US report highlights Turkey’s “systemic discrimination” against the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

The record of systemic discrimination experienced by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople in Turkey is included in the new report of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). The report examines threats to religious properties in Turkey, including places of worship, religious institutions and cemeteries.

The report notes that although the Treaty of Lausanne provided protection and freedom of worship for the remaining non-Muslim communities in Turkey, this protection and freedom was often significantly curtailed, not infrequently, through action against Christian holy sites.

The report shows that the highest number of attacks on Greek Orthodox and other Orthodox churches occurred in the Marmara region of Istanbul, which is associated with the largest concentration of non-Muslim populations.

In addition, the report states that the seizure of property can be used as a form of retaliation, citing as an example the seizure of the Prince’s Greek Orthodox orphanage.

The particular orphanage was confiscated in 1964 by the Turkish authorities, who did not perform the necessary maintenance, thus leaving the building to suffer the wear and tear of time.

As noted, by the time the Ecumenical Patriarchate managed to regain ownership of the building through an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights, “however, after 60 years of abandonment, the building had sustained significant damaged and fallen into disrepair.”

“The burden is on the Greek Orthodoxcommunity to repair and preserve the site at considerable financial cost,” the report added.

Although bombings and terrorist attacks have declined over the past decade, the report concludes that incidents of vandalism and destruction of religious property through arson and gold hunting, combined with the lack of prosecution of these incidents, have increasingly affected the Greek Orthodox and other Orthodox communities in Turkey.

In summary, the report finds that these findings are indicative of a wider political indifference to the protection and property rights of the country’s non-Muslim minority communities.

“Over the last century, Turkey’s non-Muslim populations have  continued to decrease. This decrease came largely in response to a series of alarming incidents, such as the 1934 pogrom against the Jewish community in Thrace, the crippling wealth tax of 1942 levied against non-Muslims in Turkey, the 1955 pogrom against the Greek Orthodox community in Istanbul, the 1964 expulsion of Greek Orthodox residents of Istanbul, and the tense political environment leading up to the Turkish military intervention in Cyprus in 1974.

“These trends led to drastic population declines, especially within the Greek Orthodox community, which has dwindled to less than 2,000 persons from a population of over 100,000 in 1923.

“These historical trajectories have similarly had a significant impact on the preservation of religious sites, especially for those whose communities and congregations have disappeared. The ongoing trend of population decline in non-Muslim communities further makes the maintenance, protection, and sustainability of their respective religious sites especially challenging,” the report added.

Civil war looms for Spain? Socialists push country to the breaking point

screen grab X

Hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated in Madrid over the Socialist Party’s (PSOE) move to seize power, with the party only able to form a government via controversial pacts with separatist parties that not only violate the constitution but also threaten to tear Spain apart.

The genie is out of the bottle for the Spanish left. On Saturday, in addition to hundreds of thousands of people demonstrating again in downtown Madrid against the Socialist Party’s pacts to form a government, 30,000 people in the Basque Country demanded self-determination for the region.

Pedro Sánchez was sworn in as prime minister on Friday, after parliament authorized him to form a government by an absolute majority, with 179 votes in favor. However, he has paid a huge price for attaining power, having to reach an agreement with the separatist Catalan and Basque parties, without which he would have been forced to call new elections.

In the end, Sánchez opted for treason and made pacts with the separatists, raising concerns not only about the constitutionality of his actions but also about the rule of law.

He promised Catalans an amnesty law that would grant all politicians involved in the independence movement a pardon going back to 2012, including Carles Puigdemont, who has been a fugitive in hiding in Belgium for six years after being unable to take responsibility for his unconstitutional declaration of Catalan independence in 2017. The Socialist Party also waived 20 percent of the region’s debt to the state (around €15 billion) and handed over all of Catalonia’s rail infrastructure and its management, which was considered to be in the national interest.

In return for a yes vote from the Basque parties, he promised to give them their own social security system within two years and to recognize the Basque country as a nation.

The demonstrators, backed by at least a hundred NGOs and the right, accused the new head of government of treason, and carried banners with slogans, such as: “Not in my name: no amnesty, no self-determination.”

The event was also attended by the leader of the right-wing opposition party Vox, Santiago Abascal, and the head of the People’s Party (PP), which won this year’s early elections, Alberto Núnez Feijóo, who only failed to form a government because, unlike Sánchez, he refused to sell his country to separatist parties.

