The Soros-backed, state-financed disinformation outlet Correctiv, recently found by a German court to have spread false information about the Potsdam meeting last November, has launched what it calls an AI-based ‘fact checker’ project to combat ‘fake news.’
The left-globalist traffic light coalition—whose leading officials, including German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, met with Correctiv’s director before the ‘secret’ Potsdam meeting, and the publication’s subsequent, grossly deceptive reporting on the gathering—is set to fund the project to the tune of 1.33 million euros.
All of the project’s funding will come directly from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. “The uncontrolled spread of disinformation undermines trust in the state and democratic society. Usage skills and technical measures must be improved—especially since legal interventions are often not possible,” the ministry writes on its official website about the project.
“Democratic systems face major challenges due to misleading information on the Internet. The spread of false information weakens fact-based reporting by reputable media and makes it more difficult for political actors, authorities, media, and citizens to form a reliable picture,” the ministry continues.
In its announcement of the ‘fact checker’ project, which it calls “noFake,” Correctiv, appearing to have conveniently overlooked its past dissemination of false information that triggered mass protests, writes: “Manipulative misinformation undermines democracy and endangers social cohesion.”
In 2022, Correctiv, along with the Ruhr University of Bochum and the Technical University of Dortmund, launched the project with the stated aim of combating ‘fake news’ with the assistance of artificial intelligence. The project reportedly seeks to develop “AI-supported assistance systems” that identify ‘fake news.’
After an artificial intelligence program flags news it deems to be ‘fake,’ human ‘fact-checkers,’ trained by Correctiv, would then go on to check facts themselves as ‘crowd workers.’
The AI-based ‘fact-checking’ project comes as a part of a no-holds-barred, multi-pronged attack campaign being waged by the left-liberal ‘traffic light’ coalition and its ideological exponents in the mainstream press, intelligence services, NGOs, and other institutions, including the Catholic and Evangelical churches, against conservative Germans and the sole party representing them—the AfD—ahead of the crucial EU parliamentary elections later this year.
Despite Correctiv’s history of spreading disinformation and its proximity to the ruling left-liberal coalition, the media outlet has been chosen to act as the primary German-language partner in a ‘fact-checking’ operation spearheaded by Silicon Valley tech giant Meta—the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and X-rival Thread—to combat ‘mis- and disinformation’ during the run-up to the European parliamentary elections in June.
Amidst the recurring threats posed by Islamist extremists against MPs, rapidly changing demographics, and the overshadowing influence of foreign wars in Gaza and the middle east on English elections, can England survive as a nation? To answer, Steven Edginton is joined by the historian and author of The English and Their History, Robert Tombs. “It’s not the case since the 17th century that quite small religious minorities have been able to exert a pretty startling political impact. You might think of Guy Fawkes, and the Gunpowder Plotters or you might think of the Puritans and the origins of the Civil War against Charles I. But, we did think, I suppose, that religion, or at least religious extremism had left our politics really, in the 17th century.” “This was rather like the violence that led up to the Great Reform Bill, in the early 1830s, when you did have major public unrest, rioting, the burning down of the Palace of the Bishop of Bristol. A general sense of the country was on the verge of revolution, and the direct threat of revolutionary violence did really cow Parliament into accepting that it would adopt reform. The House of Lords was the one that stood out against it, but they too were eventually cowed, not so much by popular violence, though that might have happened eventually, but by the King, William IV, deciding that he would, if necessary, create peers to overthrow their majority.” “This combination of what you might call legitimate protest, though, on a scale that we rarely see so repetitively, and I think in some ways the repetition of it is what makes the impact, mixed with a penumbra of extremism which could include violence, against individual MPs or against Parliament, or indeed, of course, it could lead to terrorist action of the sort we’ve been warned about as a growing danger. So I think this is a rather different phenomenon from that of the Suffragettes, the Chartists, and it goes back, I think I might say we probably haven’t seen quite this since the 17th century.”
An increasing number of voices in the pope’s circle are saying it: celibacy is to become a victim of the “Franciscan” Church reform.
Yet celibacy, in particular, is an interesting indicator, because wherever it is called into question, the Catholic faith has evaporated. Those who distance themselves from Christ always distance themselves first from the way of life that HE lived. This applies to every pope, every bishop, and every priest. Seen in this light, the betrayal of celibacy is nothing less than a new betrayal by Judas, and not even the Vatican seems to shy away from finally committing this betrayal.
The pope’s heralds are already preparing it: One high-ranking prelate after another speaks out against celibacy and hopes to receive 30 pieces of silver from Francis in return.
