Jihad on Churches in France

by Raymond Ibrahim

In July 2023, Muslims torched the 12th century Saint-Georges De La Haye church in Descartes, France. (Image source: Joël Thibault/Wikimedia Commons) CC BY-SA 4.0

Christian churches are under attack throughout Western Europe, with very recent examples from AustriaGermanyItaly and Sweden.

No Western nation, however, seems to experience as many attacks on its churches as France, once known as the “Eldest Daughter of the Church.”

Investigative journalist Amy Mek tweeted on July 1, 2023:

“Attacks on Churches are the norm in France; two Churches a day are vandalized — they are being burned, demolished, and abandoned, and their adherents are being sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. Priests are under constant threat. At what point will France’s open border politicians be held responsible?”

That last question inadvertently identifies the culprits — namely, migrants from the Muslim world, where attacks on churches are not abnormal.

In July 2023, for instance, Muslims attacked and desecrated several churches in France, by breaking the doors and windows of one church and spray-painting anti-Jesus and pro-Muhammad graffiti on its walls. The men also torched at least two historic churches — a 16th century church in Drosnay, and the 12th century Saint-Georges De La Haye-Descartes church — after general riots prompted by the June 27 police shooting of Nahel Merzouk, a Muslim criminal.

Not only did French authorities pretend that these two heritage churches simply “caught fire” — “probably due to a storm” — but they insisted that it was the police killing that prompted otherwise peaceful Muslims to riot at all.

If this was the case, what does one make of the fact that Muslims have been attacking churches in France for decades? Below is a recent sampling of attacks that occurred before the June 27 shooting of Merzouk:

June 26: Saint-Lazare church, which stands near another church that was heavily vandalized by Muslims on July 5, was desecrated and robbed.

June 20: A “gang of college students” stormed into the Saint Roch Church in Nice, mockingly doused themselves with holy water, and began shouting “Allahu akbar,” which, the report notes, is “regularly heard during Islamist attacks.” The first deputy mayor of Nice, Anthony Borré, responded in a letter to his apparently indifferent higher ups, urging them to take such matters seriously:

“Since October 29, 2020 and the Islamist attack on the Notre-Dame Basilica in our city [when another “Allahu akbar” yelling Muslim slaughtered two French women—one by beheading—and a man inside a church], you are not unaware of how traumatic it can be for our fellow citizens to hear such remarks within a church and the painful memories that they can revive. Faced with these attempts to destabilize society and with the attacks on our secular Republic, we must provide a strong and collective response.”

June 23: Three Muslims, aged between 12 and 13, barged into Saint Joseph Church in Nice, during an afternoon mass, and also began shouting “Allahu akbar.” Nice, it bears remembering, is also where another Muslim murdered 84 people in 2016.

June 12: After breaking into church property, a gang of Muslims — described only as a “group of young people” — savagely beat Fr. Joseph Eid of Notre-Dame-du-Liban parish and called him a “dirty Christian.” While fleeing intervening passersby, they spewed other “anti-Christian insults.”

Muslims also thrashed the 80-year-old Catholic priest of Saint Vincent de Paul in Saint-Étienne. After knocking Fr. Francis Palle to the ground, they continued beating and kicking the octogenarian, until he fell unconscious (last reported he was in critical condition). Although this attack occurred on June 30, three days after the police killing of Nahel Merzouk, the diocese said that it had nothing to do with the riots, but was, rather, standard fare.

June 3, The Church of Mailhac was heavily vandalized.

May 28: Several “unidentified” people broke into and vandalized the Saint-Laurent church in Cugnaux, which has a large Muslim presence: they defaced a crucifix, overturned candles onto the ground, and damaged icons — before setting the church aflame. A passerby, however, quickly intervened, including by calling the fire department which arrived swiftly and put out the flames. In response, Albert Sanchez, the mayor of Cugnaux, called for more “dialogue and understanding between the different religious and cultural communities of our city,” since “diversity is our strength and our pride.”

May 4: “Long live Islam,” as well as Arabic writing, were found spray-painted on the walls of a church in Lieusaint in Seine-et-Marne. The report adds that “This is not the first time this church has been vandalized… Several statues had been damaged and knocked over.”

March 16: A man, previously “on file for his Islamist radicalization,” stormed the Saint-Hippolyte Church in Paris and disrupted its service. He also stole the church’s six-foot-tall Plexiglas cross, which had supported a 400-year-old wooden Christ. It was later found nearby “smashed into many pieces,” said police.

March 8: A Muslim migrant entered into the Saint-Louis church cemetery in Évreux and proceeded to break off and desecrate the crucifixes affixed to some 30 graves.

March 2: A man described as of an “African type,” vandalized Saint-Eustache, one of the largest churches in Paris, in part by smashing the protective glass of an altar with a fire extinguisher. The report notes that “The suspect’s modus operandi … [is] comparable to that of the Saint-François-Xavier church [vandalism], where damage had been committed on Tuesday, February 28.”

While discussing these Paris church attacks, a March 17 report noted that a total of eight Parisian churches were vandalized or set on fire during the ten weeks between January and mid-March of 2023.

The above, as mentioned, are just a few examples: most attacks on churches in France are not even reported by local media. Investigative journalist Sonja Dahlmans offers more details:

“Crucifixes, organs, altars and other religious symbols are regularly destroyed or stolen [from the churches of France]. Statues of saints also suffer. In the church of Angers, seven statues of saints were beheaded or amputated in April this year. A statue of Mary was beheaded in the St. Martin’s Church in Choicy-le-Roi. Stained glass windows of old churches are also regularly smashed by vandals, such as in Guerlesquin. Extreme violence was used last October in the Saint-Joseph Chapel in Saint-Pol-de-Léon. There, vandals smashed the church doors with an ax and smashed all the church windows. All crucifixes and other religious symbols were destroyed by the perpetrators.

