Sinister, shadowy, German, plutocrat: what is driving European immigration policy

Industrialist Robert Bosch, one of those who believed any workers from anywhere could be shaped like rubber, Wikimedia Commons, CC-PD-Mark

Intellectual colleagues note that mass immigration is causing the pro-European establishment to collapse.

Which is a bit dry, but true. Immigration is causing the pro-European establishment to take a hit. But colleagues who are more street-level than intellectual will also note that mass immigration is causing housing policy to collapse, school policies to fall into confusion, health services to sink, and streets to burn in riots.

At which point, the intellectuals come back and ask, how did we get here?

Here is the short answer, though you will not expect it: German social engineering. The whole lot, the vast immigration into Europe, can be traced back to German social engineering. More than 100 years ago, German industrial interests believed they could transform humanity, humanity from anywhere, into a docile workforce, much like making tyres out of rubber.

They believed they could “socially engineer” anything. The idea, discredited, and despised, persists.

Go back to the turn of the 20th century. The fundamental problem of German industry since its inception has been its confinement to the Continent and its lack of a colonial empire, unlike France and the United Kingdom. Consequently, it suffered from high production costs. 

Unable to rely on a colonial empire, German industrial interests supported another method to lower costs and increase productivity: a concept later theorized as ‘Lebensraum.’

This actually involved the colonisation of the European continent. This involved expanding German territory eastward, seeking peace with Western Europe. Germany has always sought to lull Western Europe into complacency in order to conquer Eastern Europe. 

Germany primarily fought Russia during the First World War to seize the Central and Eastern European workforce. Emperor Wilhelm II had hoped that France and the United Kingdom would not enter the conflict and felt devastated when he learned that his plan had failed.

During the Second World war, the sought-after peace with Western Europe by Hitler did not materialise either, but Germany managed to enslave more than 12m Europeans (2.7m of whom died).

After 1945, deprived of this free labour that allowed it to drive its production, German industry, still suffering from the lack of colonies and the high raw material costs, turned to immigration as a new miracle cure to boost competitiveness, always adhering to the idea that an abundant and cheap workforce would lower costs.

In the mid-1950s, West Germany initiated “guest worker” (Gastarbeiter) programmes to address labour shortages during the Wirtschaftswunder (economic miracle). The first agreement was signed with Italy in 1955, followed by agreements with Greece, Spain, Turkey, Morocco, Portugal, Tunisia, and Yugoslavia.

By the time recruitment was halted in 1973 due to the oil crisis and rising unemployment, around 14m foreign workers had come to West Germany. Of these, approximately 11m eventually returned to their home countries, while about 3m stayed, and their families often joined them later​​​​.

There are approximately 3m people of Turkish descent living in Germany. This population includes both those who migrated from Turkey and their descendants born in Germany, reflecting decades of migration since the 1960s Gastarbeiter agreements​​​​.

By the early 1990s, immigration surged again with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the opening of Eastern Europe. In 1992, more than 1.5m people immigrated to unified Germany, marking a significant peak. As of the most recent data, there are approximately 1.65m  EU nationals working in Germany today, making Germany a net beneficiary of the free movement of people in the Single Market.

In 2015, Germany saw a large influx of refugees, with 2.14m people immigrating, many from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq. This was in response to the European migrant crisis, where Chancellor Angela Merkel adopted an open-door policy, leading to significant political and social challenges and debates within the country​​.

As of 2022, Germany had about 20.2m people with an immigration background, making up 24.3 per cent of the population. This demographic includes people who have immigrated to Germany since 1950 and their descendants​​.

These figures are twice as high as in France, and one wonders how German society manages to maintain its cohesion under these conditions. This is the social cost that Germany pays to export all its luxury cars. In any case, this model of social transformation that Germany has tried to adapt to the rest of Europe through the European Union is collapsing.

After the gradual loss of its colonial empire, France progressively returned to being a continental power and decided to support German interests to continue to wield influence in the world. The French also thought that they could compensate for the loss of their colonial empire by adopting policies similar to those of Germany to support their economy. Now we can see what it looks like.

Yet what has been driving the German government to go on with this immigration policy, even as it leads to anger and misery across the country? One must look at who is still embracing the historic policy. One must look at German industrial powers, the ones whose industrial grandfathers grew rich on the idea that any humanity could be formed into a docile workforce, like shaping rubber into tyres.

