The Left Loves Humanity But Hates People

“I love humanity; it’s people I can’t stand.” It’s a funny old line, attributed to everyone from Albert Einstein to Charles Schultz’s “Peanuts” characters. But in a political context the idea behind the humor takes on a much more ominous tone.

Recently I watched a few YouTube interviews of representatives from Just Stop Oil, the British-based environmentalist movement launched in 2022 and described on its website as “a nonviolent civil resistance group demanding the UK Government stop licensing all new oil, gas and coal projects.” Like their fellow climate activist group Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil operates in decentralized, autonomous blocs with no formal leadership, and their strategy is to force political action on the environment through social disruption.

In practice, “social disruption” means everything from blocking traffic to interrupting sporting events to damaging priceless museum art. Last year Just Stop Oil carried out a days-long series of blockades that snarled British traffic for hours each time. Just last month in west London, a similar traffic protest caused one frustrated parent to exit her car and confront the activists, shouting, “I’ve got a baby in my car and we have to get to hospital!” The protestors refused to let her through. What’s the loss of one baby when you’re busy saving the entire planet?

Also last month, two Just Stop Oil eco-zealots interrupted a tennis match at Wimbledon by throwing orange confetti and jigsaw pieces onto the court, to the accompaniment of loud booing from the disapproving crowd. Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer later stated, “We must protect the right to peaceful protest, but that does not give license to a vocal minority to spoil events that millions of us enjoy.”

In October 2022, two young Just Stop Oil protesters threw tomato soup at Vincent van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” in London’s National Gallery and then glued their hands to the wall below the painting. One shouted, “Are you more concerned about the protection of a painting or the protection of our planet and people?” A witness later told The Guardian, “They may be trying to get people to think about the issues but all they end up doing is getting people really annoyed and angry.”

Indeed. Rather than galvanize action about the climate catastrophes they consider to be apocalyptic and imminent; rather than inspire others to join their movement, these tactics have earned Just Stop Oil the boiling enmity of the vast majority of British citizens, who are fed up with having their daily lives turned upside down by (mostly) young eco-hysterics.

The interviewers in the YouTube videos I watched, which dated within the last few weeks, included UK media staple Piers Morgan and Sky News presenter Mark Austin. Morgan often clashes with conservatives but to his credit considers the far-Left environmentalists to be “unbelievably irritating morons.” Austin, in his segment, was far more neutral but didn’t let his guest off the hook.

Both Morgan and Austin did express concern about the issue of climate change, but got straight to asking their guests why Just Stop Oil insisted on using tactics that inconvenienced and angered citizens, and drove away potential allies. It was a basic and legitimate question that millions were eager to have answered, but the activists refused to address it. They repeatedly fell back on fear-mongering talking points about the urgency of their cause. What’s really disruptive, they insisted, is catastrophic climate change. Do you have children? Don’t you love them? Don’t you want to save the planet for them?

Over and over again in their respective interviews, Morgan and Austin unsuccessfully pressed the activists to explain why they didn’t use methods more effective at garnering support. “The strategy isn’t working,” Morgan noted bluntly. One of his two guests, Riz Possnett, was a privileged young trans activist not associated with Just Stop Oil but supportive of their tactics. Her father is a wealthy businessman and Extinction Rebellion supporter. Possnett disrespectfully laughed and cursed throughout her pointless chatter without ever answering. Morgan’s other guest, a “green entrepreneur,” refused to acknowledge Morgan’s point that the world’s biggest polluter is China, not the UK, and that the activists exhibited a “moral cowardice” by not protesting in Beijing or Moscow or Mumbai.

Austin’s guest, a young woman with the improbable name Indigo Rumbelow, revved herself up into a cultish intensity that was more alarming than the hellish climate consequences she predicted were coming any moment now. She shouted that if Austin and his fellow members of the complicit corporate media were “doing their job properly,” Just Stop Oil wouldn’t have to resort to taking drastic action.

Frankly, the reason these activists refused to answer the simple question about why they resort to tactics that alienate potential supporters is because they don’t care about winning people over to their side. Despite claiming that they want to open people’s eyes to a coming global disaster, and that they want masses of supporters to help them confront government offices and disrupt fossil fuel use, the truth of the matter is that they are uninterested in persuading people. They are uninterested in winning hearts and minds. Their aim is to steamroll right over what other people want and to force political change now.

