The following photo was sent to me by a contact in Bulgaria:

The following photo was sent to me by a contact in Bulgaria:
Just how far left is the FBI? If a battalion of heavily armed thugs bursting into Mark Houck‘s house to drag him off to jail for being a pro-life activist doesn’t answer this question for you, consider what happened to the FBI agents who were photographed shamefully kneeling in obeisance to Marxist black supremacists at the height of the Black Lives Matter riots:
At least six FBI agents from the bureau’s Washington, D.C., field office were photographed kneeling during a BLM march on June 4, 2020, and were referred to derisively on social media as “Kneel Team Six.”
Obviously, people who obsequiously display submission to criminals as they loot and destroy should not be working in law enforcement. Yet not only were these moonbats not fired, at least two of them were promoted:
They are Sarah Webb Linden, who was promoted from special agent to assistant special agent in charge of the FBI’s D.C. field office, and Amy Oakes, who was promoted from agent to lead cybercrimes counterintelligence agent.
There is a tendency with the federal government for the worst people to fail upward. This explains our current POTUS, but not these promotions. Kooks who prioritize leftist politics over the safety of American citizens are what the FBI seeks to promote.
[Former FBI agent, Kyle] Seraphin said he was in the room a few days after the kneeling controversy when two FBI executive assistant directors, Jennifer Moore and Larissa Knapp, praised agents who kneeled. Hugs even occurred, he said.
“In the meeting, there was praise for all who knelt,” Seraphin told The Daily Signal.
It wasn’t simple cowardice or “de-escalation.” According to Seraphin…
…the FBI kneelers were a good distance from the actual protesters. He said he suspected that the agents’ act of kneeling was more of a political statement than an effort to stay safe.
“Both were promoted shortly after kneeling,” Seraphin said.
Seraphin, an FBI special agent for six years, became a whistleblower before the bureau suspended him without pay last year. He first revealed that the FBI’s field office in Richmond, Virginia, was targeting Catholics when he published a document on
Personnel is policy. With every passing day, the personnel comprising the Deep State veers farther to the left. The FBI is comprised of ever fewer principled law enforcement agents like Seraphim and ever more leftist apparatchiks like Linden.
Black Lives Matter conducted violence throughout the country to achieve political objectives. It is by any reasonable definition a terrorist organization. Counterterrorism is Linden’s area of expertise. According to her alma mater’s website, “Today, Sarah is a supervisory special agent specializing in cases of homegrown violent extremism.”
That is, she specializes in promoting it on behalf of the radical left. That’s how you get promoted in the FBI, now that it has succumbed to the Long March Through the Institutions.
Oakes, the second agent identified as kneeling during a Black Lives Matter protest, also has worked on counterterrorism investigations.
The FBI was asked for input on this story. Here it is: “The FBI declines to comment.”
The Deep State is not answerable to the public. As Democrats consolidate power, the public will increasingly be answerable to the FBI.
Young asylum seekers in Wales could soon receive a monthly payment of £1,600 and taxpayer cash to fight deportation under plans proposed by the country’s devolved Labour government.
The move would see asylum seekers who arrive unaccompanied in Britain as children effectively handed a monthly living wage from the age of 18, in addition to extra cash for legal fees to fight deportation orders.
A letter outlining the intention, which has been signed by three Welsh Labour ministers — Jane Hutt, Julie Morgan, and Mick Antoniw — has been sent to the U.K. Justice Ministry for sign off. The plans are still in the development stage and would need the green light from the U.K. government in Westminster.
The letter asked the British government to ensure asylum seekers receiving the payment would still be eligible for legal aid, which is means-tested across Britain.
“We believe that care leavers have a right to be properly supported as they develop into independent young adults,” a Welsh government spokesperson said in a statement.
“Too many young people leaving care continue to face significant barriers to achieving a successful transition into adulthood than many of their peers.
“In line with our Nation of Sanctuary approach, we want to ensure that unaccompanied asylum-seeking children are supported to rebuild their lives and are not prevented from accessing appropriate Welsh government schemes and benefits to support their integration,” they added.
Campaigners against big state intervention opposed the move. “Legal aid is rightly means tested,” said James Roberts of the conservative TaxPayers’ Alliance. “Illegal immigrants should not be allowed to claim this cash.”
“Last year we spent around £30million on legal aid for asylum seekers and we will respond to the letter in due course,” a Ministry of Justice spokesman said in response.