Numerous powerful, opaque, and little-known foundations are key to the system driving the policy. They link German business interests with various organisations that enable societal transformation.

For instance, Stiftung Mercator was established in 1996 by the Schmidt-Ruthenbeck family, who are also the founders of the German retail chain Metro AG. Over the years, Stiftung Mercator has evolved to become one of Germany’s leading private foundations, focusing on societal issues such as climate change, education, Europe, and integration. Since its inception, it has allocated around €907m to approximately 2,000 projects. 

In 2008, the Mercator Foundation, together with the Volkswagen Foundation, established the Expert Council for Integration and Migration. Since 2017, the Mercator Foundation has donated €4.185m to support it. Projects of this Expert Council (“Sachverständigenrat”) include “recommendations for action to optimise the naturalization process,” providing “information about which factors lead to defensive attitudes towards refugees,” and investigating “the participation barriers and opportunities of immigrant workers.”

For the Mercator Foundation and Volkswagen, immigration is clearly a policy that has to be supported, developed and promoted.

But is it just Mercator and Volkswagen? No. The “Expert Council” has also been financed by other foundations linked to business interests: Bertelsmann Stiftung, Freudenberg Foundation, Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung, Körber Foundation, Robert Bosch Stiftung, and others. 

Robert Bosch GmbH is known as the vast Bosch engineering. Bertelsmann is a multinational media, services, and education company. Hertie is a department store chain. The Freudenberg Group produces housewares, automobile parts, textiles, and building materials. Körber AG operates in automation, logistics systems, machine tools, pharmaceutical systems, tissue, and tobacco.

Interestingly, the website of the “Sachverständigenrat” for Integration and Migration states that “since January 2021, the Expert Council has been fully institutionally financed by the Federal Government.”

Perhaps you thought that the German government being controlled by the commercial interests of German companies was a myth, or a conspiracy theory. No, wrong. The mobilization of taxpayer funding to serve the interests of German corporations is a clear strategy of these foundations.

For example, a project of the Mercator Foundation involves “establishing the Muslim Academy Heidelberg through institutional funding to transition to regular public funding.” In this way, German companies do not merely influence the German state: they infiltrate and control it.

The Mercator Foundation has thus given at least €45m to finance projects related to supporting immigration and diversifying German society since 2017. A notable trait of these projects is that they are mainly “application-oriented,” with some extravagant exceptions like a €2.8m grant for “the exchange between Islamic theological scholars, Muslim community representatives, and civil society actors on issues related to Islam.” 

These are just a few examples. These foundations are numerous, their donors even more so, and the organisations they fund are countless. The immigration projects they finance and push the German state to finance are immeasurable. 

Once again, German industry has tried to increase its productivity according to pseudo-scientific social engineering theories, and once again, it backfires.

You might say with alarm: “But they’re doing the same thing as during the Second World War.” Not exactly: they are not colonising the East. This time their social engineering is primarily oriented towards destroying their own society. It is true that Germany has changed. However, the German establishment has retained its habit of pushing materialist rationality to the point of madness.

Daniel Foubert

Sinister, shadowy, German, plutocrat: what is driving European immigration policy (

Emmanuel Macron Warns of ‘Civil War’ in France if Public Votes for Populists

An increasingly desperate Emmanuel Macron has warned the public that “civil war” awaits France if they fail to vote for his brand of centrist neo-liberalism in the upcoming legislative elections.

Voting for either of the “two extremes” of the populist right-wing National Rally or the leftist-socialist New Popular Front will lead to “civil war”, Macron said in an interview in which he castigated the leadership of the two main opposition parties “and those who follow them”.

The embattled French leader, who’s party is trailing in third place in the snap elections he called, said that the “response of the extreme right” to France’s current problems would lead to insecurity “because it refers people to a religion or an origin, that is what divides them and pushes them towards civil war,” Le Figaro reports.

On the other hand, Macron said that the agenda of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s La France Insoumise (LFI) the leftist party at the head of the New Popular Front electoral coalition proposes a form of “communitarianism”, which he said also has a form of “civil war behind it”.

The hyperbolic comments from Macron were backed up by his second in command, 35-year-old Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, who said on Monday: “La France Insoumise feeds the National Rally and the National Rally feeds La France Insoumise with speeches of division, hatred, stigmatisation, which feed off each other.”

