The case for cows

By John Klar

Climate cultists have strayed far from science in their crusade to “save the world.”  The latest speculation is that wolves and beavers, and the “rewilding” of parts of the planet, will sequester carbon dioxide.  Common sense demonstrates that exponentially more carbon would be sequestered — and water and soil preserved — by releasing cows from Concentrated Animal Feed Operations and “rewilding” them to managed rotational grazing.

Cows were slandered for farting, but now researchers say bison, sea otters, and, yes, beavers will save humanity from destruction.  With the human population topping 8 billion, it’s hard to imagine how beavers and bison will counterbalance greenhouse gas production, but straight-faced scientists get paid to say so.

Rewilding is hardly a “proven carbon capture technology” and is easily proved fatuous (much like dissing cows for flatulence).  The same voices call to get rid of cows.

For sequestering carbon, there is little difference between bison and cows(though cows are eminently more efficient at producing meat).  Yet the proposal is to eliminate cattle, while returning bison to the land.  As recent efforts to shut down farmers in Holland and Belgium reveal, carbon fantasists do not worry about how to feed people — only how to cool the globe.  A truly vast army of wolves, beavers, and bison will be required to offset the fossil fuels employed to grow the plants intended to replace beef.

America is behind Brazil and China in cow populations, with some 94.4 million cows.  Cows provide the same benefits as bison to the soil.  As the Sierra Club explains:

This all may seem contrary to what you may have known about grazing animals impacting the climate. Typically we hear about their methane emissions, which is a greenhouse gas that causes considerable climate impacts. … However, when bison are not subjected to conventional agricultural techniques that “denude the soil of vital grasses” therefore reducing its carbon uptake and eroding the soil, they could actually help ecosystems function better, leading to higher rates of productivity and more carbon sequestered[.]

America has far more cows than bison, and they will restore depleted soils.  However, some 70.4% of U.S. cows are confined in large industrial facilities.  We are told this is inhumane, so we must not release them, but replace them with plant (or bug) diets.

As with bison replacing cows, this nonsense comes full circle: crops destroy soils and release massive amounts of greenhouse gasses.  More, they are grown using fossil fuel–driven tractors and harvesting equipment and are largely dependent on synthetic fertilizers (made from natural gas) and chemical applications of glyphosate, herbicides, and pesticides.  Monoculture cropping is likely killing the bees.  Cows don’t hurt bees.

Rotationally grazed, grass-fed cows convert sunlight to food through grasses humans don’t eat.  Their manure feeds the soil biome, increasing plant growth without tilling:

The amount of carbon in an acre of grassland versus an acre of cropland depends on soil type, topography and other factors, but based on numerous studies researchers have determined that converting grassland to cropland results in a 30 to 40 percent loss of carbon stored in the ground.

Those who seek to replace beef with beets propose to release huge amounts of carbon!

Most agricultural generation of greenhouse gasses arises from the estimated 335 million tons of manure generated each year in the U.S., which also threatens water supplies and human health from airborne pathogens.  That manure is generally “spread” back onto croplands with diesel-burning tractors that compress the soil.  Shifting cooped up cows back to pasture converts that manure liability into an asset that replaces synthetic fertilizers, and it spreads itself!

Wise voices agree that returning livestock to the land is a better course than plowing up more ground to grow plants to replace them:

[M]ost of the remaining grasslands in the United States are in private ownership. Due to market forces, many of these lands are at risk of being converted to cropland including corn and soybeans. When grasslands are plowed under, more carbon is released into the atmosphere, making it more difficult to avoid the worst effects of climate change[.] …

Grasslands require a couple of things to keep them healthy and diverse: fire and grazing. … Historically, grasslands were grazed by bison and elk. … Today, bison, and in fewer cases elk, still perform this needed natural service, but another animal also serves the same purpose: the common cow.

Corn grown for animal feed covers some 30 million acres of U.S. lands.  Grass-fed beef doesn’t need corn, creating even more carbon/pollution savings.  Returning cows to grass will do far more than bison herds, let alone beavers or wolves.

