Finland’s right-wing National Coalition Party claims election victory

 Finland’s right-wing opposition National Coalition Party leader Petteri Orpo on Sunday claimed victory in the Nordic country’s tightly-fought parliamentary election.

“We got the biggest mandate,” Orpo said in a speech to followers.

With 93.4% of the votes counted, his party looked set to get the most seats in parliament, 48 out of 200 in total, and with 20.5% support among votes cast, justice ministry election data showed.

Finland’s right-wing National Coalition Party claims election victory | WKZO | Everything Kalamazoo | 590 AM · 106.9 FM

Dutch TV Grooms Children for Cult of Transsexualism

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Transsexual militants recently launched what the liberal media would normally call “insurrections” at state capitols in KentuckyFlorida, and elsewhere to intimidate lawmakers who are finally pushing back against the transsexual targeting of children. The pushback needs to escalate. Otherwise, the American campaign to recruit children into this increasingly violent army of the psychosexually (and often physically) deformed will soon catch up to Holland’s:

The American Psychologist reports that “40% or more of trans people have attempted suicide at least once in their lifetime.” Recruiting innocent children into this psychotic cult is unconscionable. Yet enabling this recruitment is Democrat policy.

The public has never seen any scientific data that shows that our use of natural resources increases temperatures or controls the climate

By Jack Hellner

The United States and other supposedly advanced and intelligent countries are working as fast as they can to destroy companies that produce oil, coal, natural gas and all the products derived from them. They are doing it because of the predictions that these products cause temperatures to rise and massive climate damage.

What the media and other pushers of radical green energy policies never show is scientific data that show a direct link between our consumption of these products and warming temperatures. Because there is none.

The U.S and other countries are trying to stop allowing us to buy reasonably priced, efficient, and reliable cars and trucks and force us to buy inefficient, expensive, and impractical vehicles powered by the highly flammable pollutant Lithium. 

EU To End Sales Of New Gasoline And Diesel Cars In 2035

In 1850, there were no vehicles powered by gas combustion engines and today there are around 1.5 billion of them.

If you want to know how many cars are there on Earth here you go: There are about 1.446 billion vehicles on Earth in 2022. About 19% of those vehicles are in the United States. (source)

In 1850, countries used almost zero crude oil and today World consumption is around 100 billion barrels per year.

If humans’ use of coal, oil, natural gas, CO2, methane and all the derivative products that we are told cause temperatures to rise, we would not have had fluctuating temperatures the last 170 years with a total temperature rise of one to two degrees. This is especially true since an over-400-year little ice age ended around 1850. It is normal for temperatures to rise after an ice age ends. People pretending to be journalists do not have to be scientists to understand that, but they clearly don’t care. 

The globe also would not have had a thirty-five-year cooling period from 1940-1975, so significant that a dire ice age where billions would die from starvation was predicted if all the things we are told cause warming actually did. Again, it does not take any intelligence to understand that.

Government policies should be based on factual data, not predictions especially since the dire predictions from the last 100 years have been completely wrong.

When government policies are based on an agenda instead of facts, a lot of dangerous and idiotic stuff happens.

We get regulators of financial institutions that are focused on climate predictions instead of worrying about safety and soundness. When the regulators don’t do their job, they falsely claim it is because they don’t have enough regulations.

Good morning, everyone. And thank you very much for having me today. This inaugural meeting of the Climate-related Financial Risk Advisory Committee, or CFRAC, is an important milestone in our efforts to understand and mitigate the risks that climate change poses to U.S. financial stability.

America’s top Navy official declared that “fighting climate change” is a “top priority” for the U.S. Navy. (source)

We get the military focused on climate change instead of protecting us from enemies like Russia, China, and Iran. 

In a stunning, but not altogether surprising statement, America’s top Navy official declared that “fighting climate change” is a “top priority” for the U.S. Navy 

We get major polluters selling worthless pieces of paper carbon credits. We get rich people like John Kerry and Bill Gates lecturing us about our carbon footprint while flying in private jets and living in multiple mansions. They claim their massive carbon use is OK because they buy worthless carbon credits. They are just so special.

Some of Europe’s largest polluters are earning windfalls from the sale of carbon credits. Their profits are an unintended consequence of generous subsidies that make up a crucial element of the region’s carbon market.

A lot of people are getting rich pushing the radical green agenda, but the poor and middle class are struggling while their way of life and jobs are being destroyed.

The media are supposed to ask questions and do research. Sadly, they have become Democrat campaign workers pushing the radical leftist agenda. They have as much evidence that our use of oil causes temperatures to rise as they did that Trump colluded with Russia. Facts haven’t mattered for a long time.

“It was reminiscent of Daech and aimed against Christianity”: On Friday, the pupils and teachers of the French school Jean-Paul II received death threats

On Friday, the pupils and teachers of the Jean-Paul II school in Saint-Galmier and Montrond-les-Bains received death threats via the internal email distribution list Ecoledirecte. A mother of the family testifies.

