Immigration in France is leading to street riots, Viktor Marsai, an expert from the Hungarian Migration Research Institute, told M1 News on Sunday afternoon.
“In France, in recent decades, there have been several street riots like the current one, mostly involving young people from immigrant backgrounds who are not integrated into society, do not go to school, have no job, and seek their rights via street demonstrations,” said Marsai.
He added that the integration of second- and third-generation immigrants is also difficult and that those who have arrived in recent years are even more challenging. According to Marsai, the recurrent street riots in France show what a big problem migration is and what a challenge it is to socially integrate these migrants into French society.
Asked what the EU Commission’s proposed mandatory migrant quota would entail, the expert said: “If the plan is implemented, the number of refugee applications and procedures at the EU’s external borders will increase sharply.”
Last year already, there were more than a quarter of a million illegal entry attempts at Hungary’s southern border, which means more than 100,000 illegal migrants. EU member states are not able to handle this many asylum procedures, Viktor Marsai told the M1 news channel.
The riots in France started after a police officer shot dead 17-year-old French-Algerian criminal Nahel M. in Nanterre on Tuesday for not cooperating at a traffic stop and racing away in his vehicle. According to the French Interior Ministry, on Friday night alone, rioters attacked police stations and gendarmerie barracks dozens of times, wounding 79 police officers and gendarmes; they also set fire to and vandalized some 1,350 vehicles and 266 buildings, including 26 town halls and 24 schools.
Music Legend Morrissey Sheds New Light on Notre-Dame Tragedy Amidst Paris Race Riots in His Latest Song Release: ”Notre Dame, We Know Who Tried to Kill You” (VIDEO)
— The Gateway Pundit (@gatewaypundit) July 3, 2023
“Now is the time to say . . . ‘God is queer.’” Who spoke these blasphemous words, and what was the context of the statement?
The words were spoken by Quinton Caesar, a Lutheran pastor in Germany, at the conclusion of the annual gathering of the nation’s Protestant (meaning Lutheran) pastors.
The conference theme was “Now it the time,” and this was the immediate context of Casear’s words (who himself is black, originally from South Africa): “Now is the time to say: ‘Black lives always matter.’ Now is the time to say: ‘God is queer.’Now is the time to say: ‘We leave no one to die.’ Now is the time to say we send a ship and much more and we welcome people at safe harbors, safer spaces for all.”
And how did the crowd of church leaders respond? With sustained applause and shouts of approval, especially for his statement that “God is queer.” (Watch the video here.)
Talk about a picture of an apostate church. Talk about a vivid illustration of blasphemy and spiritual blindness. Talk about shouting to the nation, “We are the blind leading the blind! Come follow us into the ditch!”
And how did the Church Assembly respond to his message? The Assembly said, “Quinton Ceasar gave a very personal and emotionally stirring sermon in the service… He denounced racism and made it clear that many people do not feel safe in the church.”
Ah yes! It was a “very personal and emotionally stirring sermon”! Preach it, brother!
And how did the Assembly respond to the “hateful” comments that Caesar received in response to his message? (I don’t doubt that some of the comments were, indeed, hateful.)
The leadership said, “Nobody has to agree with the statements of the sermons or the elements of the closing services. Exchange and even productive arguments about it are even desired – also among us. But attacks on those who justifiably denounce racism and discrimination in the church lack any form of decency and a culture of debate, they are deeply unchristian. We resolutely oppose this hatred.”
So, the problem was not that an ordained, state-salaried pastor in clerical robes declared that “God is queer.” No, the problem is that people responded with hatred. That’s what must be “resolutely opposed.” That’s what lacks “any form of decency.” That’s what is “deeply unchristian.”
Oh my!
Talk about calling evil good and good evil. Talk about trying to take the speck out of your brother’s eye while you have a plank in your own (see Matthew 7:1-5). Talk about deep self-deception.
And do these leaders really think that the main problem most people had with Caesar’s message was his denouncing of racism? Hardly. It was the blasphemous pronouncement that provoked most of the ire.
