After Croatia’s interior minister warned that there has been an influx of 170,000 migrants during a recent press conference, one notable Croatian journalist is calling for Croatia to deploy its army to the border.
In Ivica Sola’s article entitled “Minster, please send troops to the border,” he writes that the country’s interior minister, Davor Bozinović, should send Croatian soldiers to the borders with Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.
Not long after the interior minister’s press conference, an incident took place in which around 100 illegal migrants stormed onto a train on the Zagreb-Split line.
Sola’s article begins with a reminder that there are already several tens of thousands of migrants from India and Nepal working legally in Croatia. He wrote that he recognizes that migration for work is unavoidable in Croatia’s demographic situation, but illegal migration is a threat to security and not a question of human rights. He called it an invasion by young, fighting-age men in their prime, and the country knows little about them, often not even knowing their real name or country of origin. He also warns that there could be jihadist fighters among them.
The commentator argues that looking at migration purely through a humanitarian lens, rather than a security one, is risky and is due to those who want to pursue the global population displacement concept known as the Great Replacement.
Western countries are increasingly under pressure over illegal migration. In France and elsewhere, it is proving costly because of soaring social benefits as well as the increase in the crime rate it has brought.
He also cites the example of Denmark where the socialist government has pursued a strategy to stop illegal migration. This may lead to countries such as Croatia becoming a destination for illegal migrants when Western countries shut their borders despite Schengen.
Sola also notes that Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is behind coups in Africa, is also using migration as a weapon in the hybrid war to destabilize the EU. This is exactly what happened on the border between Poland and Belarus.
‘This is why we must defend ourselves because no one else will do it for us. Minister Bozinović, send the troops to our borders!” concludes Ivica Sola.
No one should threaten Muslims. At the same time, what about all those non-Muslims who are threatened around the world by people who believe in the teachings of the Qur’an? Do Westlin and her friends stand with them? Of course not. That would be “Islamophobic.
Church of Sweden forms 'wall of love' outside mosque against criticism of Islam –
A female athlete was reportedly not told she would be competing against a male during a Brazilian jiu-jitsu tournament in California last week, prompting a policy revision from the North American Grappling Association (NAGA).
On September 12, Brazilian jiu-jitsu athlete Taelor Moore posted a clip to her Instagram account with the caption, “I weighed in at 135 … and she was over 200!” In the video, a much larger male with braided hair steps up to the mat and engages in combat with her.
Comments on Moore’s post were overwhelmingly supportive, praising her for holding her own against a male twice her size.
“Far from a she, that’s a grown-ass man using his size and weight against you. Congratulations on the win but you ladies need to stand together and not compete against men with makeup. You ladies are the key, this is not okay,” said one concerned commenter.
“Shout out to all the REAL women competitors out there. That other dude should be ashamed of himself,” replied another.
Some responses congratulated Moore for managing to defeat her much larger opponent despite his significant physical advantage. “That guy should not be [allowed] to compete but she is amazing for whooping him,” read one reply.
The match took place during the NAGA Grappling Championship on September 9. Reduxx has identified the male participant as James McPike, 29, who is currently using the feminine name Alice. While McPike lost to Moore, he took home silver in the women’s Absolute No-GI Indeterminate category after beating out a different female athlete.
Following Moore’s video going viral on Instagram, her coach, Smitty Wit, took the opportunity to defend his student in a video where he addressed the issue of trans-identifying males competing against women in Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
“I have a student who went against a trans athlete in an open-weight division for jiu-jitsu grappling, a combat sport,” Wit said. “I’m sure a lot of people hearing this are thinking that my student lost. No, she won.”
“But I have a really big issue at hand, this is a very serious topic,” he continued. “In jiu-jitsu we don’t drug test. You can take steroids. Everyone knows this. It is what it is. When you step on these mats, you waive your rights to your life…. And I had to gaslight my student.”
Alice McPike. Photo: Facebook
Wit explains that Moore had expressed incredulity when she saw McPike, but he attempted to reassure her to “keep her morale up” by telling her: “That’s not what you think it is.”
Moore’s coach went on to suggest that she had received criticism from trans activists for sharing the video of her match against McPike.
“This is my problem. When she goes online and posts about her experience, now she’s a bigot and she’s ‘outing’ this trans athlete. Where do we draw the line? So now women can’t talk about their experiences in a combat sport?”
In the captions accompanying his commentary, Wit clarified that “this isn’t a ‘ban trans’ video,” while reiterating his concern for the safety of women competing in jiu-jitsu. Wit appeared to draw a comparison between a male athlete grappling with a female to doping.
“My student could have been SEVERELY injured by an untested athlete, and gave up a solid 50lbs. Now you’re telling me women can’t EXPRESS their experience, if that experience conflicts with the other individual? Why is it only okay for women to complain when they lose, but have to shut up about it if they win?” Wit asked.
As with Moore’s video, most replies supported Wit, though some criticized him for a lack of clarity on his position regarding male athletes competing against women.