Andrew Davies, leader of the Welsh Conservative parliamentary group, said: “At a time when our asylum system is being abused, we have to be tough to be kind. That’s exactly what the Conservative government is doing. I fear this move from Labour ministers in the Senedd will undermine that and I suspect the Welsh public will agree.”
“That’ll teach ’em,” tweeted Conservative MP Lee Anderson. “After a year of fighting our Rwanda Plan it looks like Labour finally have their own plan to tackle the migrant crisis.”
Former Brexit Party MEP Martin Daubney added: “That’s right: they will get a guaranteed income PLUS housing, meaning they’re better off than average taxpayers!”
Conservative commentator, Darren Grimes, said: “This is a pretty clear indication of what Labour would be like in power. Why wouldn’t you come here if our taxpayer is paying this?”
No comment has yet been made by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer as to whether a future British Labour government would adopt a similar policy nationally.
Red alert in Duisburg: One or two attackers stabbed at least four men with knives in a fitness studio in the city centre of Duisburg. The police assume that the attack was committed on a rampage, which is why the Essen police headquarters took over the operation. The perpetrators are said to be on the run.
In addition to several patrol cars, special task forces rushed to the scene of the crime. A police helicopter was flying over the streets, witnesses reported.
According to BILD information, the bloody deed is said to have started in a changing room of the gym chain “John Reed”. There, the victims (aged between early 20s and early 30s) are said to have been brutally stabbed. At least four men were seriously injured, two may even be in danger of losing their lives. Several emergency doctors and ambulances were on duty.
After the attack, the perpetrator or perpetrators are said to have fled and a large police force is currently in search of them. A police spokesperson told BILD: “We ask the public to avoid the area concerned in the Old Town.”
The background or trigger for the attack is still completely unclear at the moment. The police are asking for witnesses to come forward.
Only on Easter Sunday, there had been a bloody knife attack in Duisburg’s old town, in which a man (35) was killed. It is still completely unclear whether there is a connection to the current crime.
Ukraine war refugees are being used by Germany’s Interior Minister to obscure the country’s ongoing migrant crisis, an opposition MP has claimed.
Mathias Middelberg, the deputy leader of the Christian Democratic Union in the German parliament, has accused Interior Minister Nancy Faeser of using the war in Ukraine to obscure the reality of the ongoing migrant crisis.
The Antifa-linked Interior Minister has previously ignored recent concerns raised about migrant arrivals in the country rising to near-record lies, outright refusing any suggestion that asylum numbers in the country could be capped.
“Eight out of ten refugees come from Ukraine,” she is described as saying. “There can be no upper limit for humanity there.”
However, according to a report by Süddeutsche Zeitung, Middelberg has now accused Faeser of fudging the numbers, saying that the number of refugees arriving from Ukraine has collapsed since the start of 2023.
The publication notes that, by March 31, 81,647 people said to be fleeing Ukraine arrived in Germany this year.
This is compared to the 80,978 non-Ukrainian migrants who claimed asylum in the county within this same period.
“Federal Minister of the Interior Faeser is misleading [the public] about the development of migration to Germany,” Middelberg claimed, adding that the figures have clearly shown a substantial increase in the number of African and Asian migrants arriving in Germany in 2023.
Middelberg’s accusation that Feaser is trying to mislead the public with her talk of Ukrainian arrivals comes at a time when migration is once again becoming a major issue in Germany.
Having last spiked during the infamous European Migrant Crisis of 2015-2016, the number of foreign arrivals claiming asylum in the country is rising once again, with multiple local municipalities across the country now struggling to cope with the influx.
Overall, more than 200,000 migrants made asylum claims in Germany for the first time last year, with a further 55,000 applying for international protection in the first two months of 2023 alone.
The migrant surge has prompted multiple warnings from officials in the country, with the head of Germany’s Federal Police Union lashing out at the left-wing government’s “scandalous” refusal to properly deal with the crisis.
Union Chairman Heiko Teggatz also added that anyone who “publicly opposes the protection of our borders and thus the fight against illegal migration” is ultimately ignoring “the associated dangers to public security”, and that Minister Faeser’s inaction was effectively giving “international crime an El Dorado in Germany”.
Opposition MPs within the populist Alternative for Germany party have meanwhile expressed concern about crimes committed by migrants against German citizens.
“In 2022 alone, 3,503 German women were victims of immigrants who committed crimes against women’s sexual self-determination,” MP Stephan Brandner revealed using statistics he obtained from the German government.
“30 women had to die,” he added. “Effective border control would save many lives!”
