France: A 14-year-old youth who adheres to the views of the Islamic State is arrested by the French intelligence agency DGSI, explosives are found during house searching

A 14-year-old youth was arrested on Tuesday morning in Rosenau (Haut-Rhin) by investigators from the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI), a source familiar with the case told BFMTV.

Because of his young age, he was taken into police custody for 48 hours rather than 96 hours. Homemade explosives similar to the explosive TATP were found during the house searches.

As part of its intelligence work, the DGSI had uncovered the disturbing profile of this underage youth a few days ago. He has apparently fallen for the Islamic State’s theses and is determined to make explosives, investigators said. BFMTV

Indian Muslim politician claims Muslim boys were making bombs for self-defence

Image Source: India TV

Following the bomb explosion in Sasaram that left 6 injured, RJD MLA Mohammad Nehaluddin has made a bizarre comment while saying that the Muslim boys were making bombs for their own safety.

The RJD MLA from Rafiganj Assembly Constituency said that some members belonging to the Muslim community were making bombs in self-defence. The MLA said, “What would they have done if they had died? Muslim children had to do this to save their lives. They had to do this in self-defence.”

The RJD MLA blamed center for the violence in the state and said that BJP is doing it to win the 40 Lok Sabha seats from Bihar.

Notably, following the violence during the Ram Navami Shobhayatra in Sasaram, the news of the bomb blast came to the fore. In Sasaram in Rohtas, six people were injured in a bomb blast in the Sherganj locality late evening on 1st April. The Bihar police, however, have claimed that it was not an incident of communal violence. Bihar Police said that a Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) team was sent to the spot to investigate the matter after receiving information about the incident of a bomb blast in Sasaram of Rohtas. “The blast was reported at a shanty and a scooty has been recovered from the area. Prima facie it does not appear to be a communal incident,” the police said.

News of another bomb blast also surfaced on Monday (April 3, 2023). However, the Bihar Police denied it outright and said that it was the sound of a firecracker. Police have said that at around 5 AM, some unknown person burst crackers on the outer wall of Mannauvar Raine’s house in Mochi Tola, about 3 KMs from Sasaram police station, this spread the rumour of a bomb blast among the people present there.

During the Ram Navami Shobhayatra, violence started in Bihar Sharif of Nalanda district and Sasaram of Rohtas district of Bihar. In many places, news ranging from arson to firing had come to the fore. According to the reports to date, Bihar Police has arrested over 100 people involved in the violence.

LIVE streaming of protests and aspects of the Trump indictment

“every war in the past 50 years was started by media lies” -Julian Assange

I think that may also apply to the civil war playing out in the US today. It isn’t very kinetic yet. But it is a civil war.

Separate feed:

Giorgia Meloni’s government stands up for Italy’s Mediterranean diet

Image: Screen shot from Giorgia Meloni video, via YouTube

By Monica Showalter

With all the fire and fury we expect of Italy’s splendid new conservative prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, it was fun stuff for this dedicated Mediterranean dieter to read that the entire government of Italy intends to ferociously defend, yep, that same Mediterranean diet.

It has introduced legislation to ban so-called synthetic or cell-based cuisine due to the lack of scientific studies on the effects of synthetic food, as well as “to safeguard our nation’s heritage and our agriculture based on the Mediterranean diet,” Meloni’s Health Minister Orazio Schillaci said in a press conference.

Which makes sense, but it’s like Gen. Patton standing on a hill and defending … Weight Watchers. While it’s good for anyone to advocate for a diet that works, and the Mediterranean one works really well … it’s just that you just don’t quite expect a state to do that.

But the Italians have a point here.

According to the Harvard Health blog:

The Mediterranean diet has received much attention as a healthy way to eat, and with good reason. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to reduce risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, certain cancers, depression, and in older adults, a decreased risk of frailty, along with better mental and physical function. 

What is the Mediterranean diet?

The traditional Mediterranean diet is based on foods available in countries that border the Mediterranean Sea. The foundation for this healthy diet includes

  • an abundance of plant foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes, which are minimally processed, seasonally fresh, and grown locally
  • olive oil as the principal source of fat
  • cheese and yogurt, consumed daily in low to moderate amounts
  • fish and poultry, consumed in low to moderate amounts a few times a week
  • red meat, consumed infrequently and in small amounts
  • fresh fruit for dessert, with sweets containing added sugars or honey eaten only a few times each week
  • wine consumed in low to moderate amounts, usually with meals.

Surely it would be in the interest of the state to keep its population healthy if for nothing else, to cut down on medical costs. It’s been tried here, with Michelle Obama’s childhood obesity eradication campaign, but it didn’t work out so well given that it wasn’t the Mediterranean diet being promoted or served to kids in schools.

But the Mediterranean diet is about the healthiest diet there is — it was discovered by scientists when they observed that the peoples of the Mediterranean, including Italians, had far fewer incidences of heart attacks, strokes, and cancer, than people with other diets in other areas. The diet itself is pretty much that of an Italian peasant, and if you eat like an Italian peasant, you’ll have the lifespan of an Italian peasant, which is very long indeed. 