“In our country, some people have hatred, impulses, desires to attack certain communities or certain French people… Probably the victory of the extremes would release these impulses and could lead to violence.”

The president of the National Rally and the populist party’s candidate for prime minister in the snap legislative elections, Jordan Bardella said that Macron’s heated rhetoric was dangerous in and of itself for the country, while stating that civil unrest was already a feature of Macron’s presidency.

Bardella referred to the racially-inspired riots which broke out throughout France last year following the police shooting of an Algerian-heritage teenager who attempted to flee from arrest. The shooting sparked weeks of BLM-style riots, which resulted in over $1 billion in damages, over 800 police officers injured, over 5,000 cars set on fire, and more than 3,300 people arrested.

Bardella said: “They are the ones who scare the French! We are in June, one year since the riots that hit the towns and villages of France. I want to respond to a demand for authority. A President of the Republic should not say that.”

While the riots were perhaps the most fierce of his presidency, Macron’s tenure in office has been consistently marred by chaos in the streets, from the Yellow Vest uprisings of 2018 and 2019 against his green agenda-inspired energy tax hikes to the mass strikes and protests last year over his government’s move to bypass the French National Assembly and push through a reform of the state pension system, raising the retirement age from 62 to 64.

Mr Bardella also stressed that — despite the histrionic warnings of the return of “fascism” or the rise of the “far-right” from the media and political class — his party’s agenda is firmly in the mainstream focussing on cutting immigration and inflation, both of which are clearly priorities of a large percentage of the public given his party’s big victory in the European Parliament elections earlier this month.

“I have indicated my priorities very clearly: purchasing power, the restoration of security, and the control of immigration. I wish to embody unity, coming together, and I aspire to be the prime minister of the French, even for those who do not vote for the RN,” Bardella said.

No English Culture for England

Part of a set of glass lantern slides of May Queen images believed to be from the early 1900s, possibly in the Cheshire area.

Over the weekend, The Daily Telegraph published an article which revealed that almost “£1.5 million in taxpayer funding has been awarded to a research project that aims to ‘decolonise’ folk singing.” Such research is surprisingly typical within universities at least in one respect, namely that the funding is awarded on the grounds that the conclusion of the research is determined long before any research begins. Hence, in no way can this be understood as scholarship, but rather it possesses both the form and the content of propaganda, and for a particular kind of regime.

The University of Sheffield-based researchers plan, with their “fieldwork,” as they call it, to show how English folk music, from the perspective of its themes, its performers, and its supporters, is plagued by what the researchers refer to as “white-centricity.” By exposing the English folk music scene as a hotbed of “white-centricity,” perpetuating what the lead researcher calls “various notions of Englishness”—God forbid there might be something called ‘Englishness’ in England!—the research team plans to embark on the practical steps required in the “process of decolonisation.” Who, exactly, is responsible for colonising English folk music is left ambiguous. (Were that brought to the fore, by analogy it would be necessary to say that Mongolians ‘colonised’ Mongolian throat singing, rather than just inventing it.)

As I say, this is not research. Its conclusion is predetermined. This is a case of taxpayers’ money given to finance propaganda for a regime the vast majority of taxpayers despise. Let us not forget that Labour will win in the forthcoming election not because they will get more votes, but because traditional Tory voters will not vote Conservative. The reason for this is that it is now widely understood that the parties competing for our votes are representatives of the same failing regime, and the people of the nation loath that regime. That’s why an attack on English folk music can obtain funding from the State: because folk music is a phenomenon which is genuinely conservative—in the true sense of the word. 

In the 1960s, when the West was in the throes of cultural progressivism and the sexual revolution, people like Martin Carthy, Shirley Collins, and John Renbourn were travelling around the country and beyond to collect the old songs before they were all lost in the post-war spasms of what everyone then seemed to call ‘progress.’ These people certainly never thought of themselves as ‘conservative,’ but their labours touched the heart of the conservative enterprise, namely the securing of social and cultural anamnesis. 

Even before the folk revival began a decade or so after World War II, in East Anglia the farmworker Harry Fred Cox, the fisherman Sam Larner, and the carpenter Walter Pardon had managed to make recordings of the old rustic songs that they feared the next generation wouldn’t learn by heart. Hence, the entire folk movement has been one of national and cultural remembrance. Folk music is—and it remains—a backward looking, inherited, and thus a gifted form of musical storytelling. Folk music is, in essence, a profound affront to modernity. It is a form of music that roots a people, something that they can share, and it belongs to a particular culture; ultimately, it connects one with one’s ancestors, forming a conduit through time of ancestral knowledge and experience. 