Less than 1% of the nation’s 360,000 bison are wild.  The bison is considered “ecologically extinct.”  In contrast, tens of millions of cows are available for a bovine “back to the land” movement.  They would quickly sequester more greenhouse gasses than all solar-power and EV gadgets combined.  The animals will also be healthier, reducing antibiotic use.  Nurturing the 10,000-year symbiotic bond between cows and humans sustainably provides meat and manure — without guilt.

Thousands of Dutch farms are targeted to be closed.  Their cows are not being relocated to a zoo in Portland, Ore.  They are to be killed.  Globalists who push to kill cows to save them from harm may kill humans to save the planet. 

Support your local farmer, and stand up for cows, a marginalized group who cannot speak for themselves.  When researchers peddle beavers, bison, and wolves, it’s probably time to buy a cow as a revolutionary act.

French minister slammed for Playboy photoshoot as Paris protests intensify

A French government minister has been scolded by members of her own party after posing for a photoshoot for the cover of Playboy magazine during a time of deep civil unrest following the government’s controversial pension reforms.

In another government faux pas, Marlene Schiappa, who serves as minister for the social economy, will become the first female politician to appear on the front cover of the magazine when the April edition is published.

The 40-year-old minister was fully clothed for the shoot with leaked photos showing her posing in a bow-tied white dress, and another with her wrapped seductively in the French flag. The headline on the front cover reads: “A liberated minister.”

The photo shoot is accompanied by a 12-page interview in which she talks about women’s and LGBT rights.

Political opponents and allies alike have criticized Schiappa for the move, questioning both the timing and its appropriateness.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne reportedly scolded the minister for her decision to appear on the magazine cover, telling her it “was not at all appropriate, especially in the current period,” according to BFMTV citing government sources.

“I thought it was April Fool’s Day in advance,” added Ludovic Mendes, a Renaissance party colleague of Ms. Schiappa’s.

“I can understand the feminist fight, but I don’t see why we would do it in Playboy. There are other ways to do it,” he added.

Sandrine Rousseau, a Green Party politician, questioned the timing of the stunt and suggested it was being used to detract from the headlines on the ongoing mass protests across the country over the French government’s decision to bypass a parliamentary vote on its controversial pension reform.

“We are in the middle of a social crisis, there is the issue of policing, there are people between life and death; it mostly strikes me as a smoke screen,” she told BFMTV on Friday.

Left-wing radical and former presidential candidate, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, said that “France is going off the rails” making reference to Schiappa’s Playboy appearance and President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to give an interview to children’s magazine Pif Gadget despite avoiding the media for weeks.

“In a country where the president expresses himself in Pif and his minister in Playboy, the problem would be the opposition. France is going off the rails,” Mélenchon tweeted on Saturday.

Schiappa took to the social media platform herself over the weekend to defend her decision.

“Defending the right of women to exercise control over their bodies is everywhere and all the time. In France, women are free. With all due respect to the backsliders and the hypocrites,” she wrote.

EU goes soft on Pakistan as global terror hub

India must increase security and terror watch following the European Union’s (EU) decision to remove Pakistan from the list of ‘High-Risk Third Countries’ for adequately tackling anti-money laundering (AML) and counter terrorism financing. This would mean that the additional regulatory watch and restrictions applicable to Pakistan until now, would no longer be in place.

Experts said that this could lead to a rise in money laundering and terror financing activities in the region especially since general elections in Pakistan and Bangladesh are approaching. The rising uncertainty in these two countries is also likely to give rise to the hydra-headed problem of radicalism, directly impacting India.

Countries, which reflect higher threat to the financial system owing to strategic deficiencies in their internal anti money laundering and counter financing of terrorism (CFT) regimes are part of this list.

Last year, in October, Pakistan exited the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) global money laundering watchlist. Subsequently, the UK removed Pakistan from the list of “high risk third countries” in November 2022.