Cardinal Alfons Maria Stickler (1910-2007), librarian and archivist of the Holy Roman Church, described such tendencies as early as 1993. In his book The Case for Clerical Celibacy, he emphasizes that celibacy was never just an ecclesiastical law that could simply be abolished. On the contrary: the abstinence of the clergy dates back to the Apostles and was expected of all clergy in the early Church. If they were married, they were no longer allowed to have sexual relations with their wives after ordination. The cardinal traces this practice back to 1 Corinthians 9 and refers to the corresponding resolutions of the Councils of Tours (461), Gerona (517), and Auvergne (535). He makes it clear that celibacy is more than a rigorous practice; it is about Christ and the priesthood of the New Covenant.
In other words, it is all or nothing. Where faith in Christ dies, abstinence dies first. And where heresies and schisms arise, the abolition of celibacy always appears as a harbinger, as was the case with the introduction of the Protestant Schism in Germany and England.
Seen in this light, celibacy is an indicator of faithfulness to Christ, and that is why the Church has always held on to it. Of course, this is also due to the fact that celibacy refers to the innermost essence of the priesthood: The priest is united to Christ in a sacramental and ontological way. This is precisely why the priesthood is never limited to an external function. It is not a “profession” like any other but a sacred vocation – and it demands the whole man and an undivided heart. Being a priest is not a half-measure or a part-time job, and those who do not sacrifice themselves can never perform the sacrifice of Christ at the altar. Cardinal Stickler calls this the “ongoing sacrificial life” of the priest, which is, of course, as little understood today as the sacrificial character of the Holy Mass.
The Levitical priesthood of the Old Covenant, which involved cultic abstinence limited only to the time of the service in the temple, is surpassed in its essence by this New Testament priesthood. This again becomes visible in celibacy, of which Cardinal Stickler writes that it is much more than just an “appropriate way of life” for priests. Instead, it is necessary and indispensable; it connects the Church with Christ through the Apostles.
The fact that only the Catholic Church has preserved this connection truly distinguishes it as “Catholic and Apostolic”; one could say that celibacy is its trademark and the holy seal of Christ.
If the pope were to abolish celibacy, he would, therefore, be acting against the Apostles and Christ. And even if married men (so-called “viri probati”) were to be ordained to the priesthood, it could only be done if they committed themselves to the marital abstinence the early Church demanded.
Today, however, people no longer want to hear about this because they no longer know Christ. Without a deeper knowledge of Christ and without the sacrifice of total devotion to HIM, no one can be a priest. Cardinal Stickler points this out in contrast to the mainstream that has taken hold of the reformers around Pope Francis. His book makes it shockingly clear how far the Church has distanced itself from Christ.
If the pope were to abolish celibacy, this would mark its definitive downfall – and expose his reform program for what it is: an unprecedented work of destruction.
Advertising photo of the “Asia Studio 126a” in Vienna, where the asylum seeker committed murder
The trivialising reports – as is the case with such multicultural knife attacks by most of the mainstream media, the responsible authorities and most politicians – that the motive for the murder was once again, for the umpteenth time, not related to fanatical Islam, have now been put to bed:
“Oe24” had already speculated that the prostitute killer Ebadullah A. might have acted as a self-appointed “guardian of public morals”. Now it has emerged from his police interrogations that the 27-year-old Afghan had a fundamental problem with women. And that voices in his head had ordered him to carry out the terrible slaughter of three Chinese sex workers.
The asylum seeker has since been brought to court from police custody. The court is now asking psychoanalysts to clarify whether the suspect is sane or whether there are other reasons to exclude guilt.
The religious background that has now emerged is likely to be unpleasant:
As the left-wing Viennese city magazine “Falter” reports, the Afghan, who was not under the influence of drugs, “visited a mosque before the crime” and “called prostitution a ‘dishonourable business'”. He had also “heard voices” and called prostitutes “witches”. (exxpress)
It is difficult to imagine a greater shock than seeing the Hamas slogan “from the river to the sea” projected onto Big Ben in London.
It flows in large letters on the most iconic tower in the United Kingdom, perhaps the world. The screening was authorized by the Metropolitan Police, who had already allowed parades through the streets of London with the flags of ISIS, the Taliban and Hamas after October 7th.
“The Islamists are in charge of Britain,” wrote former Home Secretary Suella Braverman in the Telegraph.
“October 7 transformed the idea of liberating Palestine ‘from the river to the sea’ into a realistic idea that was already underway,” said Khaled Meshaal, Hamas leader in exile in Doha. Hamas has made it clear, time and again, that “Free Palestine” is a call for an Islamic state encompassing all of Israel, for the annihilation of the Jewish state and the genocide of its inhabitants, which Hamas willingly admits. For them it is not a border conflict, but a holy war.