“Church cemeteries and graves cannot escape vandals. In Velsy, this involved damaging and robbing 150 graves in June 2022. The crosses on the graves and other religious symbols were taken or destroyed by the perpetrators. Eighteen graves of the church in Rocquemont were destroyed in May of the same year. A statue of Mary at the Guignicourt-sur-Vence cemetery was stolen in August 2022.”

It would seem that a full blown jihad has been declared on the churches of France, and the country’s leadership is looking the other way.

map, published by Christianophobie.fr, which marks with a red pin every spot where a church in France was attacked between just 2017-2018, looks like a war zone. Virtually the entire map of France is covered in red. Even Snopes, which presents itself as the final arbiter on what is real or fake news, admitted the accuracy of the map, while trying to minimize its findings:

“While this image [the map] is often shared as if it shows all of the churches that were ‘destroyed’ in France, this map actually documents a wide range of nefarious activity, such as vandalism, theft, and arson, that occurred at both churches and cemeteries over an apparent span of two years (not four), covering 2017 and 2018.

“It should also be noted that while this map does document some relatively serious crimes, such as arson or the toppling of church statues, many of these pins correspond to graffiti-related incidents. We also found one pin related to a person’s simply interrupting a church service.”

In other words, according to Snopes, having jihadist, anti-Christian graffiti spray-painted on a church, or having a church service interrupted by a Muslim intruder screaming “Allahu akbar,” is not sufficiently “serious.”

One wonders if they would be so casual if a Christian vandalized a mosque, or broke into a mosque while screaming Christian slogans?

It should, incidentally, be unsurprising that the official mainstream response to the jihad on French churches is one of feigned ignorance, as captured by one somewhat surreal Newsweek title: “Catholic Churches Are Being Desecrated Across France—and Officials Don’t Know Why.”

While this report does a decent job of summarizing the “spate of attacks against Catholic churches” — including through “arson,” “vandalism,” and “desecration” — the words “Muslim,” “migrants,” or even “Islamists” appear nowhere in the report. Rather, “anarchist and feminist groups,” angry at churches because they are “a symbol of the patriarchy that needs to be dismantled,” are alluded to.

Meanwhile, even deductive reasoning makes clear that Muslims perpetrate the lion’s share of attacks on churches. Dahlmans reports:

“[A]ccording to a 2022 OSCE report, France is in the top five European countries with the most recorded anti-Christian hate crimes. The other countries in the top five are Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom and Sweden.”

There is something else that these top five nations have in common: significantly large Muslim populations. Put differently, while Poland, Hungary and other Eastern European nations have their share of “anarchist and feminist groups,” they have very few attacks on churches — and even fewer Muslims.

There are, of course, “practical” reasons why all of these Muslim attacks on French churches are massively obfuscated and dissembled. Imagine, for instance, how the tragic burning of the Notre Dame Cathedral in 2019 might be understood if it was common knowledge that countless churches in every corner of France have been and continue to be under constant attack, including through arson, by that nation’s significant Muslim population (hundreds of whom made it a point to gloat as Notre Dame went up in flames)?


France: A young migrant from Guinea, armed with several knives, threatens passers-by and shouts “Allah Akbar”, then tries to attack one of the educators at the centre where he is staying

On Monday November 20, a minor of Guinean origin was arrested in the area of Avenue des Lombards in Troyes. He was armed with a knife, threatening passers-by and shouting “Allah Akbar”.

On Monday November 20, a horrific incident took place on the Avenue des Lombards in Troyes, in the immediate vicinity of student accommodation. A young man of Guinean origin, a single minor accommodated in a nearby shelter, had initially attacked one of the educators at the centre that was taking him in. The man managed to defend himself, whereupon the young man left the premises.

He was wearing a traditional religious garment and then went out onto the public street. Armed with several knives, one of which had a fairly large blade, he shouted threats at passers-by who encountered him. He also shouted “Allah Akbar”, causing panic. (…) L’Est Eclair


Macron’s Flip-Flop on Israel: The Result of ‘Domestic Politics’ – That is, pressure from certain forces

On October 7, French President Emmanuel Macron was among the first to declare his solidarity with, and support for, Israel as it began its war to root out Hamas from Gaza. Three weeks later, his tone had changed, and he has now been lecturing Israel on the need to “stop bombing,” which, if Israel were to agree to do so, would constitute a victory for Hamas and a defeat for Israel.

An Israeli official, who does not want to be identified, has said that Macron’s change in attitude toward Israel’s campaign in Gaza was the result of “domestic politics.” By that he meant the pressure on Macron from the five million Muslims in France to end his support for Israel in Gaza, and to start getting tough with the Jewish state. More on this can be found here: “French Jews worry Muslim unrest could see Macron flip on Israel, putting them at risk,” by Canaan Lidor, Times of Israel, November 14, 2023:

Philippe Karsenty, a French-Jewish media analyst and former deputy mayor of the Paris suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine, was more specific. “Macron is seeking to avoid a civil insurrection by Muslims. He doesn’t want another French intifada, so he’s betraying Israel,” said Karsenty.

Karsenty is exactly right. There are only 500.000 Jews in France, but nearly five million Muslims, or ten times as many. When the Jews march, as they do so very seldom, they do so, in quiet and dignified fashion, only to express their alarm over antisemitism, and their solidarity with the embattled Jewish state. There is no yelling, no violence, no setting fire to cars, no attacks on police stations and mayoral offices.

But when the Muslim mobs form, they yell their hatred of Jews and of the French, smash shop windows, set thousands of cars on fire, ignore police orders to stop their vandalism and disperse, and even fight with the police — an entirely different affair from the Jewish marches. And if a Muslim is injured or killed by the police when fleeing, all hell breaks loose throughout the Hexagon.

