India: Uttar Pradesh govt bans production, storage, sale of ‘Halal certified’ food items with immediate effect, says it violates Food Safety and Standards Act

Uttar Pradesh bans ‘Halal certificate’ items in Uttar Pradesh (Image Source – PTI/ABP News)

On 18th November, hours after it was reported that the CM Yogi Adityanath-led state government is contemplating a ban on Halal certification in the state, the state administration issued orders to this effect. The state’s Food Safety and Drug Administration Commissioner issued an order dated 18th November, notification number – FSDA Food/2023/6145 to put an immediate ban on the production, storage, distribution, and sale of ‘Halal certified’ food items citing public health. The “Halal-certified items’ banned include edible items, medicines, and cosmetic items. 

The UP govt notification says that the Halal certification is a parallel system as the country has the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India to determine the quality of foods and that it violates the provisions of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, under which FSSAI was formed.

The notification said that Halal certification is being mentioned on the labels of certain food products like dairy products, sugar, bakery products, peppermint oil, salty ready to eat savories, edible oils etc. It said that Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 was promulgated in 2006 by repealing 8 old laws, and Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, the apex body for food items, was formed under it to implement the provisions of the act.

As per Section 29 of the Act, FSSAI has been given the power to decide the quality of food items, and it is the only body authorised to check the concerned standards of the food items as per the provisions given in the Act. The order noted, “Thus, Halal certification of food products is a parallel system that creates confusion regarding the quality of food items and is completely against the basic intention of the said Act, and is not tenable under Section 89 of the said Act.” 

Section 29 states that FSSAI is responsible for the enforcement of the act, and Section 89 states that the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 overrides any contradictory provision in any other act.

“In the interest of public health, production, storing, distribution and sale of halal certified edible items are banned in Uttar Pradesh with immediate effect,” the Food Commissioner’s order stated. 

It added, “The above situation is covered by the definition of counterfeiting in Section 3(1) (zf(A(i)) of the Food Safety and Standards Act, which comes under the category of an offence punishable with a fine under Section 52 of the said Act.”

Section 3(1) (zf(A(i)) says, “misbranded food” means an article of food offered or promoted for sale with false, misleading or deceptive claims either through the label of packaging or through advertisement. The notification added that violation of this provision is punishable as per Section 52 of the same act.

The order also warns entities of strict actions in case they violate the act and the prohibitory orders. The notification added that the order complies with Section 30(2)(d) of the Food Safety and Standards Act and exercises the right vested in Section 30(2)(a) of the said Act. Through those powers, it has promulgated this order that manufacturing of food products with Halal certification within the limits of Uttar Pradesh state is prohibited in view of public health. 

However, the order has excluded exporters from these orders and there would be no ban on ‘Halal certified’ items for exports. 

The order comes after the Uttar Pradesh police, earlier today, registered an FIR against several companies selling “Halal certified” products using forged documents. The FIR was lodged at Lucknow’s Hazratganj Kotwali against companies named Halala India Private Limited Chennai, Jamiat Ulema Hind Halal Trust Delhi, Halal Council of India Mumbai and Jamiat Ulema in Mumbai. 

These companies were selling products such as bathing soaps, spices, snacks, dairy, and garments with fake Halal certifications. Lucknow Police has registered against the accused under sections 120b/153a/298, 384, 420, 467, 468, 471, and 505 of IPC. The police are investigating the matter.

It is important to note that ‘Halal certification’ has been banned as the order noted that it was creating confusion and was running as a parallel system with FSSAI which is the official regulator in India. However, there is no ban issued on ‘Halal food’ which is different from Halal certification. This order will impact the packaged goods sector. However, butchers selling meat, the most prominent Halal food item, are unlikely to be impacted. Because even though the butchers use the Halal method of slaughtering, it is not explicitly certified with any labelling. But shops displaying ‘Halal certified’ boards may have to remove such displays.

Additionally, the order excludes exports of products under Halal certification, including meat. Pertinently, the DGFT under the Commerce Ministry notifies guidelines for halal certification of meat and meat products specifically for export purposes. This is required as most Muslim countries that import meat from India only accept Halal-certified products.

