“Foreigners get out” is written on the walls – according to the public prosecutor’s office, the residents are responsible for the graffiti. Photo: Private
On Christmas Day, the house of a Pakistani family suddenly goes up in flames. The fire department later finds Nazi slogans on the walls of the ruins. State security investigates right-wing arson. Now it comes out: it was all a lie! The family had set the fire themselves. The house fire was a huge scandal in the small town of Wächtersbach, which lies between Frankfurt and Fulda in Hesse. This was followed by vigils against the right, expressions of solidarity and warnings from politicians on the left and the Greens. Many assumed it was a cowardly attack with a racist motive. The family from Pakistan remained unharmed: according to their own statements, they were not at home on the day of the fire and were visiting a friend. It took the fire department eight hours to extinguish the fire at Christmas 2023. The damage was estimated at 350,000 euros. Because the slogan “Foreigners get out” was sprayed on the wall in seven places in the house, investigators initially believed that the perpetrators were from the far-right movement.
Now the turnaround! The Hanau public prosecutor’s office is certain: the family set the fire themselves and wanted to use the Nazi slogans to mislead the police. The house owner (47) himself became the focus of the investigators. He had caught the officers’ attention because he had fresh wounds from the fire – although the father of the family had stated that he had not been on site during the fire. The public prosecutor’s office assumes that the family set the fire in order to defraud the insurance company. A total of five suspects were arrested – including the owner of the house and his brother-in-law (34). Among other things, they are accused of joint aggravated arson using an accelerant, the public prosecutor’s office said in a press release on Tuesday. Also in custody are the wife (33), the 18-year-old son and a man (55) from Pakistan, who had given the family a false alibi. The reasons given for the arrest were the risk of concealment and flight.
Imam El S. from Vienna’s Meidling district preached in a mosque that called itself an “association for the integration of Muslims”. In fact, the prayer leader from Egypt attracted attention above all for his inconceivable incitement against Jews. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution has now searched his home. The imam who was targeted preached in a mosque Am Schöpfwerk in Vienna and had already attracted attention for some time due to his Facebook postings – eXXpress reported on several occasions. Unbelievable message: “Oh Allah, defeat the Jews and support the Mujaheddin who are fighting for Allah in Palestine. Murder flows in their veins, they are the Jews! A despicable people, criminals, bloodthirsty people… They only understand the language of blood and murder. Allah, don’t let any of them live.” The newspaper “Kurier” first reported on the recent raid on the imam’s home. The Vienna public prosecutor’s office investigated the imam and apparently came to the conclusion that there was a strong suspicion of incitement to hatred. Accordingly, the state security services were called in. The raid on the suspect’s private apartment served to secure further evidence.
Just days after Britain’s National Health Service banned puberty blocker prescriptions for under-18s, a report has revealed that schools in Wales are allowing children to change gender without telling their parents—the very definition of one step forward, two steps back.
The Family Education Trust research institute told The European Conservative it is “horrifying that so many schools in Wales have become completely ideologically captured and are ignoring parent’s wishes.” Others described the actions of these schools, which operate under the watch of the ruling Welsh Labour Party, as “a glimpse of the nightmare awaiting Britain under a national Labour government.”
A new report by Merched Cymru, which describes itself as a “grassroots organisation of women in Wales working to protect and promote the rights of women and girls,” has prompted serious concerns about the protection of children by educational leaders. The group sent Freedom of Information requests to a sample of secondary schools (for those aged 11-18) from every local authority in Wales and received a response from 68 (81% of those contacted). Of those 68 schools:
All said that they would facilitate a gender transition;
22% allowed children to use toilets to match their new gender identity;
22% also allowed children to undress and change clothes in spaces provided for the opposite sex;
39% “obliged” children to use ‘preferred pronouns’ and 36% “stated, in many different ways, that children were under strong encouragement/pressure to do so”; and, perhaps most shockingly,
Two-thirds said they would not necessarily inform parents of their own child’s social transition, “or would do so only if the child gave permission.”
It is clear within all this that too many schools believe they—or, indeed, children themselves—know more about the protection of pupils than the parents themselves. The authors of this report also noted that “in the main, schools clearly did not want to answer these questions.”
Responding to these findings, Lucy Marsh from the Family Education Trust told The European Conservative:
Children in Wales need to be protected against this harmful ideology. The only way to do this is to restore the full parental opt-out from Relationships and Sexuality Education as the Welsh education policy appears to be overly influenced by LGBT activist groups.
Parents have the right to raise their children as they see fit and not see their taxes being spent on using schools as a vehicle to indoctrinate and sexualise children.
The Welsh Labour government said the questions raised show that “this is an area that needs national guidance.” But similar guidance offered by Rishi Sunak’s government to English schools last year was dismissed by critics as being open to exploitation.
Welsh officials said a consultation will be held over the “coming months.”