At the demonstration, Feijóo accused Sánchez of “raising walls in Spanish society” and “humiliating the country” even though he claimed to have adopted such extreme measures to protect peaceful coexistence for the Spanish people. He then described the inauguration of the Socialist Party leader on Friday as a fraud and a lie.

The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, also spoke, again referring to the agreements made by the Socialist Party in order to form a government as a “coup d’état.” He then announced that his party will continue to support all peaceful movements in the future because Spain cannot give up the battle.

There are already signs that separatist parties are making their move to carve up Spain. In the Basque region, around 30,000 people took to the streets at the call of EH Bildu party, which works with former ETA terrorists and is also allied with Sánchez. They demanded recognition of the region as an independent nation. 

A turnout for Basque separatists on the streets has not been seen in some time, as it is a region where aspirations for self-determination have subsided significantly since the termination of the ETA militant group. Now, Sánchez has reawakened the movement with his promises.

Both the Catalans and the Basques made it clear during the negotiations that if they helped install Sánchez as prime minister, they would come up with additional demands, one of which would be that both regions could legally become independent from Spain, which is strictly prohibited by the Spanish constitution. If Sánchez wants to pass laws in the next four years in addition to obtaining the prime minister’s seat, he will need these separatist forces, and in turn, he will have to fulfill even their most radical demands.

The result could mean Spain is heading towards breaking apart, which would have enormous consequences for all of Europe.

UK: Local councils spend millions on ‘woke’ job roles despite fears of being on brink of bankruptcy

Birmingham City Council has 18 “woke” positions, despite declaring themselves bankrupt earlier this year, Wikimedia Commons , G-Man., PD-user

Councils are reportedly spending millions on “woke” jobs as council tax rates rise and services are being cut.

Local authorities across the UK have recruited 750 people for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion roles.

The taxpayer-funded employees are there to ensure councils meet equality commitments.

However, critics have slammed the posts, paid up to an eye-watering £28million in total, which have “infested” local government.

“Diversity, inclusion and equity are woke buzzwords which need to be eradicated from the public sector,” Reform UK business spokesperson Rupert Lowe told the Express

“If private companies choose to waste their money on this nonsense that is their decision, but we must scrap these taxpayer-funded positions.

“This woke infestation has gone too far,” he said.

Birmingham City Council – who declared themselves effectively bankrupt by issuing a Section 114 notice in September – has stopped all non-essential spending.

However, the local authority has 18 “woke” positions, including five vacancies.

These roles are paid for by the taxpayer, costing £634,816.

Luton council has nine filled equality diversity and inclusion positions, including five vacancies. The cost of these jobs is £451,399.

Council leader Hazel Simmons said: “We need to do more to tackle inequality and promote diversity and inclusion.”

The council has made over 1,300 of its staff attend unconscious bias courses.

The data was gathered via Freedom of Information requests which were sent to 372 councils.

As many as 247 replied, supplying information about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion roles in their workplace.

Out of the councils that responded, it was revealed that 498 staff are employed in such roles, costing the public £18.1million.

When the figures were modified to include figures from councils that did not respond, the number shot up to 746 roles, costing £28.2million.

The eye-watering figures could come as a shock to many, with many local councils currently struggling with financial troubles.

A council leader has warned that “multiple council bankruptcies are inevitable” without Government support.

Last month, Leicester city council announced they were being forced to make “savage” cuts to services, with the Labour-run authority warning it was close to declaring bankruptcy.

The council stated that they need urgent cash from the Government, or else face the likely possibility of financial collapse.

Councillor Stephen Holt, Leader of Eastbourne Borough Council, recently hosted a homelessness summit where he warned that as homelessness rises, temporary accommodation fees could threaten many public services.

Holt wrote a letter to Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, making urgent requests to overhaul housing policies.

He said: “I hope that Jeremy Hunt will listen to the collective cross-party voice of 119 council leaders and provide the financial support needed to prevent the prolonged suffering of the most vulnerable in society.

“Unless we get an Autumn Statement commitment, multiple council bankruptcies are inevitable and the safety net that so many people rely on will fail.”

In Eastbourne, the council had to find an additional £2.6million in 2022/23 and the figure is predicted to rise to £3.6million in the current financial year.

Councillor Holt concluded: “Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt have the future of frontline public services in their hands and history will judge them very harshly if they don’t acknowledge this crisis and use their considerable powers to address it.”