For those unversed, the term Halal is used for products, services, or systems that are considered lawful (Tayeib) or permissible under the Islamic Shariah law that do not consist of or contain any part that is considered unlawful (haram) according to Islamic law, and/or the actions permitted by Shariah law without punishment imposed on the doer.

The Halal certification complies with Islamic laws and is used to ensure that products, items, and services comply with Islamic practices. Apart from prescribing accepted methods of slaughtering livestock, this also applies to several non-products. Because, as per Islamic laws, no product should contain any ingredient which has been banned as haram. This includes ingredients derived from pig and alcohol.

In the year 2006, the Consolidated Food Law Food Safety and Standards Act 2006 was promulgated after repealing 8 food laws. Since then, the right to specify the quality of food items lies only with the authorities/institutions given in Section 29 of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. The order stressed that the said act and the regulations promulgated thereunder have a preferential effect on all other food laws under Section 89.

GERMANY: Pedophile Advocate Leading “Queer” Group, Promoting Transitioning Children

A German sociologist and gay rights advocate who has a lengthy history of pedophilia apologism is currently on the Board of Directors for a “queer” organization promoting the medical transitioning of young children. Rüdiger Lautmann is listed as a Secretary for the Berlin chapter of working group SPDqueer, which has advocated for children to be permitted to initiate a “gender change” from the age of seven years old without parental consent.

SPDqueer works with the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) to advocate for amending the constitution, or Basic Law, to incorporate sex self-identification. The group was previously established as a lesbian and gay working group (Schwusos) in 1978, and was renamed in 2016 to reorient its focus towards “queer theory.”

The SPD, along with the Greens and the Free Democratic Party (FDP), has promoted a controversial bill to enshrine sex self-identification into law. A proposed version of the Self-Determination Act (Selbstbestimmung in Bezug auf den Geschlechtseintrag – SBGG) which is currently being discussed by lawmakers in the Bundestag would classify “deadnaming” as an offense potentially punishable by a fine of up to €10,000 ($10,800), while permitting citizens to alter identification documents on an annual basis.

The draft amendment, approved for review by members of the Bundestag on August 23, would also allow children aged 14 years and over to change the sex marker on their identification and begin a medical transition. Should parents or guardians object, a family court may intervene to override a lack of consent. The SPD, however, has reportedly argued for children to have the right to “self-determination” beginning from the age of seven.

Yet some critics of gender identity ideology have questioned the SPD’s decision to work with a sexologist and academic who has a disturbing history of advocating favorably for pedophilia as a sexual orientation. SPDqueer Berlin collaborates with Rüdiger Lautmann, a former sociology professor at the University of Bremen, who has repeatedly advocated for pedophilia to be recognized as “a sexual orientation like any other.” Lautmann has been involved with SPDqueer Berlin since its formation in 2011.

“I’ve been in the SPD since ‘forever,’” Lautmann states in his biography for SPDqueer. “I’ve been following the work of the former Schwusos since the beginning; I’ve been really active there since moving to Berlin in 2009. Before that, I was involved in the party’s local chapters in my respective places of work in Munich, Dortmund, Bielefeld and Bremen.”

Notably, Lautmann authored a book published in 1994 titled The Lust for Children: A Portrait of Pedophiles. The book is based on his interviews with 60 men who admitted to sexually abusing young children, primarily boys.

“They really love the children, read their every wish, organize trips, buy toys and are only comfortable around children,” Lautmann says of the 60 pedophiles he interviewed.

The book became popular with pedophiles for its sympathetic portrayal of adult attraction to children, which Lautmann described as a sexual orientation, and its repeated assertions that children are capable of sexual autonomy.

“For me, it is is very clear that there do exist relationships that do not require any intervention,” Lautmann wrote. “The children cling to their lovers, and can leave them any moment if they choose.”

In his book, Lautmann sought to categorize what types of children pedophiles are attracted to and conducted in-depth surveys of pedophiles on the characteristics, body types, and personality traits they most desired. He featured dozens of direct quotes from the pedophiles he interviewed graphically describing the sex acts they performed with the children they abused, some as young as 4 years old.

“Even with a 4-year-old something can happen,” Lautmann wrote. “The pedophile, of course, wants his penis to be stimulated manually or orally. Only rarely will the children comply with this.”