The religious fanatics of Just Stop Oil and their ilk are convinced of the righteousness of their planet-saving mission. Their sense of moral superiority means they have contempt for the average citizen just trying to get on with his or her life. They know that – impending climate doom notwithstanding – people still have to get to work or to the airport or to the hospital, and preventing that is the goal. If a mother can’t get her baby to the hospital in an emergency, well, that’s a small price to pay to save humanity. These environmental revolutionaries want to deconstruct and fundamentally transform our way of life, regardless of how it impacts people, because they’re certain it’s for your own good.

The larger point to draw from Just Stop Oil’s strategy of social disruption is that the Left has commonly professed to be “the party of the people,” when in fact leftists resent actual people. The term “the people” refers to a sort of Platonic ideal of humanity; the Left is comfortable thinking about people this way, as an abstraction. Actual people, by contrast, are real individuals whose variety, complexity, and frustrating ungovernability are troublesome for leftists, who require compliance with their totalitarian agenda.

This is why communist regimes hypocritically adopt populist names like “The People’s Republic of” China or North Korea, yet they terrorize, oppress, starve, and slaughter by the millions the actual people who live in these collectivist hellholes – because leftists view the mass of humanity as simply a means to an end, and that end, of course, is power. People are dispensable. Similarly, Democrat politicians in America pontificate about their concern for “the people” but then push for big-government policies that invariably do more harm than good – because their ultimate mission is not to better the lives of real people but to seize and maintain power, which they then use to continue imposing their utopian vision onto the people – for their own good.

Donald Trump pleads not guilty on all charges of trying to overturn 2020 election

Gage Skidmore, CC-BY-SA-3.0

Donald Trump pleaded not guilty on Thursday to federal charges that he orchestrated a plot to try to overturn his 2020 election loss.

The front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination entered his plea in a Washington courtroom one kilometre away from the US Capitol, the building his supporters stormed in 2021 in a bid to stop Congress from certifying his defeat.

The plea precedes months of legal wrangling set to unfold during the presidential campaign

Trump is seeking a rematch against Democratic President Joe Biden, but faces opposition, with the likes of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis gunning for the position.

In a 45-page indictment on Tuesday, Special Counsel Jack Smith accused Trump and his allies of promoting false claims regarding the outcome of the election.

Trump, 77, faces four counts, including conspiracy to defraud the U.S., to deprive citizens of their right to have their votes counted and to obstruct an official proceeding. The most serious charge carries a maximum prison sentence of 20 years.

Trump has portrayed the indictment, as well as the other criminal cases against him, as a “witch hunt” intended to derail his White House campaign. In a series of social media posts since Tuesday, he has accused the Biden administration of targeting him for political gain.

Ahead of his Thursday court appearance, Trump posted on his Truth Social media platform that he needs “one more indictment” to ensure his election.

Trump may soon face more charges in Georgia, where a state prosecutor is investigating his attempts to overturn the election in the state.

Atlanta-area prosecutor Fani Willis said she will file indictments by mid-august.

Many of the allegations in Tuesday’s indictment had been well-documented in media reports and the investigation conducted by a U.S. House of Representatives select committee.

But the indictment featured some details that were not widely known, including several based on grand jury testimony and contemporaneous notes from former Vice President Mike Pence, who is also running for the Republican presidential nomination.

Pence was one of the few prominent Republicans to criticize Trump on Tuesday, saying that “anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president.”

Predatory Eritrean asylum seeker jailed in Britain for six counts of sexual assault

An Eritrean migrant who entered Britain illegally two years ago has been jailed for eight years for a string of predatory sexual assaults on lone women in the seaside English city of Brighton and Hove.

Reporting on the sentencing hearing, Sussex Police ran the headline: “Brighton man jailed for city centre sexual assaults,” sparking anger from several social media users for the false reporting.

The man was actually 32-year-old Hanok Zeray, an Eritrean immigrant who arrived in Britain in 2021 and subsequently claimed asylum. Within a matter of months, Zeray was arrested on suspicion of rape in April last year and while out on bail conducted a string of sexual assaults on vulnerable women across the Brighton and Hove area.

After the initial attack on the Old Steine thoroughfare in Brighton on April 16, Zeray was released as police collected evidence pertaining to the alleged rape. On May 22, two further women reported sexual assaults in Brighton. One of these victims managed to avoid further danger by escaping from Zeray and locking herself in her flat.

Another woman reported being sexually assaulted in Elm Grove on Oct. 23.