It is noteworthy that in around the same time-October 2022, global experts at the Security Council’s Counter Terrorism Meeting in New Delhi reiterated that cash and hawala remain the key source for terror financing. Governance and counter terrorism regime in Taliban-led Afghanistan also led to concern.

The Diplomat said the Afghanistan-Pakistan border has been the main theatre of vulnerability.

The EU’s move, therefore, has come as a surprise to many especially since in February this year, the UN Sanctions Monitoring Committee Report stated the bordering “Afghanistan remains the primary source of terrorist threat for Central and South Asia.” Not just that. The 10th edition of the Global Terrorism Index (GTI) – a report produced by Sydney based Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP) revealed that Pakistan experienced a sharp increase in terror activities with the toll more than doubling from 2021.

“Given the nature of developments in recent months in Afghanistan and Pakistan with increase in terror attacks and clashes between the terror groups, it is far more critical that international oversight is increased and legal framework is strengthened for monitoring flows of funds in and around Afghanistan and Pakistan,” Navita Srikant, a commentator on international affairs told India Narrative. She added that since cash and hawala remain the two preferred routes to terror financing, such means can easily be exploited along the border states of landlocked Afghanistan.

Last month, a UN report also noted that Afghanistan continues to be the primary source of terrorist threat for Central and South Asia. Terror groups such as ISIL-K, Al-Qaeda and Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan enjoy greater freedom of movement owing to the absence of an effective Taliban security strategy, it added.

The EU Commission should have taken cognisance of the UN Security Council’s report, Srikant said. “It should have asked the FATF for reassessment of the emanating terror financing risk from the region and recommended a ‘high risk third country’ rating for all neighbouring countries of Afghanistan including Pakistan,” Srikant added.

According to Islamabad based Pak Institute for Peace Studies, a total of 419 people were killed in Pakistan in 262 terror attacks, news agency reported. /

Greta Thunberg Sees a Great Capitalist Conspiracy Against the Climate – What the whole eco-narrative really boils down to

Greta Thunberg became famous for calling on us to “panic” in the face of climate change. Unfortunately, she did not offer much specific advice on how to solve the problem.

According to Thunberg, the underlying problems are industrialization and capitalism.  “The Industrial Revolution, fueled by slavery and colonization, brought unimaginable wealth to the Global North, and in particular to a small group of people there,” she writes in “The Climate Book.”

“That extreme injustice is the foundation our modern societies are built on,” she adds.

But the number of people has increased eightfold from one to eight billion since the beginning of industrialization. Without industrialization, billions of people would have had no chance of survival. It is also not true that capitalism only improved life for a small minority. In 1820, the proportion of people living in extreme poverty around the world was 90 percent; today it is 9 percent.

The book is laced with harsh criticism of capitalism. Running to almost 500 pages, there are only two sentences in which Thunberg admits that other systems also destroy the environment: “Leaving capitalist consumerism and market economics as the dominant stewards of the only known civilization in the universe will most likely seem, in retrospect, to have been a terrible idea. But let us keep in mind that when it comes to sustainability, all previous systems have failed too. Just like all current political ideologies – socialism, liberalism, communism, conservatism, centrism, you name it. They have all failed. But, in fairness, some have certainly failed more than others.”

She does not reveal which systems have failed more than others – she limits her denunciations to capitalism. And yet, environmental destruction in socialist countries was incomparably worse than in capitalist countries.

Thunberg sees a great capitalist conspiracy against the climate. She blames policymakers who are “still in thrall to Big Oil and Big Finance.” The media have failed, even though she admits that “journalism is starting to take its first baby steps towards covering this crisis.” She would only be satisfied if the media were full of nothing but stories about climate change: “This should of course be dominating every hour of our everyday newsfeed, every political discussion, every business meeting and every inch of our daily lives. But that is not what is happening.”

