Will Voters Turn the World Upside-Down?

Nosta Lgia

By J.B. Shurk

So the Great Awakening continues apace.  All over the West, men and women who simply want to be left alone are concluding that their governments will not let them live in peace.  Woe to any Establishment hobgoblins who believe they can sabotage their home nations without paying a price.

After having failed to implement Brexit or curtail mass illegal immigration during their last decade and a half in power, Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives appear destined for extinction-level losses in the U.K.’s July 4 general election.  This regrettably means that Labor’s champagne socialists will seize Parliament’s suicidal reins and drive that once great nation deeper into the ground.  But in the background of Great Britain’s self-immolation is the resurgence of Brexit champion Nigel Farage, who enjoys unprecedented support for his Reform Party.  Because the U.K.’s Deep State has refused to honor the terms of Brexit, the British people are ready to overturn the whole system.  July 4 — what a lovely day for a revolution!

Emmanuel Macron, the Rothschild banker and diminutive king who married his grandmotherly schoolteacher, will likely suffer electoral humiliation of his own in France’s legislative elections over the next two weeks.  The Napoleon wannabe — who speaks snobbishly of European empire and prefers to be photographed while kitted out in the latest boxing fashion — called for snap elections in a stompy-foot hissy fit after the French people handed him heavy losses in the European Parliament vote earlier this month.  Just as Le Petit Fromage seems to believe that he can convey strength by staring menacingly at stationary punching bags, Macron thinks his political hubris can transform almost certain defeat into chance victory.  The French people, on the other hand, are fed up with mass illegal immigration, rising crime, and deteriorating standards of living (common complaints throughout the West) and are not particularly enthused about the growing prospect of a hot war with Russia.  It is difficult to persuade French citizens that they should rally around their tricolor flag and defend Ukraine’s borders when French aristocrats continue to lecture the peasants that national borders are so passé (another common complaint throughout the West).

Of course, the granddaddy of imminent political earthquakes is the (cross your fingers, throw a pinch of salt over your shoulder, turn around three times, and whisper, “MAGA-MAGA-MAGA”) likely return of President Trump to the White House.  Oh, I know the Democrat Deep State will continue to do everything it can to rig the election in November (even if it has to throw the MAGA Man in prison and wake up half the dead people in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and Phoenix to “vote”), but political polling in the United States continues to show Iron Trump with substantial leads over Horse-Glue Biden.  If the United States didn’t have a third-world election system devoid of voter identification and rife with mail-in-ballot fraud, the propaganda press would already be grudgingly admitting that Biden’s re-election hopes are as dead as a doornail.  Since Dementia Joe is the president for dead voters, though, and because he managed to “win” fifteen million more votes than the progressive demigod Barack Obama did during his re-election campaign, the Fascist Bureau of Intimidation and the Department of (in)Justice are still telling everyone, “Don’t worry.  We’ve got this.”  As Hans Gruber would say, “You ask for a miracle?  I give you the FBI.” 

Just as in 2020, the federal government is busy conspiring with social media companies to censor any videos that might make Wandering Joe look feeble, confused, dumb, ignorant, senile, angry, or incontinent.  That must be a tough job for our A.I. tech lords since being feeble, confused, dumb, ignorant, senile, angry, and incontinent is kind of Joe’s brand.  Once you start mass-deleting embarrassing videos of the guy whose uncle was eaten by cannibals, you risk wiping (like, with a cloth?) his whole existence right off the Internet.  Can’t have that; how can America’s puppet “president” pretend to “lead” the “free world” if he can’t be seen?  

All of those ironic “scare quotes” in the last sentence remind me of the way the great writer-fighter James Howard Kunstler handles the man currently stumbling around naked in the Oval Office.  Whenever he discusses “Joe Biden,” he always puts his name inside quotation marks as a way to signal to the reader that Joe Biden does not really exist.  “Joe Biden” is just part of the Deep State’s kabuki “democracy.”  He’s a figurehead occasionally pumped full of amphetamines and presented to the rest of the world as some sort of bizarre nuclear superpower proof-of-life.  Russia’s Putin and China’s Xi are under no illusion that the doddering child-sniffer suffering from furious paranoia is really running things in the United States.  There is no president leading the free world right now because there is no president, no leadership, and no free world today.  

The chief purpose of the West’s COVID police state, after all, was to give the Establishment’s technocratic totalitarians several years to hunt around for things in society that looked free-ish, so that any residual safeguards against their authoritarianism could be promptly euthanized.  In Marxist globalism’s build back better dystopia, it’s kill or be killed.  And if the West’s obsession with wareconomic devastation, unreliable electric grids, unrestricted immigration, assisted suicide, vulnerable food supplies, abortion, and experimental “vaccines” has proved anything, it is this: the Establishment Blob really enjoys killing things.