The Jean-Paul II public school is located in two communes: Montrond-les-Bains with the Saint-Pierre primary and secondary school and Saint-Galmier with the Sainte-Stéphanie primary and secondary school. Over 500 pupils are taught at these two sites.

In order for this whole school to communicate with each other, a website is utilised. This is the Ecoledirecte platform. It is dedicated to the pupils and teachers and allows them to manage school life.

What was the message? The mother is clear: “It was written: “On Monday on the way to class I will cut your throat with a machete …”. This was reminiscent of Daech and aimed at Christianity. The children were very worried and so were we”.

As a result, the headmaster quickly alerted the police and then sent an email to the families. “Yes,” the mother added, “he told us that it was probably a hacking attack on Ecoledirecte coming from outside the school. “He said that a report would be filed on Saturday and that everything would be done by Sunday evening to establish the origin of these messages and ensure the opening of the school association’s facilities on Monday morning. Le Progrès

Austria: Six Afghan asylum seekers rape helpless woman

Feldkirch Regional Court, Böhringer Friedrich, GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0-AT

The judge described it as “enormous contempt for humanity”: Six Afghan defendants had to stand trial for two days at the Feldkirch Regional Court for the sexual abuse of a defenceless woman. The fugitives received prison sentences of 7 to 12.5 years. The sentences are not legally binding.

The men, aged 23, 26, 29, 36, 52 and 57, were accused of having had sexual intercourse with a 45-year-old woman, who was heavily drunk, in a refugee accommodation in Bludenz in February 2022. In court, two of the men denied having had sexual intercourse with the woman. The other defendants spoke of consensual sex. The fact that all the accused had intimate contact with the woman was supported by a corresponding expert opinion. The expert’s statements in court, which were based on corresponding analyses, left no doubt about this. According to court psychiatrist Reinhard Haller, the defendants were all sane at the time of the crime, even if two of them had a “slight mental handicap” and the men had also been drinking.

During their questioning on the first day of the trial on Wednesday, several defendants emphasised that the woman had always been “in a normal condition” during her stay of several days in the refugee home. This was contradicted on Friday by a witness from Vienna who had also lived in the home in Bludenz in February 2022. The woman was “completely drunk”, he said – so drunk that she could hardly speak or walk. The 45-year-old herself, who by her own admission is a severe alcoholic, testified in camera on Friday via Zoom-Call.

At the beginning of the trial, the prosecutor had reported that the victim had been kicked out of the flat after an argument with her former partner. The woman was heavily drunk and looking for a place to sleep. At the Dornbirn railway station, the third defendant became aware of her, approached her and offered her a place to sleep with the first defendant in a refugee home in Bludenz.

On arrival in Bludenz, the 45-year-old was offered alcohol in the first defendant’s room. Subsequently, the first three accused allegedly sexually abused her. The next day, according to the prosecution, the other three men also had sexual intercourse with the woman. According to the DNA traces examined, there must have been a seventh man who had abused the woman, but it had not yet been possible to find him, she said.

In their pleas, the men’s defence lawyers questioned the 45-year-old’s lack of defence. After all, the police had shown up at the refugee centre, the woman had given clear answers to the officers and had wanted to stay in the refugee centre. It is also questionable whether the men could have recognised the woman’s defencelessness – if it existed. It would have been possible for the 45-year-old woman to leave the accommodation at any time, say the lawyers.

In contrast, the presiding judge stated in her reasoning that it had been proven that the woman was in a state of defencelessness. In the case, her consent to sexual intercourse – which the men had invoked – was of no significance, the judge referred to the established case law. She said that the crime showed an “enormous contempt for humanity” and left the jury speechless.

The sentences ranged from five to 15 years, in one case from five to 20 years. The men’s alcoholism was considered a mitigating factor, and in the case of two men, their good character was also taken into account. The circumstances of the crime – namely that several men had intercourse with the woman in succession without protection – had an aggravating effect. While the public prosecutor did not make any statement, the defence lawyers of the accused each asked for three days to think it over. The verdict is therefore not legally binding.

India: Stones pelted at a Hindu New Year bike rally in Jaipur, 11 Muslim youth detained

(Image Source : Op India)

Rajasthan Police have detained 11 Muslim youths for pelting stones at the Hindu Ranbheri bike rally which was being taken out in Jaipur Rural on last Sunday, March 26.

The state government has seemingly deployed police force to provide security for the rally, but they failed to control the mob, as was evident from video footage that emerged. Soon, an additional police force was called and the Muslim stone pelters were chased away and 11 of the them were arrested.

The stone pelting occurred when the rally reached Tala village of Raiser area of Jamwa Ramgarh on the occasion of Hindu New Year.

The Hindu Ranbheri bike rally started from Khel Maidan Chandwaji at around 10.15 a.m. on Sunday and passed through different areas. However, around 3 p.m., some miscreants pelted stones near Tala Johra of Raiser police station area. A case has been registered at Raiser police station by Sadhuram Jat who was present in the rally.