Wearily, she notes that many journalists unfortunately did not go into journalism to “uproot a system they believe in.” The fact that the population of a country is constantly bombarded with certain news is something more frequently associated with totalitarian states.

Thunberg regrets that there are “no laws or restrictions in place that will force anyone to take the necessary steps towards safeguarding our future living conditions on planet Earth.” The world, she writes, is run by “white, privileged, middle-aged, straight cis-men,” and these are “terribly ill suited” for dealing with the crisis. Instead, co-author Sonja Guajajara suggests, we need “indigenous women at the heart of the struggle to guarantee a future for humankind. For in many original communities, it falls to us, indigenous women, to manage and preserve our ecosystems and to preserve our knowledge through memory and custom.”

Thunberg devotes a quarter of a single page to nuclear power  – summarily rejecting it as a solution. Technologies to extract CO2 from the air are dismissed as “a joke,” while solar geoengineering is dismissed because it meets with “fierce resistance from indigenous peoples.” Electric vehicles, the book states, are not a viable solution because they “may well be an option only for the powerful and wealthy.”

The state, according to Kevin Andersen, should determine for everyone “the size (and number) of our houses; how often we fly and in which class; how big and how many cars we have and how far we drive them. Even at work, how large is our offices, how many foreign meetings and international conferences do we attend and how frequent are our field trips.”

Thunberg herself complains that there are “still no laws to keep the oil in the ground.” Kate Raworth thinks the state should phase out “private jets, mega-yachts, fossil-fueled cars, short flights and frequent flyer rewards.” Seth Klein calls for “a new generation of public corporations” to produce the right things at the requisite scale. Moreover, he laments, “Where is the government advertising to boost the level of public ‘climate literacy’?” The Canadian anti-capitalist Naomi Klein wants to increase taxes on the rich and reduce spending on policing and prisons in order to fund the fight against climate change. The French critic of capitalism Thomas Piketty calls for the introduction of “individual carbon rights.” For the sake of social justice, he argues, it should be considered to set “equal individual carbon quotas” by the authorities.

Ultimately, it all boils down to abolishing capitalism and replacing it with an eco-planned economy.

Political correctness has hindered efforts to tackle Asian grooming gangs, claims British PM

West Yorkshire Police

Victims and whistleblowers of grooming gangs, largely made up of British-Pakistani men, have often been ignored by authorities due to political correctness, claimed Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as he announced fresh plans to tackle the long-standing issue.

Fresh measures including a new police task force will be created, and regional police forces will be ordered to improve the recording and analysis of ethnicity data.

“The safety of women and girls is paramount,” said Sunak ahead of Monday’s announcement. “For too long, political correctness has stopped us from weeding out vile criminals who prey on children and young women. We will stop at nothing to stamp out these dangerous gangs.”

A government spokesperson said the plans would help ensure suspects “cannot hide behind cultural sensitivities as a way to evade justice.”

The police-led task force will be supported by the National Crime Agency and will comprise officers experienced in grooming gang investigations; the officers will work with data analysts to identify perpetrators who may have previously slipped through the net.

Home Secretary Suella Braverman said on Sunday that a culture of political correctness and a fear of being accused of racism or bigotry had resulted in systemic abuse of predominantly White children by British-Pakistani grooming gangs. She insisted that “thousands of children” have had their “childhoods robbed and devastated” by adult men who are “still running wild.”

When confronted by a report published by her own department in 2020, which disputed the government’s claim that the vast majority of grooming gangs are made up of Asian males, Braverman cited several previous reports on the problem.

The first was the 2014 report detailing the findings of an independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation in the northern English town of Rotherham, which concluded that “by far the majority of the perpetrators were described as ‘Asian’ by victims, yet councilors did not engage directly with the Pakistani-heritage community to discuss how best they could jointly address the issue.”

“Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist, and others remembered clear directions from their managers not to do so,” the report stated.

The second was a 2015 report by Louise Carey, which stated how “anxiety around the ethnicity of perpetrators in Rotherham and other high profile cases may have further discouraged a focus on perpetrators.”