Right now Deep State assassins throughout the West have set their sights on free speech.  As the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab would readily tell you, it is incredibly difficult to be a successful Bond villain when ordinary Westerners are allowed to say mean things.  Americans, Brits, and Germans cannot be permitted to express outrage when politicians allow dangerous illegal aliens to rape and murder their children.  Farmers cannot be permitted to protect their nations’ food supplies from rabid “green”-energy fanatics intent on delivering global famine.  Voters cannot be permitted to vote out all the Marxist globalists dedicated to foisting biometric surveillance and central bank digital funny money upon the masses.  Don’t the little people understand that the important people must protect “democracy” by censoring dissent, abrogating property rights, rigging elections, and subverting popular sovereignty?  

The German government certainly understands.  As the Alternative for Germany (AfD) — the second most popular political party in the country — continues to gain public support for its commonsense solutions to rampant illegal immigration, the German Deep State is getting closer than ever to outright banning the party as a “security risk for people and democracy.”  As Germany enjoys an esteemed reputation as a champion for liberty and human rights (sarcasm alert!), no doubt many other Western nations will follow its exemplary approach to protecting “democracy” by destroying it.  Dwarf ruler Macron would surely get on board with banning Marine Le Pen’s National Rally from France.  The Labor Party’s Keir Starmer (so sorry, Siiiirrrr Keir Starmer) would love to ban Nigel Farage’s Reform U.K. Party from ever obtaining power.  “Joe Biden” is just jumping at the chance to outlaw the Make America Great Again political movement in the United States.  

Hmmm, come to think of it, “Joe Biden” has already imprisoned hundreds of MAGA voters for protesting election fraud on January 6, 2021.  Unindicted Russia Hoax co-conspirators John Brennan and James Clapper worked with the Department of Homeland (in)Security to target all Trump-supporters as likely “domestic terrorists.”  And Reichsführer Merrick Garland and his Department of (in)Justice are desperate to jail President Trump before the 2024 election.  The Nazi-like authoritarianism that has retaken Germany bears too much of a resemblance for comfort to the grotesque tyrannies metastasizing inside the United States.

Twenty twenty-four might just be the year voters turn the world upside-down.


I fly, you take the train: what the elite plans for Europe’s climate ‘sacrifice’

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The European Commission has accepted a European initiative called ‘Air-Quotas’ which aims to introduce carbon quotas for all citizens in order to reduce their consumption.

First, they admit that it is “air transport,” but then it will be “services and goods” that will be affected by this pollution quota.

This may come as a surprise to newcomers to politics, but it is not something new or something the Commission have just pulled out of the bag.

The development of the carbon account began in 2019 during the Citizens’ Climate Convention in France which proposed “a systemic response to the need to reduce our greenhouse gases by 80% before 2050.”

Under the guise of climate change, the political-corporate elite has made plans for the entire world, changes that could be called a “revolution.”

Part of them are born out of what World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab calls the “fourth industrial revolution” which, according to the organisation’s website, is the fusion of “biological beings, digital devices and technology.”

Beyond the anthropological revolution known as “transhumanism,” what the WEF has proposed is a top-down vertical transformation of our societies.

At the 2021 Davos Forum, the institution acknowledged: “One positive aspect of the pandemic is that it has taught us that we can make radical changes to our lifestyles very quickly. Citizens have amply demonstrated that they are willing to make sacrifices for the sake of health care and other essential workers and vulnerable populations, such as the elderly. It is clear that there is a will to build a better society and we must harness this will to secure the Great Reset we so urgently need”.

“From 2021 onwards, the way the middle classes travel must change dramatically,” it was stated that same year. As they warned, “air travel is going to be more than halved in the next few years. Airplanes pollute too much.”

For this reason, the Davos Forum announced at the end of the summit that the middle classes will once again travel by sleeper train.

It is not a new thought from them. A WEF report three years ago forecast an increase in sleeper trains: “National rail operators in four countries – Germany, France, Austria and Switzerland – have announced plans to revive the continent’s network of night trains. Routes from Vienna to Munich and on to Paris, and Zurich to Amsterdam via Cologne will be re-established in 2021. Further routes – linking Berlin, Brussels, Rome and even Barcelona – are planned within the next few years, reviving services that were declining in recent decade,” reads the article.