“He harassed her persistently,” a police spokesperson said of the most recent attack. “But she was able to film him on her mobile phone and capture the sexual assault on film. Officers identified Zeray from the footage, and he was arrested shortly after,” they added.

Three further women came forward following his arrest to report sexual assaults across the English city.

Zeray pleaded guilty to six counts of sexual assault but not guilty to the rape, a charge that was later dropped by the Crown Prosecution Service following the guilty pleas.

At a sentencing hearing at Lewes Crown Court on July 21, a judge sentenced Zeray to eight years and three months in prison. He is also subject to an extended probation period of five years following his release.

Detective Constable Amy Pemberton-Hill said: “Hanok Zeray was a committed offender who presented a clear danger to lone women and girls.

“I would like to thank all these women for reporting his crimes to police and supporting the investigation through to prosecution.”

Superintendent Adele Tucknott, Sussex Police’s lead for violence against women and girls, said: “The behaviour shown by Hanok Zeray will not be tolerated in Sussex – from the persistent harassment of women through to the sexual assaults for which he has been jailed.

“Women and girls should be safe to walk the streets alone at any time of day or night without being targeted by predatory men,” she added.

‘Rights as Indian being violated’: India summons German Ambassador, seeks repatriation of baby Ariha at the earliest

The parents had initially sought their daughter’s custody but had withdrawn the request. (Source: The Indian Express)

The Ministry of External Affairs earlier this week summoned the German Ambassador Philipp Ackermann and asked him to ensure that the 28-month-old baby Ariha is repatriated to India as soon as possible. In a strong message sent to the German Envoy India said that the child’s cultural rights and rights as an Indian are being violated. 

Ariha Shah was seven months old when she was placed in the custody of Germany’s Youth Welfare Office on September 23, 2021, after she suffered an accidental injury. 

Speaking on the matter, MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said on Thursday (August 3) that “high priority” is being given to the case and the German Ambassador has been summoned this week in this regard. German authorities have been asked to bring back the baby girl at the earliest, he said, adding that the MEA is in touch with them. 

“We are giving high priority to this case… We have called the German Ambassador this week regarding this. We’ve asked the German authorities to bring back the child at the earliest. We are in touch with the German authorities,” Bagchi told the media, assuring that India will continue to press the German authorities on the matter. 

The Ministry of External Affairs and the Embassy of India in Berlin have been persistently advocating for the return of Ariha Shah to India. Earlier in June this year, Arindam Bagchi had pleaded with the German government “to do all necessary to send Ariha to India as soon as possible, which is also her inalienable right as an Indian national.”

In a letter to the German ambassador to India, Philipp Ackermann, earlier in June, 59 members of Parliament representing 19 political parties, including the Bharatiya Janata Party, Congress, the Left, and the Trinamool Congress asked him to take all necessary steps to facilitate the little girl’s return to India as soon as possible.

On 16th March 2023, Arindam Bagchi – the spokesperson of the External Affairs Ministry said in a press conference that the foreign secretary is dealing with the issue of the 3-year-old girl Ariha Shah who is in German child rights custody for the last one-and-half year.

German court rejects custody pleas of her Indian parents; hands over the child to local agency

Despite repeated appeals made by the government of India, on June 13, a district court in Pankow, Germany, refused custody of Ariha Shah, a 28-month-old Indian girl, to her biological parents and handed her to Jugendamt, the German juvenile services in two separate judgments.

The court rejected Dhara and Bhavesh Shah’s request to have the child returned to them directly or, at the very least, given to a third party, the Indian Welfare Services, and instead handed over the child to Jugendamt.

The court declared that the Central Youth Welfare Office of Berlin would be responsible for making decisions regarding her whereabouts while acting as her temporary guardian

Ariha Shah was 14 months old when German authorities took her into custody

The Shah family members have also started an online petition to gather public support to get their daughter back into custody. In this petition, the details of the ordeal are also described. According to this petition, Ariha Shah’s father was posted in Germany on a work visa as a software engineer. In September 2021, the infant Ariha Shah was accidentally hurt by his paternal grandmother. When her parents brought her to the hospital, they were charged with sexual assault and the baby was taken away.

It is said in the petition that the criminal inquiry was concluded without charges in February 2022, but Ariha Shah is still in the custody of German authorities. Berlin Child Services has filed a civil custody case to terminate the parental rights of the Shah couple. This lawsuit will take 2-3 years to complete, the petition said.