Mahmoud al Zahar, the “surgeon of Hamas”, explained that the destruction of Israel is only the first objective of the Islamic Ummah. Europe comes after and duringogether.
And if there is one city that Islamic fundamentalists would like to conquer (spoiler: they are doing so), it is London, with all its fashion, profit, consumerism, individualism, elegance, luxury, freedom, illusion, alienation, advertising, success, glittering shop windows and absolutely futile and profitable economic empires.
But this whole world lives in an illusion and in this sort of immeasurable “over the rainbow” that the West has become. The same London police that bows to Islamic fundamentalists arrests a Protestant pastor, the seventy-year-old Jogn Sherwood, for “alleged homophobic comments”. Sherwood was establishing marriage as between a man and a woman at Uxbridge station, west London, when he was taken away in handcuffs, questioned, held overnight and released without charge.
“I wasn’t making any homophobic comments, I was just defining marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman, I was just saying what the Bible says and I didn’t want to hurt or offend anyone,” Sherwood explained. “When the police approached , I explained that I was exercising my religious freedom.”
Religious freedom? Today in England you are allowed to project death slogans on the tower of Big Ben, but not to say on a pavement that a wedding involves a man and a woman.
They fear Islam, while Sherwood is the representative of a faith that, at best, will enter the history books within 30-40 years – and which turns the other cheek, anyway.
For the first Friday of Ramadan, the famous Victoria and Albert Museum in London has organized an iftar with a muezzin who will chant a prayer to Allah. Meanwhile, the mayor is setting up the lights for the end of Ramadan. The Muslim mayor of London will also dye the column in Trafalgar Square purple to mark the end of Ramadan.
The call to prayer to Allah also resonated for the first time at Lancaster House, a stone’s throw from Buckingham Palace.
“For months I have been here talking about people on our streets calling for ‘death to the Jews’, Jihad and Intifada while the police stood by and watched,” Conservative MP Andrew Percy said. “Last night a genocidal call was projected onto this building: ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.’ That message says that no Jew is welcome in that land.”
Meanwhile, outside Westminster, Islamic activists intimidated MPs if they don’t vote as they want them to on Gaza. “I spoke to an MP who told me he considered his own physical safety when deciding how to vote on yesterday’s motion on Gaza,” revealed journalist Dan Hogdes on the Westminster vote. “We’ve crossed the line now.”
Meanwhile, Hamas’ Islamist attacks have brought anti-Semitism to Britain highest levels ever, reaching over 4,000 incidents in 2023, of which 2,700 are since October 7th. An “explosion of hatred” that indicates a “celebration” of Hamas’ attacks, says the report by the CST, the body for the security of Jewish communities. Since the Hamas pogrom, 41 anti-Semitic media attacks every day: insults, spitting, assaults, vandalism.
Big Ben (usually lit for the Royal Household or Memorial Day) withstood Hitler’s air attacks and the plans of Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda. Now the Islamic fundamentalists have “taken” it without firing a shot. They feel strong, numerous, they smell fear and see surrender.
Every time a law is passed pulling graphic pornography out of a middle school library, wokes cry about censorship and book burning.
In reality, they’re the biggest book burners in the world.
The same people who mocked some Christians who burned Harry Potter novels launched a boycott because J.K. Rowling insisted that women are women, and men aren’t.
The wokes aren’t anti-censorship, they’re for doing censorship their way. That’s why they’re banning Dr. Seuss and now raising the age rating for Mary Poppins.
Mary Poppins, the classic film starring Julie Andrews, has had its age rating raised by British film censors because it features “discriminatory language”.
The 1964 film has been reclassified from a U, which stands for universal, to a PG, for parental guidance. In it, a derogatory term originally used by white Europeans about nomadic peoples in southern Africa is used to refer to soot-faced chimney-sweeps.
That now “exceeds our guidelines” for U films, the BBFC said.
Wokes have been claiming for a while that having coal dust on their faces makes it blackface and therefore racist. Now they’re actually putting that into action.
The British Board of Film Classification said it classified the film in 1964 and then again for a re-release in 2013.
“Most recently, the film was resubmitted to us in February 2024 for another theatrical re-release, and we reclassified it PG for discriminatory language,” a spokesperson said.
“Mary Poppins (1964) includes two uses of the discriminatory term ‘hottentots’.
Wait until they get around to Peter Pan.
I presume the movie will play with one of the mandatory Disney “trigger warnings” now if it doesn’t already.
