dozens of photos of mothers with their babies, breastfeeding mothers, and pregnant women.
While some of the images were not strictly “sexual” in nature – depicting nude children playing at the beach, or girls in gymnastics leotards, for example – Goldman had collected a significant amount of these images in the same album he had largely dedicated to actual pornography.
Goldman saved many photos featuring teenage or pre-pubescent girls in gymnastic gear and poses.
Many of the images include high school-aged cheerleaders in their uniforms, a theme Goldman appeared to enjoy as he frequently dressed up in used cheerleader uniforms himself.
Goldman edited photos of himself to resemble magazine covers aimed at teen girls and young women.
Photos taken and uploaded by Goldman to his photo storage account depict him dressed in the uniforms both at home and at a public playground.
He would also edit some of his self-portraits in a manner resembling magazine covers, with names such as “American Cheerleader,” “Teen Queen,” “Cheerleader,” and “Playboy.”
A lesser amount of the pornography gathered by Goldman involves crossdressing men, pictured posing in women’s underwear, such as brassieres and lingerie. There are also images of famous pin-up model Bettie Page, known for photoshoots involving BDSM activities, such as bondage and flagellation.
Accounts followed by Goldman incorporate themes of transvestic fetishism and a genre of pornography known as sissification.
One profile followed by the trans activist, belonging to a middle-aged man who calls himself “Sissy Bella,” shows him wearing nipple clamps, chains, or wearing lingerie and dresses – occasionally captioning the photos with words such as “whore” and “slut.”
Image from one of the pornographic “sissy” accounts followed by Goldman.
In 2011, Goldman was invited to perform for the University of Flint Michigan’s rendition of The Vagina Monologues. During the event, he wore a t-shirt reading “this is what a feminist looks like.” He also gushed over his selection for the role specifically because he was transgender.
“I read part of the monologue titled ‘They Beat the Girl Out of Me’ which is about transgender women like me,” Goldman wrote of the event, adding, “It was SUCH an honor to be in the VMs, even though I do not even have a vagina.”
Labella is a Canadian trans-identified male cartoon artist most well-known for his series Assigned Male. In February of 2021, Labelle came under widespread scrutiny after it was discovered that he had quietly been producing and posting diaper fetish art on stealth social media accounts, including “furry art” site FurAffinity.
Facing the beginnings of a scandal, Labelle attempted to “come out” as a ‘little’ on Facebook — a person who role-plays as a child during sexual encounters. As backlash on social media increased, Labelle then admitted to creating the “diaperfur” art as part of a “kink.”
Goldman / Prygoski. Source: Facebook
Transgender Michigan (TGMI), the organization Goldman oversaw, is still headed by Crandall-Crocker, the founder of the Trans Day of Visibility. TGMI is widely cited in media reports celebrating the Trans Day of Visibility, which occurs on March 31 every year. In recent years, the initiative has been observed internationally, and, on March 30, 2023, the White House issued “A Proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility.”
Signed by US President Biden, the statement asserts that March 31 “celebrates the joy, strength, and absolute courage of some of the bravest people I know.”
In recognition of Transgender Day of Remembrance in 2021, the Thompson Library where Goldman had worked shared a photo of him.
On Goldman’s left arm, a tattoo of an illustrated character from the children’s show My Little Pony can be seen, surrounded by butterfly wings.
The character is emblematic of an online subculture known as “bronies,” or adult men who watch the children’s cartoon. The fandom is controversial, with critics accusing those involved of harboring pedophilic inclinations.
Lynching of tourist by Islamists in Swat, images via X
On Thursday (20th June) night, a mob of frenzied Muslims lynched a man after accusing him of desecrating the Quran in the Madyan area in Swat district in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.
As per reports, the victim was a native of Sialkot district in Punjab province of Pakistan and had been on a visit to Swat as a tourist. The Muslim mob alleged that he set fire to some pages of the Quran and used it as a pretext to carryout his lynching.
It must be mentioned that the Swat police had initially taken the ‘blasphemy accused’ into its custody to prevent any untoward law and order. However, the frenzied mob charged at the police station dragged out the victim and took him away.
A tourist from Punjab was burnt alive inside the police station by an angry mob after being accused of blasphemy.
While speaking about the matter to Dawn, Swat District Police Officer (DPO) Dr Zahidullah Khan informed, “People set fire to the police station and a mobile vehicle.” A total of 8 people were injured during the attack.
The victim was then lynched and his body was set on fire (torched). A video of the disturbing incident went viral on social media on Thursday (June 20th night).
Following the incident, a heavy police force was deployed in Madyan area to pacify the situation and bring law and order under control. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur has taken cognisance of the matter and appealed to the Muslims to maintain peace.
He has also summoned a report on this matter and directed SDPO Dr Zahidullah Khan to control the situation immediately.
Christian man killed by Muslim mob in Sialkot
In May this year, an elderly Christian man named Nazir Masih was lynched by a frenzied Muslim mob over dubious allegations of Toheen-e-Mazhab (blasphemy). The incident took place in Mujahid Colony in Sargodha city in Punjab province of Pakistan.
The Muslim mob vandalised Masih’s house, looted his factory and set him ablaze over rumours that he burnt pages of the Quran. In reality, the victim was acting out of goodwill and that cost him his life.
While speaking about the matter to Swarajya, the nephew of the victim Tariq Sajid said that a massive storm swept through their neighbourhood in the intervening night between 24th May and 25th May.
As a result, debris accumulated on the street in Mujahid Colony and made it difficult for people to commute. The elderly Christian man swept the street and collected the garbage near an electricity pole, without knowing that it contained a box full of pages from the Quran.
Nazir Masih then set the garbage on fire. A Muslim passerby saw the victim burning the debris and concluded that he intentionally burnt the holy Islamic text. This gave rise to a rumour that the Christian man deliberately committed blasphemy.
Sajid told Swarajya, “My uncle was only trying to do a good deed by cleaning the street, but see what it did to him.” He added that the contents of the box (known as Muqaddas Quran) must have accidentally fallen into the trash during the storm.
Reportedly, the radical Islamist outfit Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) put up boxes on street corners across Pakistan so that people can keep discarded holy texts in them instead of garbage bin.
According to Sajid, a jealous woman must have triggered the Muslim mob by falsely accusing Nazir Masih, a well-to-do Christian, of blasphemy.