Argentina Elects Countermoonbat Javier Milei

Let’s start the week off with some excellent news. Formerly wealthy Argentina has spent generations in a state of economic misery thanks to the socialism entrenched by Juan Peron. At last it has turned a corner with the landslide election of President Javier Milei:

Milei campaigned as a libertarian, capitalist anti-socialist, leading his young political movement, Liberty Advances, against the long-standing Peronist socialist establishment.

Milei is libertarian like the Founding Fathers, not like the degeneracy and open borders variety.

As a Latin American libertarian, he also took socially conservative positions that do not align with the common understanding of mainstream libertarianism in the United States, such as opposing the legalization of abortion and discouraging business dealings with communist countries, including one of Argentina’s top trade partners, China.

No wonder the dejected moonbats at the Guardian sulk that Milei is a “far-right libertarian” as well as a “a climate-denying populist.”

Milei’s Liberty Advances Party first entered the Argentine Congress in 2021, giving Milei himself his first political experience and rising at the expense of both the socialist Peronists and the unpopular center-right establishment. The Peronists lost the Argentine Congress in 2021 for the first time since 1983. He has for years condemned politicians as “parasites” and referred to the nation’s career politicians as a “caste” that lives at the expense of the average Argentine citizen. As an economist, he has focused his public rhetoric for years on the wealth-generating power of unfettered capitalism, condemning socialism as an “impoverishing system” that allows for “parasites” in politics to live lavishly while most people suffer. To combat inflation and economic collapse, Milei has promised to “dollarize” the country – make the U.S. dollar an official Argentine currency – and eliminate the Argentine Central Bank.

Great idea — provided we pry Democrats out of power before their wasteful spending gives us a taste of the hyperinflation Argentines have become accustomed to.

While Joe Biden gibbers incoherently on behalf of bloated Big Government, Milei produces quotes like this:

“The state does not create wealth; it only destroys it.”

Milei is not a fan of his fellow Argentine Jorge Mario Bergoglio:

Milei … has derided Pope Francis as “a malignant presence on earth,” denounced him as a “filthy leftist” and charged that the pope had “an affinity for murderous communists.”

More Milei on Francis:

Milei called Pope Francis a “leftist son of a b* who is preaching communism throughout the world” and said that he was “the representative of the evil one in the house of God.”

Pope Francis represents a globalist left that aims to destroy our culture, our freedom, and our standard of living in the name of the repugnant ideology we know as moonbattery. Milei may come to personify worldwide pushback.

Celebrate Milei’s big win and get to know a promising countermoonbat by watching his interview with Tucker Carlson:

Moonbattery Argentina Elects Countermoonbat Javier Milei – Moonbattery

German national football team booed by ‘Turkish Germans’ in home match against Turkey

Controversy surrounding mass migration has once again come to the fore in Germany after ethnic Turks booed the national football team during Germany’s game against Turkey on November 18.

Commentators said the German team was effectively forced to play what felt like a hostile away game. The number of Turkish fans vastly outnumbered German supporters despite the fixture taking place in Berlin.

The Turkish fans are also said to have acted disrespectfully towards their German hosts during the game.

Video footage of some fans shouting “Allahu Akbar” (“Allah is greater”) has also gone viral online, while others were seen giving the salute of Turkey’s Grey Wolves nationalist paramilitary group.

Speaking after the game, German politicians expressed anger and frustration at the actions of the Turkish fans, many of whom are thought to hold German citizenship.

“It must hurt all of us when people born or raised in Germany boo the German national team during an international match in Germany,” said Bijan Djir-Sarai, a federal MP for North Rhine-Westphalia.

“This shows once again the failures and deficits in integration policy. Why do these people live in Germany if their love continues to be for Turkey and its president?”

Hans-Joachim Watzke, the managing director of Bundesliga team Borussia Dortmund, also slammed the hatred shown by some fans for Germany’s captain İlkay Gündoğan.

Being of Turkish origin himself, Gündoğan spoke before the game about how “special” the event would be for him, discussing how his parents were originally from Turkey’s İzmir province and that he still had family there.

The player was repeatedly booed by Turkish fans throughout the game.

“I think that’s absolutely not okay and I don’t have any understanding for it because it’s simply intolerant,” Watzke said.

The controversy has once again raised questions over Germany’s mass-migration policy. Many politicians on the centre-right now express concern that the country can no longer properly integrate newcomers.

Authorities have also grown increasingly concerned regarding migrant-related political violence in the country. Some officials are predicting that Berlin will see more riots this coming New Year’s Eve.