However, Foundation Chicago, a martial arts school where McPike trains, strongly disagreed with Wit and claimed that trans-identifying males have no physical advantage over females in sport.
“Are you saying trans athletes shouldn’t compete against cis athletes? If so, say it. We disagree. Your student showed superior technique and looked slick as all heck against ours, and that’s why she got the well-deserved [win],” Foundation Chicago replied.
“Beating a much larger trans athlete in short order demonstrates quite well that there’s no crazy advantage for trans women against cis women. Say things with your whole chest, don’t be mealy-mouthed, and then discussions can happen. Congrats on being a great coach and on your student doing so well. Super impressive.”
“We are aware of an incident over the weekend where a transgender female competed in a women’s division without prior knowledge of their transgender status. We have since updated our policy to require transgender competitors to contact us in advance so we can discuss and explain the policy to them,” NAGA stated.
“NAGA does not require biological women to compete against transgender women. Instead, we give the choice to the biological women and if they decline, they compete in a division only with other biological women.”
NAGA then provided a link to their official policy, which reads: “For those who chose not to compete with the transgender female, we will inquire if they have an interest in entering a separate division which includes the transgender female. This additional division will be offered at no cost to those competitors. However, if individuals decline this opportunity, the transgender female will be directed to compete with the males in their respective weight and skill level category.”
Come to our IMMIGRATION CONFERENCE on SAT. 7 OCTOBER in London:… Speakers include: Peter Whittle, Prof. Matthew Goodwin, Prof. Eric Kaufmann, Laurence Fox, Alp Mehmet of Migration Watch & many more.
After President Emmanuel Macron declined the Niger junta ultimatum to withdraw the French diplomatic mission from the West African country, tensions continue to escalate as it now surfaces that France’s ambassador to Niger ‘is being held hostage in the French embassy’.
Our Director Peter Whittle appeared on GB News to discuss the shoplifting epidemic that is blighting high streets across the country. Is Britain slipping in to anarchy?
Three minors aged 15 and 16 who were “radicalised” and suspected of wanting to ‘commit violent acts’ or travel to Syria were arrested in late August and early September in Joué-lès-Tours (Indre-et-Loire) and charged in Paris by an anti-terrorism judge, a source familiar with the case told AFP on Friday.
They had been arrested by the Directorate General of Internal Security (DGSI) after being found “testing homemade explosives”, the source added.
A “home visit had confirmed their radicalisation and attraction to Islamist ideology”, the source added.
The three youths showed “quite strong online activity” and “spread propaganda on a number of platforms”, including “a video game platform and a Telegram channel”.
One of the youths “had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State” and wanted to “join IS on the ground” in Syria, it added.
The National Health Service (NHS) is the umbrella term for the gargantuan socialized medicine institution of the United Kingdom—in fact, it apparently holds the title for “the largest single-payer, single-provider health care system in the world.”
In that context, you should be completely unsurprised to learn that medical staff at an NHS hospital petitioned the judicial system to greenlight the “removal of life-saving medical treatment from a 19-year-old young woman identified only as “ST” which would, in effect, be a death sentence; ST needs routine dialysis and other intensive remedies, but she is completely cognizant, of sound mind, and wants to live.
From a report published just two weeks ago:
‘ST’ … has instructed her own lawyers to argue that she should be kept alive and allowed to go to Canada for experimental treatment which would give her a chance of survival.
The hospital argues that while ST’s prognosis is uncertain and she may survive for some months, her condition is deteriorating and she is therefore ‘actively dying.’ The NHS trust has asked the court to approve a ‘palliative care plan’ for ST would mean she is no longer given dialysis and would die from kidney failure within a few days.
Two psychiatric experts instructed by the hospital have examined ST and have told the court that she is not suffering from any mental health illness and has the mental capacity to make decisions about her own medical treatment.
The court ruled, and agreed with the NHS; the judge found that NHS staff “have met with a fundamental obstacle” which is ST’s “apparent refusal or inability to accept that her disease will result in her early, if not imminent, death.” The court record also details that this “inability” to accept death amounts to a “delusion” and therefore, ST is rendered “incapacitous to make decisions for herself.”
Although I’m fairly certain it’s out of print, a 1981 book titled abortion: the SILENT HOLOCAUST is a great resource to understand the political and cultural context of Germany in the 1930s, and what factors created an environment that saw the Third Reich establish its infamous “killing centers.”
(There are deeply disturbing allegations of the sexual abuse of children against the now-deceased author, but the information he presents is still concrete and sourced.)
The author includes the testimony of a Sister Rutilia, who once helped care for disabled children, before the German “soldiers” came and took them away to be executed, for they “were only an expense, a burden.” From the text:
She [Rutilia] explained that in the early 1930s, a determined group of opinion makers in Germany propagandized a new ethic, the pragmatic morality of Hegel, the German philosopher.