Remember in 2005, two Muslim teenagers were electrocuted while hiding from police in an electrical substation. This accident was depicted as a deliberate murder; there were riots all over France; shops were looted, several thousand cars were torched. Early in 2023, there were again riots after a Muslim named Nahel Marzouk was shot dead after a traffic stop. A a policeman had been leaning into the driver’s window, his gun pointed downward. When the driver stepped on the gas and the car suddenly lurched forward, the policeman’s hand jerked upward, and his gun discharged, while aimed at Marzouk’s chest. Marzouk was killed. After Marzouk’s death — he was a delinquent already known to the police — there were again riots in a dozen cities all over France. Six thousand cars were set on fire, one thousand buildings were damaged and some destroyed, including a town hall and several police stations. Macron knows that these Muslim riots can be prompted by anything — a word or deed — deemed to have been directed against Muslims. That includes, of course, any expression he might offer of solidarity with Israel in its war with Hamas.

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin on October 12 issued a nationwide ban on rallies against Israel, citing concerns that they risk exacerbating a surge of antisemitic incidents. Since October 7, the CRIF umbrella of French Jewish communities has documented more than 1,000 antisemitic incidents — more than double the 2022 tally.

Macron addressed the ban in a televised address on October 13. “Let us not bring ideological adventures here by imitation or by projection. Let us not add national fractures… to international fractures,” Macron pleaded. “Let us stay united.”

“Let us stay united,” insists Macron. But France is not united. Its large Muslim population despises the Infidels among whom those Muslims, by the millions, now live, and whose welfare benefits those Muslims receive as their due, without gratitude, as a kind of proleptic jizyah. Not just the Jews, but all the French non-Muslims, are despised by for the Muslims for being “the most vile of created beings.” Muslims do not accept the authority of the French state, nor the legitimacy of laws created by Infidels. Macron would have done better to recognize that division in French society instead of pretending it does not exist, and to have urged that those who cannot be integrated into French society should think about leaving. He might have said “I will not countenance rallies by those who preach or practice race hatred on our soil, especially the ‘oldest hatred’ of antisemitism. Those who do so, if they are not yet citizens, should be deported from France. And even those who have acquired citizenship should ask themselves if they can truly integrate into a determinedly secular society like ours.”

Thousands of protesters have flouted the ban [on rallies against Israel], resulting in several violent clashes with police amid fears of a repeat of one of the periods of civil unrest that have engulfed France in recent years, sometimes in connection with Israel, and often featuring large numbers of demonstrators in or from heavily Muslim neighborhoods.

The authority of the Republic needs to be imposed. Those who violate the French government’s ban on marches and rallies against Israel, which immediately descend into the crudest antisemitism, and take part in such events, need to be arrested and prosecuted. Such defiance of the state cannot be tolerated in any well-run democracy. If Muslims find they can get away with ignoring such bans without consequences, their defiance of the law will only increase. Those who came to France in order to batten on whatever benefits the generous welfare state has on offer, but are unable, or unwilling, to integrate into a non-Muslim society, and to respect its laws, should not be given citizenship, lest the authority of the government crumble.

Macron on October 19 acknowledged in more explicit terms that he’s worried that the conflict between Israel and Hamas might spill into France unless it’s handled correctly. “If we handle this poorly, this could become an element of division,” he told a journalist during a meeting with young adults.

In June and July, a deadly wave of protests rocked France for weeks following the death of a 17-year-old Muslim killed by police, reportedly after failing to pull over when driving without a license. Rioters wounded hundreds of security officers, torched nearly 6,000 vehicles and vandalized at least 1,000 buildings in clashes that resulted in the arrest of some 3,500 suspects and the death of two of them….

These are the violent riots that Macron hopes to avoid by backing away from his initial support for Israel.

On Sunday, hundreds of thousands of people marched against antisemitism in Paris at a rally organized by the presidents of the lower and upper houses of the French parliament. Former presidents Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande also marched, but Macron was conspicuously absent.

Macron, a passionate speaker whom supporters praise for his empathy, offered an unemotional explanation for this when an interlocutor, Yaël Perl Ruiz, used a handshake encounter to quiz the president on his sitting out the march.

“I don’t attend demonstrations of any kind,” Macron told Perl Ruiz, a granddaughter of Alfred Dreyfus, a French soldier whose 1898 wrongful conviction for treason has made him a symbol of antisemitism in France. “If I did, I’d have to spend every day at rallies,” he added in the exchange, which television reporters filmed….

An insulting response. This was not just one rally among so many that he would then “have to spend every day at.” It was the largest demonstration against antisemitism in French history. It was organized in response to the huge increase in antisemitic acts, almost all committed by Muslims migrants. It was an occasion, at a time when French Jews are feeling extreme anxiety, and with reason, for political leaders, and especially the head of the country, to show up and march in solidarity. Two previous prime ministers, Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande, did join the march. Macron did not care enough about the alarm of French Jewry to march in solidarity with them. Or was it that he was afraid of what Muslims in France would think of him if he seemed to be siding with Jews engaged in a silent and dignified protest against antisemitism?

Karsenty, a public figure who many recognize on the street in Paris, has also adapted his life to living with the threat of violence by Muslim extremists and criminality, he said. “Frankly, I hardly leave the nice neighborhoods. I’m not taking any risks and besides, I don’t have the taste for it,” he said about the prospect of visiting some of Paris’s heavily Muslim areas. “I’m staying in my own environment. It doesn’t make me immune. Anything can happen. But right now I feel kind of protected,” Karsenty said.

Karsenty feels “kind of protected” only because he has had to modify his life. He no longer goes out; he stays put in Neuilly-sur-Seine. Many parts of Paris are now off-limits to him. Similarly, Veronique Chenla has had to hide her mezuzah on the inside of her door so that Muslims don’t know she is Jewish. And she refused to have a building crew of Egyptians, doing renovations inside the apartment building where she lives, inside her apartment, for fear they might find out that she is Jewish and she’s worried about what then might happen.