Lautmann describes cues for “childish consent,” and suggests that pedophiles do not use force to secure compliance from children, but instead allows them to lead sexual activity.

“The vast majority of the encounters described appear to be based on consent,” Lautmann writes, prefacing descriptions of child sexual abuse by his interviewees. He also rejects the “prevailing line,” which he describes as an “unsatisfactory” argument that children are incapable of giving consent, stating that it is “based on deductions from normative foundations.” Lautmann also accuses “campaigns against child abuse” of “profiting” from the “strictness and simplicity” of current laws.

“Excited and attractively dressed, these little people – not to mention all their other qualities – embody something of the sensual side of our world; at least that’s how children are staged today,” writes Lautmann. “Pedophilia brings out something that no one wanted, but which objectively follows from the desire to beautify childhood.”

In 1995, Lautmann repeated the thesis of his book in an article for Pro Familia, a leading NGO which provides resources on sexual health. In Pro Familia’s official magazine, Lautmann’s article states: “Our study defines the term pedophile, distinguishes it from incest, abuse and sadism. We prove that such men exist. The thesis is therefore: The desire for a child is an independent and differentiated sexual form. Pedophilia is therefore a sexual orientation like any other and no longer a perversion.”

An article by Lautmann was again published by Pro Familia in 2013, titled “sexual research can change reality.”

Lautmann was also involved in a 1979 motion calling for the deletion of Section 176 of the German legal code, which would effectively eliminate the age of consent. Throughout his career, Lautmann has maintained a close relationship with notorious pedophile sexologist Helmut Kentler.

Beginning in 1969, Kentler’s project had placed foster children in the homes of pedophiles in an attempt to test his theory that pedophiles could make good foster fathers. Kentler had theorized that the pedophile’s attraction to children would result in a strong drive to take care of them.

In 2008, Lautmann wrote Kentler’s obituary for the Humanist Union (HU), while sitting on the board of the organization. The Union describes itself as an “independent civil rights organization,” but had maintained coordination with a working group on human sexuality which explicitly advocated for the legalization of adult-child sex.

In addition to serving in a leadership position for the HU, Lautmann was a member of the pedophile lobbying organization Humane Sexuality Working Group (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Humane Sexualität, AHS), a research project which pushed the narrative that “pedosexual contacts” could be “consensual” despite the age and power difference between a child and an adult. Lautmann published for the magazine, advocating for a legal separation between sex offenders and pedophiles. The HU only officially distanced itself from the AHS in 2004 following concerns over optics.

Last year, after public outcry, Lautmann was blocked from participating in the creation of daycare centers coordinated with Berlin’s Senate Department for Youth, Education and Family. He had initially been one of the members of the board overseeing aspects of the project. The appointment of Lautmann to the role was initially celebrated on a notorious pro-pedophile forum, Krumme-13 (K13), which advocates for lowering the age of consent to 12 years old.

As Reduxx has previously reported, the Self-Determination Act has received support from K13 in a recent blog post.

“Why is gender identity also politically important for pedophiles/pedosophists?” K13 asks. “Gender and sexual identity do not only begin on the 14th birthday, when the so-called protection age limit ends. Children can and want to experience their childhood sexuality self-determined beforehand.”

The post continues: “Child sexuality as a whole must no longer be a taboo. Because pedosexual relationships are not conceivable without self-determined child sexuality.”

In October, the German Bundestag accepted a petition from K13, as part of a bundle of similar petitions on the topic of children’s rights. The K13 petition seeks to amend the Basic Law by asserting that children have “the right to have a say in all matters that affect their emotional, mental and physical well-being,” and “the right to the free development of their personality.”

“Sexual self-determination” is included in Article 2 of the Basic Law under the phrase “free development of personality,” a fact that Gieseking made certain to point out to his followers on his website.

Geert Wilders’ conservatives surge to top of the polls just days before Dutch election after impressing in televised debate

Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom (PVV) has experienced a dramatic rise in popularity among Dutch voters in a matter of days, rising from fourth place to now polling joint top with the governing VVD after an impressive performance in the latest television debate.