One of the wonderful aspects of folk music as a genre is that every nation, and indeed every distinct people and region, has its own. I personally love the folk traditions of the world. Last week, I visited Budapest for the first time in nearly 20 years, this time to deliver a short address at a conference organised by the Danube Institute and sponsored by the University of Public Service. During my visit, I was deeply impressed by the folk expressions of nationhood on display. The Hungarians seem to take pride in their traditional cuisine (and so they should), their national dress, and their folk music. 

On arrival at London Heathrow on my return journey, I was greeted by the morality propaganda of the regime under which the English are forced to live: a large image of an elderly Asian gentleman applying to himself lipstick and nail varnish, accompanied by the words “Who are you, when there are no labels?”; in the next room was a huge blown-up picture of a smiling black woman in a Tudor dress. Just imagine arriving in Johannesburg Airport to be greeted by a massive picture of a pale, blonde, grinning man dressed as a Zulu warrior. 

There is a reason why taxpayer funds must go to deconstructing and undermining the massive achievement that is the English folk music canon. It is the same reason why our politicians sneer at people who fly the St. George outside their homes, and why the closure of pubs throughout the land is promoted as positive for health, and why there is an ongoing attack on the countryside and fieldsports—the most recent innovation being that of characterising rural England as ‘racist,’ about which you can find countless articles by regime outlets with a quick Google search. In short, as far as our powerholders are concerned, the English are not allowed to have a culture of their own. And the rhetorical mechanisms themselves are clever, it must be said; perhaps the cleverest being the accusation that any concern that England’s culture may disappear due to unprecedented immigration and well-funded attacks on the national culture is itself a ‘racist’ concern.

The fact is, inasmuch as we are rooted, connected to our history, and communitarian, we cannot become the optimal units of interchangeable loci of production and consumption. We cannot be fully instrumentalised—moved about, sold, and bought—because so long as we have a culture, we will continue to have commitments that are extra-economical. In the modern political-economic paradigm, the uprooted and alienated migrant is the perfect unit of society. And the only thing better than a poor migrant is a wealthy one, who thus can function as the progressive consumer-producer par excellence. Hence, the English must have their culture taken away and be uprooted, and insofar as our powerholders fail in effecting this social transformation, they will have helped at least by omission to slam the breaks on the forces of progress—which would be an unforgivable sin.

In a time in history that seeks to turn everyone except the top 0.1% into slaves of some kind or another, extra-economical commitments must be stamped out, and this is especially so in a country as economically important as England. That, in short, is what we’re up against. Fortunately, I am not alone in hating our powerholders and their plan for the world, and that’s why after half a decade of torment under Labour, we will likely get Nigel Farage as our prime minister. That, of course, will not be sufficient to undo the ruination of the land I love, but it might suffice to slow it down.

CANADA: Female Rugby Players Express Anger, Fear Of Trans-Identified Male Permitted To Join Their Team

Female rugby players in Alberta, Canada, are expressing concerns for their safety after a male who only recently began to identify as a “woman” was permitted to join their team. The women say their club is more worried about “discrimination” lawsuits than their potential injuries.

Players for the Clanswomen, a female rugby team in the Clansmen Rugby Club (CRC) and under the jurisdiction of the Edmonton Rugby Club, told Reduxx they were only recently informed by a coach that Maeryn Gellhaus, 48, was allowed to join their team.

Several members of the Clanswomen, who are being kept anonymous for their protection, explained that they knew Gellhaus had previously played on a men’s team in the CRC before he began to identify as transgender. He also reportedly coaches a youth team in the CRC.

According to a Clanswomen player who spoke with Reduxx, Gellhaus approached executives at the CRC sometime in May, requesting to switch from the men’s team to the women’s team. He has since been attending the women’s practice sessions twice a week. The female players were reportedly not consulted about his acceptance onto the roster.

Gellhaus made an Instagram post about joining the women’s team on May 29, boasting that he had played nearly 300 games as a male, but had been accepted into the Clanswomen after declaring himself to be a woman.

“I’ve played almost 300 games for my club. Played on every team possible. But the reason I never really fit in was because I was never really on the RIGHT team. Until tonight… tonight the Clanswomen allowed me to join them. So for once (maybe just once) I can take the pitch as myself for the right team.”