“There have been several reports since about the predominance of certain ethnic groups — and I say, British Pakistani males — who hold cultural values totally at odds with British values, who see women in a demeaned and illegitimate way and who pursue an outdated and frankly heinous approach in terms of the way they behave,” Braverman told Sky News on Sunday

“We’ve got to stamp that out with criminal law and proper safeguarding, and we’re only going to do that if as a society we face up to the facts and truth of what’s going on,” she added.

‘Yes if that’s the language spoken’: British activist-commentator Bushara Shaikh justifies killing over blasphemy

Bushra Shaikh

On 2nd April 2023, British-Pakistani Political Commentator Bushra Shaikh justified killing over blasphemy in one of her tweets replies to author Douglas Murray. Bushra Shaikh, the anchor of the breakfast television show Good Morning Britain, wrote that violence is ok if someone commits so-called blasphemy.

Quoting Douglas Murray’s tweet responding to a ‘blasphemous cartoon’ depicting prophet Muhammad saying it is only a cartoon and asking the Twitter user to calm down, Bushra Shaikh wrote, “Keyboard badman right here. He’d never say this with his chest in Bradford. NEVER.”

Bushra Murray also added a smiley in her tweet essentially pointing out how it is difficult for someone to commit blasphemy in Bradford – an area in the UK with a significant Muslim population living there.

As the original tweet of the Prophet Muhammad’s cartoon, quoted by Douglas Murray was deleted, Bushra Shaikh wrote in the next tweet, “Douglas Murray referencing cartoon depictions of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. For context. A man of his so-called intelligence lacks in sensitivity clearly.”

Replying to Bushra Shaikh’s tweet, one John Thomas wrote, “So violence is ok?” Bushra Shaikh replied, “Sometimes yes. If that’s the ‘language’ being spoken…”

Another Twitter user John A called out Bushra Shaikh and wrote, “The problem with violence is reciprocity.” Bushra Shaikh wrote in her reply, “Correction. The problem with violence is there’s always a badder man out there, so be prepared to take a beating if you’re willing to give out to begin with.”

It is notable that according to the 2021 census, the Muslim population in Bradford went up to 30.5% from 24.7% in 2011. In 2011, 7.7% of people in Bradford were born in Pakistan. In 2021, this percentage went up to 8.3%. Therefore, Bushra Shaikh wrote that nobody would be able to defend depictions of Prophet Muhammad without getting killed.

The row originally started on 1st April 2023 when Douglas Murray quoted a tweet by Omar Salha and asked him if a mosque in the UK would host a Holy Communion just like a church in the UK hosted an iftar event during the ongoing Muslim month of Ramzan.

Omar Salha posted, “History was made last night! Over 1,000 people from all faith backgrounds & none attended the iftar at the Manchester Cathedral. A beautiful showcase of bridging, belonging & celebrating our community of communities. Appreciation for hosting us in MCD.”

Douglas Murray wrote, “Shouldn’t a bridge be a two-way thing? So when is the next Holy Communion at a major mosque in the UK?”

Douglas Murray later posted another tweet with a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad. He was countered by one Zeeshan Saleem whose tweet is now deleted. Depicting Prophet Muhammad is considered blasphemy in Islam and is punishable by death. Douglas Murray replied to Zeeshan Saleem, “It is just a cartoon. Calm down.”

Bushra Shaikh is a Pakistan-origin British anti-racism activist and political commentator. She is also known for anti-Hindu Islamist views. She has now supported killing for blasphemy according to Islamic Sharia.

How the Orwellian UK surrenders to Islamists

by Giulio Meotti

In 1984 Soviet dissident Gunnars Astra was sentenced to twelve years’ imprisonment for possessing, among others, a copy of “1984” by George Orwell. In contemporary society, where everything seems to move incessantly towards progress, rights and freedom for all, it is difficult to grasp the paradoxes of the new 1984. We need a clear mind and intellectual courage.