In the most recent survey conducted by pollster MDH, the right-wing populist party strengthened its electoral position by five percentage points to reach 26 percent, on par with the party of outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte, now led by Turkish-born Justice Minister Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius.

The increase in support appears to be at the expense of Pieter Omtzigt’s New Social Contract, the centrist party fighting its first national election, whose party’s popularity dropped by the same margin.

“The past week has seen the biggest changes in polling of this campaign. This directly relates to the fact that Geert Wilders was only involved in a debate on television for the first time on Nov. 12,” pollster Maurice de Hond explained.

The Dutch mainstream media has been accused of bias concerning the exposure it gives the more establishment parties in the country in comparison to those advocating a conservative, nationalist approach, particularly regarding immigration.

Earlier this week, data published by a diversity watchdog revealed that no politician from Wilders’ PVV or Thierry Baudet’s Forum for Democracy (FvD) has featured on the leading late-night talk show, Op1, since the fall of the Dutch government back in July, while mainstream parties seemingly deemed to be more palatable by producers, have been invited on dozens of times during the election period.

The SBS debate this week, of which de Hond says “Wilders clearly appeared to be the winner,” seems to have drastically shifted the odds in favor of Wilders’ party being a part of the next Dutch government, or at the very least having a considerable influence on the composition of any coalition government.

“In the penultimate poll, conducted five days before the elections among almost 7,000 respondents, we see this drastic shift: PVV increases by five seats and NSC decreases by five seats. That is a reinforcement of last week’s trend,” the pollster added.

In the last two weeks, the PVV has increased its estimated vote share by seven percentage points, while NSC has seen its support plummet by the same figure to its lowest recorded level since its recent formation. Support for the governing VVD has remained broadly consistent.

Dutch voters head to the polls on Nov. 22 to elect a new government after Mark Rutte’s coalition government collapsed primarily over disagreements relating to asylum and immigration policy.

The election falls under a backdrop of an asylum crisis that is rapidly getting out of control, evidenced by new figures from the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) this week which revealed that over 42,000 asylum seekers resident in the Netherlands are awaiting a decision on their asylum application, and the average waiting time for applications to be processed has exceeded a year.

It warned that the asylum backlog continues to grow at considerable expense to the Dutch taxpayer, and anticipated the number of new arrivals next year will bring the entire asylum process to breaking point, forecasting between 49,000 and 76,000 new applicants and revealing it only has the capacity to process around 47,000 applications a year.

UK: Five Muslims charged in rapes and sexual assaults at Brighton Beach

Why does this keep happening? Yes, sexual molestation happens all over. But we see Muslims involved in this kind of story is seen on a not infrequent basis. Why? One reason may be because such treatment of infidel women is sanctioned in the Qur’an.

Belgian socialist leader resigns – Resignation sparked by comments against Roma community 

Wikimedia Commons , Vlaams Parlement, CC-BY-3.0

Conner Rousseau resigned as head of Vooruit on Friday, announcing the decision after a special meeting of the board of the Flemish social democratic party on racist remarks he made against the Roma community.

“The fuss about me is distracting too much attention from the party’s essence and it’s no longer about what Vooruit stands for,” said Rousseau. “My person must not stand in the way of the challenges (faced by our party).”

An interim chairman has reportedly been appointed, with household names such as Melissa Depraetere slated as likely successors, due to be introduced to the press on Saturday.

Rousseau was recently criticised  for racially offensive comments he made about the Roma community whilst inebriated at a bar in Sint-Niklaas in early September. The news had leaked before, but this week Het Nieuwsblad published verbatim excerpts from the police report.

Rousseau announced that he was stepping down as chairman after a party meeting held to discuss the matter. Although the board allegedly urged him to stay on, he felt the controversy surrounding him had become a distraction from fundamental party goals such as better wages, social progress, and combatting far-right extremism.

“The focus on extraneous issues and complications involving me is growing,” noted Rousseau. He said he was stepping down to enable a return to calm, so that the focus can once again be on core issues.

The outgoing Vooruit president also made an appeal to people who might be put off by the controversy surrounding his remarks. “Come back. I’m making space. Trust Vooruit, the only party that can prevent our country from complete stagnation,” he urged.