Caesar had also stated that, “God is always on the side of those on the margins, who are unseen or unnamed. And if God is there, then there is our place. Love has never been a mass movement. But I’m an optimist.”
So, since God sides with those on the margins, He Himself must be queer. But of course!
Based on this kind of logic, Jesus, who hung out with prostitutes and corrupt tax collectors must Himself have been a whoremonger – and a financially corrupt one at that. That would be an equally sick deduction to make.
Even Germany’s far-right party, the AfD, which is far more political than it is Christian, tweeted that “the Evangelical [= Lutheran] Church has completely distanced itself from the Christian faith.”
This, of course, is completely true, but there is nothing new here. The State Church, as a whole, has been apostate for many years now. It’s just a bit more obvious than before.
No wonder hundreds of thousands of people are leaving these churches every year. No wonder hundreds of church doors are closing and countless church buildings are being sold.
When clergy do not believe that the Bible is really the Word of God, when they no longer preach the gospel, when they themselves do not know God and therefore cannot bring others into His presence, there is no compelling reason for people to attend their services.
What true hope can they offer? What type of life transformation can they promise?
Already in 2018 it was reported that, “Last year saw 660,228 fewer members in Germany’s Protestant and Catholic churches . . . .” (A major reason that the Roman Catholic Church of Germany is also bleeding members is because of the many sex scandals that have plagued it.)
The real gospel will nourish the hungry and the thirsty and challenge the faithful and committed. Human variations of the gospel are no gospel at all. They promise little and deliver even less. They are devoid of the power of God.
Little wonder, then, that church attendance among free evangelicals – meaning, Protestant Christians who are not part of the State Church – is “much higher.”
True Christians want to hear the Word of God. They want to worship Jesus. They want to encounter God.
Consequently, where the Word is being preached (as God’sWord, not as some ancient religious document that is similar toother ancient religious texts), when Jesus is being exalted, when people are meeting with God, true Christians, along with non-believing seekers, will come.
In contrast, if they wanted more of this world’s philosophy, they would simply stay home.
The truth be told, if this annual State Church conference wanted to be accurate with their theme, with one voice they should have shouted out, “Now is the time to proclaim what has been obvious for decades. We are an apostate church!”
May God give courage to the believing remnant. May He pour out a massive spirit of repentance on this very influential (and very lost) country. May the true church of Germany, in all its varied forms and expressions, arise.
In this eye-opening interview, Kevin Lister, a passionate teacher and educationalist, shares his personal experience with the political indoctrination of gender ideology in our schools. Join him as he discusses the Bad Law Project and their fight against the Department of Education, aiming to address the alarming lack of safeguarding and tackle the pervasive indoctrination affecting our children’s education. Dive into the controversial issue of political indoctrination in schools with Kevin Lister and Laurence Fox. Discover the challenges faced by concerned teachers, parents, and citizens who are determined to take legal action against the Department of Education. Gain insights into the Bad Law Project and their mission to protect our children from ideological agendas.
Growing up, I religiously read Dear Abby and Dear Ann, enjoying both the wisdom they dispensed and the foibles they exposed. After they died, I stopped reading advice columns. I’m beginning to think, though, that I might better understand America in 2023 if I pick them up again. That’s because of a letter to the Chicago Tribune’s Ask Amy column in which a woman complains that her brother, the cheapskate, failed to send a wedding gift to the woman’s daughter. It’s only when you read why he didn’t send a gift that you get a sense of the immensity of that woman’s (and America’s) problems.
The letter opens with “Angry in Philadelphia” explaining that, at her daughter’s request, Angry explicitly disinvited Dave, Angry’s brother, from the daughter’s wedding. The daughter explained that his attendance “would make her feel unsafe.” At this point, I’m expecting to read a letter about how Dave, when liquored up, attacks party guests with steak knives or assaults women in unisex bathrooms.
How wrong I was. The problem is that Angry’s daughter is “very politically progressive.” Even though the daughter has always had a “good relationship” with Dave, “he is a conservative voter and has supported candidates we all abhor.”