Riots in the capital made the front pages of media internationally on January 1, 2023. First and second-generation migrants were alleged to have attacked police and emergency workers during outbreaks of street violence.

What Hamas did to Israeli women deserves only one punishment: death

Hamas terrorists drive back to the Gaza Strip with the naked body of the German-Israeli woman.,

by Giulio Meotti

The hypocrite feminists launch campaigns for “pink quotas”, for “inclusive writing”, for the prices of pads, for “neutral pronouns”, to overcome the “patriarchy”, to pass laws against those who whistle at a girl on the street, believe every claim on #MeToo – and they don’t say a word about it.

“A woman was raped surrounded by her dead friends. Another had her breasts cut off and the terrorists played with them. A Holocaust survivor saw her granddaughter raped and murdered. A fourteen-year-old girl was found with her legs spread and semen on her back. She had been shot in the head. Most of the women were shot multiple times in the head. Some bodies were so badly damaged that after three days blood was still dripping. They mutilated the genitals of several women.”

The Israeli police investigation into mass sexual violence by Hamas terrorists involves allegations ranging from gang rape to post-mortem mutilation. “The police are collecting evidence of sexual violence from witnesses, surveillance footage and interrogations of arrested Palestinian jihadists,” says David Katz, head of the Israel Police Lahav 443 investigative unit. The investigation will last “six to eight months”.

Police showed reporters a recorded interview with a female survivor of the Supernova rave party who witnessed the gang rape and murder of a woman. “They bent her over and I realized that they were raping her, one after another. Then they handed her to a man in uniform. She was alive. Standing up and bleeding from her bottom. They held her by her hair. A man held her shot in the head while he raped her, while she had her pants down.”

The most important women’s organizations within the United Nations failed to say anything. The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) spoke amorphically about the “gender dimensions of conflict.”

Even Fania Oz-Salzberger, the daughter of Amos Oz, the famous left-wing Israeli writer, wonders “where are the feminists”.

I didn’t expect anything from the UN, #MeToo or woke feminists.

Just two years ago, Iran was elected to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Four European countries have voted in favor of ayatollahs torturing those who do not wear the headscarf.

But the farce doesn’t stop there. Because not only Iran was elected to this commission. There is the China of forced abortions and sterilizations. There is Pakistan, where a thousand Christian girls and other minorities are kidnapped, raped, converted to Islam and forced into forced marriages every year. There is Mauritania, where many women are still enslaved.

For Israeli women, there are not even the crumbs of indignation, like for the gender identity of Western men.

Sexual mutilations. Gang rapes. The word “pogrom” on October 7 does not really reflect what happened. The Hamas murderers are a manifestation of Evil. But organised. And that makes it even more beastly.

But most Western media refuse to talk about it. This is why today they speak of an “ceasefire”, as if there were a war between two equal parties.

Such evil must not go unpunished. Israel must continue until the last Hamas terrorist is killed or captured

Sign the petition by clicking on the link (put it in your browser)

What Hamas did to Israeli women deserves only one punishment: death (

‘A gang came to kill people!’ — Teen stabbed to death and 17 wounded during winter ball massacre in French village

A 16-year-old boy was stabbed to death and at least 17 other people were injured during a night of terror in rural France after an organized gang gatecrashed a village hall event and attacked attendees with knives.

The quaint village of Crépol, located approximately 50 kilometers west of the southeastern city of Grenoble, fell victim to shockingly violent scenes early on Sunday morning when a gang infilitrated the annual winter ball being enjoyed by locals intending to kill people, the village’s mayor said.

Around a dozen thugs descended on the village hall at approximately 2 a.m. on Sunday and sought entry to the event, confronting the security guard on the door.

An altercation ensued outside the premises with the security guard sustaining injuries before the gang began attacking several other attendees of the event seemingly indiscriminately, according to Le Dauphiné libéré newspaper.

In the chaos, a 16-year-old boy was stabbed twice in the chest and throat and, despite being airlifted to Lyon hospital for treatment, died of his injuries.

Two other young people, aged 23 and 28, are understood to be in a critical condition in hospital with stab wounds, while several others were hospitalized after sustaining minor injuries.

“A gang came to kill people,” said mayor of Crépol, Martine Lagut. “They did not come to have fun but to do harm. This tragedy leaves a family in mourning. These were 16-17-year-old children from the surrounding villages who were there. It’s terrible.”

She explained how the victims “found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time” in a brutal two-minute attack.

