Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.
By Olivia Murray
Think you have a right to “protect” children from ugly, middle-aged male transvestites colonizing the ladies restroom for all their stinky bathroom needs and repulsive habits? And yes, “protect” was sarcastically enclosed in air quotes. Well, think again, because according to one vulgar TikTok beast, you don’t, and he’s going to bring the firepower to ensure he gets his way. Watch the video below:
Typically we refer to these sorts of people as “predators.”
(Now, it should go without saying, but men who routinely insert frozen tubes of tomato paste up their rear ends to “mimic” menstrual cycles are indescribably troubled, and have absolutely no business being anywhere near a precious child of either sex.)
Obesity, a very apparent hormonal imbalance, “trans” delusions, and explicit calls for violence, especially in light of recent tragedies and near-misses, should scream of a serious health crisis — but thanks to a world and culture polluted by leftist amorality, they aren’t.
So, let me get this straight: this man “dares” someone to “protect” the innocence of children as if that’s a trivial thing, and prohibiting biological men from stampeding into private female spaces will be “the last mistake” someone “ever make[s]” because he’s getting a gun, and he won’t be afraid to use it — in fact, he’d rather use it than “live and not have anything done.” Ergo, he hates the purity and preciousness of a child, and will resort to blood-spilling to get his political way; no doubt about it, he’s a leftist alright!
On another note, there was a subtle yet profound reality present in this man’s words though; read below:
You need to arm up, plain and simple. Go out, buy a gun. Learn how to use it efficiently, through and through, because the time to act is now, as I am going to do myself, because there are lots of people like me who are not afraid to die.
It’s an unavoidable and uncomfortable truth: “trans” terrorism is a real threat, and we can only expect outbursts of homicidal aggression to trend upward. After all, these angry people already have a significantly higher chance of being suicidal; as the man in the video notes, there are “lots” like him who “are not afraid to die [as a martyr].” (The suicide rate in the “trans” community hovers around 50% both before and after “transition” while the general American population has a suicide rate far below 1%.)
Despite the seriousness of “trans” terrorists lurking seemingly everywhere, there was a silver lining. The creature in question states:
So if you want to die on that hill of yours, of righteousness and moral majority, you go right ahead.
First of all, he subconsciously validated that traditional sexuality, not “trans” perversion, is right and moral. Otherwise, he would have noted the “righteousness” and “moral[ity]” we conservatives espouse was a mere illusion, nothing more than a product of religious deception.
Secondly, he said moral “majority” but he probably meant moral “superiority” — not only is he a total degenerate, but he’s a bonehead too.
He’s feral, prone to violence, and he’s roaming the streets looking for a kill; where is a domestic terrorism cop when you need one?
Social media bosses who fail to censor “harmful” content on their sites should be jailed, plans announced by a UK minister have stipulated.
Technology and Science Secretary Michelle Donelan has announced plans to see social media executives thrown in jail should they fail to censor so-called “harmful” content on their websites.
The jail threat is to be part of the UK’s Online Safety Bill, a widespread censorship plan that some tech giants claim will also effectively ban end-to-end encryption for private internet users.
As it currently stands, the bill will give control of social media regulation to Britain’s broadcasting regulator Ofcom, which mandates platforms under its control to censor “all forms of expression which spread, incite, promote or justify hatred” based on various progressive characteristics, including transgenderism.
According to a report by The Telegraph, Donelan has now confirmed that she wants any social media boss who ignores the new restrictions to be jailed, justifying such an extreme measure with reference to protecting children.
Such a measure will reportedly be used as a last resort to deal with executives that “have consented or connived in ignoring enforceable requirements” to censor content, including so-called “disinformation” from a foreign state, which government officials claim would amount to “risking serious harm to children”.
Companies will also face fines of up to 10 per cent of their global revenue should they dare to ignore Britain’s demands to preemptively delete or obscure posts violating its coming censorship regime.
Backed by wide-swathes of the Tory party, the Online Safety Bill has been met with horror from a number of big tech companies, who have warned that the legislation would effectively kill privacy on many parts of the internet.