What this means is that air travel will become a privilege of the rich. The price of flights will be raised with the excuse of pollution, air travel will become a sometimes-unreachable luxury for the working class.

The European Union agreed to call 2021 “the year of the European railway.” Boosting rail travel could help the bloc achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. “Where would you take the night train to?” they ask in a WEF advertisement.

Three years ago it was difficult to discern how this might be imposed, but after the Commission’s move it is clear where this is heading.

If this proposal is finally accepted, each citizen will be allocated a number of points. Once these are used up, only people who can afford to buy more from other citizens who have not consumed them will be able to travel.

Let us not forget other parallel proposals that are already underway, such as the “15-minute city” in which the aim is to make all services available within a maximum radius of 15 minutes.

The proposal is positive, it would help to access certain services that are difficult to use in some cities, but the small print includes the control of citizens’ mobility with security cameras and biometric reading, as well as of vehicles.

If this system is fully implemented, citizens’ freedom of movement will be drastically affected in the name of fighting “climate change.”

Some, starting with the Greens – its main promoters – will embrace this way of life. Others, the most, will suffer the miserable consequences.

I fly, you take the train: what the elite plans for Europe’s climate ‘sacrifice’ (brusselssignal.eu)

Climate Cultists on the Loose – Spray-painting Stonehenge, launching a sex strike, and naked bike riding

As far back as the 1960s and ‘70s, activists on a mission to save the planet from various environmental cataclysms (none of which ever materialized) have resorted to stoking panic to generate support for their hysterical pronouncements that all life on earth faces imminent extinction. “I don’t want you to be hopeful,” young climate activist icon Greta Thunberg once lectured the one-percenters of the Davos crowd. “I want you to panic.” Fear is a more deep-seated motivation than rational argument, especially if people are no longer falling for the sophistry and manipulated statistics from scientists corrupted by the promises of Green Reset profit and power.

Now that most people aren’t falling for the fear-mongering anymore, climate activists have given up trying to win support by manipulating people emotionally; instead, they have resorted to a counterintuitive strategy of simply antagonizing people – with traffic blockades, the destruction of priceless works of art, and eco-terrorism. The latest climate change protests include such unhinged actions as painting the Stonehenge monument, launching a sex strike, and riding naked through the streets of Madison, Wisconsin.

Last week a pair of environmental protesters from the widely-detested Britain-based Just Stop Oil group spray-painted the famed ancient Stonehenge megaliths orange, before being tackled by tourists. “We have to come together to defend humanity or we risk everything,” said a spokesperson for Just Stop Oil. Blah, blah, blah.

In another example, the equally unlikeable activists at PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, recently launched a campaign for women to withhold sex from their male partners until men agree to go vegan to save animals and stop climate change.

In a statement titled “Leave the Meat in the Sheets—Go Vegan in the Streets” posted on its official blog, PETA issued the call for a sex strike:

PETA is erecting—ahem—launching new ads warning that eating animal flesh can cause impotence and is calling on people to join the sex strike, and stop having sex with their meat-eating husbands and boyfriends until they go vegan. Why? A study found that men contribute significantly more to the climate catastrophe than women through their consumption of animal flesh.

It included an ad depicting a frustrated male in bed with a woman whose arms are crossed in self-righteous determination to do her part to save the planet. The caption reads, “Don’t Give a F—. Meat is linked to IMPOTENCE and clogs other arteries, too. Join PETA’s sex strike until men stop eating meat. Please, go vegan.”

This isn’t the first time PETA has tried to rally women to hold out until their men, driven mad by unfulfilled desire, are finally coerced to pretend to give up their backward, carnivorous ways. PETA told Fox News Digital,

Women went wild for PETA’s call for a sex strike on meat-eating men in 2022, and with a new study showing that men’s meaty eating habits cause 41% more greenhouse gasses, we know it’s time to ramp it back up. Women have always had power in the kitchen and the bedroom—so we’re combining them to save animals, the planet, and our men’s health. After all, vegans don’t need Viagra and all its attendant risks!

PETA didn’t offer any evidence that vegan males don’t need Viagra, but one could certainly argue that they don’t need the erectile dysfunction pill because no woman wants to have sex with a vegan man.

In yet another example of environmentalist lunacy, Fox News reports on a recent protest event called the World Naked Bike Ride, held in Madison, Wisconsin and other cities internationally. The WNBR claimed the annual event was clothing-optional, open to minors provided they attend with a parent or guardian, and focused on protesting “against oil dependence, anti-bike infrastructure, sexualization of bodies, and body disempowerment.”