Although Angry professes that “my daughter’s request surprised me,” she immediately accepts her daughter’s marching orders. Angry proudly explains that she “wrote Dave a very nice note” telling him “we would not be comfortable with him at the wedding.” I don’t know about you, but I’m not really sure how you can ever say “nicely” that someone’s very presence makes you uncomfortable. Once you’re saying that, pretty much by definition, you’re not being very nice anymore.
Despite being offended by Dave’s existence and casting him from her sight, Angry’s not a mean person. Instead, she sent him pictures of the wedding, “all in an effort to make him feel like he was not being totally left out.” To Angry’s shocked dismay, “I have not heard from Dave since then.” I feel Angry’s pain. She disavowed and humiliated Dave from a place of moral goodness. In the spirit of every parent punishing a naughty child, what she did hurt her more than it did him.
But Dave’s rude silence after being honorably and morally chastised isn’t Angry’s problem. The problem is that Dave is a cheapskate:
Another problem is that Dave has not sent my daughter and son-in-law a wedding gift.
In the past, Dave has given family members wedding checks in excess of $1,000.
She says she was counting on receiving the same type of gift.
How can I get my brother to recognize and change his petty behavior?
Please don’t tell me that I’m the one who started this by not inviting my brother to the wedding. After all, he’s a grown man, while my daughter is young and just starting out.
Have you ever read a more perfect distillation of American leftism? You get up on your high moral horse and tell someone that he is a disgraceful human being with whom nobody should associate. But then, good leftist that you are, you add, “Give me your money for the benefit of ideas and people you find repugnant.” And if the pariah from whom you demand money refuses, rather than examining your position, you castigate the person as petty and cheap.
Put in more political terms, on the one hand, you see the Democrat establishment that controls all of our institutions and views ordinary Americans as “deplorables,” “racists,” “transphobes,” and bitter clingers. And on the other hand, you see the mass of American voters who are forced, quite literally at IRS gunpoint, to turn over their money to those who hate them and their values.
Dear Amy responded credibly to Angry’s letter. After first taking some swipes at the tacky behavior Angry and her daughter showed in exercising their prerogative to exclude someone from a wedding, Amy tackles the real sin:
[I]t’s your second “problem” which I believe will enter the Bridezilla Hall of Infamy.
In short: Brides who are too afraid of family members to invite them to a family wedding don’t then get the pleasure of receiving their money.
You seem almost as afraid of your daughter as she is of your brother, but I hope you’ll find a way to courageously tell her that the Bank of Uncle Dave is closed, at least to your branch of the family.
So far, your silent brother is the only family member who is behaving appropriately. He’s steering clear, which is exactly what you have asked him to do.
Again, the same could be said to America’s leftist establishment. You despise and fear ordinary Americans, so you should not “get the pleasure of receiving their money.” Your behavior is inappropriate, to say the least, and tremendously damaging to the American family.
After winning the district council election in the Thuringian district of Sonneberg, the AfD has gained another victory. For the first time in Germany, it has a directly elected full-time mayor. Hannes Loth, 42, won the run-off election in the Saxony-Anhalt town of Raguhn-Jeßnitz.
Voters in the unified municipality in the district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld today elected Loth as head of the town with 51.1 per cent of the vote. His opponent, Nils Naumann of the Pro8 electoral group, received 48.9 per cent. This is according to the final results published by the city.
The much-anticipated film ’72 Hoorain’ is all set for theatrical release on 7th July. The film has found itself in controversy as it exposes the dark face of Islamic terrorism from 9/11 to 26/11.
On several occasions, terrorists have used the concept of ’72 Hoorain’ to lure young, naïve Muslims to join the path of extremism. They claim that if they die in the service of Allah, then they will find a place in paradise (Jannat) and will be rewarded with ’72 Hoorain’.
Here are eight instances when Islamic clerics made bizarre claims about ‘hoorain’ in their speeches.
Maulana Tariq Jameel
In May 2022, a video of Tariq Jameel went viral on social media wherein he claimed that the ‘hoors’ in paradise were 130 feet tall. He said, “There is a canal in Jannat (the paradise). It is called Bydak. It is covered by pearls. Inside, it is filled with musk, amber, and saffron.”