India asks German Envoy to ensure Ariha Shah is sent back to India at the earliest (

Lizzo Sued for Being Too Lizzo

Melissa Jefferson — a.k.a. Lizzo — personifies the abomination that is presented to us as our culture almost as perfectly as Joe Biden represents the corrupt gerontocracy. Three backup dancers are suing her for personifying it too well:

While on a concert trip with the Grammy Award-winning artist to Amsterdam in February 2023, the plaintiffs claim Lizzo invited them for a night out on the town — which ended in the city’s red light district.

At this point we cross into X-rated terrain:

The lawsuit states, “… things quickly got out of hand. Lizzo began inviting cast members to take turns touching the nude performers, catching dildos launched from the performers’ vaginas, and eating bananas protruding from the performers’ vaginas.”

The dancers were allegedly pressured to comply.

More surprisingly, Lizzo is accused of fat-shaming her dancers, despite having made a career out of grotesquely displaying her own morbid obesity.

It gets more surprising still. The dance team captain, Shirlene Quigley, is also named in the suit:

Quigley is accused of allegedly pushing her Christian beliefs onto dancers and “oversharing her masturbatory habits and sex life with her husband” with the team…

No word on what church Quigley attends. I’m guessing Presbyterian.

Germany: Dramatic victory against refugee home sends hundreds of citizens bursting into applause

screen grab youtube

After a government plan to build a refugee home in Oeventrop in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia collapsed, more than 750 local citizens attending the meeting burst into raucous applause, underlining the growing German backlash against mass immigration.

The citizens’ meeting on Monday took a sensational turn when the owner of the monastery in the village slated to be turned into a refugee center for 450 migrants spontaneously withdrew his offer to house the foreigners. The property, which belongs to Christoph Kraas, would have been called the “Central Accommodation Facility for Refugees” (ZUE).

Over 750 locals filled the sports hall in the constituency of Oeventrop, which belongs to the city of Arnsberg. The location is notable as it is where the leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) head, Friedrich Merz, held his last seat before taking up the helm of the party. Outside, the event was broadcast to another additional 150 residents.

Mass cheers erupted when Kraas said he would not allow the government to turn his property into a refugee home.

The people of the city had expressed their fears about crime and sexual assaults had the refugee home been built, while local politicians had tried to tell residents that such fears would not become a reality if the refugee home was built. The politicians were met with boos, and residents referred to crimes in neighboring districts where refugee homes were already in place. As Remix News previously reported just this year, crime has soared in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia, with the category of “murder and manslaughter,” for example, increasing by 23.4 percent to 380 cases.

The crime data highlights the disproportionate amount of crimes committed by offenders without a German passport, which make up approximately 14.2 percent of the NRW population. This group is responsible for 32.1 percent of all attempted murders and murders in NRW, while in the area of manslaughter, they are responsible for 41.9 percent.

Government fails to convince the public

Government representatives resorted to long speeches to try to convince the people of Oeventrop that the refugee home in their area was necessary. After they were done speaking, residents were only allowed an hour to ask questions.

Once it became clear residents were firmly opposed to the home, according to, Kraas stated: “But one thing is certain, I keep what I promise, without your consent, I will not give my approval for a ZUE (refugee homes).”

While at the podium, Kraas asked the government representatives what would happen if he withdrew his consent, and they said they would continue looking in Arnsberg for a new location. He then spontaneously walked to the microphone, and said simply: “I hereby withdraw my offer.”

The entire sports hall then burst into a standing ovation and cheers. The government representatives stood up, put on their coats, and left the event without further discussion.

Across Germany, the issue of housing hundreds of thousands of migrants has become a hot-button topic. For example, in the city of Greifswald, residents voted in a referendum this year against building a container village for refugees. Despite the democratic will of the people, the city’s mayor said that they would simply find another location and house the migrants there.

Elderly residents have also been kicked out of nursing homes in various locations across Germany, which has fueled anti-immigration sentiment. German social housing has also been increasingly dedicated to refugees, with German citizens on social housing lists for years having to take a backseat to new arrivals.

The growing movement against mass immigration has seen the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party soar in the polls, with nearly one in four voters now backing the party.

Capitliziang on the victory in Arnsberg, the AfD parliamentary leader, Alice Weidel, took to X, previously called Twitter, to criticize the CDU party leader Merz, writing: “Ironically, in Merz’s homeland Arnsberg the citizens themselves end the disastrous asylum policy of CDU-state government and (traffic light federal government). Citizen protests work. it’s worth raising your voice! Thank you to all the participants and the insightful entrepreneur!”