That seems like an odd combination of issues until you understand that the organizers are just grasping for excuses to justify their exhibitionist assault against bourgeois values. Protesting “oil dependence” seems rather tacked-on to what is almost certainly their deeper agenda, which is to normalize exposing kids to naked adults by riding Lady Godiva-like through the streets of Midwestern America.

One of the bike riders, for example, gave away the game by admitting, “One of the things that I love about the ride is seeing families out there with parents with their kids saying, ‘Hey, look at the naked riders. Wave at the naked riders,’ things like that. The ones that are doing that are sending their children very important message that this is not weird, this is not strange.” Spoken like a true left-wing groomer.

As I’ve written before, the reason climate activists embrace tactics that alienate potential supporters is because they don’t care any longer, if they ever did, about winning people over to their side:

Despite claiming that they want to open people’s eyes to a coming global disaster, and that they want masses of supporters to help them confront government offices and disrupt fossil fuel use, the truth of the matter is that they are uninterested in persuading people. They are uninterested in winning hearts and minds. Their aim is to steamroll right over what other people want and to force political change now.

Shockingly, this strategy is not getting the climate cultists what they want, which is for Western countries to abandon our fossil fuel-driven advancements and revert to a pre-civilized state to atone for our sins against Mother Gaia, because humans bad, planet good.

Witness, for example, this condescending European take on “self-indulgent” Americans and their planet-killing air conditioning habits. These people are not progressives; they’re regressives.

The religious fanatics of environmentalism are convinced of the righteousness and urgency of their planet-saving mission. Their sense of moral superiority means they have contempt for the average citizen just trying to get on with his or her life, whose commute to work they block in order to draw media attention to their cause. They want to deconstruct and fundamentally transform our way of life, regardless of how it impacts people, because they’re certain it’s for your own good.

I have news for these climate cultists: I live in Texas, where the summer heat is – to put it charitably – unforgiving. If they want to come for my air conditioning, they’re going to have to come and pry it from my comfortably cool, dead hands. Molon labe.


“Dirty Jews”, “We’re going to destroy the Torah”, “On the Koran”: six Jewish children attacked outside a cinema in Levallois, France

Another anti-Semitic attack in Hauts-de-Seine (92). The events took place not far from Courbevoie, where a 12-year-old girl was raped and assaulted against a backdrop of anti-Semitism on June 15. Last weekend, on the evening of Saturday June 22nd, a group of six minors were attacked as they left the So Ouest shopping centre in Levallois-Perret, on the edge of the 17th arrondissement of Paris. The six children, three boys and three girls aged between 11 and 14, who are siblings or cousins, had gone to see the animated film Vice-Versa 2 with their families. Some of them live in the 17th arrondissement. Shortly after 10pm, as they were leaving the cinema, a group of four boys, not much older, came towards them, according to a police source.
According to the account given by the victims’ family, the assailants first approached them, telling one of the boys (whom they had never seen, as he lives in Italy) “you insulted my mother, you’re going to pay”, before slapping him on the face. This was followed by other blows and insults such as “dirty Jews” and “we’re going to destroy the Torah”, all accompanied by comments such as “”on the Koran”, suggesting that the attackers were Muslims. One of the boys, dressed in white, was called a “faggot”, another was pushed to the ground, while the tallest girl in the group tried to intervene.

According to the family, a witness intervened, enabling the six children to escape. The four assailants nevertheless continued to pursue them. The victims finally found refuge at the Centre européen de Judaïsme, in the 17th arrondissement, where one of them had had his bar mitzvah a few weeks earlier. The six children were then cared for by police officers on site to ensure the safety of the premises.

The six minors were reunited with their parents that evening, who lodged a complaint. A video showing the start of the attack, recorded by one of the victims, was given to the police, according to the family, who were very shocked by what had happened. “We were told that this area of Levallois was not well frequented, that we had to be careful”, says the mother of three of the six victims, who explains that her children do not want to sleep alone or go out in the street. “They didn’t understand what was going on, why they were being attacked, or some of the insults being hurled”. Contacted by Valeurs actuelles, an elected official from the west of Paris confirmed: “It’s an area with a lot of social housing, with security problems, particularly brawls”. The 17th arrondissement of Paris has also regularly been the target of anti-Semitic or pro-Palestinian tags.

According to the Paris public prosecutor’s response to Le Figaro, the attack was deemed to be anti-Semitic in nature, given the insults uttered. In addition, two of the six victims were wearing necklaces with a metal plate reading “bring them home” in English and Hebrew, in reference to the Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas. Initially handled by the Paris public prosecutor’s office, the case was finally transferred to the public prosecutor’s office in Nanterre (92), as the events took place in the department under the jurisdiction of this court.