The village of Rosenthal in eastern Saxony has only 150 citizens, but its population may soon double if a planned migrant center with capacity for 150 is built in the vicinity of the village. Now, citizens are turning to the conservative Alternative for Germany (AfD) party for help.
The tranquil village is located in a little-known corner of Germany where a large number of ethnic Sorbs live, right on the border of Poland. The village’s obscurity may be exactly why the federal government and the state of Saxony may have thought they could relocate migrants there without much opposition.
None of the migrants headed there will be Ukrainians; instead, they will be Afghans, Syrians, Iranians, and Iraqis. Given that the move will change the culture and demographics of the village virtually overnight, residents are furious and actively fighting against the top-down measure with the help of the AfD.
At the beginning of April, when Thomas Gampe, the head of the social affairs department of the district of Görlitz, presented plans for the construction of a migrant home in the village, he was met with boos. Citizens appealed to District Administrator Stephan Meyer (CDU) to block the project. Meyer is being accused of rushing to find new asylum accommodation with his plans to make migrant homes out of a former vocational school in Boxberg as well as a former apprentices’ dormitory in the Hirschfeld district of Rosenthal.
Now, the topic appears to be the only one the villagers want to talk about. The AfD has also forced the issue to the forefront. On Tuesday, the Görlitz district council will meet in a special session after the AfD requested the meeting to address asylum seekers being moved into the town.
The AfD is counting on growing frustration to get its motion passed in Görlitz, with AfD politicians aware that rival parties are under ample pressure due to the extreme popularity of the AfD in Saxony. In the Görlitz city council, the AfD holds 27 seats and the CDU only 23. Citizens are directly pressuring the CDU as well to support the measure, and if the CDU fails to deliver, it could end up costing the party even more political capital down the road.
AfD leader Timo Chrupalla is urging all county council members to vote in favor of the motion. He points to the country’s soaring deficit, which stands at €50 million in the last year alone. The AfD has long argued that the country’s exploding immigration population has resulted in billions in taxpayer money going into housing, education, social benefits, and unemployment benefits for millions of newcomers who have a notoriously bad record at integrating into German society.
“We have completely different problems here. For example, we lack doctors, teachers and craftsmen; money for school lunches or the school bus,” Chrupalla said. Many of the rural villages in Germany feature little to no investment, and Chrupalla noted that there is no public infrastructure in the Hirschfelde district of Rosenthal. Now, citizens are asking why money is going into housing more migrants when it could have gone into improving their quality of life, schools, and infrastructure.
In March alone, 80,000 asylum seekers registered in Germany, according to the German Interior Ministry. If this trend continues, it is estimated that almost 1 million asylum seekers will apply to stay in Germany, which would exceed the record-breaking 750,000 asylum applications from 2016. As citizens increasingly turn against the left-wing government’s open borders immigration policy, the AfD party and anti-immigration sentiment are growing in popularity.
Premier Giorgia Meloni said Tuesday that her government was determined to take action to boost Italy’s birth rate, which reached a new record low last year, and to increase the number of working women to help resolve shortages on the labour market.
“There are more and more people to maintain in Italy and fewer and fewer people who are working,” Meloni said as she arrived at the Milan Furniture Fair (Salone del Mobile).”This problem can be solved in several ways.
“The government’s way is not just to solve it with migrants, but also with the great unused reserve of female labour, bringing it (the proportion of Italian women in employment) up to the European average, and by focusing on demographics, with incentives for families to bring children into the world”.
National statistics agency Istat said earlier this month that there were less than seven births for every 1,000 inhabitants in Italy in 2022 and more than 12 deaths.
Last year, births fell below the 400,000 mark for the first time since the unification of Italy, standing at 393,000.
A horrific crime took place on Sunday night ( April 16) very close to the main railway station in the heart of Munich.
At around 4.20 a.m., officers from police station 16 ( Central Station) were on patrol in the Old Botanical Garden. There they noticed a man on a beer bench attacking and raping a woman. When the perpetrator noticed the police officers, he let go of his victim and fled.
The officers immediately called for reinforcements. More than ten police patrols were involved in the subsequent manhunt. The search was quickly successful: a short time later, the suspected perpetrator was arrested in the city area. According to the police, the suspect is a 27-year-old Nigerian who currently lives in the Weilheim-Schongau district. The man will be brought before the competent investigating judge in the course of Monday ( April 17), who will then decide on the issue of arrest.
The victim is a 28-year-old woman from Munich, who was taken to hospital for further medical examination after the horrific crime. The woman was subsequently taken home. The investigation by the responsible department of the Munich criminal police is ongoing.