Both Facebook’s WhatsApp messaging service, as well as one of its main rivals, Signal, have warned that measures requiring them to automatically detect child abuse material in private messages would effectively destroy end-to-end encryption and enforce a system of mandatory surveillance on its user base.
The two platforms have now both vowed to leave the UK market if the bill is made law.
“[W]e would absolutely 100% walk rather than ever undermine the trust that people place in us to provide a truly private means of communication,” Signal President Meredith Whittaker previously told the BBC regarding the legislation.
“We have never weakened our privacy promises, and we never would,” she went on to say.
Regardless, the idea that handing control of the internet to Ofcom to increase child safety is questionable, given their censorship of UK television is already allowing concerning material to be broadcast.
For example, the country’s publicly-funded Channel 4 recently aired a programme that involved transgender individuals stripping naked in front of children in order to “educate them”.
The show has been praised as depicting a “truly powerful moment” of trans people stripping naked in front of children, with the show garnering just under 1,000 official complaints from the public. There has been no indication that the broadcast of the show will be suspended pending an investigation.
Authoritarian States ‘Want to Control People’ by Censoring Internet: ICANN
Building of the Ministry of Education in Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia,, CC-BY-SA-2.0
The Ministry of Education in North Rhine-Westphalia has offered Muslim pupils a special arrangement for the Abitur exams on Friday. Because the Islamic Eid begins on this day, they are allowed to rewrite their exams on May 9, the authority announced.
Islamic associations had protested against the Friday date. Actually, the exams were scheduled for last Wednesday, but due to technical problems, the date was moved back. “The postponement of the Abitur exams in North Rhine-Westphalia precisely on the Ramadan festival is annoying and irritating,” said the spokesman for the Coordination Council of Muslims in Cologne, Murat Gümüş. He said that the amendment denies Muslim students the opportunity to celebrate the end of the fasting month of Ramadan in the mosque and with their families. “It would also be hard to imagine Abitur exams taking place on Christmas or Easter.” According to Gümüş, all federal states should pay more attention to religious diversity.
The AfD member of the state parliament Carlo Clemens strictly rejects a separate make-up date for the final exams in North Rhine-Westphalia exclusively for Muslim pupils. “Friday is a normal working and school day in Germany. Therefore, there is nothing to be said against a school-leaving examination on this day. It would be unfair to other pupils if Muslim pupils were granted special rights,” he told the newspaper JUNGE FREIHEIT. All religious communities could claim special rights in the future, he said, if School Minister Dorothee Feller (CDU) set a “precedent” for this year’s Abitur examination.
“School Minister Feller must immediately and transparently clarify how this mishap could have occurred. It must be ensured that such a disastrous mishap cannot happen again.” The teaching profession is made even less attractive by such mishaps and teacher shortages, Clemens warned.
The reason for the data breach was probably the newly introduced 2-factor authentication. 600 out of 900 schools in North Rhine-Westphalia were unable to download exam papers from a central server on Tuesday. The school policy spokesperson of the SPD parliamentary group in the North Rhine-Westphalia state parliament, Dilek Engin, called the subsequent communication behaviour of the school minister “catastrophic”. Feller had simply disappeared for hours. Teachers, school-leavers and Muslim pupils now have to pay the price.
The Christian Democrat has since apologised for the mishap. “I can understand that many students and many teachers are angry – I am too. I know exactly what that means for high school graduates.”
In the street Ringbahnstraße ( Tempelhof district of Berlin), specialists work and train to counter terror: Special task forces and state security guards. But there are always problems with the security doors – which now led to a dangerous mishap.
The anti-terror headquarters in the former Reichspostzentralamt is a result of the Islamist attack on December 19, 2016 at Breitscheidplatz. It was handed over to the police in July 2021. 1200 LKA staff are employed there, a bulwark against terror.
But it already has cracks: There are massive problems with the security doors again and again, many employees only get into the building via an underground tunnel. “Insofar as there are malfunctions at the doors to and in the building, they are usually due to a very high frequency of use,” says the police press office.