Now, I’ve done lots of diets and they all work if you stick to them. But the Med diet is the nicest — it’s the easiest to follow, has the widest variety of ingredients, allows a little pizza, pasta and wine, is utterly natural, makes you feel good, and permits mistakes and slip-ups with no significant weight gain. Most surprisingly, its low meat content doesn’t leave you hungry. I didn’t think I could do it based on the low meat content, but it was actually very easy when I tried, and in any case you don’t say goodbye to meat. You just have it in smaller portions or less frequently as a matter of habit. The best part, of course, is that you lose weight. Italians and Mediterranean people in general are among the least obese people in Europe or anywhere and anyone else who imitates them gets the same result. Notice how slim Meloni and her cabinet are. That’s the beauty of the diet.

It’s good exactly the way it is, and as the Italian legislation attempts to address, there is no need to add fake meat to it, because the diet doesn’t have heavy meat, real or otherwise. There’s no need for it, the diet is delicious and effective all by itself.

Obviously, there are heavy duty implications of both the legislation — which may be a little draconian — and the specter of corporations seeking to foist a product onto the public that it literally doesn’t need or benefit from. That’s a matter for the Italians, of course to decide.

But I’m impressed that they know the value of their own naturally created diet which is at least some studies claim, is the world’s healthiest. Maybe they can find something healthier, but this one’s been developed and polished over the millenia as the most practical and liveable. Why wreck a good thing? We know that many populations have been devastated by obesity and its accompanied maladies such as diabetes, heart conditions, cancer and strokes based on junk food and fast food being introduced to the natural diet and replacing it. Think of how the Native Americans and many Pacific Islander peoples have been hit by that. Frankly, it’s a better thing if they can find a way to return to their peoples’ natural diets, which just coincidentally, resemble the Mediterranean diet with different but genetically comparable foods such as whole grains, legumes and vegetables.

The Italians are onto something in their willingness to defend their first rate national diet. Sure, they’ve got huge measures of national greatness, like art and science and engineering and architecture, to defend and promote. Those are the things we all think of when we think of Italy. But their diet is also a natural greatness and a great thing to defend and promote.

It’s good to see that they recognize that, too.

Go for it, Italy.

France to disperse migrants from Paris to countryside ahead of Rugby World Cup and 2024 Summer Olympics

screen grab

The French government plans to relocate migrants currently living on the streets of Paris to temporary accommodation in the countryside in an attempt to improve the city’s image ahead of hosting the Rugby World Cup later this year and the 2024 Summer Olympics.

In a circular distributed among government officials and seen by French newspaper Le Monde, migrants will be encouraged to head to rural provinces with a guarantee of accommodation and greater access to social services.

According to the circular, the Ministry of the Interior expects the first places for the scheme to be available later this month, with 500 places eventually being opened across 10 regions.

Parisian authorities have failed to provide sufficient accommodation for the increasing number of new arrivals. Asylum seekers and migrants have, for several years now, survived in the capital in undignified conditions, often found pitching tents outside the city hall or using parking lots and metro stations as semi-permanent homes.

Emergency accommodation is saturated across the Paris region, and the local government is reluctant to open up the city’s hotels to house homeless migrants, as they prefer to keep these free ahead of hosting both the Rugby World Cup in September this year and the 2024 Summer Olympics next July.

The leaked circular states that those who voluntarily enroll in the scheme will be offered accommodation in rural communities, including those who are in an irregular situation.

Those who are specifically subject to an obligation to leave French territory, known as an OQTF, will even have their cases re-examined, with the circular stating that “an updated examination of each situation is necessary” to assert whether new elements, such as human rights to a private and family life, can be used to justify the right of residence.

“Many situations are very poorly known, and some people probably already meet the conditions for obtaining a residence permit,” it states.

The government is hoping that the incentive of potential future residence rights will attract those currently living on Parisian streets to relocate and help the French government present its capital in a better light as the world watches on.

“We want the temporary accommodations to allow the entire procedure to be organized,” stated Sylvain Mathieu, the Interministerial Delegation for Accommodation and Access to Housing (DIHAL), which is piloting the project in collaboration with the French Interior Ministry.

“In particular, we are asking the prefectures that host these shelters to provide premises reserved for the evaluation of administrative situations by government services, while respecting the confidentiality of exchanges,” added Eric Jalon, the director general for foreign nationals in France.

India: Muslim (52) raped a 12-year-old girl returning from school and then tried to bury her

Rapist Syed Zulfikar Ali Shah (52) trying to hide his face (Image Source: ANI)

Leh Police have arrested one Syed Zulfikar Ali Shah, alias Zulzul of Thiksey for raping and brutally assaulting a minor 12-year-old schoolgirl. They have also seized the Santro car used in the crime.

“On Wednesday at 20.30 hrs (8.30 pm) women cell police station in Leh received a call from SNM hospital, Leh, stating that a girl aged 12 years was brought by her uncle with bruises and injuries on her head, face and hands and she was also found sexually assaulted,” said additional director general of police SS Khandare.

On this a police party immediately rushed to the hospital. A case FIR number 02/2023 under section 5(m)/6 POCSO Act, 363, 307 of the IPC was registered at women police station at Leh.