Wokes want to decensor graphic sexual materials but censor thought crimes. They’re not against censorship, they’re the biggest censors in the world.
"L’argent Haram c’est ce qu’il y’a de pire pour mettre en colère Allah, t’aura jamais de baraka". L'appel à l'aide d'une restauratrice d'origine algérienne récolte des dizaines de messages lui reprochant de vendre de l'alcool dans son établissement de Paris 11ème…
Translation: “Haram money is the worst thing there is to anger Allah, you will never get baraka”. The cry for help from a restaurant owner of Algerian origin resulted in dozens of posts accusing her of selling alcohol in her restaurant in the eleventh district of Paris…
The original tweet :
Ce restaurant algérien 🇩🇿 a besoin de votre aide
🍴Pitas & Petits Plats 📍 259 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine 75011 Paris 🕤7j/7 de 11h à 22h30
There have been a number of divisions in the Catholic Church since its stated foundation during the time of Jesus’ apostles.
One of the big events was the East-West schism in which the Roman Catholics separated from Eastern Orthodox churches in 1054 A.D. and each group went its own way.
There are others in the history books, and today, individual Catholic groups are deeply embroiled in disagreement over issues including the LGBT lifestyle choice, clerical sexual abuse, celebrating the liturgy and much more.
Religion News Service reported not long ago that Pope Francis’ Synod on Synodality recently found, “Participants felt this division as a profound sense of pain and anxiety.”
The report noted, “A controversy about whether Catholic pro-choice politicians, including President Joe Biden, should be allowed to receive Communion at Mass has fractured Catholic communities in recent years and led U.S. Bishops to launch a $28 million three-year process to ‘restore’ and ‘revive’ the Eucharist.”
Such division of opinion already has been described in published reports as scandalous.
And now it’s worse.
A report at Just the News explains that, “For the first time in recent memory, the ‘s-word’ is being dusted off and bandied in some circles.”
That word is schism.
The report said, “Just after the one-time Catholic Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio was elected Pope Francis in 2013, he made an infamous lament over dinner with the cardinals who had just voted for him. ‘May God forgive you for what you’ve done,’ he said.
“Now, more than a decade later, an increasing number of church leaders openly agree with that sentiment, loudly bemoaning the direction taken by the first pontiff to be born in the Americas.”
In fact, “schism” is “being dusted off and bandied in same circles,” the report said.
Those talks mostly are being pushed by “progressive” changes that are being made by Francis, the pope, including how the church views homosexuals, transgenders, women, divorcees and more.
The pope also has been busy demoting multiple conservatives in the church hierarchy.
The report said the disagreements have gotten so serious “some 90 leading church thinkers – more than a dozen of them from the U.S. or with strong ties to the U.S. church – signed an open letter last week to ‘all cardinals and bishops of the Catholic church.'”
They are calling for Francis to withdraw a declaration from late last year that gave Catholic priests auathorization to “bless” homosexual duos. even though the Bible condemns homosexual behavior.
The report explained it’s just the latest extremist move by Francis, who earlier had been blasted for his criticisms of nationalism and capitalism.
The report noted, “Francis is now 87 and in poor health, which means his critics will probably have to wait out his papacy while launching barbs from the sidelines. But the war over the future of the church is far from over: The next battle will be over Francis’s successor.”
Just the News noted of the 130 or so “cardinal electors” for the church, Francis has appointed 95, all expected to be of his own liberal ideology.
Prof. Eric Kaufmann of the University of Buckingham, where he teaches the world’s first course on “woke”, explains how his native Canada became the capital of woke. To see Prof. Kaufmann’s full interview with us please click here:
Reduxx has learned that a second trans-identified male is set to compete in the girls division of the upcoming New England Interscholastic Track and Field Championship after seizing qualifying spots from two female student-athletes.
Lizzy Cohen Bidwell, born Lucas, qualified for the championship after placing in multiple events in the girls’ Connecticut State Championship. His victory resulted in two female athletes being pushed out of qualifying spots in both the high jump and long jump events.
Bidwell’s winning high jump at the Central Connecticut Conference Championships earned him the top girls’ performance in the state this season yet would have only earned him 10th place in the boys’ Conference event.
Bidwell was transitioned at an extremely early age, and his parents legally changed his name to “Lizzy” when he was between the age of 9 and 10. His parents appear to have increasingly sought to conceal his biological sex over the years.
His mother, Carla Rebecca Bidwell, is a mathematics specialist who began her career as a high school mathematics teacher but moved into promoting critical race theory and trans activism. She has lectured other math teachers on the concept that mathematics can be a tool for “social justice,” and completed her PhD with a focus on the topic of race and mathematics lessons.