« Sales Juifs », « On va détruire la Torah », « Sur le Coran » : six enfants juifs agressés à la sortie d’un cinéma à Levallois – Valeurs actuelles

No Israelis in Brussels? Prepare to lose more than that

by Giulio Meotti

The football match between Belgium and Israel scheduled for September 6th in Brussels will not be possible. This was announced by the mayor of the Belgian and EU capital, Benoit Hellings, according to whom it would be “simply impossible” to guarantee public order and safety at the stadium and in the city.

“Hosting this match in our capital would provoke huge protests against it, compromising the safety of spectators, players, residents as well as the police force themselves,” Hellings said.

Poor mayor, it must be really complicated to manage a city conquered by Islam. And it couldn’t even do as in Malmö, which allowed Israeli Davis Cup tennis players to play, but without an audience. But that was in 2009, a century ago.

Indeed there are many things, beyond Israel, that we should no longer do for our own “security”. Publish cartoons? Exhibit statues of women in Sweden by an Iranian artist? Publishing “The Satanic Verses”? Show high school students a painting inspired by Ovid’s “Metamorphoses”? How far will we go, from blackmail to blackmail? The slippery slope is not a figure of speech, but it is terrifyingly reality when dealing with radical Muslims who hate, not just Israel, but all of Western culture.

And indeed there are many things you will no longer be able to do in your city once it has reached the Brussels stage of rot.

-You will no longer be able to organize a European conference of conservatives. The mayor will send the police like his private militia to barricade the doors.

-You will no longer be able to celebrate Christmas and Easter (let alone Hanukkah) at school.

-You will no longer be able to go around certain neighborhoods without a veil.

-You will no longer be able (if you are Lgbt) to walk hand in hand in certain areas.

-You will no longer be able to read Dante in the original version, but sweetened to please Islamic migrants.

-You will no longer be able to talk in school about the Holocaust or Voltaire making fun of Turkish culture.

-You will no longer be able to organize tributes in museums to the massacred cartoonists.

-You will no longer be able to go to the biggest bookstore and order a book critical of multiculturalism.

-You will no longer be able to walk around wearing the kippah.

However, if you are Muslim, you will be able to do things that infidels are not allowed to do and that are not allowed even in your countries of origin.

You can go to the Parliament of the Infidels and recite the suras of the Koran.

You can get elected to that Parliament and then go and be a minister for a foreign state, Turkey, that wants to subjugate the first.

You will be able to set parts of the city on fire if your foreign football team loses.

You can throw rocks at the basilicas.

You can raid the stands of critics of Islam at the Book Fair.

You can organize mass demonstrations in favor of Hamas.

You can buy hundreds of churches to make mosques.

You can bribe and buy European Parliament officials.

You will be able to found a party that wants to establish sharia.

You can invite the mayor of Tehran.

This is what is happening in Brussels.

On the other hand, as the terrorist of the Paris attacks, Salah Abdeslam from Brussels, said in the chamber, “Islam will triumph”.

Because when you no longer know how to give yourself a single reason to exist as a civilization, you will always find many reasons to die.

No Israelis in Brussels? Prepare to lose more than that | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

UPDATE-PARIS POOP PROTEST: French President Emmanuel Macron and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo to Swim in Seine River Today, Parisians Poop in River to Protest City Spending Over $1 Billion to Make River Swimable (VIDEO)


Need to poop in Paris? You can join Parisians in protesting French President Emmanuel Macron and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo by defecating in the Seine River before they jump in the water today!

Paris residents are protesting the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris and the city’s massive spending on a project to clean the Seine River to make it safe for Olympic swimmers to compete in.

After French President Emmanuel Macron and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo vowed to take a plunge in the water that has reportedly been unsafe to swim in for a century, Parisians online and on social media formulated a plan to make the politicians “bathe in our sh*t.”

Nosta Lgia

The hashtag #JeChieDansLaSeineLe23Juin,  which translates to, “I sh*t in the Seine on June 23,” and a website under the same name have gone viral, with supporters of the protest using it as a rallying cry urging everybody to sh*t in the water.

The website even has a calculator which will tell you what time to poop in the river in order to deliver your package to the capital by noon.

Read more:

Ireland’s Health Minister Rejects Proposed Amendment To Prohibit Pedophiles, Sex Offenders From Buying Children Via Surrogacy

The Health Minister of Ireland has rejected a proposed amendment to a recently passed Assisted Human Reproduction Bill which would have prohibited convicted sex offenders – including pedophiles – from purchasing babies from surrogate mothers, in Ireland or overseas.