Italian police on Friday night arrested a 26-year-old Senegalese man while he was allegedly raping a 60-year-oldl Italian woman in a building near Domodossola station near the Swiss border. The man was arrested on suspicion of sexual violence in flagrante delicto. The man reportedly hit the woman and caused her to hit her head on the floor before raping her. The woman said she had already been raped by the man on another occasion recently.
A Muslim student was suspended for assaulting a teacher who objected to another Arab student provocatively waving a Palestinian flag in the Berlin schoolyard. It was just one case of recorded violence against teaching staff in Berlin in 2023.
Every school day last year, the Berlin police had to intervene an average of at least five times on the playground, in a classroom or on the grounds of primary and secondary schools.
Crimes are soaring in Berlin’s school system after a temporary lull during the coronavirus period. The numbers went from 3,796 in 2021 to 6,113 in 2023 in terms of overall crimes. Regarding violent crimes such as assault, robbery, and dangerous threats, this number jumped from 1,133 in 2021 to 2,344 in 2022, showing that these incidents have more than doubled in just one year.
Even though some of the crime data for 2023 has not yet been released, the Berlin police have already announced that there is a significant jump that will be reported, according to BZ newspaper.
“For 2023, there will be another significant increase in the number of crimes committed at schools,” said police spokeswoman Anja Dierschke.
The data for police interventions in 2023, however, has already been released. In 2021, the numbers went from 750 interventions in 2021 to 1,003 in 2022. Now, there were 1,070 in 2023.
There has also been a growing incidence of students using actual weapons. While the total number of all weapons seized was not available, there were 38 cases where a “knife attack” was registered in 2021 and 54 in 2022. Threats or shots with firearms occurred three times in 2021 and nine times in 2022.
The exact figures for 2023 will only be revealed when the next crime statistics are presented. Overall, things are getting more violent and difficult for both students and teachers, as the almost doubling of insults (from 249 to 477) shows.
“We take incidents of violence extremely seriously and offer support and very specific help on site,” said Martin Klesmann, spokesperson for the education administration.
Teachers targeted
Students are not the only ones facing threats. Teachers were also victims of attacks or threats, with data from 2021 showing 123 teachers were victimized, and in 2022, 237 teachers. The data for 2023 is again not available, but police are also already warning it will be higher. “In 2023, there will also be an increase in the number of injured teachers in schools recorded.”
These numbers are rising despite the Berlin Senate Department for Education recently investing significantly in prevention and support services.
Since 2023, there have been social workers at every school, and psychologists for emergencies and crises have been increased. Counseling centers (known as SIBUZ) to help parents, pupils and teachers are designed to deal with violence and conflict in schools, including in cases of depression, anxiety, aggression, learning difficulties, and behavioral problems.
Since 2019, experts from Freie Universität and other educational centers have been offering training courses to teachers and staff to deal with bullying and violence in schools. Since then, 1,117 teachers at 641 schools have received training.
Berlin’s school system has become increasingly diverse, like many other German cities. As Remix News has reported, this increasing diversity has led to conflict between students, violence towards teachers, difficulties in classroom learning environments, and falling nationwide test scores, which experts say could harm Germany’s economy over the coming decades.
Recently, London’s Victoria and Albert Museum sparked controversy over an exhibit that places former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the same light as Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden
This display is part of an exhibition called Laughing Matters: The State of the Empire, which looks at the role of humor relating to ‘identity, empire, and power over the last two hundred years.’
The exhibit attempted to depict how villains in the Punch and Judy caricatures have evolved over the last century. Punch and Judy is a British puppet show about a couple whose name features in the title.
The caption read: “Over the years, the evil character in this seaside puppet show has shifted from the Devil to unpopular public figures including Adolf Hitler, Margaret Thatcher, and Osama bin Laden, to offer contemporary villains.”
To bracket Britain’s first female prime minister with mass murderers is staggeringly offensive and shockingly unfair. To call her “unpopular” is inaccurate and ahistorical, (not a good thing to see from a museum), given that she was re-elected by the British public in two landslides in 1983 and 1987. The Time magazine headline on June 20, 1983 read: “Maggie by a Mile.“
It has to be remembered that any items to be displayed at an exhibition at Victoria and Albert Museum have to go through a series of approvals as part of the national British museum system. Yet no one at any stage of these approvals seem to have objected to this vile affront.
This isn’t the first time the Victoria and Albert Museum authorities have behaved like this
The museum (dedicated to applied arts, decorative arts, and design, with the most comprehensive costume collection in the U.K.) allegedly refused to exhibit items from the wardrobe of the first female British prime minister in 2015.
A spokesman for the Museum told the Daily Telegraph that they “politely declined the offer of Mrs Thatcher’s clothes, feeling that these records of Britain’s political history were best suited to another collection which would focus on their intrinsic social historical value.”