Her dissertation, entitled “Successful White Mathematics Teachers of African American Students” discusses the perceived issues with white instructors teaching black students. Carla also delivered a workshop at the Mathematics Equity Summit in 2019 where she spoke about unconscious biases and told white mathematicians to “check their privilege.”
In 2020, Carla spoke out against Georgia’s Vulnerable Child Protection Act or HB 1060. The bill was sponsored by State Rep. Ginny Ehrhart and aimed to outlaw medical interventions for minors, such as puberty-blocking drugs, exogenous hormones, and cosmetic surgeries intended to give children the appearance of the opposite sex.
I'm intensely disgusted by @GinnyEhrhart's bill (HB 1060) regarding the medical care of transgender young people. Medical professionals, NOT politicians, should decide what medical care is in the best interest of a patient. @ed_setzler, I urge you to oppose HB 1060.
Carla has also signed multiple open letters in support of “trans rights.”
In 2018, she signed a letter published in Teen Vogue which called for the Trump administration to halt plans to make the definition of sex clear in law, and to affirm that sex could be determined before or at the birth of a child. That same year, she lended her name to a Human Rights Campaign effort to call on then-Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to ensure “transgender” students had access to the opposite sex bathrooms in school.
Her son is not the only biological male expected to compete in the upcoming New England girls’ Championships.
Lizzy Bidwell is set to compete against another boy, Maelle Jacques from Kearsarge Regional High School. Jacques qualified for the championship after winning the girls high jump competition at the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association Division 2 state championship held on February 11 at Plymouth State University.
After winning the title, Jacques was criticized on X by swimmer Riley Gaines, an outspoken advocate for fairness in women’s sports.
Maelle Jacques (male) won a state title in girls high jump this past weekend in New Hampshire
He won the women's category with a 5'2" jump. This is 10 inches lower than the best boys high jump at 6'0"
Bidwell and his family relocated from Georgia to Connecticut within the last few years, following a state ban on male athletes competing in women’s sports. The ban is designed to protect women and girls and ensure fairness and equal opportunity for female athletes.
Connecticut, however, does not have the same protections, and it has become what Kim Jones of the Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS) calls “ground zero” for the explosion of male athletes displacing girls in school track competitions.
Speaking to Reduxx, Jones pointed out two other trans-identified male athletes who rose to prominence after both being permitted to compete in the female 55-meter dash at the Connecticut Open indoor track championships in 2019. The male racers Andraya Yearwood and Terry Miller took the top spots in the competition and later received the Gold Key Courage Award by the Connecticut Sports Writers Alliance after besting every girl in the state. Over the course of several years, these male athletes took 15 girls’ state championship titles in Connecticut and broke 17 meet records held by top female athletes leaving a profound impact.
Following the Yearwood and Miller scandal, four female athletes pursued a lawsuit against the CIAC claiming sex discrimination under Title IX. However, the lawsuit was dismissed by U.S. District Court Judge Robert Chatigny who said the four women did not have standing. The girls appealed that ruling to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. The en banc panel of 15 judges reversed the District Court decision in December of last year, sending the case back down for a ruling on the merits of the Title IX claim.
The CIAC argues its policy was designed to comply with a state law that requires all high school students be treated according to their “gender identity.” It also claims the policy is in accordance with Title IX, the federal law that allows girls equal educational opportunities, including in athletics.
Currently, The Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Council allows male athletes to simply self identify into female competitions and there are no requirements for them to suppress their testosterone levels.
“The discrimination against girls in the sport persists because state policymakers in the state refuse to act, or even acknowledge, the injustice against female athletes, even after 15 girls track and field state championship titles were lost to two boys,” Kim Jones told Reduxx.
While it is unclear what medical interventions Lizzy Bidwell has undergone, Jones argued that it is “irrelevant” and called it a “misconception” that males who are transitioned early in childhood retain no physical advantage.
“What we are seeing now dispels the misconception that boys whose parents disrupted their natural development with puberty blockers don’t retain male athletic advantage. We have examples of male athletes in volleyball, such as Tate Drageset and India Clark, and now in track and field who have only ever competed in the girls’ category yet still dominating and even in some instances, injuring female competitors,” Jones said.
Speaking about the impact this will have for female athletes, Jones emphasized how missing out on competing in championships will impact girls’ college applications.
“This retained performance advantage profoundly affects college recruiting and can mean the difference between a roster spot on a team or even a full-scholarship opportunity lost for a female athlete,” she said.
“Girls deserve fair competition at every level in sport and this can only be achieved in a category exclusive to female athletes based on sex.”