Rousseau acknowledged that his controversial remarks were a “grave and hideous mistake” for which he felt “ashamed.” He added: “I wish to ask, once more, for forgiveness from the bottom of my heart.”

He also apologised to anyone he had “let down.” Indicating that he understood it might be “difficult” for him to be given a second chance and that many people were “disappointed,” he said he hoped for some forgiveness and a second chance at the “right time,” whether in or out of politics.

Finally, he expressed gratitude to his supporters, colleagues, party members and – significantly – the media “beecause I was given many opportunities to impart my message.”

“Even if you are critical of me, you should remain so, but you must also remain critical of yourselves,” he added.

Conner Rousseau resigns as president of Vooruit party (

RIDICULOUS: Brazilian Communist President Lula Attacks Israel Again and Downplays Hamas Terrorism

Communist Brazilian President Lula da Silva. Photo by Ricardo Stuckert / PR

Brazilian Communist President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva condemned Israel’s armed response to terrorist attacks by Hamas. Da Silva made the statement during the repatriation of Brazilians rescued in the Gaza Strip last Monday, 13.

This is not the first time Da Silva has criticized Israel and downplayed Hamas attacks on Israel, as reported by TGP in October.

Lula da Silva said:

“I have never seen such brutal and inhumane violence against innocents. Because if Hamas committed an act of terrorism and did what it did, the State of Israel is also committing various acts of terrorism by not considering that children are not at war.”

“We will do what happened on October 7th again and again”: Muslim student threatens Jewish students in Ireland’s University College debate on Palestine

Muslim student threaten Jewish students to repeat 7th October terror attacks again and again during University College Dublin, Ireland (Image Source – Ireland Israel Alliance’s X handle)

On 17th November (Friday), the University College debate in Ireland’s capital Dublin on the ongoing Palestine conflict witnessed chaotic scenes with some Muslim students shouting down Jewish students and reportedly threatening them of large-scale violence. Several videos of the chaotic debate have gone viral on the internet. Many X users while sharing the anti-semitic incident asserted that the pro-Palestine students gave threats that they will repeat the horrific terror attacks of 7th October against Israel again and again while chanting “Allahu Akbar”, as can be heard from the viral videos.

Notably, the incident unfolded during a debate hosted by the University’s Literary & Historical Society. The topic of the debate was “This House believes that the West has failed Palestine.” Initially, it was a three-on-three debate but after hours of confusion it became one-on-one with Richard Boyd Barrett hailing from People Before Profit debating against Natasha Hausdorff of UK Lawyers for Israel. 

Hours before the debate, two people who were supposed to advocate against the motion pulled out of the debate. As a debater supporting Palestine’s cause was Ibrahim Halawa who was supposed to debate alongside Boyd Barrett. Halawa who hails from Firhouse in Dublin, was arrested during a protest in 2013 for supporting the Muslim Brotherhood’s (announced terror outfits by many countries) Mohamed Morsi. Halawa spent more than four years in various Cairo jails before being exonerated by an Egyptian court. 

Meanwhile, pro-Israel commentator Mark Humphrys had to back out to allow the debate to be held in one-on-one format as Natasha Hausdorff refused to debate considering Halawa’s past record. 

In several videos circulating on social media, some people can be heard shouting “get out” while many attendees are seen being escorted out of the Fitzgerald Chamber where the debate was being held.

In these videos, a man can also be heard repeatedly shouting Allahu Akbar and making aggressive gestures, which prompted the security to intervene. In an audio recording with unclear quality, there appears to be a verbal confrontation involving him and another female student. Some individuals, who have shared videos related to the incident, claim that the targeted student is of Jewish descent. However, due to the audio’s ambiguity, the exact verbal exchange could not be established.

However, an Irish NGO supporting Israel wrote, “Our speaker Natasha Hausdorff managed to give a very informative talk about Israel at a debate last night at University College Dublin before it descended into chaos when a man in the the audience began to shake his fist and shout ‘Alahu Akbar’ at an Israeli student present.”

It added, “These are clearly shocking images. Past the chaos you can clearly hear a man proudly shouting at a Jewish student, ‘we will do what happened on October 7 AGAIN and AGAIN Allah hu akbar!’ ”

However, she responded to the hecklers saying “I have only love for everyone, Jews, Muslim, do you have for me?” 