‘Even before Hitler came into power, this philosophy was heavily propagandized and generally accepted in Germany. The educational and judicial systems began to lean in this direction. When Hitler could no longer be successfully or openly opposed, he set up the “killing centers.” He ordered the deaths of the insane, the aged in state homes, the retarded, and the deformed. THeir crime was that they could not contribute. They were a burden and an expense. They were not wanted, and because they were not wanted—they were killed.’
(Hegel’s philosophy can be summed up as the old “the ends justify the means” aphorism.)
The author also writes:
Medical science in Nazi Germany willingly collaborated. Many doctors who had taken a Hippocratic oath to preserve life became the social executioners of the Third Reich.
By an order from Hitler on September 1, 1939, questionnaires were filled out on all patients in state institutions. Which patients were to be killed was determined by a board of doctors, most of whom were professors of psychiatry in key German universities. These doctors processed more than one thousand questionnaires a week and stamped most of them: ‘Death!’
These questionnaires, which became the prescriptions for death for so many of the sick and disabled, were conducted and collected by the ‘Realm’s Work Committee of Institutions for Cure and Care.’
From a 1979 publication titled Whatever Happened to the Human Race? we find this line: “Physicians took part in this planning on matters of life and death to save society’s money.”
Now, back to 2023:
‘ST has wanted to tell her story to the world in order to try and access further treatment but has been prevented from doing so by the ironically named Court of Protection.’
At what point can we just all accept that ST’s experience is exactly the outcome sought by the puppet masters behind socialized medicine? Can we finally admit that every time socialized medicine ends in eugenics and state-sponsored murder it wasn’t because things went awry, but rather because it all went perfectly according to plan? The disingenuousness is a figurative, and literal killer.
In 2015, German Chancellor Angela Merkel led the way for Europe’s misguided migrant boosters, opening up Germany that year to one million Muslim economic migrants. Since then, the tidal wave has somewhat subsided, but there have still been at least half a million Muslim migrants entering the country in each of the last seven years. It has been a financial disaster for Germany, and especially for Germany’s poorer retirees.
German Seniors Will Get No Pension Raise, While 36 Billion Euros Goes to Migrants –
The wish and statement of the left-wing local politician Bianca Deubel that she wanted to gas all AfD members will not be prosecuted. While the Giessen district court, the public prosecutor’s office and the woman who would like to gas someone agreed to drop the case without conditions, a student has to pay €1,500 for calling this state a “dirty state” and the Thuringian AfD leader ends up in court for saying ” all for Germany”.
The left-wing local politician from Linden in Hesse, comrade Bianca Deubel, goes off the deep end on Christmas Day 2018 after reading a Twitter statement by the spokesperson of the AfD Heidelberg, who criticised the Christmas messages of the two big churches. Her message to the world on social media: “All AfD members belong in the gas chamber”.
On the same day, the left-wing politician posts on Twitter to former Bundestag politician Erika Steinbach, chairwoman of the Desiderius Erasmus Foundation founded by the AfD, in response to a Christmas greeting published by Steinbach: “I’m looking forward to dancing on her grave.”
The AfD poisoner and dancer on graves Deubel, who works as a self-employed teacher of German as a foreign language, is charged with incitement of the people, which the public prosecutor’s office in Giessen requested, and receives a penalty order in the amount of 90 daily fines.
The woman from Linden, who was 47 years old at the time, wondered after the shitstorm that had started and raged over her: “I am a tiny little light” – “And they make such a fuss”. And besides – quite clearly!: She had been misunderstood, says Deubel. Of course she didn’t want to gas AfD members.
Comrade Deubel then also presented this classification in court proceedings through her lawyer. And with success! In November 2020, the Giessen district court, Deubel and the public prosecutor’s office agreed to drop the case without conditions. A spokesperson for the public prosecutor’s office explains that they agreed because comrade Deubel does not have a criminal record and the offence had been committed some time ago when the case was dropped. Deubel’s statements to Steinbach, on whose grave she was looking forward to dancing one day, remained without legal consequences.
A 26-year-old computer science student from Munich was not granted so much legal comprehension, so much concession by the representatives of this “state under the rule of law”. The young man – not a politician like the left-wing comrade and also with no criminal record – received a penalty order for 1,500 euros after an anonymous denunciator denounced him, because three quarters of a year ago he called Germany a “dirty state” in a post, out of anger that he was not allowed to visit his grandmother to celebrate her birthday during the Corona measures. In addition to the 1,500 euros, the young man must also pay the procedural and legal costs.
Thuringia’s AfD leader Björn Höcke is being hauled into court on charges of using vocabulary of National Socialism. His offence: He did not want to gas anyone, or dance on the grave of someone he disliked. Höcke is accused of having ended a speech at an election campaign event in Merseburg in May 2021 with the formula ” All for our homeland, all for Saxony-Anhalt, all for Germany”.
What designation does a state deserve that has declared such conditions to be the standard?