India: Muslim girls protest outside Mumbai college against dress code banning burqa and hijab, college allows them on campus with conditions

On Wednesday, August 2, protests were staged outside the NG Acharya & DK Marathe College in Mumbai’s Chembur against the college’s uniform policy. The protests started after security guards outside the college gates barred entry to Burqa-clad girls as they failed to comply with the college’s rules pertaining to the uniform. The parents of such girls were also present during the protests. Reportedly, the college later stepped back and allowed the girls to enter the college.

After police officers arrived and negotiated with the parents and college officials, the situation was placated. By evening, the college issued a statement outlining some specific guidelines to be followed concerning the dress code.

The photos and videos of the incident went viral on social media. A large gathering of Burqa-clad students and their parents gathered outside the campus, as seen in one of the videos from the protest site.

While speaking about the incident, College Principal Vidya Gauri Lele stated that the college had recently implemented a dress code this year and that the rules had been communicated to the parents well in advance.

“We held a meeting with parents on the 1st of May to go through this new dress code policy. Everything, including the prohibition on the burqa, the hijab, scarves, and stickers, had been announced. Everyone had agreed to the dress code at the time. However, they are currently protesting,” she stated, adding that if any girl is opposed to the dress code she is free to leave the college.

The Muslim girl students of the college claimed that they feel uncomfortable in leaving the house without donning a burqa or hijab because it is an obligation for them. They reportedly asked for permission to put on scarves.

In a statement later that evening, the college authorities said that in consideration of the safety and dignity of the protesting girl students, they will be permitted to enter the college wearing a burqa, hijab, or scarf. However, the principal specified that they will be required to remove it in the washroom before entering the classroom and may wear it again while leaving the classroom in the evening.

OpIndia talks to the principal

OpIndia talked to Principal Vidya Gauri Lele on the issue, who reiterated that the uniform code was communicated to the students well in advance, which included ban on various items like hijab, fancy bags, stickers, caps etc. She said, “We had implemented uniforms for students of 11th and 12th standard which fall under school education. The parents were informed about this in a meeting which was held in this regard on 1st May 2023. They were informed that fancy bags, stickers, hijab, topi is not to be worn and only the uniform prescribed by the school must be worn. Because it is a school, it is not a college. Some junior colleges in Maharashtra are run alongside senior colleges. But junior colleges still come under school education. In all other states, junior colleges are associated with schools. In Maharashtra, the provision is for both ways.”

When asked specifically whether the students can wear a burqa, the principal confirmed that it is not allowed. “They cannot wear burqas inside the college because we have already implemented a uniform. After they enter the college, they can go to the washroom and take off all that is not mentioned as part of uniform, wear their uniform and then they can go around anywhere in the college,” she said.

Responding to the query on the students being asked to remove the burqa outside the college gate, Vidya Gauri Lele said, “Yes, earlier it was said to remove their burqas before entering the college. And after that, we altered it a little (by allowing them to change inside the college). We do not have enough staff to keep a check if students change into the prescribed uniform after entering college or not. So who will monitor all this? This is a simple matter related to uniform and nothing more. The uniform has been introduced so that no one is able to discriminate on the basis of caste, religion, and class. So that all students have an equal standing.”

She added, “And the uniform for girls has been prescribed by making their modesty a priority. They have been prescribed a salwar kameez and jacket. We have fixed a vendor who supplies these and all students have bought it. Only a few are left.”

It is worth recalling that a similar ban on hijab in colleges in Karnataka sparked a controversy last year that went all the way to the Supreme Court and triggered protests across the country.

Karnataka Hijab Controversy

The hijab controversy in Karnataka gained traction in the first week of January last year when eight Muslim girls were denied entry to classes at a Udupi college as they wore hijabs. The college authorities had informed that the hijab was not a part of the uniform dress code mandated for the students.

The Muslim girls, who were adamant about wearing hijab, subsequently petitioned the High Court to be allowed to attend classes while wearing hijab. They claimed that donning the Hijab was both a “integral practice of Islam” and their “fundamental right” guaranteed by Articles 14 and 25 of the Indian Constitution.

As Hindu students in Karnataka protested against Muslim girls continuing to wear the hijab to college by donning saffron scarves around their necks, the dispute intensified. In Udupi, Shivamogga, Bagalkote, and other areas, tensions persisted at some educational institutions as reports of stone-pelting and violence came in from different regions of the state.