The browbeating of Israel by Macron is infuriating. He ought to be grateful — the entire West ought to be grateful — for Israel’s measured, determined, and. brilliant campaign against a leading terrorist group. Instead he publicly deplores how Israel, that does everything it can to minimize civilian casualties, is conducting its campaign, when he publicly laments that “these babies, these ladies … are bombed and killed” in Gaza. Un homme d’élite, sûr de lui-même et dominateur, Macron presumes to hector Israel on what it “must” do. He is thereby contributing to the miasma of antisemitism in France.

In that kind of atmosphere, and with the number of antisemitic incidents skyrocketing in France, Macron should have maintained his initial support for Israel. He should not be seen capitulating to the threat of Muslim violence. He ought to have joined the rally against antisemitism, to reassure the anxious Jews of France that he, representing the Republic, and à titre personelle, understands their fears and stands with them. He’s missed this chance. He should make up for his absence at the march by addressing the nation on the subject of antisemitism. Not “antisemitism and Islamophobia.” Antisemitism, tout court. He should speak of the “oldest hatred” both in France — describing the kinds of attacks Jews have had to endure in France in recent years, and also in the wider world, as demonstrated by the intolerable sympathy shown by so many to the murderers of Hamas. Fais un petit effort, Emmanuel.


Leftists abuse Roman and British history to make sexual and racial points

By Andrea Widburg

History, which is the story of humanity, the mighty and the small, is the greatest novel ever written. It’s also a classroom about everything. If you want to know a little bit about a lot of things and, perhaps, pick up wisdom along the way, history is the vehicle. That is if you’re not a leftist. For leftists, history must be folded, spindled, and mutilated to force the past to conform to their current values. So it is that, in England, historians insist that a Roman emperor was transgender and that the mid-14th century bubonic plague was racist and sexist in its effect.

The first rewrite concerns Emperor Elagabalus, who came to the throne in 218 AD when he was 14 and was assassinated only four years later, aged 18.

Within months, according to surviving Roman records, Elagabalus went from being a minor priest to the most powerful man in the world. Think of your average know-nothing teen who goes from nobody to being a rock icon or movie star. Unless that person has a solid moral foundation and adults around him who guide him with wisdom, he almost instantly collapses into a morass of irresponsibility, arrogance, debauchery, and worse. So it was, allegedly, with Elagabalus.

Roman records state that Elagabalus forced all people within Rome, no matter their faith, to worship a meteorite. He was also sexually debauched and promiscuous, even by Roman standards, which is an impressive accomplishment. His sexuality was decidedly homosexual.

Image: The Emperor Elagabalus (edited), according to the left, by José Luiz. CC BY-SA 4.0.

Homosexuality, while not banned in Rome, was viewed with disdain. Unlike the “effeminate” Greeks, whom the Romans both admired and disliked, Rome was an aggressively masculine culture. If one was going to engage in homosexual sex, one had to be the masculine, dominant player in that role. According to historical records, Elagabalus wanted to be a bottom, begging doctors to create a surgical vagina for him. Additionally, when it came to Roman culture, Elagabalus wasn’t that fond of it, preferring to appear dressed up as an Eastern potentate in public, a decidedly feminine look.

Eventually, we’re told that Elagabalus’s debauchery, flamboyance, and hostility to Roman values, when combined with the unstable state of the throne during the Roman empire’s declining years, resulted in the inevitable: His own troops assassinated him, and Severus Alexander took over as Emperor.

The problem with this narrative is that it came from Severus Alexander’s courtiers, who undoubtedly engaged in two practices tyrants love: (1) removing all contemporaneous records of a former ruler (damnatio memoriae) and (2) rewriting the historical record to blacken a predecessor’s reputation. (Think of Shakespeare’s Richard III. Shakespeare wrote for Elizabeth I, whose grandfather had usurped Richard’s throne.)

What’s most likely is that Elagabalus was a perfectly ordinary teen, perhaps homosexual, but not necessarily so, who, like Lady Jane Grey, found himself thrust on the throne thanks to ambitious relatives and was then executed.

A real historian would know this and handle these nuances. The leftist activists masquerading as historians at the North Hertfordshire Museum in England, however, have announced that, henceforth, Elagabalus “will be treated as a transgender woman and referred to as she.” This is political correctness run amok. While the ancients fully understood homosexuality, transvestitism, fetishes, and sad people who wished they could have been born as the opposite sex, they completely accepted the biological gender binary and knew that those who opposed it were, at best, mentally ill.

Not only is the notion of “transgenderism” in Rome laughable, these historians are falling into one of two embarrassing ways of thinking: Either they’re credulously accepting the word of Elagabalus’s assassins, which means they’re fools, or they’re claiming as their own, as a hero of the modern era, a despised, utterly inept ruler. It’s almost as crazy as elevating to sainthood a former felon who died from ingesting illegal drugs while committing a crime. Oh, well, never mind…

The other assault on history comes from a different group of so-called “historians” who have announced that, during the Black Death in mid-14th century England, “structural racism” killed black women. Now, before you say, “There were no black women in mid-14th century England,” they did, in fact, live there, although not in any significant numbers.

Going back to Roman times, the British dealt with Africa, and people from Africa lived in medieval England. One graveyard in London dating back to the plague held the bodies of 634 people, three of whom were probably African women (0.5%). They were present in England, but they were statistically insignificant compared to the whole population.

Nevertheless, the BBC proudly has announced that, when 145 people’s bones were dug up from emergency plague cemeteries in London, they discovered that those whom they think might be of female, Black African descent, were apparently more likely to die, although how they can determine what constitutes “more like” when 1/3 to 1/2 of the population died, is ludicrous. Obviously, systemic racism and sexism were at work:

“As with the recent Covid-19 pandemic, social and economic environment played a significant role in people’s health and this is most likely why we find more people of colour and those of black African descent in plague burials.”