First case.

Kettlethorpe High School in West Yorkshire. The school suspends four children for accidentally scratching a Koran. Police register it as a “hate incident”, ignoring death threats made against the boys. The mother of one of them explains that her 14-year-old son had to flee home because of the threats. An imam showed up at the school meeting, demanding zero tolerance for “the lack of respect for the holy Koran … to which we will sacrifice our lives.

“”He is absolutely petrified”, said the mother at the meeting with the principal, the Muslims and the police: “But I don’t want anyone to be prosecuted because of the stupidity of my son and his friends”. Chilling. A mother pleads for her son’s safety, while the school and police are more concerned with protecting Muslims’ hurt feelings. On the other hand, they certainly did not want to end up like the publisher of the novel The Jewel of Medina, who saw his house set on fire in London.

Second case.

While the police were busy repressing the four children of the Koran, British politicians in Parliament discussed giving new powers to the police to suppress prayers outside abortion facilities, where Christians have just been arrested. Police in London also arrested Protestant pastor John Sherwood for “homophobic comments”, who was defining marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman at Uxbridge station. The man was taken away in handcuffs, interrogated, detained for one night and released without charge.

“I wasn’t making homophobic comments, I was just defining marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman,” Sherwood explained. “When the police approached, I explained that I was exercising my religious freedom. I was treated shamefully. It should never have happened.”

And it goes on…

With all due respect to Suella Braverman, the Home Secretary who has just written “we have no blasphemy laws in Great Britain”, UK has new blasphemy rules.

It would be enough to think of Batley, a charming town just ten kilometers from Kettlethorpe, the school of the four of the Koran, and where a school teacher is hiding two years after being threatened for showing his students a cartoon of Mohammed. The professor was put on the run with his wife and children and lives in a “safe house”.

One might think of Asad Shah, the Glasgow Muslim shopkeeper who was stabbed to death by a man who accused him of “disrespecting” Islam.

But in the land of the forgetful that is Europe, everyone conveniently forgets about cases like these.

Like that a UK cinema chain canceled all showings of a film about Mohammed’s daughter after branches were besieged by Muslims and one cinema manager even walked outside where Muslims were protesting to apologize for humiliating those shouting “Allahu Akbar”.

Or that the investigation into the 2017 Manchester Arena attack, in which 22 people were killed by an Islamic bomber, shows that one of the security guards did not stop the bomber because “I didn’t want people to think I was stereotyping because of his race”.

How police, politicians and social services have remained silent in the face of what was happening in Rotherham, where gangs of Pakistani rapists abused girls, for fear of being called “racist”.

And how can we forget Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian for ten years on Pakistani death row for charges of “blasphemy”? The UK refused to offer Bibi asylum because it could cause “violent uprisings” by fringes of Britain’s Muslim population.

In neighboring France, an Ifop survey today reveals that one in five teachers have received physical or verbal threats because of that desert religion.

You need courage to cloak the atavistic fear of Islam with “respect”.

How the Orwellian UK surrenders to Islamists | ערוץ 7 (

It’s Been a Bad Year for Girl Power PM’s From New Zealand to Finland

Remember this phony viral moment?

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern fired back at a reporter’s suggestion she met with Finland Prime Minister Sanna Marin “just because” of their similarities, such as age and gender.

Now Jacinda and Sanna really have something in common: they’re both out of office. Jacinda resigned in January and Sanna just lost an election.

The good news is that it’ll leave her with more time for clubbing.

The firestorm over Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s wild partying intensified Friday with a new video seemingly showing the married leader dancing intimately with a mystery man.

The 36-year-old leader, one of the world’s youngest heads of state, has already been forced to deny being on drugs in a now-viral clip of her partying in an apartment after returning from summer vacation.

But on Friday, Finnish tabloid Seiska posted a new video of her later that same night, showing the top politician pressed up against a man who repeatedly nuzzles her neck as they dance in a packed Helsinki club, Teatteri.