According to prior reports, after meeting the Campus Front of India (CFI), the student arm of the now-banned Islamist group Popular Front of India (PFI), in October 2021, the students started wearing the hijab to colleges and schools. The students admitted that they were in contact with the CFI.

Dutch province introduces draconian ID requirements to visit swimming pools due to rise in ‘foreign troublemakers’

An open-air swimming complex in the Netherlands has seen a dramatic decrease in the number of reported nuisances, primarily by young visitors of a migration background, after introducing strict measures restricting access.

The De Vliegende Vaart swimming pool in Terneuzen, located in the Zeeland province close to the Belgian border, felt compelled to introduce draconian ID requirements for visitors to the complex after longstanding issues with harassment of women and girls and other anti-social behavior.

“Fortunately I have not experienced it myself, but I know from acquaintances that their daughter has been harassed,” one visitor told De Telegraaf. “That’s horrible. As a girl, you are already vulnerable in swimwear, and if you are then groped by a group, it is very traumatizing.”

Tamara, a supervisor at one of the open-air pools in the area told the same newspaper that the majority of the problems came from large groups of young Moroccan Belgians who would cross the border to attend the complex due to the strict access requirements imposed by similar facilities in Belgium.

“If you address one of them about annoying behavior, 10 friends will immediately join them,” she said. “It’s terribly intimidating. They not only harass young girls but also mothers with children. And small children,” she added.

An open-air swimming complex in the Netherlands has seen a dramatic decrease in the number of reported nuisances, primarily by young visitors of a migration background, after introducing strict measures restricting access.

The De Vliegende Vaart swimming pool in Terneuzen, located in the Zeeland province close to the Belgian border, felt compelled to introduce draconian ID requirements for visitors to the complex after longstanding issues with harassment of women and girls and other anti-social behavior.

“Fortunately I have not experienced it myself, but I know from acquaintances that their daughter has been harassed,” one visitor told De Telegraaf. “That’s horrible. As a girl, you are already vulnerable in swimwear, and if you are then groped by a group, it is very traumatizing.”

Tamara, a supervisor at one of the open-air pools in the area told the same newspaper that the majority of the problems came from large groups of young Moroccan Belgians who would cross the border to attend the complex due to the strict access requirements imposed by similar facilities in Belgium.

“If you address one of them about annoying behavior, 10 friends will immediately join them,” she said. “It’s terribly intimidating. They not only harass young girls but also mothers with children. And small children,” she added.

Alderman Laszlo van de Voorde van Terneuzen told De Telegraaf the new measures have worked. “We have not experienced any more nuisances. We hope for a safe and enjoyable summer for our staff and local visitors,” he added.

Migrant violence at swimming pool complexes has made national headlines across the border in Germany recently, particularly in Berlin. One complex was shut down for an entire week last month after a number of employees called in sick with stress due to dealing with large groups of delinquents.

Employees of the Berlin Columbiabad in the borough of Neukölln described how visitors, “mainly Arab migrants and Chechens,” were engaging in the sexual harassment of women and mass brawls on the premises, while also leaving the complexes in disgusting conditions.

Also last month, footage circulated on social media showing an enraged crowd at a swimming complex in the southern Polish city of Bytom demanding punishment for four detained Georgian migrants accused of “engaging in inappropriate behavior” toward minors.

French media also reported last month that an Afghan migrant had been indicted for the alleged rape of a disabled 15-year-old girl at a public swimming pool in the city of Strasbourg back in May, as well as for the sexual assault of three females, including two 15-year-old girls.

Burning the Koran – why? Europe is too big to hide under a stone, but it could try to crawl under it

by Giulio Meotti

We are addressing ourselves to the question posed in the main Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet by Per Gahrton, one of the founders of the Greens, with perfect left credentials and a long-time member of the Swedish and European Parliament:

“The time has come to hit the brakes if we want to make sure that our grandchildren are not governed by Islamic law?”.

“I’m too old to hide under a stone,” Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard once told me. He was at the center of a worldwide war over freedom of expression when a Danish newspaper published a cartoon of Muhammad.

Europe is too big to hide under a stone, but it could try to crawl under it.

The Swedish premier spoke of the “most serious crisis since the Second World War” about the burnings of the Koran.