Meanwhile, the Rajasthan BJP has protested against this incident. BJP’s MP Colonel Rajyavardhan Rathore tweeted a video of the incident and raised questions on the functioning of the Congress government.

He said that, “Hindu rally attacked in Jaipur’s Jamva Ramgarh today. PFI terrorist mentality has flourished under Congress rule. This government also shows leniency on those who pelt stones and violence on the events of the Hindu community. These incidents are the result of this appeasement. The administration should act promptly against such madrassas and miscreants.”

The video shows that many of the skull-cap wearing stone pelters appear to be teens, and there is a high probability that they were mobilized by some local madrasa/Jamaat body. Such brazen acts of mob violence in presence of police do not appear possible without collusion of local administration.

BJP MLA and party spokesperson Ramlal Sharma attacked the Congress government over the anti-Hindu violence in Jaipur district.

He said, “There was a sudden attack on the saffron rally by people of a particular community which pelted stones after which the police arrested 11 people. Out of those 11 people, there are many people who are suspicious and are not residents of the village or even from nearby villages. This indicates that this attack has been done in a planned way by the people of the particular community. Bharatiya Janata Party demands action as this is not the first incident in Rajasthan, such incidents have happened at many places in the state due to the promotion of appeasement politics after the Congress government came to power.”

“Police need to take strict action to curb these incidents and if strict action is not taken then it is difficult to curb these incidents. That’s why the government should take action against the culprits soon. Police are trying to register cases against innocent people, if police register cases against innocent people in this way, then Bharatiya Janata Party is not going to keep quiet,” he added.

Islamists resort to usual tricks, shouted ‘Islamophobia’

Meanwhile, the Islamic radicals did what they are known for, using any possible opportunity to play their victim card and shout ‘Islamophobia’. Here an Islamic news portal Millat Times and Radio Mirchi RJ Sayema, who was shockingly endorsed by the US Embassy in India recently as a ‘trailblazer and positive change maker’, tweeted about this issue, and they portrayed it as if Hindus were the ones who attacked the Muslims.

However, arrests made by Rajasthan Police, witness statements and the video evidence destroyed this Islamist propaganda. At the same time, many eyewitnesses who were participating in this rally confirmed that when the cops and the people in the rally tried to stop the attackers from stone pelting, it only emboldened them more. Multiple people stated that despite the provocation, the participants in the rally didn’t react and moved ahead peacefully.

India: Muslim mob assaults UP businessman for playing a Hindu devotional hymn and threatens to cut him into pieces

In the Banda district of Uttar Pradesh, a businessman named Siddhant Tiwari alleged that on Friday, March 31, he received death threats after he played Hanuman Chalisa on the music system in his house. Tiwari has released a video, wherein he is seen appealing to Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath to provide him security. He also said that pieces of meat were thrown at his house.

Based on the complaint lodged by Siddhant Tiwari, the police have registered a case against two accused named Toufiq and Sanu, who are absconding. Police launched a probe into the matter. The reported incident took place in the Aliganj Chowki Hathi Khana area of ​​Kotwali city. 

Siddhant Tiwari, the victim, resides with his family at Hathikhana in the Aliganj Chowki area. In his complaint, Siddhant Tiwari said that on Friday evening he was playing Hanuman Chalisa on the sound system after worshipping in his home-built godown. At about this time, a group of 15 to 20 Muslims arrived at his home, began vandalising the house and also smashed the sound system. He added that as the attackers were leaving, they threatened to kill him he dared to play Hanuman Chalisa again.

“You will play Hanuman Chalisa again, we will cut me into pieces, people will not find you,” they threatened him, according to Tiwari.

Siddhant Tiwari stated that he was alone in the house’s warehouse at the time of the incident and was scared after getting the threats from such a large group, and remained silent throughout. He said that had he tried to intervene, they would have cut him into pieces. According to Siddhant Tiwari, the perpetrators also hurled meat pieces in front of his residence.

Tiwari said that he has been playing Hindu religious songs for years, and this is the first time that Muslims attacked him for this. Following the incident, he filed a complaint with the police.

Meanwhile, Vishwa Hindu Parishad has also demanded stringent action against the accused in the incident. They also took out a protest march, demanding that the culprits should be brought to book.

Taufiq and Sanu’s names have emerged as the main accused. There are 12 total accused against whom the police have registered a case. All of them have been subject to legal action under IPC sections 147, 452, 504, 506, 427, and 153A.

In the video, victim Siddhant Tiwari also questioned whether playing Hanuman Chalisa is a crime as he appealed to CM Yogi to ensure his safety. “What crime have I done by playing Hanuman Chalisa?” Tiwari asked.

In reply to a tweet by VHP’s Chandra Mohan Bedi, Banda Police informed that a case has been registered in the matter and necessary action is being taken.