The Museum has been severely condemned for its display. But the organizers of the Punch and Judy puppet show that have included Thactcher as a villain have somehow been overlooked.
Margaret Thatcher served as Conservative Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990. She was the longest-serving British prime minister of the 20th century and the first woman to hold the position.
She was branded “the Iron Lady” for being a fearless leader who never capitulated under pressure or was swayed by public opinion.
Thatcher was a staunch advocate of free-market capitalism and a strident critic of socialism. She implemented sweeping reforms concerning the affairs of the economy. She privatized most of the state-owned industries. She stood up to the unreasonable demands of labor unions. She cut taxes and controlled public expenditures. She introduced stricter immigration controls. She displayed exemplary courage during the Falklands War (March-June 1982) caused by the Argentine invasion of the islands.
She is a conservative icon and a fiery orator.
Here she is at her very best, launching a scathing attack on socialism.
So what do we make of this?
This once again proves how the left has managed to hijack every aspect of public life. They infiltrated education, the entertainment fields, the news media, the arts, culture, science etc.
They knew that once education and culture were taken over, the rest automatically falls in place.
This didn’t happen overnight. This is a result of years of working from within the shadows. They gradually moved the Overton window of what was acceptable and what was not. At this time conservatives were either minding their own business or busy supporting themselves and their families.
The result is an unmitigated catastrophe.
They used education to brainwash young minds, knowing that some of these would end up in positions of power.
They used the arts to propagandize and push their agenda. The object of ridicule and hate is always the conservative. One who values traditions is depicted as narrow-minded, bigoted, and ugly. The liberal is presented as one that possesses all the virtues in the world. No prizes for guessing where impressionable minds gravitate.
Today fringe ideas by the left such as critical race theory and man-made climate change have been mainstreamed and accepted as axiomatic facts.
The left has developed their ecosystem which controls most organizations. They have created a climate of fear such that one dares to challenge the groupthink out of fear of being ‘canceled.’
We often hear well-wishers tell conservatives ‘Just remain quiet, do your job, and take care of your family, there is no need to engage in gratuitous controversy.’
The museum receives most of its income, not from some shady far-left foundation but from taxpayers’ funds, according to figures from 2022-2023. Yet Margaret Thatcher is dubbed as a ‘villain’ and placed alongside Hitler and bin Laden in a London Museum. Those with little knowledge about the former British PM will probably accept it as fact and move on.
The remedy for all these grave and scandalous wrongs will take a great deal of focus, time, effort, and patience.
Two Afghan nationals were arrested in Germany in connection to an alleged Islamic terror plot against the Swedish Parliament.
Germany’s Federal Prosecutor’s Office announced on Tuesday that two Afghan nationals — identified as Ibrahim MG and Ramin N – were arrested in the Gera area by officers of the Federal Criminal Police Office. The defendants were taken into custody on arrest warrants issued on March 5 and 6 by an investigating judge at the Federal Court of Justice.
Ibrahim is accused of being a member of the Islamic State (IS) and of having supported a terrorist organization abroad, while prosecutors accused Ramin of supporting the same terrorist organization. According to the arrest warrants, Ibrahim and Ramin have been supporters of the ideology of the foreign terrorist organization “Islamic State (IS)” since at least 2023.
Prosecutors said Ibrahim joined the regional branch “Islamic State Khorasan Province” (ISPK) from Germany in August 2023.
With Ramin’s assistance, Ibrahim had previously collected donations of around 2,000 euros for IS in Germany and sent them to the association through intermediaries, according to the prosecutor’s office. The funds were allegedly intended to benefit IS members imprisoned in northern Syria.
In the summer of 2023, the ISPK entrusted Ibrahim with carrying out an attack in Europe in response to Koran burnings taking place in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries, the arrest warrants allege. Ibrahim and Ramin planned to kill police officers and others using firearms in Stockholm in the area of the Swedish Parliament, German prosecutors said.
“The two made concrete preparations for this in close consultation with ISPK officials. In particular, they researched the local conditions around the possible crime scene on the Internet and tried several times, although unsuccessfully, to obtain weapons,” the prosecutor’s office said.
Both defendants are expected to appear before the investigating judge at the Federal Court of Justice Tuesday and Wednesday. Both suspects are accused of conspiring to commit the crime of murder and violating the Foreign Trade Act in conjunction with the relevant regulations of the European Union.
A GB News viewer said “many people will find it offensive to be described as ‘sinners’, especially by a train station”GB News
Outrage has been sparked by a King’s Cross display board featuring an Islamic teaching that describes people as “sinners” who must “repent.”
On the 9th day of Ramadan, the holiest month for Muslims, the central London train station featured a “Hadith of the day.”
A hadith is an account of teachings from the Prophet Muhammad.