“They were leaving and these young people arrived with knives to attack them for free. The fight did not take place in the village hall. They waited outside. It only lasted two minutes, it seems,” Lagut said.

“It’s not possible to go and kill people for free! A sensible person can’t think like that! I wonder what is on these people’s minds. We have the impression that they are wild animals,” she added.

Authorities confirmed to French media that no arrests have yet been made.

“According to the first testimonies collected by the investigators, the facts appear to be a settling of scores. The investigation was therefore opened for homicide and attempted homicide by an organized gang. At least ten people from outside Crépol came to the site, around 2 a.m,” said Laurent De Caigny, public prosecutor of Valence.

“They could have come from [the nearby town of] Romans, or perhaps from the Monnaie district. Without us yet having any certainty, investigators are hard at work finding the perpetrators,” he added.

The teenager who died has been named by his local rugby club as Thomas. He was a promising rugby player and the Romanais Tollois club paid tribute to him on Sunday afternoon with a minute’s applause in his honor.

“The players came together and decided to honor the memory of Thomas by playing despite the sadness this afternoon to pay tribute to him,” the club said on social media.

Several national politicians have commented on the attack on social media, including Marion Maréchal, the niece of French nationalist Marine Le Pen and leader of the right-wing Reconquete party’s electoral list for the European Parliament elections next year.

“In Crépol, a village of 550 inhabitants in the heart of the Drôme, a pack of barbarians attacked a private party last night, leaving 17 injured, including two seriously and one stabbed to death, Thomas, 16 years old,” she wrote on X.

“Why this silence, Gérald Darmanin?” Maréchal asked France’s interior minister. “Support for his family, his loved ones, the injured and all the residents shocked by this attack,” she added.

“Crazy are those who refuse to see the beginnings of a civil war,” added French MEP Gilbert Collard.

Islamist ‘Morality Guardians’ Surging in Vienna Schools

Wikimedia Commons , Robert F. Tobler, CC-BY-SA-4.0

Es ist eine Meldung, die sprachlos macht. Nach 23 Jahren soll eine Rentnerin aus ihrer Verfügungswohnung ausziehen. Erfahren hat das die Frau ausgerechnet an ihrem 77. Geburtstag, als plötzlich zwei Mitarbeiterinnen der Stadt Würzburg vor ihrer Tür standen.

Krystyna Thiele erklärt gegenüber der Mainpost: «Sie haben mir gesagt, dass die Wohnung für mich allein zu gross ist und dass sie meine Wohnung für eine Flüchtlingsfamilie brauchen.» Auf die Frage, wo sie denn hin solle, erfährt die Frau, dass sie in eine «andere Wohnung oder eine WG» umgesetzt werde, und das schon zum Ende des Monats.

Zudem sei ihr mitgeteilt worden, dass sie «ihre Sachen packen und die Hälfte ihrer Einrichtung verkaufen oder wegwerfen» solle. Einen schriftliche Bescheid der Stadt bekommt die alte Frau, die auf knapp 44 Quadratmetern lebt, nicht.

Verfügungswohnungen gelten als Notunterkünfte der Stadt und sind eigentlich nicht für die dauerhafte Unterbringung von Menschen gedacht. Dennoch wurde Krystyna Thiele die halbjährliche Verlängerung über 23 Jahre immer wieder gewährt.

Die Frau, die nach einer Lebenskrise schwer ins Straucheln kam, wie sie selbst erklärt, lebt von gerade einmal 690,52 Euro Rente. Zu wenig, um davon eine Wohnung auf dem freien Wohnungsmarkt anzumieten. Die geringe «Nutzungsgebühr» der Verfügungswohnung von 253 Euro konnte sie «immer selbst» bezahlen. «Vielleicht habe ich mich zu sehr daran gewöhnt, vielleicht war ich zu blauäugig, um den Rausschmiss jetzt vorherzusehen.»

Grundsätzlich sei die Wohnung von Frau Thiele dazu geeignet, mehrere Personen oder eine Familie unterzubringen, heisst es. Da die Stadt Würzburg derzeit nicht mehr in der Lage sei, mehrköpfige Familien unterzubringen, sei die Unterkunft von Frau Thiele in Erwägung gezogen worden.

Die Rentnerin werde nun in einer «seniorengerechten WG» untergebracht, erklärt die Pressestelle der Stadt gegenüber der Mainpost. Hierzu hat die Frau allerdings noch kein Schreiben bekommen. Ihre neue Adresse kennt sie – vierzehn Tage vor dem Umzug – noch nicht. Lediglich sechs Umzugskartons hatten ihr Mitarbeiterinnen der Stadt am 16. November gebracht.