This is historical madness, which relentlessly squeezes the past into the Marxist religious doctrine of today. As even the BBC concedes, there are “no population figures for black women in London [that] have been recorded…” This is pure fantasy based upon speculative guesswork and imaginary data, all backed by ideological fervor.

For a brief window of time, beginning with the Enlightenment, history meant turning up actual evidence and trying to make sense of the past according to its own terms. Before then, history was the purview of monarchs who cherry-picked information to support their right to rule. Under leftist academic aegis, we have reverted to that pre-modern, despotic time.


Women Protesting Gender Ideology Attacked By Trans Activists, Antifa In Portland

Photo Sources: Women’s Declaration International USA

A group of women critical of gender ideology were physically assaulted in Portland by masked trans activists associated with Antifa, resulting in several women being taken to the hospital. Leaders and members of the US chapter of Women’s Declaration International (WDI), which aims to protect “the sex-based rights of women and girls,” were also threatened with death, called “fascists,” sprayed in the eyes with mace, and had their car tires slashed in the middle of the night.

On November 19, WDI planned an event at the Hollywood branch of the Multnomah County Library, quickly cancelling the plans to due to security concerns. Speaking with Reduxx, WDI USA president and author Kara Dansky explained that the goal of the event was to “have a conversation about the importance of protecting women and children in society” and voice concerns about gender ideology.

“In the days leading up to the event, we were in communication with security about how to ensure the safety of ourselves, library staff and guests. Hours before the event was scheduled to take place, we were informed that county security would be unable to guarantee our safety,” Dansky said.

The WDI members then decided to take their demonstration to the street, and set up on a sidewalk near the library.

“We chose to take our message directly to the public. We stood on a sidewalk, with a banner that read ‘Woman = adult human female.’ Within minutes, a vicious mob of men first started screaming at us that we were fascists, and then approached us,” Dansky said.

The small group of approximately ten women were greatly outnumbered, with Dansky estimating that there were between 30 to 50 trans activists clad in black masks.

“They started throwing things at us, cans filled with liquid that fell and sprayed all over us. Speaking for myself, someone approached me and sprayed something in my face. The impact hurt my eyes physically and whatever they sprayed got all over my face and clothing, but it did not injure me,” Dansky explained.

“Other women were treated much more brutally than I was. Several of the women in our group were sprayed directly in the face with mace, causing immediate and temporary blindness, and excruciating pain. The men punched several of us and pushed them onto the ground and repeatedly kicked them while they were on the ground. Four women had to go to the hospital to be treated for their injuries,” she added.

“It looked like they were targeting those of us specifically who were filming,” said Sam Berg. “They punched me in the face. When I fell down they kicked me in the hip. They immediately went for the camera, and stole my phone as well. It was very scary. Women don’t deserve this. Men have no right to do this. This has to stop.”

Berg was one of three women who had strapped a camera to themselves to record the event’s speakers. Two of the women fliming had their GoPro gear stolen, and at least four women had their phones stolen by the trans activists. None of their property has so far been recovered.

One of the women that the trans activists sprayed in the eyes with mace described witnessing the men assaulting an elderly woman who was passing by.

“I saw a yellow-orange liquid and I knew immediately what it was, so I closed my eyes. My right eye got pepper-sprayed, it was burning,” Cass said. “As I was trying to turn away, I felt somebody either push me or punch me in the face. I fell down, my glasses broke. As I was walking away, I saw an unrelated elderly woman in her 70’s walking alongside us. They pushed her or threw something at her and she fell down.”

Another woman who was pepper-sprayed, Linda, said that “only one or two” witnesses to the assault attempted to intervene on their behalf.

“I didn’t realize how blinded I was going to be, in a lot of pain. We turned the corner and they just started attacking everybody. I was next to Lierre, and they blinded her, too, and started hitting her and hitting her,” she said, referring to Lierre Keith, founder of the grassroots women’s advocacy group the Women’s Liberation Front (WOLF).

“These brave women kept standing there calmly, and letting these people attack us. Only one or two passers-by tried to help us at all,” Linda said, incredulous.

“While we were being assaulted, several women called 911 as it was happening. No one in the Portland Police Department responded to these calls reporting active incidents of assault, battery and robbery,” Dansky told Reduxx.

After the women’s rights activists returned to their Air Bnb, they again attempted to contact police and officers were dispatched to their location. A report of the attack and thefts was made, but they were told by officers that the department’s official policy is to “not to get involved” in group conflicts “unless there is an immediate threat to life.”

The safety concern that prompted the decision to abandon the library as a venue was a result of a publicized plan coordinated by trans activists affiliated with the political group Antifa, promoted on social media. The trans activists had been threatening to pelt women with pies and tomato juice – a reference to a volatile mob situation earlier this year in New Zealand that saw women’s rights campaigner Kellie Jay-Keen attacked with the liquid.

“Anti-trans bigots and hate group Women’s Declaration International (WDI) are coming to town this Nov. 19th. Save the date to give them the welcome they deserve,” wrote Antifa propaganda artist “No Bonzo.”

“We arrived… and the woman in charge of security said she could not keep us safe, there were too many of them and they were aiming for violence,” Lierre Keith said in a video clip shared by WDI.

“They told us that they were concerned for the library staff. They couldn’t keep them safe. We didn’t want to put them at risk because they certainly didn’t sign up for this,” Keith said.

“So our decision was to go out on the street near the library and give our speeches, because we have first amendment rights.”

They had also been informed by the Workplace Security Director of Multnomah County that a therapist had filed a report of a death threat from a patient. According to the report, the patient had stated, “I am going to the event and bringing my gun and if anyone messes with me I will use it.” The therapist had a legal obligation to report this information and did so. 