The “clearly intoxicated” Social Democrat “danced intimately with at least three different men” and “sat on the laps of two different men,” one witness told Finnish tabloid Seiska.

More significantly. Marin showed her hypocrisy on COVID and has been blowing through money.

Marin, who has appeared on the covers of Vogue and Time Magazine, is considered by fans around the world as a millennial role model for progressive new leaders.

But at home, she has been the subject of mundane political scrutiny, criticised by the opposition for her centre-left coalition’s debt-fuelled spending and by the media for her partying at a time when Europe’s energy crisis hit Finland hard.

Marin says spending on education and health services is key to securing economic growth. Her rivals, Petteri Orpo of the right-wing National Coalition Party and Riikka Purra of the nationalist Finns Party, are calling for fiscal austerity to restore government finances.

Finland’s at 71% of GDP. Ours has been over 100% for over a decade. And the only thing both parties know how to do is spend more money. Let’s see in Finland’s conservatives have better discipline.

Orpo told Reuters his priority was to put debt back on a healthy track, even if that would mean painful cuts to welfare spending, such as unemployment benefits.

Marin has rejected forming a government with the Finns Party, calling it “openly racist” during a debate in January – an accusation Purra sternly rejected.

“There is nothing to hide, to be ashamed of or obscure in our values. We are a nationalist and patriotic party: we defend Finland and Finnishness,” Purra wrote on Twitter at the time.

In an interview with Reuters, Purra said her priority was to cut back on immigration from developing countries outside the EU, calling it “harmful” for the country.

Her party would also push back Finland’s carbon neutrality target which Marin’s ruling coalition set for 2035.

Sanna Marin was a WEF agenda contributor. Klaus will miss her, I’m sure. Maybe she and Jacinda can go on a WEF tour together.

German municipalities cannot accept more migrants, claim conservatives

Local authorities are buckling under the high number of migrants arriving in Germany, yet the federal government persists with its open-door policy and refuses to act, German conservatives have claimed.

“More is not possible now,” Christian Democratic Union (CDU) leader Friedrich Merz claimed on Thursday as municipality leaders met to discuss their ongoing struggles.

Saxony’s Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) clearly attacked the government’s direction on travel on Friday, telling Deutschlandfunk radio station: “We are well above the number of people seeking protection in 2015 and 2016. There are very many people from Ukraine, and there is no discussion at all about whether they should be taken in or not.

“But these people also have needs for integration services and housing, all very practical things. And that’s exactly what no longer works.”

Local leaders revealed how tent cities are being erected in many communities and gymnasiums are being acquired, while some areas are even considering converting underground garages into refugee accommodations. Neither the states nor the municipalities have any possibility of controlling the migration flows to Germany. They were always given new tasks by the federal government and then had to deal with them, Kretschmer explained.

“That the foreign minister in this difficult situation makes one voluntary admission program after another: that is not possible,” Kretschmer added. In the future, he said, the federal government should only be able to launch new admission initiatives in agreement with the municipalities.

Merz on migration: “More is not possible now”

Earlier, CDU party leader Friedrich Merz summed up the results of the migration summit organized by the CDU and CSU: “More is not possible now.” Opposition party politicians in particular discussed the situation of municipalities in the migration crisis in Berlin on Thursday. Mayor Stephan Neher (CDU) from Rottenburg in Baden-Württemberg, for example, sounded the alarm, saying his city was visibly reaching its limits.

In response, the CDU/CSU demanded in a press release that the country’s absorption capacity not be overstretched. “It is important to bear in mind that Germany’s infrastructure is only designed for 80 million people and not for 84 million,” the parties wrote.

At the beginning of the month, the CDU/CSU parliamentary group drew up a position paper for the Union’s future course on migration policy in which it called on the federal government to refrain from “all signals and measures that could be understood as an incentive for additional irregular migration to Europe or for unauthorized onward travel to Germany.”