According to an Instagram post by Gellhaus, he began to identify as transgender and take cross-sex hormones (HRT) just four months ago and primarily presents as “male” most of the time.

“I’m only 4 months deep into HRT. I haven’t had [facial feminization surgery]. I still boy-mode mostly,” he wrote in another post from June 4.

The anonymous female players said that Gellhaus was allegedly informed that several of the women on the team were uncomfortable with his presence and worried about being injured playing with a male. Days later, Gellhaus took to Instagram again, complaining that some of the women had been less than accomodating to him.

“There are a lot of girls that have been absolutely amazing to me there. But there is an underlying feeling that some don’t want me there. Badly. It hasn’t been figured out yet. I’m trying to decide if it’s worth the struggle. I want to be celebrated, not tolerated,” he wrote.

Just last week, Gellhaus was finally added to the publicly-available team roster on the Clansmen Rugby Club’s website. He played his first game with the team on Saturday in St. Albert, Alberta.

One female player told Reduxx that she was focused on fairness and safety, and that none of the women opposed to Gellhaus’ presence were motivated by transphobia. Instead, she explained fear of injury was the primary concern amongst the women.

“It’s safety and fairness of sport. It’s pretty f*cked up that one person’s ‘feelings’ trump legitimate concerns of safety from our women. Our opinions and feelings don’t matter,” she said.

“In an aggressive contact sport like rugby, where your only required protection is a mouth guard, why do we have to argue over safety and explain the risks of women versus men?”

Several of the women have approached Canada’s governing body for Rugby with concerns about safety, but were told that the club must follow the current guidance, which enables players to choose a team based on their self-identified gender “at both recreational and competitive levels.”

Rugby Canada regulations claim to “resolve gender identity and gender expression issues” via their discipline and complaints policy. The policy does not provide any mention of the safety of female players matched with or against males.

“It’s reckless. The club is afraid [Gellhaus] will file a discrimination suit if we don’t let him play,” another Clanswomen player revealed. “I argue he is to be accepted ‘as is’ with the men’s team, or he can go play in one of the co-ed leagues.”

UK: Concerns Grow Over Labour’s Future Policy on Transgender Issues

If the polls are correct, Britain will have a Labour government in less than two weeks. Yet the party still can’t come clean on its stance on significant transgender issues. In fact, it increasingly appears as though Labour officials are being deliberately evasive to prevent voters from realising just how radical their plans are.

Take draft guidelines ‘banning’ children from being taught that there are more than two genders, for example. Those introduced under Britain’s nominal Conservative Party are vague—much like their flimsy guidelines for schools on whether gender-questioning pupils can ‘socially transition.’ But it seems Labour’s shadow education secretary, Bridget Phillipson, believes they go too far.

Asked three times if she would keep the ban in place or ditch it, Phillipson refused to answer directly. Instead, she said: “There are trans people within society and their existence should be recognised.” Phillipson also criticised the draft guidelines for “drift[ing] far too much into partisan and unnecessary language.”

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer later suggested the opposite—that “I’m not in favour of ideology being taught in our schools,” adding: “That’s not on the agenda.” So why the suggestion from a Labour bigwig that current guidelines would be reviewed by a Labour government?

Following Phillipson’s comments, Conservative education secretary Gillian Keegan said Labour “would play politics with the lives of our children by ripping up guidance on gender questioning children, effectively allowing contested gender ideology to be taught in the classroom.” Despite its own mixed messaging prompting the confusion over this issue, a Labour official had the gall to respond that “the Tories are spending more time alleging things that aren’t in our manifesto than what’s actually in it.”

There has also been a lot of reporting over the weekend on Labour’s plans to make it easier to change gender. It is understood that Labour will make it easier for people to legally ‘transition’ by removing the need for them to prove they have lived as someone of their preferred gender for two years. Party officials say that this would “remove indignities for trans people who deserve recognition and acceptance,” according to The Times.

But Conservative equalities minister Kemi Badenoch has warned that the plan would create “loopholes for predators” because they would “unravel all the protections in the current system designed to protect women and girls.”

Badenoch’s comments came after Harry Potter author and former Labour Party donor J.K. Rowling wrote in an explosive political intervention that “as long as Labour remains dismissive and often offensive towards women fighting to retain the rights their foremothers thought were won for all time, I’ll struggle to support them.”