Not everything can always be repaired immediately. This is because “extended spare parts delivery times on the market” make quick repairs more difficult.
The only solution: Security guards from private security services guard the defective entrances. According to information from the newspaper BILD, one of them was a person with close contacts to the Islamist scene. Moreover, he even lacked the official authorisation to work as a security guard!
A police spokeswoman when asked: “On March 19, the person in question was immediately banned from the police properties for the purpose of taking up work.”
The use of plural pronouns (“they/them”) to refer to a single person has insidiously crept into our language. This practice is especially common in mass media publications and other establishment writings. It is more than a mere passing fad. It is time for us to understand what this trend really means for all of us.
One recent example I noticed was linked by and included the headline, “Non-Binary Ex-Biden Staffer Sam Brinton’s Family Calls Them A Liar, Claims Their Abuse Story Never Happened.” The headline is incomprehensible by traditional rules of grammar. The reader would not know who is meant by “Them” and “Their.” Even if we are familiar with Sam Brinton and his story, we would not know what people his family calls “a liar.” The plural words tell us that there are multiple third parties that Brinton’s family accuses. We are misled and distracted by those plural pronouns. An innocent reader would not have concluded that Brinton, himself, is the real target unless the reader undertook the process of clicking on the link and reading the article. The reader would then have to remember the new mandate that requires us to misread plural pronouns as applicable to single people – as the individual subject’s whim dictates. Singular is now plural. Plural is now singular. Words have no meaning.
If the Brinton story were the only example, no great harm would be done. But this trend is becoming common. The more controversial stories involving transgenderism “sow social chaos by hijacking our language, rendering it utterly unrecognizable even about the most basic of facts.” But plural/singular confusion does not require a school shooting to inflict harm upon the language. The improper juxtaposition of singular and plural is an offense to English in any context. Readers cannot click on every article and translate from the current trend to comprehensible language. Readers will skip most articles while glancing only at the scrolling headlines in the MSN feed. The plural pronouns make comprehension impossible in the brief time that most readers will devote to each headline before escaping to a new headline.
The concepts of plural and singular are basic to language. Imagine having no way to convey such concepts in daily speech. Conversation in that scenario would become impossible. The inability to understand one another might well isolate each of us to a much greater degree than any other factor in modern culture. Television, social media, political differences, etc. all are put to shame in their ability to isolate us.
Pronouns have become second nature to all of us. Imagine trying to speak without any pronouns at all. Try to discuss any issue while using only the proper names of the people involved. It would make one sound like primitive artificial intelligence. We may soon face the choice of either sounding like such machines or neutralizing our discussion with meaningless plural pronouns.
Imagine a poker game in which every card is a “wildcard.” Imagine a chess game in which every piece is a queen. All cards and all chess pieces would thus be the same and have the same value. The games would be impossible or, at least, completely uninteresting. While not all words are pronouns, enough of them are pronouns. Pronouns undeniably play a key role in the English language. Rendering pronouns meaningless devastates the language.
Every person that identifies his or her preferred pronouns becomes an unwitting soldier in this new war against the English language. By doing so we perpetuate the unspoken idea that each person can re-make the language according to his own sexual identity. This behavior denies the fact that words mean things. By subverting our pronouns, we take away that meaning.
There is no way for the rest of us even to surrender in this war. If we submit to the idea that singular is now plural, we are still left with neither singular nor plural. This trend does not simply cause some words to mean something else. This trend robs some very common words of all meaning – leaving us with no way to express the very basic concepts of singular and plural. Speech and writing are, themselves, imperiled.
Establishment media have long treated the average reader with contempt. We are objects to be manipulated and misled long enough for the Democrat of the day to win the next election. The silent majority has long been suspicious of the establishment media and its various agendas. Decades ago we were isolated in our suspicions. Before the internet, talk radio and cable television, we did not know that so many others agreed with us. We did not recognize our own power and strength. Rush Limbaugh and various internet/cable sources allowed us to learn of each other’s existence, communicate with each other and amplify our voice. The isolation had ended.