A country infiltrated into Western Europe collapses not with a bang, but with a whimper. And there are no signs that Northern European governments would dare to challenge Muslim demands for submission, because that is precisely what the demand for “respect” of the Koran is about.

How does it come out? No law prevents it, but preventing it is essential for European countries in search of “peace”.

Turkey is a beautiful country, but I would never want Erdogan’s laws to become European laws. Or as Emmanuel Macron put it, “we don’t want Turkish laws here”.

Indeed, Turkey has sent Nedim Gursel, professor of literature at the Sorbonne in Paris, to trial over the novel “The Daughters of Allah” (according to the Koran, Allah cannot have children), the archaeologist Muazzez Ilmiye Cig, accused of having “insulted Islam” by claiming that the use of the veil predates Muhammad, and the writer Sevan Nisanyan, who was sentenced to thirteen months for “ironicities about Muhammad ”.

Now Islamization is proceeding terribly fast in Europe too, so fast that it almost feels like a liberation to submit. There is no strength to oppose. Easier to surrender. And the media and politicians, beating the drums and calling for “fascism”, have long since mentally prepared themselves to surrender.

In Rotterdam, Holland, didn’t they cancel a work about Aisha, one of Mohammed’s wives, before rewriting Dante’s Divine Comedy saving Mohammed from the pains of hell?

In England, the Victoria and Albert Museum hasn’t pulled the portraits of Mohammed, and hasn’t the film The Lady of Heaven about Mohammed’s daughter been banned from UK cinemas?

In Germany, the Deutsche Opera didn’t cancel Mozart’s Idomeneo, again because there was Mohammed?

And didn’t Salman Rushdie explain that “they wouldn’t republish The Satanic Verses today”?

In Europe it rains on the Islamic wet.

The fact is that Sweden (and Europe) is now faced with a dilemma of its own making and which has been building up over many years. We seriously believed in the peaceful coexistence of Islam, freedom and democracy in the big multicultural pot. The burners of the Koran are only catalysts for the contradiction that already exists and must somehow explode.

And the European mind cannot bear the contradiction nor the effort to see this conflict in the whites of the eyes.

The riots have divided the population into two camps: those who believe that the Swedish Constitution should be enforced, that freedom of expression is defended and that anyone living in Sweden accepts that they are in a democratic society, and those who believe that the burnings are “useless provocations” which should be prohibited because they “offend Muslims” who react with violence and society can become more “serene” if legislation adapts to the demands of Muslims. A classic European approach to life: “We just want peace and quiet and no problems”.

The Pakistani jihadists threaten attacks on churches and Christians in response to Swedish Koran. As if they ever needed an “excuse” to tear them apart: like the 70 Christians annihilated in a park on Easter Sunday, mostly children. Had they burned any holy books?

The Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks knew something about it. “For criticizing Islam, now five heavily armed policemen and a helicopter are following me”. This is how he told me about his new existence as a wanted man and under special surveillance. “I live in a secret location. Once you join their list, you never leave.”

Sweden could become the first country to drop like a ripe fruit. Erdogan, Qatar, the Saudis and all the others are pushing for concessions that the Swedes dare not even imagine.

A law protecting the Koran will be an important step on the way. Denmark is already discussing this today. It would be the dream of the Organization for the Islamic Conference, the body that represents Islamic countries around the world and which has opened an office in the European Parliament.

Ah, this blessed “freedom of speech”. Has anyone in Europe ever protested the Saudi Grand Mufti’s fatwa on the destruction of all the churches in the Arabian Peninsula? And has the evoked “security” that protecting the Koran itself deteriorated to the point that it will lead to the disappearance of Malmö’s Jewish community within ten years?

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg – which has jurisdiction over 47 European countries and whose decisions are binding on all 28 EU member states – has ruled that a feminist who interrupted a Catholic mass and “aborted” Jesus on the altar (topless) had the right to freedom of expression, while the same Court ruled that the Austrian activist found guilty of having “denigrated the religious teachings” of Islam was not entitled to the same right to freedom of expression.

Our talk about “freedom” and “respect” is snow in the sun. They are like General David Petraeus’ 2011 statement that when a provocateur in Florida came up with the idea of burning a Koran, he said, “It puts the war on the Taliban at risk.” Movie stars like Angelina Jolie also attended.

We have lost the war against the Taliban, Angelina will never set foot in Afghanistan again and now we are also losing the war for freedom of expression.

Europe has already de facto surrendered. Soon also de jure.

Burning the Koran – why? | ערוץ 7 (