Labour, responding to a flurry of concerns, said that it would “ensure that robust provisions are in place to protect legitimate applications.” Britons might not have to wait long to see the results of all this.

In the sports stadium in the German city of Halle in Saxony-Anhalt: 6500 people chant “Allahu Akbar” during the Eid prayers

Screen grab youtube

Thousands of Muslims gathered in Halle (Saale) last Sunday morning ( June 16) to pray together on the occasion of the Feast of Sacrifice. The location: in the sports stadium in the Halle-Neustadt neighbourhood. Speaking to NIUS, Islamism expert Herrmann demands that “a debate is overdue” on the practice of Islam in Germany’s public sphere.

A video shows thousands of believers gathering on prayer mats and praying to Allah in the middle of the sports stadium. The prayers were held in Arabic. Many of the Muslims wear traditional religious robes – known as abayas or qamis – and prayer caps. One man acts as the prayer leader and leads the prayer.

In response to a NIUS enquiry, the police said: “Around 6,500 people took part in the prayer in the stadium in Halle on Sunday.”

The police explained that the sacrificial prayer was an “event”, not a gathering. “The police therefore have no information about the organisers and promoters.”

According to the Saxony-Anhalt Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Halle is a “regional centre of Salafist activity”. In recent years, preachers propagating a Salafist ideology have occasionally appeared in several mosques.

When asked whether there may have been Islamist actors among those present in the stadium, the Halle police told NIUS: “The police were on site to protect the events, and no personal data was collected on the participants.”

Hundreds of Muslims also gathered on the banks of the Elbe in Dresden at the weekend to pray for sacrifices – the organisation that called for the event is considered a focal point for Islamists in Saxony and is close to the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood.

And the organiser of the Feast of Sacrifice in Halle? The city responded to an enquiry: In Halle, “self-organised celebrations for the Feast of Sacrifice have taken place by various actors.”

Among others, the Muslim mosque association “Islamisches Kulturcenter e.V.” from Halle had called for prayers in the stadium.
A flyer from the Islamic association stated that entry and takbir (praise of Allah) was from 7am. This would be followed later by an Eid celebration in the mosque of the Islamic Cultural Centre from 9 am to 1 pm. For children there would be a henna station, a colouring station, a cake bazaar, an inflatable bouncy castle, face painting and gifts. “Important: bring a prayer mat,” the flyer continues.

The Feast of Sacrifice (“Eid al-Adha”) last Sunday is considered the highlight of the pilgrimage month, the pilgrimage to Mecca (“Hajj”). It is a reminder that Abraham did not have to sacrifice his son Isaac as God had sent him a ram.

The mosque association has been organising large-scale prayer festivals for years, for example to celebrate the Eid.

Islamism expert Sigrid Herrmann told NIUS that there is something conspicuous on the website of the Islamic association. This is because the website of the Islamic Cultural Centre refers to the donation organisation “Islamic Relief”. The aid organisation has been notorious for years for being close to the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood.
As early as 2019, the German government stated that Islamic Relief Germany (IRD) had “significant personnel links to the Muslim Brotherhood or organisations close to it”. The goal of the Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamic theocracy based on Sharia law – they are trying to achieve their extremist goals through legal means.

According to the Saxony-Anhalt constitution protection report, Muslim Brotherhood organisations are generally active throughout the state. In recent years, preachers have occasionally appeared in mosques “propagating the ideological positions of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
Islamism expert Sigrid Herrmann told NIUS that public Islamic mass prayers are “not a new phenomenon” in Germany. They have been taking place for years, but “are hardly ever discussed publicly.” The expert calls for: “A debate on how much Islamic religious practice is still acceptable in public spaces is overdue.”

Herrmann adds: “In Bonn and Frankfurt, for example, there are repeated marches by Shiites – sometimes with irritating self-flagellation and martial chants. Although this is aimed more at their own community, it still has an intimidating effect on other Muslims and the general population.”

Im Stadion in Halle in Sachsen-Anhalt: 6500 Menschen skandieren beim Opferfest-Gebet „Allahu Akbar“ |

10 vs 2: German teens hospitalized by migrant gang, one in ‘acute danger of death’

Wikimedia Commons , Nordengrün, CC-BY-SA-4.0

Police in Germany have launched an appeal to locate a gang of around 10 migrant men suspected of hospitalizing two young victims in a brutal assault on Sunday night.