“The girl stated that she was studying in a school in Leh and used to hitch hike or take bus alone from her village to Leh and vice versa on a daily basis, “ said the ADGP. On Wednesday after the school time, at around 4.30 pm, she took lift in a Santro car driven by Zulfikar Shah near Jivetsal, Photang.

“He took her to an isolated place in Chuchot instead of her village, where she was sexually assaulted, beaten with stones and was pushed into a rocky pit. He left her in the pit covered her with soil and stones. Though the child was hurt and bleeding, she later mustered the courage and walked towards the main road Chuchot which is around 5 km from the place of crime and immediately contacted her home for help,” said the ADGP.

The Leh Police swung into action and different police teams were constituted to trace the accused person. “After strenuous efforts by the police team, with the help of CCTV footages and human intelligence, they were able to arrest the accused within 48 hours of the incident,” said Khandare.

“The accused on previous occasions also used to give lift to the girl and he knew her vulnerability as she travelled alone,” he said. Other important evidences through forensic team were also collected which linked the accused with the commission of the crime.

Austria: School bans Easter traditions because Muslim migrants were bothered by them

Palm branches in the classroom and the students’ visit to an Easter market is “Christian fundamentalism” for an Upper Austrian AHS headmaster – he reprimanded the teacher and cancelled the Easter custom.

The decisive factor for this (over)reaction of the headmaster, who also accused the teacher of “insensitive behaviour”, was a letter from the father of a pupil whose parents are second-generation Bosnians. He angrily addressed the school with the following sentences:

Our child reacts very disturbed to the transformation of his classroom into a church. An Easter market is also completely unacceptable for M.. We will therefore leave our child at home for the time being.

The provincial party secretary of the Freedom Party of Upper Austria, Michael Gruber, a member of the provincial parliament, reacted indignantly to this incident. He said that those who come to us must accept our values, traditions and culture – bowing down is the wrong way to go about it. In a statement he also said:

Neither the decorating with palm branches nor a visit to an Easter market should take place. For me, this is another example of a misunderstood tolerance at the expense of our traditions, values and culture.

Gruber spoke of “anticipatory obedience”. Pork would be removed from the menu, the Advent Market would be renamed Winter Market, the feast of St. Martin would become a procession of lights, and the visit of St. Nicholas would no longer take place at all. Gruber demanded the intervention of the Ministry of Education and said:

If we do not put a stop to these goings-on, we run the risk of losing our own identity – in the cultural, socio-political and religious spheres.

The teacher and columnist Niki Glattauer, who – as reported in the newspaper Heute – received a letter from the teacher reprimanded by the AHS headmaster, is in the same vein as Gruber. With the following content:

I ask you, are palm leaves fundamentalist and an Easter market totally unreasonable for schoolchildren?

To which Niki Glattauer replied:

You are asking me? Well, the only thing I find unacceptable, Madam, is the behaviour of your management.

Shutting Germany’s Remaining Nuclear Power Plants a ‘Strategic Mistake’, Government Party Warns

Nuclear power plant in Grafenrheinfeld, Germany – Avda, CC-BY-SA-3.0

Germany’s decision to shut down its remaining nuclear power plants is a “strategic mistake”, the head of one of the coalition ruling parties has said.

Bijan Djir-Sarai, the Secretary General of the c0-ruling Free Democratic Party (FDP), has warned that the country’s decision to shut down its last few nuclear power plants this month is a “strategic mistake”.

The party has repeatedly warned that the decision to shut down Germany’s last three nuclear plants will leave the country extremely vulnerable energy-wise over the coming months.

Such warnings have been repeatedly ignored and played down by the FDP’s coalition partners, with both the Social Democratic Party and the Greens adamant that the use of nuclear power must be completely terminated in the country.

According to a report by Der Spiegel, Djir-Sarai has once again warned on behalf of the FDP that the nuclear shutdown is a very bad idea less than two weeks away from when the last three stations are set to be shut down.

Such a winding down was described by the Secretary-General as “a strategic mistake in a still tense energy policy situation” that would only end up limiting the country’s ability to deal with power shortages and climate change.

He went on to urge that the use of the plants be extended yet again, describing the continued operation of the plants as being “useful” to Germany.

It would not be the first time the use of the three nuclear plants was extended.

Originally scheduled to be shut down forever by the end of last year, the German government came under sustained pressure from politicians and activists at home and abroad who saw the planned terminations as madness during a period of immense energy shortages.

Even arch-Environmntalist Greta Thunberg jumped on the bandwagon, telling the German government it would be a “mistake” to turn off the existing nuclear plants as it would only make the country more reliant on coal.

Despite continued frothing at the mouth from the country’s Green party, Chancellor Olaf Scholz eventually bowed to the pressure, agreeing to extend the use of the plants until April 15 this year.

Securing a further extension however seems extremely unlikely, with ruling Green officials insisting that the plants will not operate a day after their planned shutdown date.

“The nuclear phase-out in mid-April will remain,” Green Environment Minister Steffi Lemke previously said, justifying such a position by saying that the “risks” posed by the technology are “ultimately unmanageable”.