The Literary & Historical Society stated that the event had been “controlled at all times” but the post-debate Q&A finished early “due to active crowd interjections at the end” because it was difficult for speakers to be heard. “We understand that ‘chaos’ sounds better in a headline, but in reality there were simply some crowd interjections towards the end,” the L&H was quoted saying by Irish media The Journal.

Israel Hamas war

It is important to note that on 7th October thousands of Hamas terrorists attacked southern Israel killing more than 1,200 while maiming thousands and taking more than 250 Israeli and foreign nationals as hostages to Gaza. The scale of brutality was the largest in the Independent history of Jewish nation which coincidentally has triggered a vicious cycle of anti-semitism throughout the world especially in ‘ivy league’ Universities and colleges. 

In its retaliation, Israel has been carrying out ground operation in Northern Gaza in what is has called as an operation to “dismantle” the terror infrastructure of Hamas in the Palestinian enclave.

Not celebrating Christmas 2023 in Muslim Bethlehem

By Ethel C. Fenig

For those Christians who were optimistically hoping to celebrate Christmas 2023 in Muslim-occupied Bethlehem, which Christians believe is the birthplace of Jesus, the founder of their religion, cancel your plans.  Bethlehem is canceling Christmas

The reason is the general situation in Palestine; people are not really into any celebration, they are sad, angry and upset; our people in Gaza are being massacred and killed in cold blood.

Therefore, it is not appropriate at all to have such festivities while there is a massacre happening in Gaza and attacks in the West Bank.

Yeah, that will happen when “our people” slaughter over 1400 people at a music festival and adjacent villages in neighboring Israel — Jewish and even Bedouin and Muslim Israelis, who were the innocent initial victims, fight back.

It is telling that this heroic resistance evokes feelings of “sad, angry and upset” among the coreligionists of the initiating terrorists indicating the Muslim residents of Bethlehem therefore approve of the terrorism — the barbaric slaughter of innocents.

And so, Bethlehem’s Muslim workers are removing the festive lights, trees, and other decorations characterizing the Christian holiday which they had begun hopefully installing.  Christmas tourism in this once Christian majority now Muslim-dominated village is a mainstay of its economy. 

If Bethlehem further declines, who will the residents blame?  Hmmm!  TikTok?

Other than that, hopefully those who will now change their holiday plans to celebrate elsewhere will nevertheless have a joyous holiday.

Tusk’s former minister becoming an MEP despite his ongoing corruption scandal is a fitting addition to Brussels

Włodzimierz Karpiński (Source: Wikipedia)

Włodzimierz Karpiński, a former Treasury minister in the PO-PSL government and a prominent Civic Platform (PO) politician who is facing corruption charges, has been released from custody to take up his mandate as a Member of the European Parliament, a move that can only be described as unbelievable, incredulous, and shameful.

Particularly, because on the very day we found out that Karpiński had accepted a European Parliament seat, the appropriate European Parliament committee lifted the immunity of four Law and Justice (PiS) MEPs at the request of a judge from Iustitia — the society of lawyers close to the Civic Platform (PO).

The case, initiated by a convicted fraudster named Rafał Gaweł, pertains to the four PiS MEPs liking their party’s campaign video on Twitter, which criticized EU immigration policy.

Despite the accusation appearing farcical, the judge, affiliated with the PO’s judicial wing, Iustitia, may deem these likes as promoting racism and could potentially sentence the PiS members to five years in prison and impose a ban on them from running for office.

As a result, either Patryk Jaki or Beata Kempa is expected to replace Karpiński in detention, which ironically makes sense in the context of the European Parliament’s current landscape.

The parliament, which includes members like the infamous Eva Kaili, found by Belgian police with a suitcase full of cash and under specific charges of bribery, seems to accommodate such scenarios. Mrs. Kaili has since returned to her respected position in the parliament without rebuke, exemplifying the institution’s tolerance for ambiguous income sources. This includes European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who managed a multi-million “deal” on vaccines and has refused any investigations with the understanding of European elites.

In this light, Karpiński’s accession to the European Parliament is seen by some as a fitting addition, adhering to the principle of “like attracts like” – the right man in the right place, indeed.