The incident occurred in the North Rhine-Westphalia town of Bad Oeynhausen at around 1:30 a.m. when a group of young migrants confronted two males aged 19 and 20 in the spa town’s park.

Following an altercation, the public prosecutor’s office explained how the suspects punched the victims to the floor before kicking them as they lay defenseless on the ground.

After witnesses called the police, the group casually walked from the crime scene toward the town center.

According to a press release by Bielefeld Police Headquarters, the migrant gang comprised around 10 people, all of whom were male and between 19 and 20 years old. They were described as “Southern,” a phrase often used in Germany to describe men of Maghreb or Arab origin. Some were dressed in Adidas designer tracksuits.

The 20-year-old victim was hospitalized in critical condition after sustaining multiple, serious head injuries. He is in “acute danger of death,” according to the authorities.

An investigation has been launched into bodily harm and attempted homicide involving serious bodily harm and is being conducted by the Bielefeld public prosecutor’s office and the homicide unit of Bielefeld Police.

The migrant gang members have been encouraged to turn themselves in voluntarily; however, no such offering has yet been made.

Mannheim attacker shows no remorse, misbehaves with hospital staff

The newspaper Bild reported that the  Mannheim attacker, who had been in a coma after being shot by the police, has regained consciousness and is currently in intensive care.

The paper mentioned that Suleiman Atayi shows no remorse for his actions and has behaved poorly with hospital staff.

This Afghan refugee attacked a gathering of right-wing critics of Islam in  Mannheim on Friday, June 1st, injuring six people, including a police officer. The police officer later succumbed to his injuries in the hospital, and the attacker himself was severely wounded by police gunfire. Sources informed Bild that the attacker’s left leg is currently numb.

Despite the severity of his condition, this Afghan refugee has shown no remorse for his actions. The motive behind the attack remains unclear, but the Federal Prosecutor’s Office, which is handling the investigation, believes that the attack was driven by the assailant’s extremist ideologies.

Suleiman Atayi is originally from Herat and previously lived with his German wife and two children. This incident has raised concerns about the growth of extremism and related violence in Germany.

In response to this attack, German authorities have altered their policy towards Afghan refugees. The Chancellor and Interior Minister of Germany have announced that criminal Afghan migrants will be deported to their home country.

In recent years, Germany has experienced an increase in knife attacks carried out by extremist refugees. These attacks have sparked widespread fear and concern among the public. Authorities have linked these violent incidents to radical ideologies adopted by some refugees.

To address this growing threat, German law enforcement has intensified its monitoring of extremist activities among the refugee population. They are implementing stricter measures to prevent such attacks and ensure public safety.

Additionally, Germany has begun forcibly deporting refugees who are found guilty of criminal activities. This policy aims to maintain security and order within the country. The government’s stance is that individuals who pose a threat to society should not be allowed to remain in Germany, and deportation serves as a deterrent for others considering criminal actions.

Mannheim attacker shows no remorse, misbehaves with hospital staff – Khaama Press

Islamist Deadly Attacks on Churches, Synagogues, and Orthodox Priest in Russia’s Dagestan Region

At least 15 policemen and four civilians, including an Orthodox priest, have tragically lost their lives in the southern Russian region of Dagestan, following attacks by gunmen on churches and synagogues in two cities, according to officials.

The Russian authorities have labeled these shootings as terrorist attacks and have stated that the situation is now under control. They have reported that six of the assailants were killed during the incidents.

Dagestan, a predominantly Muslim region in the North Caucasus, has been grappling with a long-running Islamist insurgency. The attacks that occurred in the regional capital, Makhachkala, and the city of Derbent on Sunday evening are considered the most severe terrorist incident in Russia since militants killed 145 people and injured 180 at a concert hall in Moscow in March.

These shootings appear to be part of a recent surge in Islamist violence within Russia. The state news agency, Tass, cited Russian law enforcement sources who claimed that the attackers were “adherents of an international terrorist organization.”

In a video message on the social media app Telegram, the local governor, Sergei Melikov, asserted that the attacks had been partially “directed from abroad” and stated that authorities would continue to hunt down “all members of sleeper cells” active in the region.

Melikov described the day as “a day of tragedy for Dagestan and for the whole country.”

Deadly Attacks On Churches, Synagogues, And Orthodox Priest In Russia’s Dagestan Region — Greek City Times