Chillingly, the women, who had rented accommodations together, had awoken Sunday morning to discover that their tires had been slashed during the night. They also discovered that flyers with photos referring to some of the more well-known women had been posted in public, calling them “anti-trans bigots.”

“WDI’s Declaration on Women’s Sex-Based Rights calls for the elimination of trans people, trans rights & trans healthcare, specifically targeting trans women most heavily. In this work they have allied with the far right and international fundamentalist groups responsible for the end of Roe V. Wade,” reads one of the posters.

Additionally, Rose City Antifa (RCA), which has posted multiple smear campaigns on WDI to their website, revealed that they had deliberately undertaken efforts to discover where the women would be staying.

“Thanks to the work of multiple anonymous community members who infiltrated the WDI-USA event planning process, RCA has obtained a list of attendees and organizers, which includes both WoLF and WDI-USA members — most notably Lierre Keith, WoLF founding member and board chair, and well-documented transmisogynist bigot,” the RCA’s blog post reads.

“In leaked planning materials for the upcoming Portland event, WDI-USA and WoLF organizers openly admit that the event’s stated focus, ‘protecting women and children,’ was chosen deliberately to mask their anti-trans agenda. In order to maintain this illusion of respectable, sympathetic feminist activism, lead WDI-USA organizers have repeatedly told prospective attendees that they should avoid even using words such as ‘trans’ at the Portland event.”

While attempting to portray WDI president Dansky as “anti-trans”, RCA points to an email exchange between her and a reporter named Brandon Showalter, who holds conservative political views. The email was part of an orchestrated deception by the first individual in the United States to have been legally recognized as ‘non-binary,’ who claims that he pretended to be opposed to gender identity ideology in order to forge connections with politicians. Elisa Rae Shupe, 59, formerly James Clifford Shupe, has written in extensive detail about the sexual fetishes that motivated his “gender identity.”

Yesterday’s violence follows a long string of attacks on women vocalizing criticisms of gender ideology.

Last year, British women’s rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen held a US tour of pro-woman free speech events which were targeted by multiple incidents of Antifa violence and disruption.

Keen’s appearance in Portland, Oregon, had to be cancelled on October 25 after credible death threats were received. Despite Keen’s absence, a small group of women carried out an unofficial demonstration in the event’s place as an act of resistance. 

As the women spoke, multiple masked men rushed their area and pelted them with whipped cream pies.

Similarly, on October 26, the event in Tacoma, Washington, was quickly derailed by violent trans activists and Antifa. Multiple physical altercations were recorded, with some trans activists showing up wearing brass knuckles and attempting to grapple female speakers to the ground during their speeches.

At least nine people were arrested in New York City during protests that broke out in opposition to the last stop of Keen’s US tour. Like in Portland, Keen had been unable to attend the event as she was not able to get to the speaking podium safely due to aggressive counter-protestors.


Dutch establishment in blind ‘panic’ as Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom projected to become largest in the Netherlands

Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom is set to become the largest party in the Dutch parliament according to the final poll published ahead of Wednesday’s election.

The last survey conducted by I&O Research released on Tuesday morning showed the populist conservatives had edged ahead of the establishment parties and suggested the PVV could win 28 seats in the House of Representatives.

The governing Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) and the Labor-Green alliance of PvdA-GroenLinks spearheaded by former Eurocrat Frans Timmermans, were projected to amass 27 seats apiece.

The recently-formed New Social Contract (NSC) led by centrist Pieter Omtzigt was fourth in the poll with 21 seats.

“In the latest poll, we are the biggest party in the Netherlands,” Wilders posted on X alongside the results, urging the Dutch electorate to “make it the truth tomorrow” by voting for the PVV.

The poll is broadly consistent with the penultimate survey published over the weekend which showed a dramatic rise in support for the right-wing populists at the expense of Omtzigt’s NSC following a televised leadership debate that pollsters claimed was comprehensively won by Wilders.

His party has found it difficult to enjoy the same exposure on the mainstream media as other more established parties, as evidenced by recent watchdog data which showed no member of the PVV has been featured on one of the Netherlands’ most-watched late-night talk shows since the fall of the Dutch government in July, while the VVD had been invited on no fewer than 21 times and the PvdA-GL on 13 occasions.

Despite the projections, there is the possibility of what PVV voters would call an establishment stitch-up which could see Wilders’ party receive the most votes but not find itself in power.

Timmermans’ Labor-Green alliance had already ruled out the possibility of serving in a coalition government with Wilders as prime minister, as had NSC.

The VVD, currently the largest party in the House of Representatives, had refrained from making such a pledge, that is until the publication of today’s poll, which resulted in VVD leader Dilan Yesilgöz-Zegerius telling NPO Radio 1 that her party was ruling out cooperation with the right-wing group should it seek to install Wilders as the leader of the government.

“I’m not going to do that. Prime Minister Wilders would not be good for this country. This country needs a leader who can connect,” Turkish-born Yesilgöz-Zegerius said.

Wilders accused her party of panicking and claimed the PVV was “becoming too big for them” and they are “now thrashing around wildly,” using the pledge as further evidence of the need for voters to turn out in support of his party on Wednesday.


Brutal attack in Vienna: teenager beaten up by Islamic guardians of public morals

Representative image, Wikimedia Commons , Ralf Roletschek / Roletschek.at, GFDL 1.2

A 17-year-old Viennese teenager was seriously injured by self-appointed guardians of public morals on Reumannplatz because of a relationship with a Chechen girl. Three of the attackers are now on trial.

In a shocking incident in Vienna, a 17-year-old Austrian was brutally attacked on Reumannplatz by a group of self-appointed guardians of Islamic public morals. The young man suffered serious injuries, including a broken jaw, a broken cheekbone and a smashed nose. The reason for the attack: he was on a date with a Chechen girl and had kissed her.