But now the establishment strikes at us by twisting something much more basic than the daily news cycle or a particular election. They strike at our very language. The war on language promises to be much more effective than the mere war on certain politicians, taxpayers, religions and races. By making pronouns meaningless throughout the entire language, the establishment can rob us all of our voice.
Leftist plans have always been grandiose. They seek to turn down (or up) the Earth’s temperature, lower the oceans, end organized religion, rewrite history, effectively repeal the U.S. Constitution, etc. But now they seek to outdo even their own ambitions. Their attack on pronouns would go further even than the bilingualism pushed for so long in schools. It would turn English into less than the mere language spoken by an ever-decreasing majority in an increasingly Balkanized society. It would turn all of us into little more than the contemporary preliterate – unable to communicate with each other in any meaningful way.
Despite their hostility to the Bible, leftists now seek to emulate no less than God in the Book of Genesis. Whereas God rendered the builders of the Tower of Babel helpless by creating multiple languages, today’s left will leave us with no language at all – or at least no language with meaningful pronouns. Of course, the edifice of the public school system will still exist – and with ever increasing public funding. Despite having no language left to teach, the public schools will still herd children into their little towers of babel so that they can learn about racism, get vaccinated, wear masks and view twerking by men wearing dresses.
It is our duty to defend our language by refusing to surrender the difference between plural and singular. We must remember and insist that one person cannot be multiple people. We must stick stubbornly to plain language. Referring to one person only in the singular will protect the benefits that language bestows upon all of us. If our language is rendered meaningless, gender issues will be the least of our problems.
Francesco Lollobrigida, CC-BY-3.0-IT, Wikimedia Commons
An Italian minister has warned that the country runs the risk of “ethnic replacement” due to mass immigration and low birthrates.
Francesco Lollobrigida, Italy’s Agriculture Minister, has publicly warned that Italy must work to avoid falling victim to “ethnic replacement” as a result of mass migration and the country’s current low birth rate.
The minister’s comments have provoked outrage amongst the country’s left, who have accused the Fratelli D’Italia politician of echoing the words of “white supremacism”.
According to a report by Euractiv, Lollobrigida made the comments while speaking at the conference of the Italian Confederation of Free Workers’ Unions (Cisal), with the minister saying that Italy must be mindful of the dangers of immigration as well as its benefits.
Emphasising that, as the grandson of an emigrant, he does not see migration itself as a problem, he warned that the high levels of illegal immigration into the country in particular risked having long-term consequences regarding the country’s demographics.
“We cannot give in to the idea of ethnic replacement,” he told the conference. “Italians are having fewer children, so we replace them with someone else. That is not the way.”
He went on to push for Italy to introduce welfare programmes that “allows people to work and have families” and “support young couples to find employment”, an echo of the pro-natal policies implemented by governments in Poland and Hungary.
Despite Lollobrigida’s insistence that he does not believe the very concept of immigration to be a problem, his very noting of “ethnic replacement” has outraged the country’s left, who have immediately jumped to comparing the minister’s statements to Fascism.
“They take us back to the 1930s, these are words that have the flavour of white supremacism,” Elly Schlein, the hardline progressive leader of Italy’s Democratic Party, remarked.
Schlein — who has been billed as Italy’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in English-speaking media — went on to describe the comments as being particularly problematic considering Italian President Sergio Mattarella’s visit to Auschwitz on Tuesday, and called on Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to distance her Fratelli D’Italia party from the comments.
The likelihood of Meloni rolling back her subordinate’s comments seems unlikely though, with she herself publicly warning about the danger of “ethnic replacement” in the country before becoming PM, never mind the fact Lollobrigida is married to her sister.
Overall, the comment represents the latest instance of the Fratelli D’Italia-led government drifting rightwards since being elected into office in 2022.