“When Allah commands to make a girl (Hoor) of paradise, he enriches her with His beauty (noor). The whole 130 feet girl comes out. Fully dressed. A Hoor of Paradise. Not that she is first in the uterus of a mother, gets birth after nine months, takes the feeder, then rolls, stands up, walks, and then becomes an adult. No. She is for us,” he brazened it out.
He further explained the manufacturing process of this Hoor. He claimed, “If such a Hoor from Paradise points the tip of one of her fingers to the sun, then the sun will disappear. Because the hoor of paradise is 130 feet tall, she will just lift some Syed Zahir up and put him in her pockets. This Syed Zahir will then say ‘Kem Chho, Kem Chho’ (meaning How are you in the Gujarati language). But then, she will say that ‘I don’t know Gujarati; speak in Arabic’.”
Jameel is a Pakistani Islamic cleric and television preacher who is also a member of Tablighi Jamaat. He belongs to the Deobandi School of Islam and delivers sermons all across the world.
Describing the amenities in ‘Paradise’ that are available in ‘Paradise’, he said, “Allah will say that let my servants listen to the songs of the paradise. They will sing for you the songs of paradise. And the first song will last for seventy years. For seventy years, you will not move from there. You will see that beautiful face for seventy years. Just imagine a fingertip is so beautiful that the sun disappears. Then how beautiful their faces would be. Her long hair is so shiny that whenever she shakes her head, there is such a big light in the paradise as if searchlights are put on.”
During the investigation, OpIndia found that the video was first uploaded in 2020, and it went viral several times.
Maulana Jarjis Ansari
In 2021, Maulana Jarjis Ansari’s video went viral on social media in which he claimed the Hoors of ‘Paradise’ would be covered in 70,000 layers of clothing, and even then, the owner of the Hoor could see the ankle, its bone and the bone marrow. He urged Muslim men not to waste time on women on Earth who become “ugly” as they grow older and get sick often.
Ansari further added that the Muslim man’s wife also gets to go to ‘Jannat’ and becomes his wife there. He said, “You may think she will create problems like she did on Earth. But when her ‘parda’ will be removed, she will be prettier than the hoors of paradise.” He added only those women would go to paradise, who were fearful of Allah. Those who roam around alone and do shopping would not go to paradise.
Mohammed Sajid Rashidi
In an interview with Pakistani journalist Arzoo Kazmi, Mohammed Sajid Rashidi claimed that the good wife of a good Muslim man becomes the leader of the 72 hoorain in paradise.
Kazmi had asked Rashidi, “If men get 72 hoors, what is in store for Muslim women who follow all the Islamic laws in their lives?” Rashidi claimed those women would go to paradise and become the leaders of 72 hoors allocated to their husbands.
Maulana EP Abubakar Qasmi
In 2021, Maulana EP Abubakar Qasmi sparked a controversy. In his speech, Maulana revealed what Muslims get in paradise. According to EP Abubakar Qasmi, who gave Islamic speeches in Malayalam, ‘women with big breasts’ are found in paradise. Protests ensued after the offensive language used by Maulana Qasmi on women went viral on social media.
Maulana Qasmi further claimed that rivers of wine flow in paradise along with gardens and big bungalows. He went on and said that the women who were in Allah’s paradise neither urinated nor defecated. He also added that Muslims going to paradise get the privilege of sitting in the lap of the ‘Hoors’ there.
The Maulana said, “If a Muslim going to Paradise needs women with big breasts, then Allah gives them the ‘hoor’ of their choice. In Paradise, Allah has made a river of wine, and those who live there have full permission to swim. There is no restriction on drinking wine, because it is Allah who has created the river of wine.” However, in general, alcohol is considered haram in Islam and consuming it is prohibited.
Shaykh Sulaymaan Ar-Ruhayli
Shaykh Sulaymaan Ar-Ruhayli, while describing hoors, said they are beautiful women with the highest level of beauty. He added they would be so beautiful that the minds of humans cannot comprehend it; thus, they have been described as the likenesses of preserved pearls.