The victim, who is plagued by nightmares, reported that he was surrounded by seven to eight Chechens. One of the attackers showed him a video of him and the Chechen girl kissing. The attackers, who claimed to be moral guardians, explained that the girl was only allowed to go out with a Chechen before brutally attacking him. After the attack, the victim was forced to delete the girl’s phone number from his mobile phone.

Three of the attackers, who are already known and have already stood trial, were charged again. The panel of lay judges came to the conclusion that it was a case of intentional grievous bodily harm. The sentences: 16 months’ conditional imprisonment for the first two defendants and twelve months’ conditional imprisonment for the contributory offender. In addition, the victim was awarded compensation for pain and suffering totalling 4451 euros. All judgements are not yet final.


EU: Parliamentarians Take Aim at Wooden Camembert Boxes

Wikimedia Commons , Jon Sullivan, PD-author

MEPs, bored between negotiations on arms deliveries to Ukraine, have found a new enemy: the wooden boxes used for Camembert. These little wooden rounds that contain one of the jewels of French gastronomy are under threat from the zeal of Brussels officials, who accuse them of a crime that is unforgivable these days: they cannot be recycled. 

Parliamentarians have already ruled in favour of the use of reusable dishes in fast-food restaurants, and now it’s cheese’s turn to attract their attention. There’s certainly plenty of cause for outrage. The fate of the planet may depend on the management of this packaging, even though it accounts for less than 1% of all packaging thrown away. But in its choice of culprits, the European Union has reasons that reason knows not. Camembert boxes pollute, and not just because of the fumes they emit—so they should be banned. On Tuesday, November 21st, Members of the European Parliament discussed their fate as part of the packaging regulation presented by the Commission at the end of 2022. 

This was enough to send a wave of panic through France, where Camembert is one of the glories of national gastronomy, regularly threatened by European activism. The French already had to fight to continue making Camembert with raw milk. Now we’re going to have to fight to keep its wooden box. The use of wood to preserve Camembert is not anecdotal, as one professional cheesemaker told RTL: “Wood is part of the Camembert maturing process.” 

Without wood, the taste and quality of the cheese would change. So what can we replace it with? Plastic packaging would obviously be ecological nonsense, but for a European Union that prefers to import rare-metal-loaded electric batteries made in China rather than have internal combustion engines for its cars manufactured in Europe, this is hardly a paradox. As for the use of cardboard, it obviously won’t allow the subtle addition of woody flavours to the creamy milk of Norman cows. 

It’s not just about taste; it’s also about economics. Today, the wooden box industry represents 45 companies and 2,000 jobs, which could be threatened by the decision. Camembert makers and their associates are rumbling with anger. With the European elections just a few months away, this is a dangerous game to be playing, given the sensitive and emotional image that Camembert cheese conveys in France. “If we want to caricature Europe before the elections, we start bothering Camembert producers and their wooden packaging. … That makes everyone jump,” lamented the secretary of state for Europe, Laurence Boone, as reported by Le Monde

Pascal Canfin, chairman of the European Parliament’s Environment Committee and a member of Emmanuel Macron’s party, tried to defend himself: “It’s an omission on the part of the Commission.” French MPs are working on an amendment to protect the precious boxes. Discussions are reportedly underway to deal specifically with the case of Camembert, according to senior officials.

The matter is indeed urgent. In French, there’s a nice expression for a situation like this: ‘en faire tout un fromage’—‘to make a cheese of it’, i.e., to make a big deal out of it. There’s a good reason for this: what’s at stake with the Camembert is not just a matter of waste; it’s an issue of civilisation, and the disappearance of the Camembert box could be paid for dearly at the ballot box.


Lawlessness in France is off the charts as the government continues to bury its head in the sand on immigration, says Marine Le Pen

Screen grab youtube

Lawlessness in France fuelled by mass immigration has spread from the inner-city suburbs to the French countryside as the government continues to ignore the reality staring it in the face, Marine Le Pen has claimed.

In a recent interview with Valeurs Actuelles, the firebrand nationalist and former presidential candidate evidenced the spread of disorder among migrants by citing the tragic case of Thomas, a 16-year-old promising rugby player who was stabbed to death by a city gang who infiltrated a village’s winter ball at its local hall and stabbed several attendees in the early hours of Sunday morning.

“A kid died in circumstances that should never have existed,” Le Pen told the publication. “This tragedy corresponds to the feeling that many French people now feel: No one is safe anywhere.

“A new threshold has been crossed. We are witnessing an organized attack, emanating from a certain number of criminogenic suburbs in which there are armed “militias” carrying out raids,” she added.

The National Rally parliamentary party leader revealed she had spoken with many mayors of small towns who are now experiencing a dramatic rise in crime that was previously non-existent as violence and disorder spill out from urban to rural France.

“I know so many mayors of small towns who no longer organize village festivals. Some suffer from looting and external damage, which economically damages these modest communities. Others seriously fear physical attacks,” Le Pen said.

“All this suggests a form of method which is repeated: gratuitous attacks, cities which serve as rear bases and, in the end, the astonishment of the public authorities who have no response to provide except their indignation and their compassion.”

When pressed on the extent to which she believes the deterioration of French society is irreconcilable, Le Pen remained optimistic that France could be saved, but insisted that the country must be run by politicians who recognize the problem in order to do so.

“We are not there. What only affected the difficult neighborhoods of large cities in the 1980s spread to medium-sized towns, then to small towns. Now, this wave is reaching our villages. But I assure you: It is still too early for pessimism. Nothing has really been attempted by successive powers to stem the phenomenon,” she explained.

The conservative politician compared politicians to doctors who, if they refuse to see the symptoms and diagnose the problem, can never find the solution.

“Levels have been passed by delinquents and criminals thanks to the blindness, laxity, and lack of courage of those in power. If you don’t stop the criminals, they won’t stop,” she warned.