Health Minister Stephen Donnell rejected a series of proposed changes during a debate in the Seanad on Thursday 20 June created by Senator Sharon Keogan, a critic of surrogacy.  

The Assisted Human Reproduction Bill (2022) passed without vote at the end of May. The bill outlines a framework for surrogacy within Ireland, limiting a legal surrogacy arranged to couples and surrogate mothers who have lived in Ireland for at least 2 years. The couple would need to have “at least one genetic link to the child” and there is to be no commercial transaction involved. However, surrogate mothers will be compensated for “reasonable expenses.”

The bill also outlines requirements for international surrogacy arrangements, outlining that children born internationally via commercial surrogacy to Irish citizens can receive legal recognition in Ireland. Critics of the bill have argued that international commercial surrogacy will make up the vast majority of the arrangements due to the ban of commercial surrogacy transactions within Ireland.

Senator Keogan previously said in a committee meeting on surrogacy that she “wholeheartedly objects to the commercialization of the human child and the relegation of women to the status of simply incubator or wombs for hire.” She added that she believes surrogacy is “harmful, exploitative, and unethical,” noting that it was not a human right to have a child.

Keogan proposed 15 amendments in total to the Assisted Human Reproduction Bill (2022), all of which were rejected by Health Minister Donnell.

One amendment would have saw baby buyers face harsh penalties such as fines or prison if they ever abandon a child conceived through surrogacy. Keogan defended this amendment saying it would serve as a deterrent “against negligent and irresponsible behavior that could harm the child or the birth mother’s well-being.”

“By prohibiting such individuals from offering surrogacy services again, the legislation seeks to prevent further occurrences of child abandonment and to hold accountable those who fail to fulfill their responsibilities as parents,” Keogan explained.

Keogan advocated for the use of fines and imprisonment for offenders, saying this reflects “the seriousness of child abandonment in the context of surrogacy and underscores the legal consequences faced by individuals who violate these regulations.”

Child abandonment is a serious issue in the surrogacy industry. Reports from Ukraine, India, Thailand, and Nepal show that many biological parents abandon children, particularly those with disabilities, born from surrogacy, leaving these children in developing countries that often lack the capacity to provide medical care and high quality of life.

“By combining legal penalties with ethical standards rooted in international instruments such as the Oviedo Convention, the amendments seek to create a framework upholding the well-being and integrity of children conceived through surrogacy services,” Keogan argued during the committee hearing.

In 2020, an Italian couple abandoned a baby girl born to a surrogate mother in Ukraine, leaving her in the custody of a nanny. The nanny was forced to contact Italian authorities fearing the couple would not return. Italian authorities at the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office were able to track down the “parents” and confirmed that the couple did not intend to take their daughter back. The little girl was placed up for adoption.

Another one of the amendments proposed by Keogan would have banned single men from accessing surrogacy. Health Minister Donnell blasted this amendment as “unacceptably discriminatory.”

A single male applicant would have to be genetically related to the child and have to satisfy the regulatory authority that they met all the criteria before their application were approved,” he said.

Keogan also attempted to have the minimum length of time surrogates and intending parents must be residing in Ireland extended from 2 years to 5 years, fearing that immigrant women who have recently relocated to Ireland would be vulnerable to exploitation. She was particularly concerned about Ukrainian women fleeing the Ukraine war to Ireland.

Senator Mary Seery Kearney denied that Ukrainian women fleeing the war in Ukraine were particularly vulnerable during the hearing. Notably, Kearney purchased a baby via surrogacy in May of 2015 from a surrogate mother in India. Under current Irish law she is not the legal mother of the little girl she purchased via surrogacy, but her husband is her legal father. She was granted guardianship after living with the child for 2 years.

Kearney praised the legislation, and stated that she hoped this legalization will allow her to gain full legal rights over the little girl she purchased from India. She was a keen supporter of international surrogacy being legalised under the bill.

“I had to be a co-habitee for two years with my own child before I could apply for guardianship. David [her husband] had to give his consent for that,” Kearney said perviously about her “surrogacy journey.”

The final amendment proposed by Keogan would have explicitly prohibited sex offenders from utilizing surrogacy to have children. Donnell rejected this final amendment on the grounds that it is up to the regulatory agency that will be established to carry out child safety assessments to determine the suitability of an applicant.

“In particular, it is envisaged that any issues relating to previous offences against children or women would be discovered through the safety of the child assessment. As such, I am not in a position to accept the amendments,” Donnelly said.

Keogon expressed disappointment that this amendment in particular did not pass.