It says: “The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) [Peace Be Upon Him] said: All the sons of Adam are sinners but the best of the sinners are those who repent often.”
The message was broadcast on a full side of the display board beneath the time.
It was broadcast alongside several delayed train announcements.
The sign quoted a Hadith which said “All the sons of Adam are sinners but the best of the sinners are those who repent often”GB News
Reacting to the display board, a GB News viewer said: “Public bodies, especially when they receive state funding, should not be seen to favour one religion over another – that’s even when we have no official separation of church and state. There should be a clear distinction between secular and religious spaces and this is blurring that boundary.
“You only have to turn a few pages in religious texts like the one quoted and you’ll find something scientifically incorrect, morally reprehensible, or totally insane – businesses and, again, especially where they’re subsidised by my tax money, should not associate themselves with such things.”
They added: “In this specific case, many people will find it offensive to be described as ‘sinners’, especially by a train station! It is just totally inappropriate that they should even be saying that.”
The irate viewer added: “That billboard should contain practically useful information to help people get to their trains!”
Stephen Evans, chief executive of the National Secular Society, said: “At best it’s a well-meaning yet misguided and counterproductive attempt at inclusivity.
“Such gestures suggest favouritism, generating resentment and the inevitable demands from other religious or identity groups for equal recognition.
“Religious messages like this undermine the principle of neutrality. Maintaining such neutrality in public spaces and services is the best way of nurturing a fair and inclusive society that respects all individuals, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds.”
Marion Maréchal, Vice-President of the French right-wing Reconquête! party, is advocating the implementation of a “media voucher” system in France.
Her proposal is designed to grant every French citizen the opportunity to choose what media outlets they want to support financially.
Speaking on French TV, Maréchal unveiled her plans for the media voucher.
The politician, set to lead the European list for Éric Zemmour’s Reconquête!, said it would enable individuals to give a personally allocated portion of the €400 million earmarked for the press via their tax returns.
Under the proposal, each tax household would receive a voucher worth approximately €10. With it, they could select the specific media organisations they wished to fund.
She pleaded for citizens to have the opportunity to “choose the media to which you want to give”.
“If you don’t earmark anything, it goes back into the common pot and there’s a roughly equivalent redistribution.”
Maréchal added that she wanted to “review the contract between society and the press” and that such a media voucher would be “a form of justice”.
“We artificially keep alive media outlets that would naturally have to die because they no longer have any readers and no audience,” she said.
According to Maréchal, taxpayers’ funds are currently distributed arbitrarily by the French Government, often based on what she claimed were ideological affiliations or cronyism, benefiting certain segments of the media over others.
Her proposal is aimed, in her words, to democratise this process, allowing citizens to have a direct say in supporting the media outlets they value.
The voucher proposal comes amid a struggle between French institutions and an emerging, more Conservative media.
Je propose un #ChèqueMédia qui permettrait aux Français de flécher sur leur feuille d’impôts les 400 millions d’argent public destinés à la presse. Ils pourraient décider quels médias ils veulent financer. #TPMP#VotezMarionpic.twitter.com/BWFTiXOcFM
Maréchal reminded viewers that the Socialist Government pulled subsidies from the Conservative magazine Valeurs actuelles while, at the same time, it forgave a debt of more than €4 million for the progressive L’Humanite.
The latter still pulls significant subsidies from Paris.
Such a dynamic is, many feel, visible across the French media landscape, where progressives seem to get most if not all of the institutional advantages.
In mid-February, for instance, the highest administrative court in France ruled the national regulator for audio-visual and digital communication (Arcom) had to tighten its control over the Conservative CNews channel. In doing so, it cited “obligations in terms of pluralism and independence of information”.
The case was brought to court by the left-wing NGO Reporters Without Borders, who accused CNews of being “far-right”.
Left-wing politicians refused to attend CNews debates and have even declined to answer reporters’ enquiries, making it somewhat difficult to present the officially demanded pluralistic views.
The channel is, though, regarded generally as reasonably balanced in its coverage of politicians’ viewpoints.
Official numbers show that Rassemblement National (RN) and Reconquête!, two right-winged parties that poll at around 35 per cent of the vote, were given 28 per cent of the speaking time allocated to politicians on CNews.
On France TV, the national public television broadcaster, those parties were granted 15 per cent and on France Inter, a major French public radio channel, RN and Reconquête! got 10 per cent. The Left is generally in receipt of about 50 per cent of time available, it is believed.
The apparent skewing of those numbers is the result of politically stacked committees, according to Maréchal.
She argued that, if representatives of RN and Reconquête! played the same game, even though it would be more justified, given they have more public backing: “The Left would never tolerate it, they would scream of fascism and an attack on the rule of law and the entire press would be mobilised.
“There is an epic double-standard at work here”.
She concluded that, as far as she was concerned: “The public broadcasting system should be privatised.”