They will be fair-skinned and have wide eyes. Their beauty will remain preserved till the time the deserving Muslim man reaches paradise. They will be as delicate as the white layer or membrane under the shell of an egg that, when touched, will get pierced. Furthermore, he added if a believing woman enters paradise, she will become better than Hoors.
Sheikh Yahya Al-Jana’
Sheikh Yahya Al-Jana’ in a speech, said, “Allah described their breasts: Indeed, for the pious, there is a place of triumph, gardens and graveyards, and full-breasted women of equal age,” which refers to the virgins of paradise. He added, “Allah described their breasts to let you know what awaits you in paradise. There is no shame in talking about these things. (Allah) wants to make you vie for (Paradise). This message is directed towards people who lose paradise because they succumb to momentary lust. The breasts of the virgins of paradise are like Pomegranates. They don’t sag. They are very beautiful.”
He added, “Allah even mentioned sex to make you lust for paradise. It is not just food, drink and happiness. There is also sex and women who are nothing like those you meet in this world.”
Faiz Syed
In a video from 2015, the founder and president of the Islamic Research Centre, Faiz Syed, said, “Hoors will be a gift to the men who reach paradise. They will have beautiful skin. They will be shy and self-content. No one among humans and Jinnahs would have touched these hoors. They will never see anyone other than their husband. She will be soft and fragile like the membrane in the egg.”
Qari Ahmed Ali
In a speech, Ali said, “When we will reach Paradise, there will be Hoors, and Allah will say this is your Hoor.”
He added, “Allah will ask if you want your wife with Hoor. If you say no, he will ask again. Once you say yes, he will direct angels to remove your wife’s veil, and you will realize she has 70 times more beauty than Hoors.”
Interestingly, none of the above-mentioned Islamic clerics ever negated the idea of ’72 Hoorain’ in Jannat. They claim that whoever dies while serving ‘Allah’ will get Hoors in paradise.
British Military families have been left “appalled” after they were given just a week’s notice to leave their homes at a former airbase in Essex to make way for alleged asylum seekers.
The Conservative government of Rishi Sunak has given some military families just a week’s notice that they would have to leave their home at a former air base outside the village of Wethersfield in Essex. They will be forced to leave so that the base can be converted into a migrant camp as the government continues to try to reduce the £6 million per day bill for accommodating asylum seekers in hotels across the country.
Speaking to Sky News, a member of one of the military families said: “We’ve almost been moved off the base now before the asylum seekers move on. Originally we were given a good time period. It was a good couple of months. But over the last few weeks that’s all shuffled.
Pigs Will Fly: Sunak Swears He ‘Wants’ to Reduce Legal Migration Numbers
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 19, 2023
“For some families, it’s a week’s notice. It’s obviously quite hard for them. They’re having to pack their whole lives up in a week.”
“The phrase I’d like to use probably contains a swear word. I think appalled – appalled is probably the nicer way to say it. Let down.
“They’ve railroaded everyone with this. I wish they’d have given us a choice and not made it feel so forced. If they’d had the conversations it would have been easier.”
The migrant camp is expected to hold up to 1,700 migrants, potentially threatening the way of life of the town of Wethersfield, which only has a native population of around 700. Currently, the former air base is home to around 18 military families.
Raising concerns about the impact on local society, Nick Godley of the campaign group Wethersfield Protests, said: “I think if you put the thick end of 2,000 people up on the base with no money and nothing to do, whoever they were – even if they were trainee vicars – I think you could well have problems.
“It’s only human nature if people get bored they start looking for something to do and that something to do with a proportion of people, whoever they are, may well involve some sort of mischief.”
So far this year, over 10,000 illegals have crossed the English Channel, adding to the approximately hundred thousand that have broken into Britain over the past three years.
This week, the government was dealt a significant legal blow, with its centrepiece deterrence strategy of sending asylum seekers to Rwanda being shut down by the London Court of Appeals, which overturned a previous ruling by the High Court, ruling this week that Rwanda is not a safe country and therefore the government cannot deport illegal migrants to a processing centre in the East African nation.
‘What About My Daughter?’ 1,000 pop. English Village Braces for 500-Man Migrant Camp