“I am disappointed that the Minister will not accept amendment No. 15. I have been a foster parent over the years and I can tell him that sexual crimes against children are not exclusive to men; they also applies in the case of women. It is disturbing that he will not accept that, particularly in the context of someone who has been convicted of a crime against a child.”

In a previous debate on the bill, Donnell had expressed urgency with passing the bill due to the likelihood of an upcoming election. He has been criticized for rushing a bill that addresses such a complex issue.

Keogan has been outspoken about her stance on surrogacy. She previously resigned as a member of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth stating she no longer felt safe. This came after she was heavily criticized for the comments she made during the committee meeting on international surrogacy in April 2022.

She was asked to leave the committee meeting for stating she did not believe it was anyones right to have a child. Independent senator, Lynee Ruane accused her of bigotry.

“I think you’ll find that you are, and you should I think maybe you should also check your Christian values,” Ruane said during the hearing. “You’re crude, and you’re cold.” Despite the accusation, Keogan had never stated her Christian beliefs were her justification for her stance on surrogacy during the hearing.

Following the committee meeting, Keogan penned a letter to the committee chair, Jennifer Whitmore, expressing concern with the way she was treated.

“A member of the Committee then referred to me as a bigot, crude, and cold and that I should ‘check my Christian values’ when I walk in the door,” Keogan wrote.

“I wish to object to this deeply personal attack on me during a public meeting and contend that the language used by the member was inflammatory, discriminatory and sought to characterize me and my contribution unfairly.”

Speaking to ReduxxGabriella Gallagher of the Irish Coalition Against Surrogacy condemned the Health Minister’s rejection of the proposed amendments.

“The decision of Health Minister Stephen Donnelly to reject amendments seeking to safeguard mothers and babies in surrogacy arrangements is disappointing to those fighting against the exploitative practice of surrogacy,” she said.

“His decision to oppose an amendment to prevent single men from commissioning surrogates goes against everything we know about child safeguarding and the mother-infant bond, yet the Minister claims that it is ‘unacceptably discriminatory’ and ‘extraordinarily offensive’ to suggest that single men should not avail of surrogacy. His conflation of single men commissioning surrogates to birth them a child with single fathers raising children alone due to bereavement/separation is completely disingenuous. The idea that not being discriminatory or offensive towards single men is more important than the wellbeing of the child shows where priorities in this bill lie.”

Gallagher in particular highlighted Keogan’s amendment to prevent sex offenders from utilizing surrogacy services, noting that it was “shocking” that it had been dismissd.

“There have been a number of high profile cases worldwide whereby child sexual offenders have gained access to children via surrogacy and gone on to abuse those children,” she said. “Exclusion of those who harm children from accessing surrogacy should be a basic tenet in any piece of legislation that seeks to ‘regulate’ surrogacy as this bill does. There is absolutely no reason for this amendment to be rejected.”

In 2015, Australia’s Family Court awarded custody of a girl born through surrogacy to a man with 22 child sex offenses. The court ruled that the toddler, named Pipah, could not return to Thailand to live with her birth mother, despite her surrogate father’s history of pedophilia. The case resulted in widespread backlash, and pushed Thailand to reform its surrogacy laws.

Gallagher expressed disappointment that there appeared to be efforts to rush through the legislation despite its far-reaching consequences for women and children.

“It is clear the Health Minister is determined to push the Bill through to pass into law as soon as possible due to the threat of a general election being called. But he must not forget that this piece of legislation is the first of its kind globally,” she said.

“This is a complex piece of legislation that affects the rights and wellbeing of women and children not just in Ireland, but in all countries where Irish residents commission surrogacy arrangements.”


Even the UK’s radical Labour Party leader admits the reality of biological sex

Sir Keir Starmer speaking to the Labour Party Conference in 2021 shutterstock.com

If the polls are right – and I suspect they are – the U.K. Tory party is set for a historic shellacking that could reduce them to a mere handful of seats. After a shambolic, rollicking ride through twelve years and five utterly forgettable prime ministers, the British public appears to be out for blood. Nigel Farage’s new Reform U.K. party is surging, and the Labour Party’s Keir Starmer seems poised for a landslide victory. 

It may seem like a small thing, but it is worth noting that despite the radical progressivism of the Labour Party, the backlash to gender ideology in the U.K. has been so effective that even Starmer has now conceded that biology is, in fact, a real thing. This recent headline from The Independent highlights both how insane our culture has become and the silver (sliver?) lining of sanity that may be returning to the debate: 

Blair right that a woman has a vagina and a man has a penis, Starmer says 

The subtitle is equally magnificent: “The Labour leader has hardened his position on biological sex.” I do wonder how the editors and headline writers got through all that without dissolving helplessly into giggles, or if any veteran journalist stared bug-eyed at the sorts of things once-venerable publications are reduced to covering. But either way, it is unfortunately significant that the man who is likely going to be the U.K.’s next prime minister does, in fact, acknowledge that women have vaginas and men have penises. 