French citizens either growing up or living in the countryside used to feel protected from the reports coming from crime-ridden inner-city suburbs but “now realize that this is no longer true,” Le Pen claimed. “They sometimes feel like game.”

Asked for her view on the media’s reporting of the incident in the French village of Crépol where Thomas was murdered over the weekend, during which many news outlets referred to the attack as a “brawl” between two sets of youths, Le Pen claimed that the mainstream media in France continues to bury its head in the sand when it comes to immigration.

“We have the impression of finding ourselves faced with Cologne syndrome. No one wants to see reality as soon as it involves immigration or people with an immigrant background. We have to name things to better combat them. We are witnessing real punitive raids on villages committed by criminals equipped with bladed weapons,” she said.

The propensity for youths to carry weapons has increased significantly in recent years, according to the National Rally politician, who revealed that “teachers, police officers, mayors are warning us: There is an absolutely insane number of young people who carry a weapon with them at all times.”

She quipped that the figure is now so large that anyone would think it had become legal.

Le Pen remained confident that her party is capable of implementing the radical change France desperately needs and said, to re-use the doctor-politician metaphor, “I think we have more than proven ourselves in terms of diagnosis over the past 40 years.”

She called for regime change and a new approach from emotional reactions to the adoption of major laws that have a “profound impact.”

“Governing is not about stringing together media stunts or tinkering with circumstantial laws. If we aspire to govern like those who have governed us for decades, then let’s leave them in place!” she added.


UN expert says jail sentences for ‘Just Stop Oil’ protesters who disrupted traffic for 40 hours are against international law

UN expert questions UK government for ‘long jail term’ to two Just Stop Oil protestors who stopped traffic for 40 hours in UK (Image Source – The Guardian)

In October 2022, two protestors of the UK-based group ‘Just Stop Oil’ Marcus Decker and Morgan Trowland disrupted traffic for almost 40 hours on one of the busiest bridges in the United Kingdom. In support of the Just Stop Oil ‘activist’ group, they climbed the cables supporting the Queen Elizabeth II suspension bridge in Dartford, Kent, and stopped the traffic flow. Both of them were convicted of causing a public nuisance. 

(Convicted Just Stop Oil protestors, Image Source – The Standard)

Decker was served two years and seven months jail term while Trowland received a three-year sentence. As per British media reports, these were the longest sentences passed on ‘non-violent protesters’ in the UK.

Earlier in the day (21st November), a UN expert while defending both the protestors slammed the UK government. He argued that these long jail terms violate International law adding that this could have a follow-on effect on civil society. 

The UN expert said that long sentences handed to two Just Stop Oil protesters for scaling the M25 bridge over the Thames are a potential breach of international law and risk silencing public concerns about the environment, as reported by The Guardian.  

The UN’s rapporteur for climate change and human rights, Ian Fry said that he was “particularly concerned” as according to him the sentences were “significantly more severe than previous sentences imposed for this type of offending in the past”. He defended them noting that Decker and Trowland have the right to peaceful protest.

He said, “I am gravely concerned about the potential flow-on effect that the severity of the sentences could have on civil society and the work of activists, expressing concerns about the triple planetary crisis and, in particular, the impacts of climate change on human rights and on future generations.”

Rishi Sunak slams UN expert

Hours after the UN expert raised questions on the UK government, UK PM Rishi Sunak slammed him for arguing that lengthy sentences for climate protesters could curb freedoms in the UK. Sunak asserted that it was “entirely right” to hand “tough sentences” to “selfish protestors” who cause misery for the general public.

Taking to X, he wrote, “Those who break the law should feel the full force of it. It’s entirely right that selfish protestors intent on causing misery to the hard-working majority face tough sentences. It’s what the public expects and it’s what we’ve delivered.”

UN’s rapporteur for climate change and human rights Fry had also sought an explanation from the UK government asking, “why, in light of the current climate crisis, it was necessary to introduce and pass the Public Order Act and how both the Public Order Act and the sentencing of Mr. Decker and Mr. Trowland are compatible with international norms and standards.” 

He demanded that ministers should highlight “what steps have been taken … to ensure that non-governmental organisations, civil society organisations, and all human rights defenders can carry out their peaceful work free from threat, violence, harassment or retaliation or any sort”.

However, the UK government has not given any reply to Fry’s letter, which was reportedly sent on 15th August. His letter dated 15th August, also highlighted that a  letter was also sent on 22nd December in which he demanded an explanation of how provisions in the Public Order Act could be reconciled with international human rights law. The earlier letter was signed by Fry and four other rapporteurs which also remained unanswered by the UK government, Fry’s second letter noted.

Just Stop Oil

In the meantime, there has been no response from the UK Home Office to a request for comment. A spokesperson for Just Stop Oil said, “Our politicians are planning to kill countless million souls and destroy the rights and freedoms that we have struggled to achieve. That is the brutal reality of climate collapse, hinted at by Dr Ian Fry.”

Calling people to hit the street, the Spokesperson of the ‘activist’ group added, “If the government is willing to ignore a letter from the UN what chance they will listen to ordinary people writing letters to their MPs? We need to get on the streets, we need to resist and stand with those political prisoners jailed for defending their future. Slow march with us in London, from Trafalgar Square … 12 noon every day.”

As per the activist group, ‘Just Stop Oil’ is a nonviolent civil resistance group. It wants the UK Government should stop licensing all new oil, gas, and coal projects in the country. On their website, the group provokes people to hit the street stating “When petitions don’t work we hit the streets,” amplified multiple times. They appeal to them to join its ongoing ‘Slow March’ luring protestors with two options. If they skip the protest they would have to spend their own money whereas the protestors will enjoy “Free” Breakfast at the Police station and get ‘media attention’ as well. 

(Electricity generation bucket for UK, Image Source – BBC)

As per a BBC report, around 40% of the Electricity generation of the UK is powered by these resources. i.e., Coal, Oil, and Gas. 