Despite having billed herself and her party as being similar to Britain’s progressive-leaning Conservative Party while campaigning last year, Meloni appears to have largely abandoned any suggestion she is similar to the UK’s pro-transgender government, passing numerous bills that may well qualify as hate speech if they were read out loud on the streets of London.
Such an approach to politics appears to be working extremely well for the ruling party, with support for Fratelli actually rising substantially since it was put into office last year.
The party now sits at a near record-high popularity rate of 29 per cent, ten points higher than the second most popular outfit, Schlein’s Democratic Party.
The Dutch public prosecutor’s office (OM) has appealed against the sentences handed down last week by a Dutch court to five former ISIS brides who were repatriated to the Netherlands in February 2022.
The convicted terrorists were handed prison sentences between 16 months and three years after being found guilty of membership in a proscribed terrorist organization, namely the Islamic State, and for participating in the preparation of acts of terrorism.
The women each fled the Netherlands separately back in 2013 to join the Islamic State in Syria at the peak of its power. They married Islamic State fighters and lived in the caliphate for six years before being apprehended by Kurdish forces in 2019 and detained at the al-Roj Kurdish refugee camp in northern Syria.
Four of the women received prison sentences of between 30 and 36 months, of which 12 to 15 months were suspended, while a fifth woman was ordered to serve 16 months in prison, nine of which were also suspended.
The sentences were considerably less than the 42 to 48 months called for by the OM, with the court claiming to have taken into consideration the squalid conditions the women had lived in during their time in Syria.
The OM had previously stated that their sentences should be longer due to the length of time they had remained affiliated with the Islamic State; it claimed that all five women had made “an important contribution to the realization and maintenance of the caliphate.”
Additional aggravating factors used by the OM to justify their position include the fact that two suspects are understood to have taken their children to the conflict zone, and another traveled while she was knowingly pregnant. One woman’s decision to travel ultimately led to the death of her 16-year-old son.
The court ruled on all five cases on April 13; however, an appeal hearing may now be scheduled to determine whether the sentences imposed were proportionate to the severity of the offenses.
Great commotion over videos from a Viennese school: Muslim pupils want to roll out the prayer rug in class and pray. Because a teacher does not tolerate this, he is now the subject of a shitstorm on the internet. The clips have already been viewed 300,000 times.
A teacher in Upper Austria wanted to decorate the class with palm branches for Easter. After massive protests from non-Christians, the teacher was finally forbidden to teach our customs in school. Religion is a private matter, argued the director of the high school. An argument that is currently giving a Viennese teacher a shitstorm – he wants to forbid Muslim pupils to pray in class.
The newspaper “Heute” reported on Thursday about a teacher who unintentionally went viral on the platform TikTok. The clips have already been clicked on 300,000 times. On it, the teacher can be heard explaining to a pupil why he should not roll out his prayer rug in class. “We don’t care what religion. Religion is a private matter. You can do it at home, but not here. I don’t care if you do it in the park, if you don’t disturb anyone,” says the teacher in one of the three videos.
In the second, he continues: “It’s also a bit strange when you come in and someone is praying. Those are just our rules. It’s the same for all religions. It doesn’t matter if it’s Islam, Christianity or Judaism. Is that clear to everyone? And if I tell you to stop doing something, then you should stop doing it.”
In the third video clip he scolds: “You made me wait two minutes and I really don’t like to wait. This is my break and I have to wait two minutes until you finish praying? Surely not. This is about respect and you haven’t understood that yet because you’re still arguing with us.”
The pupil then explains that he cannot stop the prayer. In the comments under the clips, expressions of solidarity for the Muslim pupils are collected – and the call for more tolerance. “Our school has even made a room available during the breaks. Just like my workplace. Respect and tolerance is something so important.” Pedagogue Ali Dönmez is also quoted in “Heute”: “The teacher’s statements are humanly & factually wrong. If religion were a private matter, there would be no religious education at school, no Christmas parties & Christmas holidays, Christmas trees, Advent calendars and religious songs being sung, no school masses, no crosses.” An argument that did not apply to the teacher from Upper Austria who wanted to teach our Christian customs.