Previously, the Independent noted with solemnity, “Sir Keir” has “previously said that ’99.9% of women’ do not have a penis.” Since then, he has come to the epiphany that no women do, an affirmation that has deeply offended a clutch of delusional men in dresses who are quite certain that they are women, penises notwithstanding. Of course, neither the former Labour PM nor the next one oppose sex change surgeries – they’ve just been forced to admit the obvious. 

Former prime minister Tony Blair made his comments in recent interview with Holyrood magazine, noting: I don’t know how politics got itself into this muddle. What is a woman? Well, it’s not a very hard thing for me to answer really. I’m definitely of the school that says, biologically, a woman is with a vagina and a man is with a penis. We can say that quite clearly.”  

Blair went on: “The point is this: if people want to reassign their gender and say, ‘OK I may be born biologically a male but I want to reassign as female’, that’s absolutely fine and people should be entitled to do that. And there is no doubt at all there are people who genuinely feel that they are in the wrong body. I know this, I’ve dealt with it over the years. I was actually, I think, the first MP [who] ever had a full set of meetings with transgender people. So, I completely get it.” 

Obviously, Blair is being somewhat disingenuous here. As an extraordinarily talented and very slippery politician, he knows quite well “how politics got into this muddle”: because the LGBT movement effectively captured the entire left-wing of the political spectrum as well as much of the right and demanded that their premises be implemented in law and that society be restructured to suit them.  

But that aside, Starmer was clearly relieved to have Sir Tony weigh in. “Yes, Tony is right about that, he put it very well,” he told reporters. “I saw it reported, I’m not quite sure when he said it, but I agree with him on that.” Previously, Starmer had stated that Labour MP Rosie Duffield – a woman – was “not right” for saying that “only women have a cervix,” but apparently when Tony Blair says it, “he put it very well.”  

Of course, it was Tony Blair’s government that passed the Gender Recognition Act back in 2004, legally granting trans-identifying people the right to change their “legal gender.” Blair embraced the premises; he rejects the conclusion. So, for the moment, does Starmer. It may not seem like much, but in the U.K. in 2024, it’s not nothing.  


Berlin Police Chief: Young Foreign Males Behind Violent Crime Wave


Young foreign males are the driving force behind the violence ravaging Berlin, the chief of the German capital’s police force admitted.

In an interview with broadcaster NTV, Berlin Police President Barbara Slowik tacitly conceded that the open borders agenda of the German government has led to more crime on the streets of its largest city.

“To put it bluntly: according to our figures, the violence in Berlin is young, male and has a non-German background. This also applies to knife violence,” Slowik said.

“The police crime statistics distinguish between German and non-German suspects. And in recent years we have seen an increase in violent crime overall, as well as in the number of non-German criminals in the capital. Non-Germans are overrepresented,” she explained.

The police chief went on to say that there has been a definite increase in knife crime among younger offenders, especially among children.

She also said that her officers have reported that they have noticed that “respect is declining among parts of the population.”

“The threshold for attacking a police officer, even if it is just by shoving them, has also dropped significantly,” Slowik said.

The frank comments from the Berlin Police President come after a string of high-profile stabbings carried out in recent weeks by Afghan migrants.

In one instance, a failed asylum seeker from Afghanistan went on a stabbing spree in Mannheim at a rally against the Islamification of Germany. The migrant knifeman stabbed multiple people, including a police officer, who ultimately died of his wounds.

This was followed last week by another knife rampage by an Afghan migrant, who stabbed a fellow Afghani to death before wounding another three people.

Last year saw a dramatic rise in violent crime among foreigners, making up 79,088 suspected violent criminals in 2023, a 14 per cent increase over 2022 when 69,086 non-Germans were suspected of violent crime.

Commenting on the rise of violent crime among foreign populations within Germany, the Welt am Sontag newspaper wrote: “One thing is certain: many people’s sense of security has deteriorated.

“These are incidents that have shaken the country: knife attacks again, again committed by people who had fled war zones and found a new home in peace in Germany. And who then themselves became a threat to public safety.

“Violent crime continues to rise, and people without a German passport are significantly overrepresented in the statistics. Nobody is talking about isolated cases anymore.”