Wie war das noch mit «Niemandem wird etwas weggenommen»?

Populist Libertarian Javier Milei Wins Presidency of Argentina in Landslide

Economist Javier Milei, a cable news fixture who was elected to the Argentine Congress riding a wave of anti-socialist sentiment in 2021, was elected the nation’s president on Sunday.

Milei campaigned as a libertarian, capitalist anti-socialist, leading his young political movement, Liberty Advances, against the long-standing Peronist socialist establishment. As a Latin American libertarian, he also took socially conservative positions that do not align with the common understanding of mainstream libertarianism in the United States, such as opposing the legalization of abortion and discouraging business dealings with communist countries, including one of Argentina’s top trade partners, China.

The candidate representing the socialists, current Minister of Economics Sergio Massa, announced to his supporters before official election results had been published that he had called Milei to concede the presidency.

With 86.59 percent of the vote tallied at press time and published by Argentina’s election authorities, Milei received 55.95 percent of the vote, compared to 44.04 percent for Sergio Massa – a double-digit lead made especially notable because Massa defeated Milei in the first round of voting on October 22.

Milei will succeed Massa’s boss, current President Alberto Fernández, under whose leadership the country has experienced an unprecedented economic crisis, fueling skyrocketing inflation, joblessness, and social anxiety. Fernández chose not to run for reelection and the presumed candidate expected to replace him, current Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, also chose not to run after being convicted of corruption crimes in late 2022. Courts found her both guilty of engaging in corruption and covered by prosecutorial immunity laws, so the vice president – who has also served as both president and first lady – chose to abstain from entering the race.

Massa delivered a speech at his campaign headquarters in which he urged supporters to wish Milei luck and work to improve the lives of Argentines collectively.

“I want to say that, obviously, the results are not what we expected,” Massa said – to audible expressions of shock, as the election results were not yet available – “and I have communicated with Javier Milei to congratulate him and wish him luck because he is the president that the majority of Argentines chose for the next four years.”

Speaking over some jeers, Massa added, “I did it convinced that the most important thing we have to leave Argentines with is the message that coexistence, dialogue, and respect for peace before so much violence and disqualification is the best path that we can take.”

Milei’s Liberty Advances Party first entered the Argentine Congress in 2021, giving Milei himself his first political experience and rising at the expense of both the socialist Peronists and the unpopular center-right establishment. The Peronists lost the Argentine Congress in 2021 for the first time since 1983. He has for years condemned politicians as “parasites” and referred to the nation’s career politicians as a “caste” that lives at the expense of the average Argentine citizen. As an economist, he has focused his public rhetoric for years on the wealth-generating power of unfettered capitalism, condemning socialism as an “impoverishing system” that allows for “parasites” in politics to live lavishly while most people suffer. To combat inflation and economic collapse, Milei has promised to “dollarize” the country – make the U.S. dollar an official Argentine currency – and eliminate the Argentine Central Bank. Milei famously appeared on television destroying a piñata version of the Argentine Central Bank to celebrate his birthday.

In an interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson in September, Milei reiterated his disgust with large-government politics.

“The state does not create wealth; it only destroys it. The state cannot give anything because it doesn’t produce anything, and when it wants to do so, it does so badly,” Milei asserted.

“Since they [left-wing politicians] intend to live off of others without working, they are tireless in pursuing this because their leitmotif in life is to live off of others,” he said at the time, “so they never cede in this mechanism of appropriation of riches and money and the generation of income of others. So that battle has to be fought permanentlyone cannot rest because when you rest, socialism advances.”

Asked to give advice to American former President Donald Trump, Milei said at the time, “from my humble position, I would say [to Trump] to redouble efforts from the same position – don’t give the socialists any respite, not even for a second.”

Milei has yet to speak at press time. This post will be updated as the story develops.

BREAKING: Argentinian Donald Trump Javier Milei Wins First Batch of Diaspora Votes by MASSIVE MARGINS – Runoff Election Today Against Socialist Economic Secretary Who Crushed the Economy

The Argentinian runoff election is being held today and so far the “Argentinian Donald Trump” Javier Milei is winning the diaspora vote by wide margins.

The socialist economic minister Sergio Massa, who has destroyed the nation’s economy, is taking on conservative firebrand Javier Milei.